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BlueBox Control Center


Version of the manual: 3.1 en
BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
This manual contains information which is the intellectual property of GO Systemelektronik GmbH.
The user is obliged to use this information exclusively to run the instrument. It is not permitted to pass this
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GO Systemelektronik GmbH retains the right to modify the contents of the manual without prior notice.

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GO Systemelektronik GmbH takes no responsibility for correct system operation under all possible operating
conditions. It is not possible to guarantee that the software will function completely without error under all
possible circumstances. GO Systemelektronik GmbH cannot therefore accept liability for direct or indirect
damage resulting from system operation or the contents of this manual.

Product observance
Within the scope of our obligation for product observance GO Systemelektronik GmbH will endeavour to warn
third parties about all identified dangers which could arise from the interaction between hardware and soft-
ware and from the use of other components. Effective product observance is only possible with adequate
information from the end user about the planned field of application and the hardware and software used. If
the conditions of use change or if the hardware or software are changed, due to the complex relationships
between hardware and software it is no longer possible to describe all possible dangers and their effects on
the total system, in particular on our system. This manual does not describe every possible property and
combination of the system. For further information, please contact GO Systemelektronik GmbH.

Manufacturer’s declaration
When installing the system it is necessary to ensure correct electrical connection, protection against moisture
and foreign bodies and excessive condensation, and system heating which can arise from both correct and
incorrect use. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the correct installation conditions are pro-

© GO Systemelektronik GmbH
Faluner Weg 1 Creation date: 27.5.2015
D- 24109 Kiel
Germany Described firmware version: (extended to:
Tel.: 0431/58080-0 Version of the manual: 3.1 en
Fax: 0431/58080-11 Article number of the manual: DOC 420 6203-E-3.1-BDA Manual_BlueBox_Control_Center_V3p1_en.pdf

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
Table of content
1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................4

2 Installation................................................................................................................................................................................4

3 Program structure ....................................................................................................................................................................5

4 Keyboard and mouse operation.............................................................................................................................................. 6

5 Menu operation ........................................................................................................................................................................7

5.1 Load file .............................................................................................................................................................................7
5.2 Save file ..............................................................................................................................................................................7
5.3 Program exit ......................................................................................................................................................................7
5.4 System settings .................................................................................................................................................................7
5.5 Setup add sensor/actuator............................................................................................................................................... 8
5.6 Connect/Disconnect .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.7 About ..................................................................................................................................................................................9
5.8 Status .................................................................................................................................................................................9

6 Visualization elements sensors ............................................................................................................................................. 10

6.1 Example control sensor S8.............................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Common sensor settings ................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.2.1 Area Alarm ................................................................................................................................................................13
6.2.2 Cursor........................................................................................................................................................................13
6.2.3 Height .......................................................................................................................................................................13
6.2.4 Hint............................................................................................................................................................................14
6.2.5 Left ............................................................................................................................................................................14
6.2.6 Area Sensor...............................................................................................................................................................14
6.2.7 Show Hint .................................................................................................................................................................14
6.2.8 Area Top | Value | Width ........................................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 Option AutoSize ...............................................................................................................................................................15
6.4 Area Signal Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 15
6.5 Area Sector Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
6.6 Graphic assignment visualization element S16 ............................................................................................................ 17

7 Visualization elements actors ............................................................................................................................................... 18

7.1 Example control actor A8 ................................................................................................................................................ 19
7.2 Common sensor settings ................................................................................................................................................ 20
7.2.1 Area Actuator ........................................................................................................................................................... 20
7.2.2 Cursor........................................................................................................................................................................20
7.2.3 Enabled .....................................................................................................................................................................20
7.2.4 Height .......................................................................................................................................................................20
7.2.5 Hint............................................................................................................................................................................20
7.2.6 Left ............................................................................................................................................................................21
7.2.7 Show Hint .................................................................................................................................................................21
7.2.8 Top ............................................................................................................................................................................21
7.2.9 Width .........................................................................................................................................................................21
7.3 Value ................................................................................................................................................................................21

8 Visualisation element Label .................................................................................................................................................. 22

9 Visualisation element Mute ................................................................................................................................................... 22

10 Status signals of the visualisation elements ..................................................................................................................... 22

Appendix - Visualization examples .......................................................................................................................................... 23

