Reading and Vocabulary

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Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe is the name of a 1) who was stranded on an island many, many years

2) . He had many problems to 3) as he was the only person alive after the 4)

had sunk. One of the first things 5) had to do was to build a little hut, which

would serve as his new 6) and would keep him dry if it started to 7) . He

also had to search for food, 8) he knew that without food and 9) he

would die. After searching for some 10) he found clean water and trees with lots of 11)

in them. Little by little he also managed to build different 12) of weapons,

which helped him to catch wild 13) and to fish.

One day he noticed some footprints in the 14) . He was very surprised and did not sleep

much the following 15) . He was afraid of what would happen if he found the other 16)

. The next day he took his weapons with him and went to look for the person. If you

have 17) or heard the story then you know what happened. He found a dark man who

could not speak his language. Robinson started to call the dark man 18) ,as it was on that
day that he met him.

Little by little the two men started to understand each other and help one 19) .

In the end Robinson Crusoe was rescued, but that is 20) story.
Navajo Indians
Fill in the following words into the gaps.
Arizona, brush, customs, dies, down, dry, farming, firewood, horse, houses, into, miles, moving,
people, reservation, round, stands, still, towns, tribe, used, white

The Navajos, the biggest of Indians in America, occupy a that is roughly a

hundred square. It is a sparse, land. Most of it is in , but it

extends Utah and New Mexico. The Navajos are a pastoral , constantly

with their sheep and cattle and . They do little ; they have no

, or even permanent homes. Wherever they go they build new , or hogans,

which are oneroom huts made of logs and and chinked with mud. The Navajos

stick to the beliefs and of old. When a Navajo in his house, it is

never again. The family smashes in the back of the house, and there it , sacred

and taboo, till it falls . Sometimes men tear down the ruins and use the logs for

Navajo Indians
The Navajos, the biggest tribe of Indians in America, occupy a reservation that is
roughly a hundred miles square. It is a sparse, dry land. Most of it is in Arizona, but it
extends into Utah and New Mexico. The Navajos are a pastoral people, constantly
moving with their sheep and cattle and horses. They do little farming; they have no
towns, or even permanent homes. Wherever they go they build new houses, or hogans,
which are round oneroom huts made of logs and brush and chinked with mud. The
Navajos still stick to the beliefs and customs of old. When a Navajo dies in his house, it
is never used again. The family smashes in the back of the house, and there it stands,
sacred and taboo, till it falls down. Sometimes white men tear down the ruins and use the
logs for firewood.

Robin Hood
Fill in the the following words into the gaps.
ancient, ballads, band, been, English, evidence, figure, his, king, lips, name, no, outlaws, sung, than,
this, the, was, wrapped

Of all the popular heroes of the people, none as ever achieved an equal and fame

with Robin Hood. For more six hundred years, songs and ballads of famous outlaw

have been familiar on the of the peasantry. Kings and princes have forgotten, but

not Robin Hood and his of bold followers in merry Sherwood Forest. adventures

were told in rhymes, which were at village merry-makings. We have no clear of

Robin Hood's life history: all is in the dim mist of legend and history. There are

students of the old and stories who say that Robin Hood an actual leader in

Sherwood Forest, a of the greenwood, a true and living , and there are others who

say that doings of a famous band of have gathered about his name, and that

real Robin Hood existed.

Robin Hood
Of all the popular heroes of the English people, none as ever achieved an equal name and fame with
Robin Hood. For more than six hundred years, songs and ballads of this famous outlaw have been
familiar on the lips of the peasantry. Kings and princes have been forgotten, but not Robin Hood and
his band of bold followers in merry Sherwood Forest. His adventures were told in rhymes, which
were sung at village merry-makings. We have no clear evidence of Robin Hood's life history: all is
wrapped in the dim mist of legend and ancient history. There are students of the old ballads and stories
who say that Robin Hood was an actual leader in Sherwood Forest, a king of the greenwood, a true
and living figure, and there are others who say that the doings of a famous band of outlaws have
gathered about his name, and that no real Robin Hood existed.

