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English word Dutch translation Example

lift optillen Lift me up. I'm as light as a feather!

smell ruiken I tried to smell the flowers, but I had a terrible cold.
noise herrie, lawaai I can't sleep when the neighbours make too much noise at night.
forest bos, woud Did you know that trees in a forest communicate with each other?
leaf blad (van een boom) You can tell what sort of tree it is by the shape of its leaf.
blow blazen At the top of the hill you can feel the wind blow.
towards in de richting van, naar Walk towards the supermarket and turn right at the traffic lights.
tight strak, nauw, stevig Hold me tight and never let me go.
grab grijpen I just want to grab him and kiss him.
clean schoon Do not stay in this dirty hotel. The rooms are not clean.
load laden, inladen Many British people go to Calais to load their cars with cheap beer.
step forward naar voren stappen Number three! Can you please step forward?
pause even blijven staan Can you pause for a moment and think about this question?
move bewegen Stay very still. Don't move until I tell you to.
slowly langzaam Put the gun down on the ground and step away slowly.
writer schrijver Do you know any other books by this writer?
book cover omslag The title and the author are on the book cover.
main character hoofdpersoon Who is the main character in Star Trek Beyond?
game wild Do you think hunting game like elephants is okay?
human menselijk It is only human to cry sometimes.
meaning betekenis If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can ask me.
tough stoer I'm weak and I don't see myself as a tough guy.
safe veilig Please call me to let me know you are safe.
job baan What's your mother's job? Is she a journalist?
shoe schoen Where is my other shoe?
hunter jager The hunter killed two bears.
hunt for jagen op Did you know that lions hunt for elephants?
trophy trofee Manchester United can still win a trophy this season.
wilderness wildernis This book is about getting lost in the wilderness.
traitor verrader My brother is a traitor and he will tell your secret to his friends.
wake up wakker worden Wake up, sleepy head! It's already ten o'clock!
early vroeg I hate getting up early, I always feel so tired.
back garden achtertuin We've got a house with a big back garden full of trees and flowers.
shoot schieten Stand still or I'll shoot you.
strong sterk Going to the gym makes me feel strong and healthy.
enough genoeg Samira says she has enough clothes and doesn't need anything.
victim slachtoffer The serial killer went out to hunt for his next victim.
hero held I love watching James Bond movies. He's my hero!
picture foto You look really good in this picture.
deer hert Oh no, we hit a deer! Stop the car!
sound geluid Turn down the sound on your iPad.
cross kruis The cross on this map shows where the treasure is hidden.
map kaart, plattegrond Let's have a look at the map to see where we are going.
secret geheim Don't tell anyone. It’s our secret.
spot plek This is the best spot to have a picnic.
expect verwachten What do you expect will happen next?
bow and arrow pijl en boog Oskari will use a bow and arrow to shoot an animal.
give up opgeven I will not give up on my dream of becoming famous.
wheelchair rolstoel He had an accident when he was twelve and now he is in a wheelchair.
in the woods in het bos It's scary in the woods at night.
village dorp When Aaliyah is 18, she will leave her village and move to New York.
bear beer A bear is a dangerous animal.
discover ontdekken They will soon discover that this is not the exit.
return terugkomen Will she return to her old school?
familiar bekend Have we met before? You look familiar.
depend on vertrouwen op A good friend is someone you can depend on.
done af, klaar When the dishes are done you can start cleaning the floor.
others anderen Shall we go or are we going to wait for the others?
for a while een tijdje, een poosje How are you? I haven't seen you for a while.
attract attention aandacht trekken There are many ways to attract attention to your website.
range schootsafstand Is the US really within range of North Korea's missiles?
might zou kunnen Our team might be able to win the competition, but we'll need to train more.
practice oefening Every skill needs practice.
push duw Get on the swing and I'll give you a push.
turn draai Make a left-hand turn at the end of this road.