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
1 Overview
BlueBox Control Center Software is a SCADA solution for the BlueBox system for process visualization in real

• extensive graphical representation of measured values and states of actuators
• program call-up
• definition of alarm values associated with the activation of programs and alerts
• value transfer to a BlueBox
• setting of actuators
• multiple windows links

2 Installation
The program is installed simultaneously at the BlueBox PC Software and BlueMon PC Software installation.
If you have not installed the BlueBox Control Center Software, install the BlueBox/BlueMon PC Software
again. But this time with checked box next to "Control Center Visualisation".

see manual BlueBox PC Software/ Appendix B - Installation of the BlueBox PC Software

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
3 Program structure
The program creates .cc1-files. These files can have a integrated background image in the .jpg-format (see 3.4
System settings).

With intact connection with at least one sensor, here the time of the last transfer is shown.

On this window surface visualization elements (representations) of sensors and actuators can be positioned .
These are assigned to a sensor, an actuator or BlueBox variable. In addition, programs can be executed via a
visualization element, so you can, for example, open other cc1.-files from a .cc1-file and build nested multi
window visualizations.
Each visualization element has a separate window for the specific settings, called control window.

example control window:

The menu language is set in the BlueBox SQL program.

see manual BlueBox PC Software/ 3.1 Language selection

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
4 Keyboard and mouse operation

• F4: Selection previous visualization element

The previous visualization element is selected. The order is determined by the position of the ele-
ments in the visualization window from top left to bottom right. Note that the reference point is the
upper left corner of the visualization element. The corresponding control window appears .

• F5: Selection next visualization element

The next visualization element is selected. The order is determined by the position of the element in
the visualization window from top left to bottom right. Note that the reference point is the upper left
corner of the visualization element . The corresponding Control window appears .

• F 12: Clear selection

Deletes the selected visualization element.
Note that the deletion can not be undone1.

• Ctrl + C
Copies the selected visualization element to the clipboard.

• Alt + V
Adds a clipboard copied visualization element into the window, all settings of the copied visualization
element are taken with, except the sensor ID2.

• Ctrl+V
Adds the settings of a clipboard copied visualization element into a selected element, all settings of
the copied visualization element are taken with, except the sensor ID 2.

• Arrow keys 

Selected visualization element will be moved one pixel by pressing an arrow key.

• Left Mouse Button

A selected visualization element can be positioned and scaled by holding down the left mouse button
on the selection frame.
Double-clicking with the left mouse button on the selection frame deselects .
Visualization elements can be pushed out of their selection window into the window box with the left
mouse button.

for example with Ctrl+Z
varies depending on the sensor/actuator type

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
5 Menu operation
5.1 Load file
Loading a .cc1-file

5.2 Save file

Saving a .cc1-file
After the storage a grey circle  and the file name appears in
left of the title bar. Depending on the state the circle changes
its color (see 5.6 Connect/Disconnect).

5.3 Program exit

Exit the program
Note that unsaved changes will be discarded without con-

5.4 System settings

After the first call-up of the system settings a password

must be entered. If you were given no other password,
the password is "gosys".

Background Picture: Input of the file path of the back-

ground image (.jpg-file).

Update interval: Input of the value transmission update

interval in seconds

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
5.5 Setup add sensor/actuator
Opens the window for the selection of visualization ele-
ments for sensors and actuators∗.

Furthermore you can also define three basic settings here:

BlueBox: selection of a BlueBox

Sensor: selection of a sensor of the selected BlueBox

Variable: selection of a variable of the selected BlueBox

An element is pushed with the left mouse button into the

window box.

5.6 Connect/Disconnect
Connects or disconnects the connection of
sensors and actuators.
Depending on the state of the connection
the circle in left of the title bar changes its
grey circle  ⇒ connection is disconnected
red circle  ⇒ connection is faulty
green circle ⇒ connection is established

and a label and a mute button

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
5.7 About
Opens a window with program information.

5.8 Status
▶ BlueBox name or IP address [Active/n]
Allocated sensors and actuators are connected and active, GO-Systemelektronik [Active/28]
n = number of all sensors/actuators of the BlueBox.
▶ BlueBox name or IP address [Closed]
Allocated BlueBox is not connected.
▶ Sensor ID Sensor not found
Allocated sensor is not connected.