Proverbs 1
Complete each of the following proverbs.
1. Birds of a feather ______ together.
a) sing
b) fly
c) nest
d) flock
2. Curiosity killed the ______.
a) camel
b) cat
c) crocodile
d) canary
3. Out of _____, out of mind.
a) money
b) house
c) sight
d) head
4. Absence makes the heart grow ______.
a) hairs
b) fonder
c) weaker
d) louder
5. When the cat's away, the ______ will play.
a) dogs
b) rats
c) birds
d) mice
6. Haste makes ______.
a) hurry
b) chase
c) waste
d) paste

Proverbs 2
Complete each of the following proverbs.
1. The early bird catches the ______.
a) bread
b) seeds
c) sun
d) worm
2. Beauty is only skin ______.
a) without clothes
b) without wrinkles
c) deep
d) preserved
3. A penny saved is a penny ______.
a) earned
b) paid
c) stored
d) forgotten
4. Too many cooks spoil the ______.
a) meal
b) broth
c) sauce
d) kitchen
5. Two heads are better than ______.
a) two rocks
b) two hearts
c) one
d) three
6. You can't judge a book by its ______.
a) reader
b) author
c) cover
d) marker

Exercise # 1
Read the following job advertisements:
1. Needed: Full time secretary position
available. Applicants should have at 2. Are you looking for a part time job? We
least 2 years experience and be able to require 3 part time shop assistants to work
type 60 words a minute. No computer during the evening. No experience required,
skills required. Apply in person at applicants should between 18 and 26. Call
United Business Ltd., 17 Browning 366 - 76564 for more information.
Street, Leeds
3. Computer trained secretaries: Do you
4. Teacher Needed: Hania's Playschool needs
have experience working with
2 teacher/trainers to help with classes from
computers? Would you like a full time
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have
position working in an exciting new
appropriate licences. For more information
company? If your answer is yes, give us
visit Hania's Playschool in Leicester Square
a call at 457-896754
5. Part Time work available: We are 6. University positions open: The University
looking for retired adults who would like of Bristol is looking for 4 teaching assistants
to work part time at the weekend. to help with homework correction. Applicants
Responsibilities include answering the should have a degree in one of the following:
telephone and giving customer's Political Science, Religion, Economics or
information. For more information History. Please contact the University of
contact us by calling 345-674132 Bristol for more information.
Comprehension Questions
Which position is best for these people? Choose ONLY ONE position for each
A. Jane McInnery. Jane recently retired and is looking for a part time position.
She would like to work with people and enjoys public relation work.

The best job for Jane is

B. Mark Cohen. Mark graduated from the University of Bristol with a degree in
Economics two years ago. He would like an academic position.

The best job for Mark is

C. Kasia Page. Kasia is 21 years old and would like a part time position to help
her pay her university expenses. She can only work in the evenings.

The best job for Kasia is

D. Alice Plant. Alice was trained as a secretary and has six years of experience.
She is an excellent typist but does not know how to use a computer. She is
looking for a full time position.

The best job for Alice is

E. Julian Smith. Julian went to business school and studied computer and
secretarial skills. He is looking for his first job and would like a full time

The best job for Julian is

F. Vincent Fish. Vincent loves working with children and has an education licence
from the city of Birmingham. He would like to work with young children.

The best job for Vincent is

Exercise # 2

Read the following information about different pen pals.
2. Kim Lee, 19 years old, comes from Seoul,
1. Mary, 24 years old, comes from
South Korea. Kim loves travelling and hopes
Scotland and would like to find a pen pal
to visit Great Britain in the future. He would
who comes from East Europe. She likes
like a pen pal who is interested in discussing
playing the piano and listening to jazz
the differences between life in Europe and
music. She is interested in history but
life in Asia. He loves listening to pop music
does not like discussing politics.
and playing football in his free time.
3. Pietro, 42 years old, comes from 4. Helga, 33 years old, comes from Germany
Argentina. He is a businessman and and speaks French, English and Russian. She
would like to find a pen pal who is also a would like a pen pal who is interested in
businessperson and lives in North exchanging ideas about language learning.
America. He is married with three She does not like using computers for
children and likes using the Internet in learning and believes that language learning
his free time. can only happen in a classroom.
5. Jennifer, 18, comes from Cardiff in 6. Alessandro, 25 years old, comes from
Wales. She is interested in discussing Rome. He is interested in finding a pen pal
the political differences between East who speaks different languages and can
Europe and the United Kingdom. She exchange ideas on using the computer for
loves riding her horse, Jackie, and learning purposes. He likes playing tennis
listening to jazz music. and football in his free time.
Comprehension Questions
Which pen pal is best for these people? Choose ONLY ONE pen pal for each person.
A. Piotrek Kowalski, 18, comes from Poland and would like a pen pal who is interested in
discussing the current political situation in the world. He likes jazz and playing tennis
in his free time.

The best pen pal for Piotrek would be

B. Tom Hendrix, 36, is a businessman from Toronto, Canada. He would like to find a pen
pal from a different continent to discuss business practices and differences between
his country and others.

