Lesson 2 ST Nation Building

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The early inhabitants of the archipelago had
their own culture and traditions. They had their
own belief system and indigenous knowledge
Belief & Knowledge System
 Even in pre-Spanish era, is already embedded in
the way of life of Filipino people.
 It is observed in the way they plant, in taking
care of the animals, and for food production.
 Used in observing movements of heavenly
bodies to predict seasons.
 Also used in preparing the soil for agricultural
purposes, and medicinal uses of plants.
Is used by people in building houses, irrigations, and tools
 Planting
 Hunting
 Cooking
 Fishing
 Fighting Enemies
 Transportation (Land & Water)
 Musical Instruments
The different archeological artifacts discovered in the
country prove that the metal age also had a significant
influence on the lives of early Filipinos.
 They brought their own culture and practices
to the country.
 They established schools for boys and girls,
introduced subjects and disciplines.
 They brought the beginning of formal science
and technology in the country.
 Learning of Science focuses on
understanding different concepts related
to the human body, plants, animals, and
heavenly bodies.
 Technology focuses on using and
developing house tools in every day life.
 Has brought additional technology and
development in the Philippines.
 Allowed other ideas, crops, tools, cultural
practices, technology, and western practices to
reach the country.
The Philippines was
considered one of
the most developed
countries in the
Although the country is
blessed with developments,
the superstitious beliefs of the
people and the Catholic
doctrines and practices during
the Spanish era halted the
growth of science in the
 Have more influence in the development of
science and technology in the Philippines
 Established the public education system,
improved engineering works, and health
conditions of people
 Improved transportation and communication
Researches were done to control Malaria,
Cholera, and Tuberculosis and other tropical
 Has destabilized the development of the country
in many ways.
 The human spirit to survive and to rebuild the
country may be strong but the capacity to bring
back what was destroyed was limited.
Since the establishment of the new republic, the
whole nation has been focusing on using its
limited resources in improving its science and
technological capability.
Overseas Development
Allocations is the funding
from different countries that
helped the country improve
its scientific productivity and
technological capability.
Internal Influences
• Survival
• Culture
• Economic Activities Development of
Science and
External Influences Technology
• Foreign Colonizers in the Philippines
• Trades with Foreign
• International Economic
Influence of Science and Technology

In the development of the Philippine Society

Government Programs

Projects Geared toward boasting the science and

technological capacity of the country

and famous Filipinos in the field of sciences

 The Philippine government introduced and
implemented several programs, projects, and
policies to boost the area of science and
 DOST has sought the expertise of the National
Research Council of the Philippines
As a result of the
consultations, NRCP
recommended policies
and programs that will
improve the
competitiveness of
the Philippine in the
ASEAN region.
Clustered these policies into four, namely:

Social Sciences, Humanities,

Education, International Policies
and Governance

Physics, Engineering
and Industrial
Medical, Chemical, and
Research, Earth and
Pharmaceutical Services
Space Sciences, and

Biological Sciences,
Agriculture, and Forestry
Social Sciences, Humanities,
Education, International
Policies and Governance

 Integrating ASEAN Awareness

 Emphasizing teaching in mother tongue
 Developing infrastructure and ICT broadband
 Local food security
Physics, Engineering and
Industrial Research, Earth and
Space Sciences, and Mathematics

 Emphasizes degrees, licenses, and employment

 Outright grants for peer monitoring
 Review of RA 9184(Government Procurement reform Act)
 Harnessing science and technology as an independent
mover of development
Medical, Chemical, and
Pharmaceutical Sciences

