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Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A

ISSN: 1944-0049 (Print) 1944-0057 (Online) Journal homepage:

Pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids in teas and the

herbal teas peppermint, rooibos and chamomile in
the Israeli market

Jakob Avi Shimshoni, Arne Duebecke, Patrick P.J. Mulder, Olga Cuneah &
Shimon Barel

To cite this article: Jakob Avi Shimshoni, Arne Duebecke, Patrick P.J. Mulder, Olga Cuneah
& Shimon Barel (2015): Pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids in teas and the herbal teas
peppermint, rooibos and chamomile in the Israeli market, Food Additives & Contaminants:
Part A, DOI: 10.1080/19440049.2015.1087651

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Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2015

Pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids in teas and the herbal teas peppermint, rooibos
and chamomile in the Israeli market
Jakob Avi Shimshonia*, Arne Duebeckeb, Patrick P.J. Mulderc, Olga Cuneaha and Shimon Barela
Kimron Veterinary Institute, Department of Toxicology, Bet Dagan, Israel; bQuality Services International, Bremen, Germany;
RIKILT-Wageningen UR, Wageningen, The Netherlands
(Received 13 July 2015; accepted 23 August 2015)

Dehydro pyrrolizidine alkaloids (dehydro PAs) are carcinogenic phytotoxins prevalent in the Boraginaceae, Asteraceae and
Fabaceae families. Dehydro PAs enter the food and feed chain by co-harvesting of crops intended for human and animal
consumption as well as by carry-over into animal-based products such as milk, eggs and honey. Recently the occurrence of
dehydro PAs in teas and herbal teas has gained increasing attention from the EU, due to the high levels of dehydro PAs
found in commercially available teas and herbal teas in Germany and Switzerland. Furthermore, several tropane alkaloids
(TAs, e.g. scopolamine and hyoscyamine) intoxications due to the consumption of contaminated herbal teas were reported
Downloaded by [Arne Dübecke] at 05:37 20 October 2015

in the literature. The aim of the present study was to determine the dehydro PAs and TAs levels in 70 pre-packed teabags of
herbal and non-herbal tea types sold in supermarkets in Israel. Chamomile, peppermint and rooibos teas contained high
dehydro PAs levels in almost all samples analysed. Lower amounts were detected in black and green teas, while no dehydro
PAs were found in fennel and melissa herbal teas. Total dehydro PAs concentrations in chamomile, peppermint and rooibos
teas ranged from 20 to 1729 μg/kg. Except for black tea containing only mono-ester retrorsine-type dehydro PAs, all other
teas and herbal teas showed mixed patterns of dehydro PA ester types, indicating a contamination by various weed species
during harvesting and/or production. The TA levels per teabag were below the recommended acute reference dose;
however, the positive findings of TAs in all peppermint tea samples warrant a more extensive survey. The partially high
levels of dehydro PAs found in teas and herbal teas present an urgent warning letter to the regulatory authorities to perform
routine quality control analysis and implement maximum residual levels for dehydro PAs.
Keywords: pyrrolizidine alkaloids; tropane alkaloids; tea; herbal tea; LC-MS/MS

Introduction by cytochrome P450 (Schmeller et al. 1997; Fu et al.

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are a group of naturally 2004; Ruan et al. 2014). Upon formation, the reactive
occurring phytotoxins exclusively biosynthesised by DHP ester reacts primarily at C-7 and/or C-9 with tissue
angiosperms and used by the plants as a defence mechan- nucleophiles such as proteins and nucleic acids, resulting
ism against various herbivores (Bull et al. 1968; Mattocks in cell damage or death (Schmeller et al. 1997; Fu et al.
1986; Rizk 1991; El-Shazly & Wink 2014). PAs are found 2004; Ruan et al. 2014). The primary target organ in
primarily in the plant families of Boraginaceae (all tribes), mammals is the liver; however, pulmonary toxicity was
Compositae (Eupatorieae and Senecioneae-tribe) and also observed mainly in laboratory animals following the
Leguminosae (Crotolarieae-tribe) (Bull et al. 1968; Rizk ingestion of specific alkaloids such as monocrotaline
1991; El-Shazly & Wink 2014). PAs are composed of a (Mattocks 1986; EFSA 2011; Edgar et al. 2014).
core necine base condensed with one or two necic acids Observed carcinogenesis in laboratory animals following
(Figure 1; Bull et al. 1968; Rizk 1991; El-Shazly & Wink exposure to dehydro PAs was demonstrated in numerous
2014). Only PAs composed of C1–C2 unsaturated necine studies as being directly associated with DHP-DNA
bases (dehydro PAs) such as retronecine-, heliotridine-, adducts (Fu et al. 2004; Xia et al. 2013; Ruan et al.
otonecine- and supinidine-types were shown to exert 2014). Notwithstanding, carcinogenesis could not be
hepatotoxic, carcinogenic, genotoxic and teratogenic explicitly established in field cases of dehydro PAs poi-
effects (Figure 1; EFSA 2011; Edgar et al. 2014; soning in livestock or in humans acutely or chronically
El-Shazly & Wink 2014). Moreover, PAs frequently exposed to dehydro PAs in food and beverages (EFSA
co-occur in two forms, their N-oxides (PA-N-oxide) and 2011). In humans, acute intoxications with dehydro PAs
as their tertiary base, the former being the most prevalent are characterised by veno-occlusive changes, haemorrha-
form in plants (Figure 1). Dehydro PAs are pro-toxins, gic liver necrosis, hepatomegaly and ascites, with a high
generating the toxic intermediate dihydropyrrolizine mortality rate occurring anywhere between several days to
(DHP) esters by hepatic metabolic activation mediated over 2 years following exposure (Ghanem & Hershko