The best pen pal for Tom would be

C. Olga, 32 years old, comes from Moscow, Russia. She is a historian and would like to
find a pen pal who is interested in discussing the history of Russia before the
communist regime. She is not interested in comparing different political systems.

The best pen pal for Olga would be

D. Jack, 27, is from London. His favourite pastime is learning languages. He goes to
evening German and French classes and uses his computer to improve his German
and French by visiting Internet sites.

The best pen pal for Jack would be

E. James, 22, is from Dublin. He loves travelling and wants to visit Asia in the near future
and would like a pen pal who likes playing football and who can tell him about the
differences between life in Asia and Ireland.

The best pen pal for James would be

F. Ela, 35 years old, comes from Sydney, Australia. She likes learning languages, but does
not like using modern technology. She is interested in finding a pen pal who also enjoys
learning languages in a traditional manner.
The best pen pal for Ela would be … .
Bodie - a ghost town in California
Bodie was named after Waterman S. Body (also known as William S. Bodey), who discovered gold here in
1859. The town of Bodie became famous with the decline of mining along the western slope of the Sierra

Nevada. Prospectors¹ crossing the eastern slope in 1859 to search for gold, discovered what was to be the
Comstock Lode at Virginia City and started a wild rush to the surrounding high desert country.
By 1879, Bodie boasted² a population of about 10,000 and was second to none for wickedness, badmen,
and "the worst climate out of doors." One little girl, whose family was taking her to the remote and
infamous town, wrote in her diary: "Goodbye God, I'm going to Bodie." This phrase came to be known
throughout the west.
You can see the Standard Mine and Mill on the west slope of Bodie Bluff. Because the old mill buildings
and surrounding area are extremely unsafe, they are closed to the public.
Today more than 200,000 people a year visit this genuine California gold-mining ghost town, where more
than 170 buildings are protected in a state of "arrested decay" on more than 1,000 remote acres.
Bodie State Historic Park is open year round. It opens at 8 am every day but closing time changes
seasonally (mid summer closing is at 7 pm, mid-winter at 4 pm). However, because of the high elevation
(8,375 feet), it is accessible only by over-snow equipment during the winter months. Many four wheel drive
vehicles get stuck each year in powdery snow that is deeper than it first appears. Spring thaws bring mud,
and wheeled vehicles are not advised. Snowmobiles must stay on designated roads within the park. Winter
weather is often unpredictable. Sub-zero temperatures, strong winds and white-out³ conditions are not
You have to pay $3.00 per person to enter the park, pets must be leashed. There are no services, camping,
lodging, food vending or stores. There is one bathroom, one museum open during the summer where books
on Bodie and a few other items are available for sale.
The park is northeast of Yosemite, 13 miles east of Highway 395 on Bodie Road, seven miles south of
1) Bodie State Historic Park is open from 8 am to 7 pm every day.

true false
2) Pets are not allowed in the park.

true false
3) More than 200,000 people visit the park every year.

true false
4) About 10,000 people lived in Bodie around 1879.

true false
5) You can visit the mine in Bodie.

true false
6) It is easy to reach Bodie in winter.

true false
7) There is a camping site in Bodie.

true false
1) Bodie State Historic Park is open from 8 am to 7 pm every day. false
2) Pets are not allowed in the park. false
3) More than 200,000 people visit the park every year. true
4) About 10,000 people lived in Bodie around 1879. true
5) You can visit the mine in Bodie. false
6) It is easy to reach Bodie in winter. false
7) There is a camping site in Bodie. false

Christmas is Britain's most popular holiday. Its traditions and early ceremonies were
rooted in pagan beliefs and date back hundreds of years. They are still part of
contemporary Christmas celebrations.
The Druids, for example, honoured the mistletoe in their religion and sacrificial rites. The
red berry of the holly was believed to protect one against witchcraft. Ivy symbolised
immortality. The Vikings introduced the Yule log which used to be burnt in honour of
God Thor. The English adapted this practice for Christmas and today's (electric)
Christmas candle is a holdover from baronial days.

The custom of sending Christmas cards to friends and family originated in

Britain, too. In 1843 John Calcott Horsley designed the first one for Sir Henry Cole. Thus
began a real spread of sending Christmas cards and this practice soon became an
established traditon. Favoured designs were Christmas feasts, church bells, plum and
turkey as well as religious themes. Every year more than a billion Christmas cards are
now sent in the United Kingdom. Many of them are sold in aid for charities.

