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Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531

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Carbon footprint management: A review of construction industry

Yahaya Hassan Labaran a, b, *, Vivek Shankar Mathur a, Shehu Usman Muhammad b,
Auwal Alhassan Musa b, c
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sharda University, India
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, Kano, Nigeria
Department of Civil Engineering, Mewar, University, India


Keywords: Climate change is happening now, it is increasing presently, it is affecting us even more, and it will have a
Carbon footprint massive impact on us unless immediate and systemic action is taken to reduce and respond to its devastating
Mitigation consequences. One of such actions is the management of carbon emission from the construction industry, as it is
one of the major sectors that contributes a substantial amount of greenhouse gases into our environment. Several
Greenhouse gas
efforts were made by many researchers towards developing various standards, techniques, and tools to assist in
Lifecycle assessment
Construction the management of the greenhouse gas emission from the industry. Some of these efforts include the green
Global warming building concept itself, development of various rating systems, and sustainable construction materials. As such,
Sustainable this paper reviewed the several contributions of these researchers across the globe towards this dimension. And,
Construction material after a thoroughly analysis of some of these contributions, it was found that there are inadequate research
Green building findings on the interconnected relationship between different drivers that are linked to low-carbon construction,
Rating system highlighting the significant need for the establishment of an internationally recognized rating system under the
United Nations which will include the measurements and quantification of the carbon footprint as one of its main

1. Introduction consumption of fossil fuel have increased at an alarming rate, causing

the average global temperature to rise by 1.4 ◦ F over the last century,
The troubling issues facing the world today are the rising accumu­ and are projected to increase further between 2 ◦ F and 11.5 ◦ F in the
lation of greenhouse gases and consequent global warming (Tathagat next hundred years (Stephen Ramachanderan and Kumar Ven­
and Dod, 2015). The effect of global warming is becoming more kiteswaran Yap, 2017). After 1850, the eight warmest recorded seasons
extreme, and the average temperature levels are being surpassed every have all happened from 1998, with the warmest year in 2005 (National
year. Ice is melting at unprecedented levels, and natural disasters have Construction Sector Lead U.S., 2009). Much of these warming over the
become more frequent and more extreme (Jackson, 2020). Climate past few decades have possibly resulted from the various human activ­
change has now been proven to be a man-made phenomenon resulting ities, including manufacturing, transportation, mining, and construction
from the injection of massive quantities of GHG into the environment activities, etc. (National Construction Sector Lead U.S., 2009). The
(Jackson, 2020) (Monahan Housing and reduction, 2013). If the volume construction industry made significant contributions during the indus­
of all these gases continues to rise in the environment, the earth’s surface trial age toward the carbon emissions increment in our environment
temperature also rises quickly above the previous levels. Thus, accord­ (Jackson, 2020). Constructions account for almost half of all energy
ing to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration usage and use of raw material worldwide (Adebowale Philips Akinyemi
(NOAA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), et al., 2017). Various construction activities lead to environmental
the mean temperature of the earth has increased in the last 100 years by pollution through land clearing, equipment’s engine emissions, demo­
about 1.2–1.4 ◦ F (National Construction Sector Lead U.S., 2009). Also, lition, burning, and use of dangerous chemicals, among others (Ade­
Surenthira S.R., et al. (Stephen Ramachanderan and Kumar Ven­ bowale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017). In his study on the carbon
kiteswaran Yap, 2017) reported that the emissions from the emissions from the construction industry in Australia (Man Yu, et al.),

* Corresponding author. Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sharda University, India

E-mail address: (Y.H. Labaran).
Received 27 May 2021; Received in revised form 29 May 2022; Accepted 4 July 2022
Available online 8 July 2022
2666-7908/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Y.H. Labaran et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531