 Ensuring compliance of drug-manufacturing firms with

ASEAN-harmonized standards
 Creating an educational council dedicated to
 Empowering food and drug agencies
 Allocating two percent of the GDP to research
 Legislating a law supporting Human Genome Projects
Human Genome Project 1990–2003
•The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an
international 13-year effort, 1990 to 2003.
Primary goals were to discover the complete set
of human genes and make them accessible for
further biological study, and determine the
complete sequence of DNA bases in the human
Projects GOALS were to
• identify all the approximately 20,500 genes in human DNA,
• determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that
make up human DNA,
• store this information in databases,
• improve tools for data analysis,
• transfer related technologies to the private sector, and
• address the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that may arise from
the project.
Biological Sciences,
Agriculture, and Forestry

 Protecting and conserving biodiversity by full

implementation of existing laws
 Use of biosafety and standard model
 Promoting indigenous knowledge systems and
indigenous people’s conservation
 Formulation of common food and safety standards
DOST Programs
 Funds for basic research and patents
 Providing scholarship
 Philippine Science High School System
 Science and Technology Parks
 Balik Scientist Program
 Establishment of National Science Complex and
National Engineering Complex in UP Diliman
Philippine American Academy of
Science and Engineering (PAASE)

Identified several capacity-building programs:

 National centers of excellence
 Manpower and institutional development
 Regional centers supporting specific industries
 Science and technology business centers
 Strengthening of science education
In the field of EDUCATION
Several science-related programs and projects were
created to develop the scientific literacy of the

 Special Science Classes

 K to 12 education program
 Philippine- California Advanced Research
Institutes (PICARI) Project
Other areas and field that the country is
looking forward to embark various
research and projects
1. Use of alternative and safe energy
Solar energy – the generation of electricity from the
Wind energy – the generation of electrical energy
from the wind
Biomass electricity – plant-derived energy source
that substitutes gasoline for powering vehicles
Hydroelectric energy and ocean energy – energies
sourced from water
Geothermal energy – the utilization of steam from
the ground’s core to heat up buildings or for general
electricity production
Other areas and field that the country is
looking forward to embark various
research and projects

2) Harnessing mineral resources- that are potentially valuable,

and for which reasonable prospects exist for eventual
economic extraction.
Fuel or crude oil Gold Silver Platinum
Other areas and field that the country is
looking forward to embark various
research and projects
3)Finding cure for various diseases
and illness
4) Climate change and global
5) Increasing food production
6) Preservation of natural resources
7) Coping with natural disasters and
8) Infrastructure Development
National Goals


• Policies
• Programs
Legal Framework • Projects

Social Needs, Issues,

and Problems
Ramon Cabanos Barba
For his outstanding research on tissue culture in
Philippine mangoes.
Invented techniques to promote crop flowering using
a potassium nitrate spray.
was proclaimed a National Scientist of the
Philippines in June 2014

For his works on observing the

characteristics of Antarctica by using
satellite images

Josefino Cacas Comiso

Jose Bejar Cruz Jr.
Known internationally in the field of electrical
Was elected officer of the famous Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
He has made major contributions to the
theory and practice of automatic control.

Notable for her research on sea snail venom

Also contributed to the development
of conotoxins as tools for examining the
activity of the human brain.
Lourdes Jansuy Cruz
Fabian Millar Dayrit
For his research on herbal medicine
 Quality characteristics of virgin coconut oil: comparisons with
refined coconut oil
 Physico-chemical and microbiological parameters in the
deterioration of virgin coconut oil
 Analysis of volatile organic compounds in virgin coconut oil
and their sensory attributes

Father of Tilapia Sex-Reversal

For his research on tilapia culture
Invented vermicomposting

Rafael D. Guerrero III

Enrique M. Ostrea Jr.
For inventing the meconium drugs testing
A renowned Filipino- American
neonatologist, scientist and researcher

For doing research on plant biotechnology

develops tissue culture for garlic production
 Discovered the breeds of lime and grapefruit (seedless)
and discovered micro propagation, strengthening
the industry plantain in the Philippines.
She is also the inventor of leaf-bud cutting in cassava

Lilian F. Patena
Mari-Jo P. Ruiz
For being an outstanding educator and
graph theorist

For his research in the field of communications

invented all-optical switching modules
Invented the analog antenna, sending a message
using Fiber Optics and Digitalization for deployment
Gregory L. Tangonan
Caesar A. Saloma
An internationally renowned physicist
 is a professor of the National Institute of
Physics (NIP) at the University of the Philippines
College of Science
He is recognized for his contributions to photonics and signal
processing that were accomplished with colleagues and
students at the National Institute of Physics.