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2015 Kimron Veterinary Institute, Israel. Published by Taylor & Francis.

2 J.A. Shimshoni et al.
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Figure 1. Structural features of some dehydro pyrrolizidine alkaloids and tropane alkaloids.

1981; Kumana et al. 1985; Chen & Huo 2010; Edgar et al. farm animals due to the ingestion of food, medicinal
2014). Survivors of an acute dehydro PAs intoxication as herbs or tea-based infusions, and feed contaminated
well as humans and livestock chronically exposed to sub- with dehydro PAs (Harper et al. 1985; Roulet et al.
toxic dehydro PAs levels develop veno-occlusive disease 1988; Sperl et al. 1995; Hill et al. 1997; Kakar et al.
characterised by biliary endothelial proliferation, hepatic 2010; EFSA 2011; Shimshoni et al. 2015). Although the
vein occlusions and extensive fibrosis eventually leading health hazards associated with acute and chronic expo-
to liver cirrhosis (Ghanem & Hershko 1981; Chen & Huo sure to dehydro PAs are well known, no regulations have
2010; Edgar et al. 2014). Moreover, some dehydro PAs been established in the European Union, the USA or in
may induce pulmonary arterial hypertension due to pul- Israel imposing limits for dehydro PAs levels in food and
monary endothelial proliferation, which may result in beverages for human consumption. Notwithstanding, sev-
acute right-sided heart failure (Ghanem & Hershko 1981; eral European risk assessment agencies have established
Chen & Huo 2010; Edgar et al. 2014). various recommendations for limiting the total daily
Dehydro PAs usually enter food and feeds chain by dehydro PAs uptake (EFSA 2011; Bodi et al. 2014).
co-harvesting of crops intended for human and animal The UKs Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food
consumption with various grains, salad greens and teas Consumer Products and Environment and the German
containing noxious weeds or weed seeds producing dehy- Federal Institute for Risk Assessment recommended a
dro PAs, as well as by carry-over of dehydro PAs into maximum tolerable daily intake of 0.007 µg of dehydro
animal-based products such as milk, eggs and honey PAs/kg body weight (bw), whereas the corresponding
(EFSA 2011; Molyneux et al. 2011; Bodi et al. 2014). Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety did not
Numerous case reports have been published in the last authorise any PA residues in the final food products
decade of fatal dehydro PAs intoxications in humans and (EFSA 2011).
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 3

Recently, the occurrence of dehydro PAs in teas and ingestion over a short period of time does not pose
medicinal herbs has gained increasing attention from appreciable health risks to humans) of 0.016 μg/kg
several national authorities in Europe due to the very bw expressed as the sum of (−)-hyoscyamine and
high dehydro PAs levels found in commercially avail- (−)-scopolamine, assuming equivalent potency (EFSA
able popular teas and medicinal herbs in Germany and 2013).
Switzerland, with levels of dehydro PAs up to 5.6 and Several TA intoxications due to consumption of con-
0.47 mg/kg, respectively (Bodi et al. 2014; Griffin et al. taminated herbal teas were reported in the literature, i.e.
2014; Mathon et al. 2014; Mädge et al. 2015). All tea burdock root tea (Bryson 1978), nettle tea (Hks &
products are manufactured from the leaves of the ever- Zingerle 1980), comfrey tea (Galizia 1983; Routledge &
green shrub Cammellia sinensis native to East, South Spriggs 1989), marshmallow tea and Paraguay tea (EFSA
and South East Asia and cultivated mainly in tropical 2013).
and subtropical climate (Hicks 2009; Hayat et al. 2015). The objective of the present study was to determine
The tea leaves are usually handpicked every 1–2 weeks. the levels of dehydro PAs and TAs (in the form of total
Most tea consumed in Israel as well as in Europe and atropine and (–)-scopolamine and their corresponding
the USA is produced on large plantations in Asia and N-oxides) in pre-packed teabags of popular herbal and
Africa, and is destined to be sold to large international non-herbal tea types sold in supermarkets in Israel and to
businesses (Hicks 2009). The Israeli tea market is domi- compare the obtained levels of dehydro PAs and TAs with
nated by two international global brands, namely the current European recommendations as well as the high
Downloaded by [Arne Dübecke] at 05:37 20 October 2015