reported that the direct emissions of greenhouse gases from the con­ quality and reliability of the literature review sources (Alwan et al.,
struction industry in Australia were estimated to be around 9.5 Mt CO2e 2017). The first step was carried out using organized keywords in
in 2013 while the carbon footprint was 90.3 Mt of CO2 equivalent, well-established and high-quality scientific journals and repositories.
representing 1.9% and 18.1% of the total emission from the country (Yu Various keywords were used to obtain the materials, some of which
et al., 2017). Out of this, construction of residential housing accounted includes; carbon, carbon footprint, global warming, green building,
for about 21.5 Mt of the total carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, 15.1 sustainable construction, zero carbon, cleaner production, carbon
Mt of CO2e for the construction of non-residential housing, road and assessment, sustainable building materials, rating system, etc. The sec­
bridge construction 8.9 Mt of CO2e, while 42.7 Mt of CO2e was from ond phase of the literature review consisted of industry and university
other heavy civil engineering developments (Yu et al., 2017). They also studies, governments and international agencies reports, internet and
found that construction services with 54.8 percent of embodied emis­ media publications, etc. the methods used to establish the study is
sions generate the largest amount of carbon footprint. While the illustrated in Fig. 1below (Alwan et al., 2017);
remaining 14.6 percent, 11.8 percent, 9.9 percent, 4.7 percent, and 4.2
percent are from housing construction, heavy construction, non-housing
2.1. Background
construction, building imports, and transportation infrastructure,
respectively (Yu et al., 2017). The construction industry can therefore be
The sudden growth in the greenhouse gas emissions within our
identified as a major contributing sector to carbon emissions, and unless
environment was initiated from the industrial age till around the end of
urgent mitigation measures were taken, the construction industry will
the eighteenth century (Jackson, 2020). Human activities are the pri­
continue to contribute a significant amount GHG which in turn increases
mary contributors to all these emissions by the consumption of fossil
the average global temperature. In view of that, this paper focused on
fuels and desertification, which increases the amount of greenhouse
studying the numerous contributions of researchers across the globe
gasses in the atmosphere at immense rate (Jackson, 2020) (Edeoja Joy
toward the management of the carbon footprint of the construction in­
Acheyini 2015). The increase in CO2 has become the agreed level above
dustry (see Table 1, Fig. 3).
which the consequences of climate change will become dangerous. The
impact of these actions on humans will be pervasive and lead to
2. Literature review
disruptive weather disasters, agricultural production instability, and
public health challenges (Monahan Housing and reduction, 2013).
For the purpose of this study, two steps were used to improve the
The definition of the carbon footprint was derived from the notion of

Table 1
Rating systems.
S/ Rating System Body Country Year Description

1 “Leadership in Energy and “United States Green USA 1998 It collects points for building structures, and the certificate is given on the basis
Environmental Design certification Building of the number of achieved points. The available points are 100, which are based
system (LEED)” Council (USGBC)” on five categories. With an additional 10 points for the two additional
categories, each of which has a minimum of one requirement which is not
worthy of any points but which is necessary for the formal certification (JuditNy
á ri, 2015) (Cottrell, 2011)
2 “IGBC Green r ating system” “Indian Green Building India 2001 To tackle national priorities, “the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)
Council (IGBC)” launched the IGBC Green Homes Rating System”. The rating method is a system
that allows the developers to implement green principles and standards that are
measurable to reduce the environmental effect. The system includes
methodologies to cover various climatic zones and lifestyle changes (Indian
Green Homes Rating System (IGBC), 2019) (Tathagat and Dod, 2015).
3 “Building Research “British Research UK 1990 This is one of the world’s earliest and most highly-known rating systems that
Establishment Environmental Establishment (BRE)” serve as the basis for so many rating systems globally (JuditNy á ri, 2015) (
Assessment Method Keeler and Burke, 2009). BREEAM is being used in more than 60 nations, some
(BREEAM)” of which are having their national BREEAM green councils, while several others
are using the universal framework. Over 425 000 projects have been approved
since its launch, and in general, more than 2 million structures were registered
for evaluation (JuditNy á ri, 2015) (Keeler and Burke, 2009).
4 “Sustainable Building Tool “International Canada 1996 It is a customizable building rating system that measures efficiency in the
(SBTOOL)” Initiative for a Sustainable environment and sustainability. The framework is conceptualized as a
Built standardized toolkit that could be adjusted to regional and local construction
Environment” performance standards and demands; it utilizes a scoring system on a scale basis
of − 1 to +5 (Attmann, 2010) (Adebowale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017).
5 “Building Environmental “Beam Society” Hongkong 1996 It assesses the environmental sustainability of buildings structures in Hong
Assessment Method (BEAM)” Kong. The assessment is carried out on the basis of five strategic criteria (
Adebowale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017) (Attmann, 2010). It also incorporates
a general rating evaluation scheme, which is dependent upon the percentage of
earned points (Attmann, 2010) (Adebowale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017).
6 “Green Star Building Evaluation “Green Building Australia 2003 It’s modeled after the BREEAM. This is a systematic, local, and volunteer rating
(GREEN STAR)” Council of Australia” system that evaluates the layout and performance of the building (Adebowale
Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017) (Attmann, 2010). It provides a flexible rating
toolset that can be updated for varying sorts of buildings and structures (
Adebowale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017) (Attmann, 2010).
7 “The High-Quality “Association Pour la Haute France 2004 HQE assesses the environmental effect of buildings, with the following
Environmental Standard (HQE)” Qualite parameters in view; Design, Construction, Energy, Water, and maintenance (
Environnementale Adebowale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017) (Attmann, 2010).
8 “Green Building Assessment China 2006 It was built from the “Green Olympic Building Assessment System (GOBAS,
System (GBAS)” 2003)", which evaluates the sustainable performance of structures and
buildings such as water, and energy consumption (Attmann, 2010).