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
6 Visualization elements sensors

Nr. Symbol Function

S1 simple text display, colours assignable

S2 text display with description

S3 Text display and a horizontal bar display

S4 text display, vertical bar display and description

S5 text display, horizontal bar display and description

S6 text display, vertical bar display with scale, drag indicator for
maximum value and description

S7 text display (tank level gauge) and vertical 3-colour gauge display

S8 text display, vertical 3-colour bar display with scale, drag indicator
for maximum/minimum value and description

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S9 horizontal 3-colour bar display with scale, drag indicator for

maximum value and description

S10 120° arc 3-colour bar display with scale, drag indicator for maxi-
mum value and description

S11 180° arc 3-colour bar display with scale, drag indicator for maxi-
mum value and description

S12 270° arc 3-colour bar display with scale, drag indicator for maxi-
mum value and description

S13 x,y time display

S14 2-colour on/off display and description

S15 2-colour on/off display

S16 on/off display with selectable graphics,

6.6 Graphic assignment visualization element S16

S17 x,y time display

S18 text display, time and description

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
6.1 Example control sensor S8

As can be seen, the setup properties

can be extensive.
However sensor visualization ele-
ments have areas that are common
to all. Some of these areas are
highlighted here.


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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
6.2 Common sensor settings
6.2.1 Area Alarm

- Active activation/deactivation of the automatic alarm (true = enabled)

- AlarmResetOnClick true = The alarm will only reset by clicking on the visualization element.
from program version false = The alarm will only reset by exceeding or falling short of the alarm

- Execute Input of the file path of a program, automatically started when an alarm is trig-

- MaxValue When this value is exceeded, the alarm is triggered.

- MinValue When this value is underrunned, the alarm is triggered.

- MuteOnClick true = click on the visualization element suppresses the alarm sound, click again
from program version and the subpression is disabled. ???

- Popup true = The corresponding window is displayed in the foreground.

- Soundfile File path (absolute or relative to control.exe) of a sound file, this file is played
when an alarm is triggered.
Precondition: Sound format is recognized by the operating system.

- SoundLoop true = The above enterd sound file is played in a continuous loop when an alarm
is triggered.

6.2.2 Cursor

Selection rollover cursor shape

no Cursor: S17

6.2.3 Height

Setting of the height of a visualization element in pixels

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6.2.4 Hint

Text hint for the rollover, see [7] ShowHint,

detailed settings in area HintOptions, here not described

6.2.5 Left

Setting of the horizontal position of the visualization element in pixels from the left edge of the window.
Refers to the upper left corner of the visualization element.

6.2.6 Area Sensor

- Auto Name Activation/deactivation of the automatic name mapping (true = activated)

Activated: The in AMS assigned sensor name∗ is shown (except S1).

- Auto Unit Activation/deactivation of the automatic value unit mapping (true = activated)
Activated: The in AMS assigned sensor name∗ is shown (except S1).

- BlueBoxID Serial number of the BlueBox

- Execute Input of the file path of a program, the program is started by double-clicking the visuali-
zation element.

- Multiplier Multiplies the sensor value by the entered number (e.g. for unit conversions).

- SensorID SensorID∗ of the sensor

- Variable Causes that the visualization element is not assigned to a sensor, but to a variable of the
selected BlueBox.

6.2.7 Show Hint

Activates or deactivates the rollover text.

see Manual BlueBox PC Software/5.4.1 Sensor settings (Sensor setup)

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6.2.8 Area Top | Value | Width

- Top Setting of the vertical position of the visualization element in pixels from the upper edge
of the window. Refers to the upper left corner of the visualization element.

- Value Manual input of the displayed value of the visualization element for test purposes, is
overwritten by real values.

- Width Setting of the width of a visualization element in pixels

no Value: S14 und S17

two Values: S13

6.3 Option AutoSize

Sensors S1/S2/S4-S6/S8 - S12/S16

If this option is activated, the corresponding element will be displayed as small as possible.

6.4 Area Signal Settings

Sensors S2 - S12
The settings in the Settings area determines the type of numerical and graphical representation of values.