moose eland A moose is a North American animal that looks like a deer with horns.
definitely zeker, absoluut I am definitely getting the new iPhone. There's no doubt about that.
untamed wild Central America is an untamed corner of the world with tropical jungle and smoking volcanoes.
male mannetje Male birds are usually more brightly coloured than female birds.
sunrise zonsopkomst Sunrise is at the start of the day when the sun comes up.
try your best je best doen We really need another goal to win this game. All of you, try your best!
awake wakker I was awake for three hours last night.
enemy vijand Lex is Superman's biggest enemy.
experience ervaring I have a lot of experience as a football coach.
trip reis Let's plan a trip to London for the summer.
look for zoeken naar Will you help me look for my missing shoe? I can't find it.
passenger passagier The picture was taken by a passenger on a plane flying over the North of England.
attack aanval Run! We're under attack.
worry zich zorgen maken Try not to worry about it. It's not a problem.
run weglopen, hardlopen Run as fast as you can, Matthew.
arrival aankomst Our time of arrival at Hong Kong airport is 3 p.m.
wrong verkeerd I think your answer is wrong: Melbourne is not in England but in Australia.
explain uitleggen Please explain why you did that.
nervous zenuwachtig Don't be nervous, everything will be okay.
insecure onzeker There's is no need to feel so insecure. You're very good at this.
chapter hoofdstuk Read the last chapter of the book.
divide verdelen Let's divide the money between us: ten for you, ten for me.
turn draaien Can you turn this way, please, and look into the camera?
memory geheugen Who has the best memory in your group? Who remembers all the words?
take turns om de beurt Ava and my mum will take turns cooking this week.
plane vliegtuig My plane will land at Schiphol Airport at 1 p.m.
mountain berg Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
forget vergeten I'm so sad you are leaving. I will never forget you.
fuel brandstof What do you do if you have put the wrong fuel in your car?
exception uitzondering I like all kinds of music with the exception of techno.
indeed inderdaad Is this your phone? - It is indeed.
make a fool of yourself jezelf voor gek zetten Don't go on any of those X Factor shows. You'll make a fool of yourself.
different anders I also read the book but the film is completely different.
lost verdwaald We got lost in the forest and couldn't find our way out.
choice keuze You have a choice between the chicken or the fish burger.
honor eren The monument was built to honor the soldiers who served in the first World War.
deserve verdienen You have been studying all weekend. You really deserve a break now!
prey prooi Prey is an animal that is hunted for food.
insensitive gevoelloos, bot You shouldn't have mentioned his bad haircut. That was insensitive.
force dwingen Don't trust this person. He will force you to give him your password.
retire met pensioen gaan Our French teacher wants to stop working and retire at the end of this year.
licence vergunning Do you need a licence to fish in the UK?
execute uitvoeren First make a plan, then execute the plan.
order bevel Open the door! That's an order.
target het gemunt hebben op Hackers usually target big websites
be capable of in staat zijn om Machines will soon be capable of doing any work humans do.
deflect afwijken, laten afwijken The new missile is designed to deflect radar waves, making it invisible.
disabled uitgeschakeld The fire alarm was disabled so nobody knew the building was on fire.
terrified doodsbang I was terrified I would break something.
intend van plan zijn You've just won the jackpot! What do you intend to do with the money?
missile raket The missile exploded over the city killing innocent people.
descent daling, afdaling This is the captain. We have just begun our descent into Schiphol Airport.
spill morsen, knoeien Hold the cup steady and try not to spill the drink all over yourself.
emergency noodgeval If there's an emergency, you should call 112.
crew bemanning The captain and his crew were the last to leave the sinking ship.
jump springen The fire is spreading through the building! You need to jump to safety!
skin huid If your skin turns red in the sun, you've got sunburn.
killer moordenaar The killer took his gun and shot another victim.
summary samenvatting Read this article and make a summary of the main points.
impatiently ongeduldig She sighed impatiently and looked at her watch. He was late for dinner again.
strict streng My parents are very strict. I'm not allowed to download games on my iPad.
jokingly op een grappige manier "It really doesn't matter," he says jokingly.
feel ashamed zich schamen I always feel ashamed when my phone goes off during a film.
uncertain onzeker My future is uncertain. I don't know what I want to do when I leave school.
satisfied tevreden Are you satisfied with your life?
director regisseur Paul Verhoeven is my favourite director. He made the film Robocop.

drawing tekening Can you make a drawing of yourself?
climb beklimmen, klimmen I'm going to climb the highest mountain in the world.
mirror spiegel Have a look in the mirror and see how beautiful you are.
sound klinken Eric is from France, but his name does not sound French.
fall asleep in slaap vallen I often fall asleep in front of the TV.
perhaps misschien Perhaps you need to read the chapter again?
try proberen I will try to finish the exercise tomorrow.
shake schudden Shake the cocktail before you drink it.

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