Y.H. Labaran et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531

Fig. 1. Literature review workflow adapted from (Alwan et al., 2017).

Fig. 3. Six greenhouse gases identified by EPA (Jack et al., 2013).

Fig. 2. Carbon Mitigation strategies.

consumption from the construction industry by introducing strategic
policies and programs that will enable various construction stakeholders
an environmental footprint created in the 1990s as claimed by (Gao
to understand the cultural, environmental, and socio-economic benefits
et al., 2014). The carbon footprint is the cumulative quantity of GHG
of reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption. Literature has
emissions generated by a person, firm, company, activities, or items,
proved the effort of these countries like the study of “Low carbon urban
measured in CO2e, and expressed in tons of carbon dioxide emissions per
development strategy in Malaysia; The case of Iskandar Malaysia
year (Gao et al., 2014). Greenhouse gas (GHG) is any gaseous compound
development corridor” by Chin Siong Ho (Ho et al., 2013). Also, In the
containing perfluorocarbons, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide,
United Kingdom, the “Climate Change Act of 2008′′ place a legally
Sulphur hexafluoride, and hydrofluorocarbons (Huang et al., 2017).
enforceable target for greenhouse gas emissions to be a minimum of 80
Methane and carbon dioxide could be generated via a wide range of
percent by 2020, which is less than the 1990 baseline (Jackson, 2020)
processes, like the combustion of fossil fuels, manufacturing, land-use
(Government, 2017). However, with all these, the introduction of car­
practices, material production, food production and consumption, con­
bon management policies and practices in the construction sector have
struction of roads and buildings, transport, and other services (Gao et al.,
been comparatively slow (Jackson, 2020) and, to fulfill all the emission
2014). CO2 is naturally present in the air and is not harmful to the living
reduction targets, there is a need to embrace different strategies to
organism. But the emission also comes with soot, heavy metals, and
reduce the level of CO2 released by the construction sector, some of
various pollutants that provoke negative impact on the living organism
which include;
(Ahmed Ali et al., 2020).

2.2.1. Green building

2.2. Carbon footprint management Green buildings (sustainable buildings) are those whose develop­
ment and lengthy-term application ensure a healthier and safer envi­
Carbon footprint management is a process that mitigates carbon ronment yet at the same time reflecting the most effective and least
emissions from human activities in order to reduce their impact on the destructive land-use, energy, resources, and water (Mohammed and
environmental climate changes (Edeoja Joy Acheyini 2015). Most Abbakyari, 2016) (Okeke et al., 2018). Upon successful construction, the
countries are working tirelessly to reduce the carbon and energy optimal design concept is one that is compatible with all the natural