- DigitalFrom Bottom digital value, depending on the sensor

- DigitalTo Top digital value, depending on the sensor

- Name1 Displayed name

Precondition: AutoName = false (siehe 6.2.6 Area Sensor)

- ValueFormat Numerical representation of the value, here of one to three integer places

- ValuFrom Lowest graphic displayable value, at 0 level with the height 0

- ValueTo Highest graphic displayable value

- ValueUnit Displayed value unit

Precondition: AutoUnit=false (see 6.2.6 Area Sensor)

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
6.5 Area Sector Settings
Sensors S2 - S11
With this settings three value ranges can be determined. This value ranges can be assigned to display colours.

• Signal range settings as previous page
• Values range from 0 to 100,
• converted to the digital value range 0 to 1000
• Value ≥ 0 and ≤ 10  color yellow
• Value> 10 and ≤ 8  color green
• Value> 80 and ≤ 100  color red

Precondition aktivierte Option opUseSectorCol

- Sector 1Color Display colour Sector 1

- Sector1From Start Sector 1

- Sector1To End Sector 1

- Sector 2Color Display colour Sector 2

- Sector2From Start Sector 2

- Sector2To End Sector 2

- Sector 3Color Display colour Sector 3

- Secto3From Start Sector 3

- Sector3To End Sector 3

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
6.6 Graphic assignment visualization element S16
Three graphics files can be assigned to visualization element S16:
• Picture ⇒ I no function
• PictureOff ⇒ Image at Value = 0
• PictureOn ⇒ Image at Value = 1

Clicking the button opens another window.

Listing of selected graphic by

clicking <Load>

Opens a window to select a graphics file (*.bmp; *.ico; *.emf; *.wmf; *.jpg).

Opens a window for storing a selected graphic file.

Deletes the selection.

Transfers the selection.

Closes the window without saving.

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
7 Visualization elements actors

Nr. Symbol Function

A1 "Dip-switch" with two states

A2 „Slide switch“with two states

A3 „Press switch“with two states

A4 „Press switch“with two states

A5 „Press switch“with two states

A6 Value input via a vertical slider with scale

A7 Value input via a horizontal slider with scale

A8 Value input via a control dial with scale

A9 Values input via a colour-assignable input field

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
7.1 Example control actor A8

As can be seen, the setup properties

can be extensive.
However actuator visualization ele-
2 ments have areas that are common
to all. Some of these areas are
highlighted here.


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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
7.2 Common sensor settings
7.2.1 Area Actuator

- BlueBoxID Serial number of a BlueBox

- Password Setting a password, is requested when operation of the element.

- Variable Input of a variable name, the corresponding variable is changed in operation.

see also: 5.5 Setup add sensor/actuator, variable drop-down menu

Precondition: The network password needs to be entered in the BlueBox the RAS
see Manual BlueBox PC Software 3.2.3 RAS setup

7.2.2 Cursor

Selection rollover cursor shape

7.2.3 Enabled

Enables or disables the functionality of the actuator.

7.2.4 Height

Setting of the height of a visualization element in pixels

7.2.5 Hint

Rollover tex, see [7] ShowHint

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
7.2.6 Left

Setting of the horizontal position of the visualization element in pixels from the left edge of the window.
Refers to the upper left corner of the visualization element.

7.2.7 Show Hint

Activates or deactivates the rollover text.

7.2.8 Top

Setting of the vertical position of the visualization element in pixels from the upper edge of the window. Refers
to the upper left corner of the visualization element.

7.2.9 Width

Setting of the width of a visualization element in pixels

7.3 Value
Actuators A5 - A9

Manual input of a value

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
8 Visualisation element Label
Nr. Symbol Function

D1 coloured text field

The Label element is used to label a visualization.

The marked lines with an arrow are described in 7.2

9 Visualisation element Mute from program version

Nr. Symbol Function

D2 Click on the visualization element mutes all curent alarm sounds.

10 Status signals of the visualisation elements

The hands of the sensors S8 to S12 flash if there is no connection with the respective assigned

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BlueBox Control Center - SCADA-
Appendix - Visualization examples

Monitoring of a fish farm, control of emergency gas flow

Monitoring and controlling of a fermentation chain of a biogas plant

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Monitoring and controlling a research platform in the North Sea, calling-up Webcams

Operation mode controlling of a large aquarium Displaying a multi-parameter measurement

in a sewage treatment plant
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