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LAHORE HIGH COURT, LAHORE CIVIL JUDGES CUM JUDICIAL MAGISTRATES COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 2019 PAPER — | —_—CIVIL LAW-1 TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 NOTE: (i) Attempt ONE question from each PART (ii) All questions carry equal marks PART vaiNe.1 “Silence, even as lo known defacts does not amountio an actionable misrepresentation.” Discuss the validity of this staterant. Q.No.2 The limitation imposed on the validity of contracts made by minors: make it extremely difficull for young people to make their way in the modern wortd. Discuss the reasons why the law imposes those limitations and assess the extent to which they need to be revised. PART-II these impor litt pi Civil uvcteyes st veatitel scorn Rd Wali y sicoeRslon cin tia ‘a a, shart ales on: = ) tetontification pile, ) (i) Remand to police ctistady, PARTY Q.No.8 Whal are those matiers for which tho Punjab Givil Coutts QOrehnines, Wie empowers the High Court to frame rulas? Q.No.9 Explain the territorial and pecuniary jurisdiction of Givi) Courts vatlun the scheme as contained in the Punjab Civil Courts Ordinnnce, 162. ENO220 LAHORE HIGH COURT, LAHORE CIVIL JUDGES CUM JUDICIAL MAGISTRATES COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 2019 PAPER -—vV ENGLISH TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 150 +No.1 What did Bacon mean in the line “some books are t ti thers to be swallowed, and some to be chewed and dueasart ae em OR Helen Keller says that people value their tis 1 Tun short of them, Why? oP etme anc gis only when fey veiNo.2 White an essay on ONE of the allowing topics: (30) (a) What's ina name. {b) Prosperity gains friends ana adversity tries them. ue What Pakistan needs today, (¢) Lawyers and strikes. (e) Knowledge is power. Q.No.3 Write a letter to the Education Secretary requesting him to instruct the (25) e Heads of Educational institutions to inculcate in the minds of their students the sense that the National Flag must be respected. (Please make sure that Name, Roll No. etc is not given in the letter) _otfo.4 Read the following passage and answer the questions given at the end: Teaching is not confined to parents and Professional teachers. + Wherever there are beginners and experts, old and young, there is ¥ some kind of leaming going on, and some sort of teaching. In every +7 business and industry there are leamars and teachers. Indeed, we are all pupils and we.are all teachers. Think of your awn life as an‘ individual: much of it is routine; some of it is amusement; the rest is $+ made up of learni _teaching. Whether you are a doctor «> enlarging his knowledge of certain types of iliness ora housewife 1 planning her work more effectively, whether you are a trade union 4) Official learning about economics ora typist learning about life on aw minimum wages, whether you are a young husband cheering upon his + wife, a political speaker influencing an audience, a bus driver covering @ new route,.or an author writing a book — you are learning for '"7 yourséll and teaching oihers. Most people do not realize how much ' 3 even_of their private fife is taken up with amateurish teaching and !7¢ learning; and not_many understand that most of us, as haphi public Beings, either learn or teach incessantly. (a) Write a precis of the above passage and also suggest a suitable (15) title. (18) (b) ‘Translate the above passage into Urdu. ENO220 Anos Re-wrile the following dialogues in continuous nasrative4n reported (10) ‘speech (indirect) throughout:- “ vGNo.s (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) () VENe.? “Look here!" said the boy who was struggling violent\y;fo escape, “who are you?" Why do you hold me in this manner? I'ya done nothing to you." *No,” said the man, “you've done notiiing to dhe, my boy; but you've done a great deal to other folk! | hay fo live opposite to the house of which you broke the window this momjng: and | saw you slip a fire — work yesterday into Mrs. Brown's lelter-Bok, Insert commas, semi-colons, colons any other marks of (10) Punctuation, where necessary, in any fiye of the following sentences: lf we compare different kinds of,men.or.different races of men or the same animals or men when differently find still more distinct proof that the degree of energy essentially depends gn the nutritiveness of the food. Look brother to the left and tell me if you do not see a light. At length he reached Madina the’ most sacred city of the Muslims. He is sure to bum himself ime and it is quite essential to his safety in life that he should learn by rience the properties of flame. He was eminently suited for the post he had long experience in the work and he was popular with his colleagues, They found a comfortabie}harbour in the island and