Y.H. Labaran et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531

environments and conditions of the pre-developed site (Mohammed and Akinyemi et al., 2017):
Abbakyari, 2016) (Governor’ s Green Government Council, 2014)
(Adebowale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017). Green construction practices Construction process. The building sector has an important role
are largely regarded as a means of mitigating CO2 emissions and energy to play concerning GHG emissions. Many of these emissions come from
consumption in construction, with environmental, economic, financial, either the production of materials, construction activities, waste, and or
and social benefits (Mohammed and Abbakyari, 2016) (Adebowale transportation. These account for approximately 40 percent of the total
Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017). As a result, a vast number of organiza­ resource flow in the global market and contribute to about 50% of the
tions have grown, including the “World Green Building Council”, which overall energy consumption in developing countries (Edeoja Joy
have a membership of national bodies in more than 100 countries Acheyini 2015). In the United Kingdom, it contributes to around 9% of
globally (Olakitan Atanda and Olukoya, 2019) (Adebowale Philips the country’s overall annual GHG emissions (The United States Agency
Akinyemi et al., 2017), rendering it one of the multinational organiza­ for International Development (USAID), 2019). The industry, however,
tion body in the world to control the green built environment (Adebo­ needs to be one of the key solutions by reducing its carbon emission
wale Philips Akinyemi et al., 2017). released during the building process and activities (Jackson, 2020) that
In the world’s developed countries, policymakers, governments, and can be done through the following;
organizations are making many efforts to ensure green building becomes
a norm, however in most developing nations, the green building concept Sustainable construction materials. The increasing awareness of
and its practices are slower than in its contemporaries (Olakitan Atanda environmental issues, including global warming, clearly contributed to
and Olukoya, 2019). Although an attempt has lately been made towards the necessity of determining the effects of the building materials in our
creating a new organization called the “Green Building Council of environment (Fu et al., 2014). However, the use of these materials is
Nigeria (GBCN)”. However, it hasn’t formulated any green assessment related to large quantities of energy inputs and natural resources (Giama
system that can be used to regulate and promote sustainable construc­ and Papadopoulos, 2020). The utilization of construction materials with
tion in the country (Olakitan Atanda and Olukoya, 2019). A variety of a high amount of embodied energy requires an initial high level of en­
reasons are responsible for this, and the most crucial is the insufficient ergy consumption during the manufacturing process, which is correlated
information on stakeholders’ awareness and interpretation of green with a high level of GHG emissions (Okeke et al., 2018), as such these
buildings, it aims, its advantages, and what this transition in construc­ materials will lead to an increment in the operational energy re­
tion practices would cost (Opeyemi Komolafe and OluwoleOyewole, quirements and also affect the overall embodied energy (Yang Guan­
2018) (Olaleye et al., Miller) (Tathagat and Dod, 2015). Green con­ feiMeng, 2019). Hence, the choice of construction materials having
struction policies will lead to lower construction and operational costs, minimum impact on the environment offers a wide variety of possibil­
and also lower maintenance cost among other benefits. Green design is ities to minimize the carbon dioxide emissions of the industry, even
intended to create more eco - friendly structures, and this can be ach­ though the reduction in emissions levels varies significantly depending
ieved through some of the following (Okeke et al., 2018); on the material sources (National Construction Sector Lead U.S., 2009).
The utilization of recyclable materials in construction is progressively Rating system. Several rating systems were developed for being promoted as an effective GHG mitigation strategy (National
