05 1 Exercise Default Value

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Context Programming


Chapter: Context at Runtime

Theme: Setting a default value for a context
At the end of this Exercise, you will be able to:
 Navigate to a context node
 Get context node element at lead selection
 Set a value for an attribute

1 Development Objectives
This exercise has the following objectives:
Setting “AA” (American Airline) as default value for the input field “Airline”.

2 Result

In this exercise, you will use the

WDDOINIT method of the view
controller to set “AA” as default value
for the input field “Airline”.

Template Solution:
Web Dynpro Component: WD_05S_DEFAULT_VALUE
Application: WD_05S_DEFAULT_VALUE

Starting Point of this exercise:

Context Programming
Web Dynpro Component: ZWD_##_SIMPLE_APPLICATION

or the template solution

Web Dynpro Component: WD_03S_SIMPLE_APPLICATION

Group number: ## stands for the two-digit group number

3 Developing

3-1 Copy Web Dynpro Component

Copy your Web Dynpro Component ZWD_##_SIMPLE_APPLICATION
or the template solution WD_03S_SIMPLE_APPLICATION to name

3-2 Create Default Value

Navigate to the Methods tab of view INPUT_VIEW and double-click on
the method name WDDOINIT.
Insert source code for doing the following:
- Navigate to context node FLIGHTINFO
- Get element at lead selection for context node FLIGHTINFO
- Set “AA” as default value for attribute CARRID.

3-3 Create Web Dynpro Application

Right mouse click on the component node and select Create -> Web
Dynpro Anwendung (Web Dynpro Application) from the context menu.
Create the application having the following attributes:
Name: (accept default)
Decription: Default Value
Accept all default settings and press Save and run your application.

Context Programming

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