they went ashore next moming for water. oy" * Fatigued by the protracted | f the day we retired early to rest. Construct sentences to distingllish between the meanings of any FIVE (10) of the following. pair of" credit will be given for single correct sentence). Vr i (a) Antipathy, apathyy/, {b) ible, equitable (ec) Disinterested, indifferent (d)— Infamous, notoridis * (@)T Morals, morale (N— Organism, organisation (a) Scrip, script — Status, statute ZL VQ.No.8 Write senigncé@iisirating the use of FIVE of the following idiomatic (10) es. Ny (> Ba (iv)- A oe? (ii) Eat about (ill) ~ Clean hands (v)- Eat one's words (vi) With an eye to (vi) Fiyyn ee (vill) - With flying colours LAHORE HIGH COURT, LAHORE CIVIL JUDGES CUM JUDICIAL MAGISTRATES COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 2019 ‘TIME ALLOWED: 03 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 150 PAPER-VI (URDU) 50 Artie Stott tion : Adie Aybar idLiSutwrwis (y ARENLELA GENEL Dey” Me Pye cp yd ARUP Pelee (I) Ce Peter Le Ep SmrBns-cintne tw) 20 Ahold eg Pe at el Ling Az eit AT ahs ‘ Siw Tet L id Live eulhnei foe ee Vigh AestiLng Lenkt pute Wd eye “0 Sihcnlsrted oP Carbuseyahhrin tien 3A te Sahni tation Se Ine E eitsiieraSnSine Anse Ser bunt, CARES Yee bP UIT Retain e CALL unt WP ob she Cr Frain t ilte foci Separeid tne Firs Ef ISD Meh ASS Ie Yun Ae lr Wl i sce AS OI be Ai Ie wh OS Tale Pathe OF saySia MUTT Hind Lor TA peers SuawbicL LH, ae Mone wii ye Sule -Sefown Mi nna SpilcyHe-Se bin (aN -Sarsifn 20 dite Lu Ley aN tl Se Jilin —Wulsdilpuctter ade k LAAN Was Fa ol it a we F om wb Wea en ey oe oe] le oe Sow Sw 5A -PirhsmP pe tetiow (air ~4-Bugeshfolun (i) meyer WS WLpwub m eve, Au) ty Lind (Wy) : v Sn fomsptubitige (eY wndeang tier a ~elFOT (i ~< Sune DTM a sttin DEI (iv) Seti Pain de tele (4) ( 4 Gua wee > (wy Abe LCase lnot ahr” — (i) Bie pKiiap? (iv) ab KI“ (ill) gear (vy ality ania > -Lcweu Abies OY MFT fii) donged) (i) ult (iv) hue iit errr wv) LAHORE HIGH COURT, LAHORE CIVIL JUDGES CUM JUDICIAL MAGISTRATES COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION, 2019 PAPER — Vil ———-GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 NOTE: (i) Question No.1 and 2 are compulsory (ii) Attempt ONE question from each PART. (iii) All questions carry equal marks. ts Q.No.1 Choose the correct answers. Do not reproduce the question. fa) Which of the following vitamins rich diet may help to protect against memory loss in old age? Vitamin A (ii) Vitamin & (ili) ~~ Vitamin C (iv). , Vitamin D (b) The hybrid between horse and donkey is called? () Pony ~ (i) Colt (i) Mule » tiv) Zebra {c) In whieh of the following couniriés euthanasia is legalized? (i) Belgium (i) Thailand (iil) Luxembourg ny All the above (d) What is Archipelago? (i) Cluster of. nae (ii) Group of seas (iii) Group.of studen (iv) Group of army (e) In which contifent the: 10 glacier: 0) Africa (i) Australia (ii) Asia (iv) North America (h Etymology is (study) of (iY Insect (i) Words i We dicines (iv) Space (9) Hi aicity is situated on the bank of: ’ Ravi river (i) ~~ Chenab river Sutlej river (ivy Indus river th) Ore was the founder of Algebra? (i) Al-Khwarizmi (ii) Umar Khayyam (ii) Lao Tze (iv) Abu Yousaf GKO396 (I) Lord Ripon (il) Lord Canning (iil) Lord Curzon (ivy Lord Mayo Oo Second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan after Pushtun is: () Uzbek (il) Hazaras (ii) Tajiks (iv) Tatars Q.No.2 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: (i) is a chemical which kills rats and mice. (i) deals with functioning of the various organs of living organisms. (ili) Animals which do not possess backbones are called (iv) ____ produces insulin in the human bady, (v) DNA stands for . ‘ (vi) is commonly known as Adam's Apple. (vil) Diseases thal spread througlvair are called ; (viii) When iron is less in body the quantity of call decrease. (ix) Arteries become hard dueto deposition of in them. (x) Large trees give off for the support of their heavy and spreading branches. y PART: ARAL» *Q.No.3 Unplanned population growth | ibe root cause of problems relating to health, education, shelter. !aw jer, unemployment and environment in Pakistan. Discuss. a Q.No.6 Pakistan is confronted with serious economic crisis. Analyse /BARTAI ELNO.S “Pak - US relations a(@ subject lo constant ups and downs.” Comment. Q.No.6 Critically evaluate Pak Afghan relations in the light of changing global ‘seanario, , LA, PART-II (lsiamiyat for Muslim candidates) Q.No.7 Salina , also highlight its contemporary importance in the light of Islami . AENO.B The Haly Prope (PBUH) is the prophet of peace and safety, Explain with arg s. (Ethics for Non-Mulsim candidates) Q.No.9 Does family contribute in the promotion of Moral values? Q.No.10 Describe the characteristics of a good citizen.

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