measuring and comparing different construction structures. These rating Construction Sector Lead U.S., 2009) (Massachusetts, 2020).
systems came into existence because of consumer awareness, global­ The proper use of construction materials would not only reduce the
ization, and also because of the need for sustainable development CO2 content of its erected structure alone but would also have additional
(JuditNy á ri, 2015) (The United States Agency for International benefits including the requirement of less spoilage and waste materials
Development (USAID), 2019) (Adebowale Philips Akinyemi et al., (Fu et al., 2014). One effective way of reducing embedded carbon in new
2017). The rating systems set the standards and promote sustainable buildings is to maximize the use of less polluting materials (Institute of
building efficiencies across the world. They have the most attractive Civil engineers (ICE), 2020a). About half of all of the sector’s CO2
features of being transparent, measurable, quantifiable, and verifiable emissions come from the processing of cement through its production
(JuditNy á ri, 2015) (Fowler and Rauch, 2006a) (The United States operations and also as a waste material byproduct of the reaction
Agency for International Development (USAID), 2019). In his research, (Institute of Civil engineers (ICE), 2020a). Low-carbon cement is
Surenthira S.R. et al. (Stephen Ramachanderan and Kumar Ven­ emerging and is less energy-intensive to manufacture as it also contains
kiteswaran Yap, 2017) discussed the method of reducing greenhouse gas magnesia, allowing carbon dioxide to be absorbed while curing (Insti­
emissions by the introduction of green rating techniques for houses, tute of Civil engineers (ICE), 2020a). It also supports green concrete
which have a substantial effect on the carbon emissions management production techniques and will not only offer low greenhouse gas
(Stephen Ramachanderan and Kumar Venkiteswaran Yap, 2017). emissions, but will also help in reducing energy and water consumption
However, with all these benefits, the rating systems do have some (Alwan et al., 2017). Other ‘sustainable’ materials include timber, straw,
negative side as they require only minimal performance, and they are clay, adobe, wood, cork, bamboo, sawdust and compressed earth, all of
having the same criteria globally without considering local variations which have a lower carbon footprint than cement, and absorb CO2
(JuditNy á ri, 2015) (The United States Agency for International during growth (Institute of Civil engineers (ICE), 2020a). Some of the
Development (USAID), 2019). commonly used sustainable construction materials includes
A few countries have developed their rating system, such as IGBC in (Constructor, 2020);
India, while many others are using multinational systems.
The two most recognized and widely known rating systems are ‘LEED Transportation. Materials, equipment, and worker trans­
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM portation to and from the worksite often generate carbon emission in our
(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method)’ environment. Decreasing vehicle shipment to the worksite would lead to
(JuditNy á ri, 2015). Numerous rating systems are available depending lower energy and fuel usage, leading to lowering the total emissions
on the type of construction sites, such as schools, industrial buildings, or from the industry (National Construction Sector Lead U.S., 2009). The
hospitals. Which are based on a similar technique and include the same establishment of just in time concept for material delivery will minimize
key parameters (JuditNy á ri, 2015). These key parameters include emissions from the transportation of various construction materials, this
water use, indoor environment quality, transportation, energy, waste, can be achieved by enabling suppliers and others stakeholders to order
and pollution generation (JuditNy á ri, 2015). Some of the major green building materials based on the actual schedule of its usage (National
building rating systems include the following (Adebowale Philips Construction Sector Lead U.S., 2009). Materials sourced from local areas