Since 1840 the decorated and illuminated Christmas tree has gained
popularity in England. Prince Albert brought this rite over from Germany. In 1848 the
Illustrated London News published a picture of the Royal Family around one. The
English families followed the Royal example and it can truly be called a Victorian
innovation. Each year a giant Christmas tree is set up and decorated near the statue of
Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square. It commemorates Anglo-Norwegian cooperation during
World War II.
On Christmas Eve carols are often sung by groups of singers walking from house to
house, and children hang a stocking on the fireplace or at the foot of their bed for Father
Christmas to fill. Caroling dates back to the Middle Ages when beggars were seeking for
money, food or drink wandering the streets singing holiday songs.
On Christmas Day gifts are opened in the morning. Later the family will gather for the
traditional Christmas dinner consisting of Brussels sprouts, fried potatoes with roast
turkey, roast beef or goose. Sweet mince pie or Christmas pudding is served for dessert.

The pudding might contain coins or lucky charms for children. For afternoon
tea Christmas cake is offered. It is rich baked fruit cake with marzipan and icing. A party
favourite are Christmas crackers. There will be one to each plate on the Christmas dinner
table. A Christmas cracker is a brightly coloured paper tube, twisted on both ends and
filled with a party hat, a riddle and a toy.
The annual broadcasting of the Queen's Christmas Message is on Christmas Day
afternoon. In 1932 King George brought this custom into being.
Boxing Day is on December 26th. This day takes its name from a former custom giving a
Christmas box to delivery men and trades people called regularly through the year.
Nowadays dustmen, milkmen, or postmen get a tip for a good service at Christmas time.
1) Hello, my name is . In America I'm also called .

2) I come through the of the house.

3) My wait on the roof.

4) I have lots of for the children.

5) I put them under the .

6) The children in Britain like to hang up a big near the fireplace.

7) Sometimes they decorate the room with a .

8) In some rooms I also find a . 9) I like to come to houses

where children have put a

1) Hello, my name is Santa Claus. In America I'm also called Father


2) I come through the chimney of the house.

3) My reindeer wait on the roof.

4) I have lots of presents for the children.

5) I put them under the Christmas tree.

6) The children in Britain like to hang up a big stocking near the


7) Sometimes they decorate the room with a mistletoe.

8) In some rooms I also find a bell.

9) I like to come to houses where children have put a snowman.

Environment - Paraphrasing
Find the correct English word/words for the given phrase.
Example: to use more of sth. than is necessary - _____
Answer: to use more of sth. than is necessary - to waste
1) a mixture of smoke and fog -
2) gas which is sent out into the air -
3) water that falls from the clouds and contains harmful chemicals -
4) to process used objects so that they can be used again -
5) to damage sth. so badly that it no longer exists -
6) weather conditions of a particular place -
7) it protects the earth from dangerous rays of the sun -
8) lots of trees form it -
9) to make air, rivers etc. dirty -
10) the problem of the rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere -
1) a mixture of smoke and fog - smog 2) gas which is sent out into the air - emission 3)
water that falls from the clouds and contains harmful chemicals - acid rain 4) to process
used objects so that they can be used again - to recycle 5) to damage sth. so badly that it
no longer exists - to destroy 6) weather conditions of a particular place - climate 7) it
protects the earth from dangerous rays of the sun - ozone layer 8) lots of trees form it -
forest 9) to make air, rivers etc. dirty - to pollute 10) the problem of the rise in
temperature of the earth's atmosphere - global warming


Phrase Example
acid rain Acid rain is very harmful to the environment.

aerosol, spray Aerosol sprays are the worst cause of pollution in the home.
to affect This area was affected by the flood.
The huge trees had been ailing for years before they were cut
to ail
The Earth's atmosphere is a thin layer of gases that surrounds the
to be aware I think my neighbour isn't aware of polluting the environment.
balance Nature's balance might be disturbed.
biodegradable All our products are biodegradable.
What about an evening stroll to look at the biodiversity in our
The biosphere is the part of the earth's atmosphere and surface in
which animals and plants can live.
Carbon is a chemical substance contained in all plants and
carbon dioxide The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is low.
carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide is emitted by cars.
catalytic converter Since 1993 catalytic converters have been compulsory in Britain.
The Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF) was created in
November 1993.
to chop down Poor people often chop down trees for firewood.
climate The Mediterranean climate is good for growing citrus fruits.
Many bays and coastal waters have been contaminated with
coastal waters
heavy metals.
cooling agent Cooling agents are expensive.
to combat There should be stricter laws to combat air pollution.
to contaminate The soil has been contaminated.
creature Is there a sea creature or not?
death of the forests The death of the forests is a big problem in Europe.
to destroy The house was completely destroyed by fire.
The use of renewable sources could stop the destruction of the

detergent Try to use detergents that are perfume free.

to die out Animals are dying out far more often than you might think.
to diminish The people try to diminish the pollution of the water.
dirt The dirt has been removed from the ground.
to disappear Many species disappeared in the last century.
disaster The recent earthquake in India is a disaster.