Famous scientist in marine science

Assessment of damage on coral reef
The first to introduced the breeding of giant clam
was conferred the rank of National Scientist of the
Philippines in 2014

Edgardo Gomez
William Padolina
Chemist and president of National Academy of
Science and Technology (NAST)- Philippines.
It was during his time that IRRI acted as the
coordinating institution for the golden rice
network, the development of rice varieties
containing significant amount of beta-carotene.

Marine Scientist
The 1st scientist to develop a project to create
artificial coral reef in 1977.
He has produced more than 60 scientific papers
on marine issues
Angel Alcala
Dr. Abelardo Aguilar
• A doctor who helped discover
antibiotics without receiving
anything from the sale.
• Drug’s proprietary name is
Ilotycin and Ilosone which is
commonly known by its
generic name erythromycin
Magdalena C. Cantoria
• Extensive education in the
fields of pharmacy, and
• Focused her research efforts
on the morphology,
physiology, and
biochemistry of drug plants
• Pharmacognosy in Action
Ramon Ilejay Castillo
Born in Aklan Power on delay mechanism
5th place in the board Lantern blinker
examinations for Electrical Portable lamp dimmer
Engineer and landed a job at
Intel, Philippines. Dancing light and three channel
lamp cluster
1987 – he left Intel and found
Fe Del Mundo
• Born in Marinduque
• Graduated at UP – College of
Medicine (1933)
• She made more studies regarding
diseases among children
• Founder of the 1st pediatric
hospital in the Philippines
• Invented the incubator made of
• National Scientist
Casimiro Del Rosario
• Contributions to science are in
Physics, meteorology and astronomy.
• He work on soft x-rays which
required high vacuum photography.
• Effects of radioactive radiation on
• He received the Presidential award
on research and achievement in
physics, meteorology and astronomy.
Pedro B. Escuro
Dr. Pedro Escuro has made
significant contributions to rice
breeding, as plant breeder
Dr. Escuro has 18 honors and
awards to his name. These include
two Presidential awards,
1. Presidential Plaque of Merit for outstanding
accomplishments in rice improvement (1967), and
2. Rizal Pro Patria award for outstanding contribution to
rice breeding and genetics. He is also recipient of the
University of the Philippines Distinguished
Professional award in agriculture (1973), and D.Sc.
(honoris causa 1974) and the 1974 Ayala award in
agricultural science.
Ramon Gustilo
• A doctor with specialization in
orthopedic surgery. He is also a
• He invented different hip
replacement systems for hip
joints .
• He also designed replacement
for the knees. The replacement
systems are called Exodus and
Carmen L. Intengan
• BS Pharmacy
• Contributed much to the
advancement of nutrition in the
• Improved the Filipino diet
• Director of the Food and
Nutrition Research Institute
from 1974 to 1980
Alfredo V. Lagmay
• Filipino psychologist
• Pursued studies relating
to experimental analysis
of behavior, behavior
modification, relaxation,
and hypnosis.
• National Scientist of the
Geminiano T. De Ocampo
• The most notable
ophthalmologist in the country
• Introduced corneal
transplantation in the
Philippines and designed a
corneal dissector
• Established the De Ocampo Eye
Hospital in the country
Eduardo A. Quisumbing
• A botanist and the Father of Orchidology
• Pioneer in the study of Philippine Medicinal
• His book Medicinal Plants in the Philippines
• Author of more than 129 scientific articles
published here and abroad.
• Undertook restoration of the Herbarium
• He earned his BSA at UP Los Baños in 1918,
his MS at UP Los Baños in 1921, and Ph. D. in
Plant Taxonomy, Systematics and Morphology
at the University of Chicago in 1923
Francisco Quisumbing
Invented the Quink ink
which is used in Parker
Pens, the indelible ink,
which is a Parker
commercial stamp
Jose Rodriguez
• Leprologist and researcher
• Devoted 53 years of his life to
the control of leprosy in the
• Proposed a leprosy control
• Had written many scientific
articles on leprosy
• Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)
Eduardo San Juan
• NASA engineer who designed
the moon buggy which the
Apollo astronauts used.
• He graduated from the Mapua
Institute of Technology
Carmen C. Velasquez
• Carmen Velasquez was a noted
Filipino biologist. She is also a
specialist in fish parasitology - the
study of parasites and hosts among
• Her contribution to science includes
32 species and a new genus of
digenetic nematodes from
Philippine food fish, birds and from
• Most of her works were published in
international journals and cited a
number of journal abroad.
Gregorio T. Velasquez
• Pioneered in Philippine
• made intensive studies of
bluegreen algae. Doctor
Gregorio Velasquez is a
distinguished scientist in
Philippine phycology. Gregorio
Velasquez spending over thirty
years researching myxophyceae
which is bluegreen algae.
Scientific Enterprise: The student will recognize
that science and technology involve different
kinds of work and engages men and women of all
 Known for his three Universal Laws of Motion and
gravitational force.
◦ Law of inertia - An object at rest tend to
stay at rest
◦ Law of acceleration – the acceleration of an
object as produced by a net force is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the net force
in the same direction as the net force.
◦ Law of action and reaction – For every action
there is an equal and opposite reaction .