Y.H. Labaran et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531

save costs and reduces fuelburning pollution (Ben Ugochukwua Site reclamation of damage trees. Any wound sustained at a
Iwuagwu Ben Chioma, 2015). construction project site on a tree’s roots, base, or main branches is
assumed to be damage due to the construction. Such wounds may result Energy. The following methods for limiting carbon emissions from the construction equipment during any construction activities
from energy generation could be adopted to mitigate the sector’s overall around trees (Minnesota state department of Natural resources, 2020).
emission (Institute of Civil engineers (ICE), 2020a); And the best way to prevent sacrificing trees from construction
destruction is through preventive measures, which can be accomplished
• Do not use massive generators for energy generation unless other­ through the following (Minnesota state department of Natural resources,
wise required. 2020):
• Development of a strategic plan for energy usage in the initial project
planning process • Cut the uncovered or broken roots smoothly to facilitate rapid wound
• Stop leaving plants and vehicles idle. healing.
• Effective control of electricity within the construction facilities, for • Vibratory ploughs and chain trenchers leave cuts that are cleaner
example, the use of energy smart systems. than bulldozers and backhoes.
• Obtaining high capacity and safer power connection from the na­ • Use hand tools only when working within the dripline of a tree.
tional grid to minimize the over-reliance on individual power • Instead of trenching, tunnel underneath the plant roots when
generators working within the dripline.
• Minimize heating and lighting costs by utilizing certified energy ef­ • Lessen the impact of root cutting pains by limiting construction ac­
ficiency facilities throughout the construction sites tivities during hot and dry weather. Keep the trees well-watered
before and after digging, and cover the exposed roots as soon as Waste management. Reducing the construction waste by the possible after the damage.
implementation of 3Rs approaches – reducing, reusing, and recycling –
is one of the crucial frameworks that can be employed to help in However, if all these cannot be avoided then ensure to plant at least
reducing the Greenhouse gases of the construction industry (Institute of the same number of trees (if not double or more) that you have damaged
Civil engineers (ICE), 2020a). These construction wastes are also during the construction activities at the site.
generated through the purchasing of excess building materials for the
particular project, this highlights the requirement of a precise estimation 2.2.3. Carbon footprint quantification
as well as good workmanship of construction materials. Substantial use From the last century to date, several research studies have been
of recycled resources helps protect, restore, and maintain the ecosystem performed to make the assessments of carbon emission analysis
(Ben Ugochukwua Iwuagwu Ben Chioma, 2015). Waste management of comparative (Gao et al., 2014). Various national and international
green buildings guarantees both capital and energy efficiency. communities including the “World Resources Institute (WRI), the In­
ternational Organization for Standardization (ISO), the British Stan­
2.2.2. Green land conservation dards Institution (BSI)", and the World Business Council for Sustainable
A study by Nature Conservancy, the World Resources Institute, and Development (WBCSD)", have already developed many types of carbon
several others estimated that; preserving forests, improving forestry emission measurement frameworks, policies and standards some of
techniques, and preventing deforestation can potentially reduce 7 which includes PAS2050, ISO14064, and GHG Protocols for organiza­
billion Mt of CO2 every year (Minnemeyer Nancy Harris and andOctavia tions and products (Gao et al., 2014) (JuditNy á ri, 2015) (Shash­
Payne, 2017). This will put us ahead of our current efforts of limiting the wathSreedhar and Krishna, 2014) (EvandroFenner et al., 2018a).
global temperature to about 2 ◦ C, which is far better than that of the Despite all such efforts, there are several issues with the implementation
preindustrial time (Minnemeyer Nancy Harris and andOctavia Payne, of these standards (Gao et al., 2014). The threshold concept is not
2017). However, with respect to the construction industries, this could empirical, and the emission variables are mostly unbalanced (Gao et al.,
be mitigated through site preservations of existing trees and the recla­ 2014), as such the measurement of carbon emissions still varies in its
mation of the damaged ones. methodologies, limits, greenhouse gas emission units, and even in the
scope (EvandroFenner et al., 2018a). And because of that, some of the Site preservation of existing trees. Safeguarding existing trees is previously conducted studies argue that there seems to be no globally
vitally important in an era that acknowledges the magnificence and agreed method to accurately and comparably measure, report, and
contribution they make to the environment. These trees contribute validate the GHG emissions from constructed buildings (Jackson, 2020)
significantly to urban cooling through evapotranspiration, they also (EvandroFenner et al., 2018a). Edeoja Joy Acheyini (2015) stated that
provide microclimatic conditions that can minimize energy re­ there is still no globally accepted framework for calculating greenhouse
quirements in buildings. Trees also contribute to carbon capture as well gas emissions in all countries Edeoja Joy Acheyini (2015). A similar
as provide visual relief. Despite all these advantages, trees may also assertion was made by Dixit et al. (2012) that there is no specific
become a developmental restriction. Some developers may be willing to framework or methodology that can be used for the measurement of
remove them to promote their construction activities. However, such embodied carbon emissions (Dixit et al., 2012). However, the Life cycle
barbaric acts to nature can be managed by ensuring that all the trees that method of assessment is reported as the most renowned approach for
are growing on site, are preserved by barriers and/or ground protection determining the environmental effects related to the different phases of
as suggested in BS5837:2012, before any material or equipment is a project (EvandroFenner et al., 2018b) (CihatOnat and Kucukvar,
transported to the construction site. Special consideration is also needed 2020). There are two approaches to measure the carbon emission of any
when maintaining ancient trees that will be enclosed by construction, material, structure, or products (ShashwathSreedhar and Krishna,
these trees can be less durable than newer types, and can die due to 2014). The very first method discusses the carbon footprint of organi­
construction stresses or become unsafe. However, when it is considered zations that involves product carbon emissions through its processes
appropriate to preserve large, mature, or veteran trees, they can be best such as supply chain, production, etc. (ShashwathSreedhar and Krishna,
conserved by integrating them into open spaces or large gardens where 2014). While the second approach involves the carbon footprint of a
they may have sufficient space and a greater chance of long-term sur­ product concerning both its indirect and direct carbon emissions from
vival (Institute of Civil engineers (ICE), 2020b). the various operations and activities and is determined by using the LCA
approach (ShashwathSreedhar and Krishna, 2014).

