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Introduction to

Environmental Engineering

• Describe the major components

By: of an ecosystem.
Differentiate the relationships
• Lanaria
Engr. Vera Marie L.
ChE Department between component of an
CIT University
Environmental Engineering

A science dealing with the activities of man with his

environment. It is manifested by sound engineering
thought & practice in the solution of problems of
environmental sanitation particularly in the provision of
safe, palatable, & enough water supplies; the proper disposal
or recycle of liquid & solid wastes; the adequate drainage of
urban & rural areas; and the control of water, soil, &
atmosphere pollution as well as the social & environment
impacts of these solutions.
What is ecology?

It is the study of how animals, plants, and other living

things relate to each other and fit into their environment

It is derived from the ancient Greek word “oikos” meaning

“house” or “place to live”
How are organisms grouped?

Population – is a group of similar organism in the same area

Community – is a group of population of one species that live in the
same area and interact with each other
Ecosystem - refers to communities that interact with each other in the
same area
Biosphere – refers to all ecosystem on earth with the physical
environment or which forms the total environment of the earth
Classification of Ecosystem

Natural Ecosystem
Ex. forest, river, waterfall, grassland, etc.
Man-made or Artificial Ecosystem
Ex. aquarium, zoo, garden, orchard, etc.
Major Components of Ecosystem

1. Inorganic substances (ex. C, N2, S, P, O2, CO2, H2O, etc.) involved in

material cycle
2. Organic compounds (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids)
that link biotic and abiotic components
3. Climatic regime (temperature, humidity, sunlight, amount of water,
4. Producers (or autotrophic organisms) which are green plants that
can manufacture their food from simple inorganic substances
5. Macro-consumers (or phagotrophs or also known as heterotrophic
organisms) which are chiefly animals that eat or ingest other
organisms or particulate organic matter
6. Micro-consumers (or saprotrophs or also known as osmotrophs)
refers to bacteria and fungi which break down the complex
compounds of dead remains of plants/animals
6 Major Ecosystems in the Philippines

Rainforest ecosystem
Marginal lands or Grasslands
Coastal/Marine ecosystem
Freshwater ecosystem
Urban lands
Significance of ECOLOGY

Ecology tells us that every natural thing in this planet has its own role no
matter how big or small in maintaining a balance of a healthy
environment for man and other organism to live in. The structural &
functional components of nature interact and are interdependent with
each other, thus their behavior/characteristics must be understood.

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