One of the most influential

England: 1643 - 1727
scientists in history!
. . . my work, which I've done for a long
time, was not pursued in order to gain the
praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a
craving after knowledge, which I notice
resides in me more than in most other
men. And therewithal, whenever I found
out anything remarkable, I have thought it
my duty to put down my discovery on
paper, so that all ingenious people might
be informed thereof.
Antony van Leeuwenhoek.
Letter of June 12, 1716

 Improved the microscope- first to describe single-celled organisms

 Created over 400 microscopes, 9 of which are still used today

Father of Microbiology Netherlands: 1632-1723

He solved the mysteries of rabies, anthrax, chicken cholera, and
silkworm diseases, and contributed to the development of the
first vaccines.

Prevented milk & wine from going

France: 1822-1895
sour: Pasteurization!
 Wrote Silent
Spring, a book
that called for
the testing of
chemicals and
the dangers of
use of

The mother of the modern Pennsylvania, USA

environmental movement. 1907-1964
 Loved scientific
 studied the
surface of the

Father of Modern Geology Scotland: 1726–1797

 Nobel Peace Prize in
Physics in 1921

Theory of Relativity
E=mc2 Germany: 1879-1955
 Compared living
animals with fossils
 Established extinction
as a fact

Father of Paleontology France: 1769-1832

 Classical conditioning
using dogs
 Pavlov’s Dog is often
used to describe
someone who merely
reacts to a situation
rather than use critical

The Nobel Prize in

Physiology or Medicine
Russia: 1849-1936
 Invented Trigonometry

 1st cataloguer of stars

 Invented longitude and

magnitude, linear division
of a 360 degrees circle

Greatest ancient astronomical

Turkey: 190 BC-120 BC
 Founding member of
the National
Geographic Society
 Hydrofoils
 Aeronautics

Inventor of the telephone Scotland: 1847-1922

Invented …
•the Archimedean
screw pumping

Mathematician Syracuse: 287 BC - 212 BC
of his age
1 (Talc)
2 (Gypsum)
3 (Calcite)
4 (Fluorite)
5 (Apatite)
6 (Orthoclase Feldspar)
7 (Quartz)
8 (Topaz)
9 (Corundum)
10 (Diamond)
Developed Mohs Scale of
Mineral Hardness Germany: 1773-1839
 1st to study and record
 Invented the iris
diaphragm in cameras,
the universal joint used
in motor vehicles, the
balance wheel in a