Y.H. Labaran et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531 LCA. The Life Cycle Assessment had been introduced as a This global warming mechanism is given in Table 3 below. Thus, 1 g of
methodology that is used to measure a product’s environmental effects N2O is equivalent to 310 g of carbon dioxide equivalent.
over its whole life-cycle in the late 1960s (Monahan Housing and
reduction, 2013). The LCA aims to identify the environmental impact CCS. The concept of Carbon Capture and Storage describes a
that any services or goods may have from its beginning (cradle) to its variety of techniques and processes that safely trap and manage CO2
end (grave) (Mastrucci et al., 2017) (JuditNy á ri, 2015) (EvandroFenner emissions such that they cannot reach our atmosphere and lead to
et al., 2018a). The definition of cradle to grave concept implies that; the various environmental changes (Institute of Civil engineers (ICE),
consequences from the extraction of raw material to the final disposal of 2020a). The CCS can absorb about 90 percent of the total carbon
the product are properly considered over its entire life cycle, these, emission produced by fossil fuel consumption for the generation of en­
however, include all the activities in between such as production, ergy and other manufacturing activities including the production of
transportation, packaging, processing, and other associated services. cement among others. Carbon emission from the construction industries
LCA supports a broad range of processes and procedures. This could be can be captured by using several methodologies some of which include;
used for design purposes, eco-labelling, material optimization, perfor­ pre-combustion, oxyfuel, and post-combustion (Grantham Research
mance analysis, product comparison, environmental policy support, Institute on climate change and the environment, 2020). The
strategic decision-making, and quality development (JuditNy á ri, 2015) Pre-combustion technique is usually employed before the combustion of
(EvandroFenner et al., 2018a). There are three types of Life cycle the fossil fuels (in this method, a mixture of CO2 and Hydrogen is pro­
assessment methods, which include: Economic Input Output, Process duced from the fuel), the Post-combustion process ensures that after the
based, and Hybrid method (EvandroFenner et al., 2018a). The PBA fossil fuel combustion, all the produced carbon dioxide from the flue
(process-based approach) is a comprehensive assessment using inputs
such as energy and materials, and outputs including waste and emissions
Table 2
for any production processes. The EIO method (economic input-output) Sustainable construction materials (Constructor, 2020).
is designed to measure the emission from both indirect and direct
S/ Material Brief Description
sources via a broad distribution network connecting the final production
emissions with economic sector input-output data (EvandroFenner
1 Earthen materials Comprise of adobe, cob, and compressed earth bricks
et al., 2018a).
that have been used for construction purposes since
Apart from a life cycle assessment process, efforts were made by ancient times. In order to increase the durability and
various researches across the globe by developing more advanced sys­ strength of earthen materials, usually, grass, fibrous
tems for measuring and minimizing the total carbon emission from the materials, and chopped straw are added
construction industry. Such effort was made by (ShashwathSreedhar, 2 Timber/Wood Wood is among the world’s most known sustainable
construction materials. A certain portion of wood may
et al.) (ShashwathSreedhar and Krishna, 2014), who built a computer
get wasted during the process of converting raw timber
program toolkit for quantifying the emission of the different types of into plywood sheets and planks, however, the waste
pavements that are used for the construction of various road networks in materials can also be used to construct other building
India. In a similar study (Jason Maximino, C. Ongpeng et al. (2019) parts, such as window frames, ceilings, doors, and
walls, etc.
developed a novel method using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
3 Structural It consists of two separate layers of matched strand
(MILP) that can be used to reduce the carbon emission from the recon­ Insulated Panels frames or flake boards having one layer of foam in
struction activities in urban areas after a disaster (Ongpeng et al., 2019). between them.
A study was also carried out by J.C. Cheng (2011) who created a pro­ 4 Thatch roof It is bare dry grass, dry rushes, and or dry water reed,
totype framework of Web service that can be used in construction supply etc. Thatch is the earliest roofing structure that is
currently being used for various architectural ecstatic’s
chains to calculate and track the environmental and carbon footprint
in villages and remote areas around the world.
data (Cheng, 2011). 5 Cordwood Cordwood is a short, round piece of wood, width-
wisely placed one over another and bound together ii.Carbon calculator. It is a tool used for the calculation of an with a unique blend of mortar. Cordwood is sturdy,
eco-sustainable that gives a beautiful appearance to the
embodied carbon emission to assist construction stakeholders in
constructed structure.
designing low-embodied carbon approaches to minimize emissions level 6 Bamboo It is among the commonly available, multiuse, and
on heavy construction projects and to support the construction industry versatile construction materials for various building
along the carbon reduction path (Jackson, 2020). The tool accounts for purposes such as the construction of frames or
supports, walls, floors, etc. It is economical, and the
the materials, transportation, and project construction emissions.
trees grow faster, regardless of the weather conditions.
However, taking up these tools has been sluggish due to various chal­ 7 Straw-bale Straw-bale is a construction material that could be used
lenges, one of which is the nature and complexity of the industry itself as a construction frame material due to its strong
(Jackson, 2020). Apart from that, many of these construction companies insulating qualities. Also, it may be used as a material
prefer to disclose just the carbon emissions that they possess full control for filling in between beams and columns of non-load
bearing walls.
and information over, which means the chances of further reducing
8 Slate It is a naturally occurring mineral that can be used for
emissions may be compromised. These challenges and more will hinder building high-quality tiles making it one of the
the construction industries in their attempts to adopt management sustainable construction materials for roofing.
strategies for carbon emission reduction (Jackson, 2020). For the carbon 9 Insulated Concrete It comprises two layers of insulation having a gap in
measurements, six GHGs defined in the Kyoto Protocol (1997) (Jack Forms between them to accommodate the steel
reinforcement. ICFs have excellent thermal and sound
et al., 2013) are used, and the calculations are performed in CO2-e. The insulation characteristics, they have low density, they
listed greenhouse gases by EPA include (Jack et al., 2013); per­ are lightweight, and they are having good fireproof
fluorocarbons, Methane, Sulphur hexafluoride, Carbon dioxide, Fluori­ properties.
nated gases, and Nitrous oxide (see Table 2). 10 Natural clay Wall plastering may be achieved by utilizing our raw
plaster clay instead of using any of the gypsum-made plasters.
CO2e is used as a unit for the calculation of these emissions, and it
Clay based plaster with a professional finishing
simply means that the quantity of all the emissions from each GHG must provides an interior with a stunning look.
be converted to the equivalent of CO2. This is achieved using a global 11 Stone Stone is a building material that exists naturally, and
warming mechanism indicating how often each unit mass of the speci­ long-lasting. Many stone structures that were built
fied greenhouse gas is equal to the unit mass of CO2 (JuditNy á ri, 2015). numerous years ago still exist without too much