Unfortunately, less people know of the disposal of hazardous
drought Drought had ruined the crops year after year.
During the long time of drought many rivers have dried
to dry up, to parch
to dump Old washing machines have been dumped near the beach.
dumping ground City canals are often used as dumping grounds.
dust Do not inhale the dust, it's dangerous.
On April 18, 1906, shortly after 5:00 am, a great earthquake
struck San Francisco.
ecology Oil pollution could damage the ecology of the costs.
Jordan appealed for assistance to
ecosystem help save the ecosystem of the Dead Sea, whose water level is
emission The organization calls for stricter controls on emissions.
to emit Sulphur gases were emitted by the spewing volcano.
endangered The sea turtle is an endangered species.
energy conservation Energy conservation is a process of saving energy.
energy source Space energy is one of the energy sources of the future.
energy-efficient Energy-efficient windows help to lower your heating costs.
environment We must protect the environment.
environmentalist Environmentalists are people who love the natural world.
to erode It took about 67,000 years to erode the Grand Canyon.
erosion Wind and water are the main agents of soil erosion.
evolution The introduction of cloned plants will effect evolution.
Over the past month officers have been stopping vehicles in
exhaust fumes
Manchester to test exhaust fumes.
to be exposed to You risk skin cancer if you are often exposed to strong sunlight.
extinct Hawaii is home to a great many extinct species.
factory farming Is factory farming a way of animal abuse?
The Irish Famine of 1846-50 took as many as a million lives from
hunger and disease.
fertile Fertile land is land where things grow easily.
Fertilizers are chemicals given to plants with the intention of
promoting growth.
fume Workers are exposed to fumes from asphalt.
The lava gives off clouds of toxic fumes as it flows into the
Pacific Ocean.
geothermal The first geothermal power station was built in Landrella, Italy.
global warming They started a campaign to slow down the process of global

The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature caused by gases
greenhouse effect
in the atmosphere.
hardest hit Our town was hardest hit by last year's earthquake.
to harm Pollution can harm animals and the environment.
to be harmful Air pollution is harmful to everyone.
Slow down and avoid strenuous activity if a heat wave is
heat wave
Less heavy metal has been introduced by air into the Baltic Sea
heavy metal
since the 1990s.
hydrocarbon Various hydrocarbons have been found in Jupiter's atmosphere.
Industrial waste can contain small amounts of radioactive
industrial waste
insulation Often glass fibre is used as roof insulation.
to leak Oil leaked out of the tank.
The owners of the local factories are loaded with new
to load
environmental laws.

Spring flowers

1) pansy

2) daffodil

3) primrose

4) anemone

5) coltsfoot

6) crocus
1) banana
2) pineapple
3) grape
4) papaya
5) lime
6) apple
7) lemon
8) grapefruit
9) melon
10) orange

Fruit - English Exercise

1) eyebrow
2) eye
3) ear
4) mouth
5) forehead
6) nose
7) cheek
8) lip
9) chin

1) yellow

2) red

3) green

4) blue

5) white

6) grey

7) brown

8) orange
Vegetables - Learning English with pictures

1) carrot
2) onion
3) bean
4) broccoli
5) tomato
6) mushroom
7) artichoke
8) cucumber
9) sweetcorn
10) red pepper

Animals - Learning English with pictures - Exercise 2

1) snake

2) kangaroo

3) monkey

4) koala

5) bear

6) penguin

7) spider

8) eagle

9) crocodile 20
Animals - Learning English with pictures - Exercise 1


1) dog

2) duck

3) mouse

4) elephant

5) tortoise

6) hamster

7) budgie

8) horse
Things in the classroom - Learning English with pictures

1) three pens

2) eight rulers

3) three felt-tips

4) six pencils

5) three sharpeners

6) two folders

The car - Exercise

1) number plate
2) boot
3) bumper
4) fog light
5) headlight
6) bonnet
7) rear-view mirror
8) windscreen
9) outside rear-view mirror
10) door
11) exhaust
12) stop light

Means of transport - Learning English with pictures

1) ship

2) car

3) train

4) plane

5) motorbike

6) bike

7) underground

8) bus

9) lorry

10) submarine

Bicycle - Learning English with pictures

1) saddle
2) back tyre
3) front tyre
4) mudguard
5) pedal
6) handlebars
7) frame
8) front light


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