Father of Microscopy England: 1635-1703

Studied Chimpanzees England: 1934 - Present
 Discovered meteors,
novas and comets

Gold Medal of the Global

Astronomical Society in
1898 England: 1848-1931
oceanographic technician
Exposed pollution, over-exploration
of resources and coastal development
Served in the French navy in WWII

The Undersea World of Jacques-

France: 1910-1997
TV series
 His research on severe
tornadoes, hurricanes and
typhoons revolutionized
knowledge of each.
 Discovered downburst,

Fujita Scale:
differentiates tornado
intensity and links
Japan: 1920-1998
tornado damage with
wind speed
 Discovered the proper
motion of the fixed
 studied the orbital
movements of the
moon and of comets

Halley’s Comet-seen every 75

England: 1656-1742
Richter Magnitude Scale
– compares the size of
USA: 1900-1985
 Australian Psychiastrist
 Graduated from the
University of Vienna
Medical School (1895)
 He became associate
with Sigmund Freud
 1921 He established the
1st child-guidance clinic
in Vienna
 Theory of individual
 Introduced the term
“Inferiority Complex”
 French Physicist and
 Discovered magnetism
and Electricity
 1796 – he gave private
instruction in
mathematics, chemistry,
and languages in Lyons.
 1801 – He became a
professor in Physics and
 French physicist
 Educated at Ecole
 1875-entered government
service under the Bureau of
Bridges and Roads, chief
engineer in 1894
 1895-appointed as
professor in the Ecole
 His fame rests on his
discovery of radioactivity of
 This was the 1st scientific clue which led to knowledge
of nuclear physics and half a century later, to the
atomic bomb.
 Becquerel shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in physics with
Pierre and Marie Curie
 Invented the
 The 1st man to fly
the English
channel in an
 Accidentally blinded himself
at the age of three
 At 10 years old, he entered
a school for the blind in
 Blind persons read by
touching letters engraved in
wood, cut in cardboard or
cast in lead
 Charles Barbier – introduced
the 12 dot system
 1824 – Braille devised a
similar system using 6 dots
 Discovered elements
radium and polonium
 Received a Nobel Prize
in Physics (1903) and
in Chemistry (1911)
 A chemist and
 He was a mathematics
and physics teacher at
Manchester from
 Advanced the atomic
theory in 1805. Matter
is made up of small
particles called atoms
 Diesel Engine
 He became a millionaire,
but because of his
disinterest in wealth, he
found himself in financial
 Depression over the war
in Europe and his
desperate financial
situation drove him to
 When he was 21 years
old, took out his 1st
patent on electric vote
counter to be used in
the United States
House of
 He patented 1,093
◦ motion picture projector
◦ Phonograph
◦ Electric light bulb
 Discovered
Penicillin in
 Was a scientist, an
inventor, a
philosopher, a
musician, an
economist, a printer
 He invented many
thing, including
lightning rod.
 1752-First person to
identify lightning as an
electrical discharge
 The first person to
look at the moon
through a telescope.
 Galileo’s telescope
was a refracting
 Work on free fall
 1857-An Essay on the
Early Stages of
 1867-he wrote on the
Antiseptic Principle in
the Practice of Surgery
which put an end to
surgical diseases.
 1869- Work on
Principles on
 Periodic Table
 Discoverer of electron
in 1897
 An astronomical
 Professor in Astronomy
 Discovered hundreds
of Asteroids
 Discoverer of Pluto
(now a dwarf planet)
 Invented the
apochromatic lens
of the microscope
 Famous for his
telescope, field
glasses and other
optical instruments
 Structure of DNA
 The Father of

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