Y.H. Labaran et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531

Table 3 (Monahan Housing and reduction, 2013) (Fowler and Rauch,

Global warming mechanism. 2006b). In this regard, the life cycle assessment process is applied by
GHG Global Warming Potential For a 100 Years employing the ICE framework for the quantification of the carbon
emission of construction materials, whereas the activity-based pro­
Carbon dioxide 1
Methane 21 cess is employed for the quantification of the emission from indirect
Nitrous oxide 310 and direct use of fuel associated with the construction process and
perfluorocarbons 6500 material transportation (Ezema et al., 2016).
Hydrofluorocarbon 11700
Sulphur hexafluoride 23900
3. Discussion

gases are eliminated, while in the Oxyfuel process, pure oxygen is used The rising awareness of environmental challenges, such as global
for the fossil fuel combustion which in return creates steam and carbon warming, has stimulated the need to assess the effect of GHG emissions
dioxide. from the construction industry (Fu et al., 2014). Various construction
After the collection of the CO2, it is processed and converted into a activities result in environmental pollution through land clearing, en­
fluid form and then transported by a road tankers, pipelines, or ship. gine emissions, demolition, combustion, use of hazardous chemicals,
They are deposited into a drained oil and gas reserve, coal beds, or deep and the construction materials used (National Construction Sector Lead
salt aquifers, where the geology is appropriate, by pumping it under­ U.S., 2009). There are many research studies discussing the issues of
ground at a depth of 1 km or more (Grantham Research Institute on material production, however, most of these studies are unable to clearly
climate change and the environment, 2020). CO2 may also be used for and accurately define the concept of ‘sustainable construction mate­
the processing of marketable products. This is possible by employing a rials.’ This makes it more difficult to lay down standards and guidelines
process called Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization. One of the that encourage sustainable materials to be consistent with the principles
prominently employed CCSU processes is the enhanced oil recovery and objectives of sustainable development in construction (Okeke et al.,
technique, whereby carbon dioxide is pumped into crude oil reservoirs 2018). Jingke Hong et al., 2014 reported that adopting a design that
to improve their production and extraction (Grantham Research Insti­ provides a structure with a complete clean-energy provision, and
tute on climate change and the environment, 2020). This method is energy-efficient construction materials, having lower carbon content is
among the most widely used techniques for carbon capture and storage. one of the significant challenges for the sustainable construction
And even though many other methods are still under investigation such development (Hong et al., 2014). In addition, the majority of the
as the use of carbon dioxide in plastic materials, concrete, or processing reviewed studies asserted that the manufacturing activities and pro­
it into biomass, it should, however, be noted that they are all cesses are perhaps one of the most critical points of the Life Cycle (LC)
capital-intensive techniques involving a substantial amount of money, process toward achieving a higher amount of recycled material as input.
and will add up to the total project cost (Grantham Research Institute on In general, it is not possible to reduce the environmental effect of the
climate change and the environment, 2020). Due to this extra cost, construction industry without looking at the resources that are used to
construction stakeholders use other alternative eco-friendly approaches produce these construction materials in detail (Giama and Papadopou­
such as planting and protection of trees at the construction site, as they los, 2020).
are also capable of capturing and storing the emitted carbon. Apart from sustainable construction materials, the Green Building
Concept is one of the pioneering facets of the construction sector in the
21st century. It is one of the key factors that contributes significantly to
2.3. Building emission measurement sustainable development. Many developers are now utilizing different
rating systems that set guidelines and promote sustainable building ef­
The estimation of the construction project’s carbon footprint en­ ficiency around the world (JuditNy á ri, 2015) (Fowler and Rauch,
compasses not just the emission from the various on-site activities, but 2006a) (The United States Agency for International Development
also those from the contributing partners in the production of materials (USAID), 2019). These rating systems include various criteria that a
and supply chains (Cheng, 2011). Calculations of carbon emissions specific structure must follow before it could be accredited under
mostly differ according to scope, methodologies, boundaries, and units different levels of certification. However, some researchers, including
of greenhouse gas emissions (EvandroFenner et al., 2018a). According to JuditNy á ri (2015), argue that many of these rating systems do have a
UNEP SBCI (2010), carbon emissions from buildings are categorized into negative side. They require only minimal performance, are often
three categories (Ezema et al., 2016); managed by non-governmental organizations, and have the same
criteria globally without considering local variations. This aspect lead to
• The first category is direct emissions from buildings and includes the establishment of many local rating systems across several countries,
stationary emission from fossil fuel combustion for the production of such as IGBC in India, SBTOOL in Canada, and BEAM in Hong Kong
electricity or heat, however, this category is accurate only when the (JuditNy á ri, 2015) (The United States Agency for International
sources are owned and regulated and can be estimated using an Development (USAID), 2019). There are several small variations in the
activity-based approach that calculates the actual amount of the fuel rating systems, the measurement criteria are not the same, the awarding
consumed which is then multiplied by the fuel’s emission factor points and the certification levels are different, and even the minimum
(Ezema et al., 2016). requirements are all different. This leads to various challenges and dif­
• Category two is emission from the indirect sources arising from the ficulties when comparing the studies conducted using a particular rating
production of purchased energy that is mostly operated by public system with another. As such, there is utmost need to develop an
authorities. This category cannot, therefore, be controlled or regu­ internationally recognized rating system that is approved by all coun­
lated by the individual consumers, tries, which can be adjusted to suit various regional conditions, and will
but it depends on the generated energy itself, and the emission- incorporate the measurement and quantification of carbon emission
specific factors of the generated electricity which are added to the from the construction industry.
energy that is supplied and consumed (Ezema et al., 2016). To this end, we should, however, acknowledge the numerous efforts
• Category three applies to the emission associated with the initial and made so far by many governmental and international organizations to­
final stages of construction, which include all the related carbon ward developing various standards, techniques, and tools for the
emission from the various construction activities and processes quantification of carbon emission from the construction industry.
including transportation, materials production, and disposal, etc. However, taking up these tools has been sluggish due to various

Y.H. Labaran et al. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 9 (2022) 100531

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