Wissotzky (~80%) and Lipton (~12%) (Rivlin 2005). levels of dehydro PAs reported in the German and Swiss
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization markets.
of the United Nations report on world black tea market,
the Israeli market consumes about 1800 tonnes annually
which is 0.05% from the global consumption Methods and materials
(Committee on Commodity Problems 2012). With the Reagents and standards
rise of health and wellness trends in Israel, tea and
herbal teas such as peppermint, chamomile and rooibos Methanol (LC-MS grade), formic acid (analytical grade),
are increasingly being promoted as a healthier alterna- acetic acid (analytical grade) and ammonia solution (32%,
tive to coffee and other caffeinated beverages analytical grade) were bought from Merck (Darmstadt,
(Euromonitor 2015). Germany). Ammonium formate (LC-MS grade) was from
An additional hazardous group of alkaloids found to Fluka (Seelze, Germany). Analytical PA standards of mono-
contaminate food and feed commodities are the tropane crotaline, monocrotaline-N-oxide, echimidine, erucifoline,
alkaloids (TAs), naturally occurring secondary metabolites erucifoline-N-oxide, europine, europine-N-oxide, helio-
of several plant families including Brassicaceae, Solanaceae trine-N-oxide, intermedine, intermedine-N-oxide, jacobine,
and Erythroxylaceae (EFSA 2013). Although more than 200 jacobine-N-oxide, lycopsamine, lycopsamine-N-oxide, sene-
different TAs have been identified, data on their occurrence cionine-N-oxide, seneciphylline-N-oxide, senecivernine-N-
in food and feed are limited (EFSA 2013). The most fre- oxide and trichodesmine were obtained from Phytolab
quently occurring TAs in plant-derived food and feed pro- (Vestenbergsgreuth, Germany); heliotrine, lasiocarpine,
ducts are (−)-hyoscyamine and (−)-scopolamine, which in lasiocarpine-N-oxide, retrorsine, retrorsine-N-oxide, sene-
contrast to their corresponding (+)-enantiomers are formed cionine, seneciphylline and senkirkine from AppliChem
naturally (Figure 1; Adamse et al. 2014; EFSA 2013). The (Darmstadt, Germany); senecivernine from Carl Roth
racemic mixture of (−)-hyoscyamine and (+)-hyoscyamine is (Karlsruhe, Germany) and echimidine-N-oxide from Cfm
called atropine, which is only formed during the extraction Oskar Tropitzsch (Marktredwitz, Germany). Analytical stan-
and isolation procedure by racemisation of (−)-hyoscyamine dards of atropine and (–)-scopolamine and their correspond-
(Adamse et al. 2014). TAs such as (−)-hyoscyamine and ing N-oxides were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich
(−)-scopolamine are also known to co-occur with their cor- (Schnelldorf, Germany).
responding N-oxides in plants (Mroczek et al. 2006;
Phillipson & Handa 1975, 1976). The wide distribution of
TA-producing weeds in temperate and tropical regions Samples
worldwide results in occasional contamination of agricul- All tea and herbal tea samples analysed (n = 70) were
tural crops such as linseed, soybean, millet, sunflower and produced by four international brands commonly consumed
buckwheat (EFSA 2013). The toxicological effects of in Israel, Europe and the USA. The tea and herbal tea
atropine and scopolamine are mediated by excessive samples were bought from Israeli supermarkets in the Tel
anti-muscarinic activity in the central and autonomic Aviv area, covering a wide range of popular herbal tea types,
nervous system. Recently, the EFSA Panel established namely mixed herbal tea, peppermint tea, chamomile tea,
a group acute reference dose (a dose which upon fennel tea, black tea, green tea, rooibos tea, and melissa tea
4 J.A. Shimshoni et al.

(n = 10 for each tea or herbal tea type, except for melissa and compounds. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) for each
fennel with n = 5). Each commercial product was sold in the analyte is depicted in Table 1.
form of pre-packed teabags. The tea samples were purchased
during the period of January–March 2015 and were stored in
closed containers at room temperature until sampling. Method validation
Methods for the determination of dehydro PAs, TAs and
their corresponding oxides in tea and herbal teas were
Multi-residue sample preparation validated in-house with regard to recovery, precision,
A 1 g amount of sample was taken at random from each LOD and LOQ. LODs and LOQs were determined by
package representing a different batch and extracted with the calibration curve method, whereby the LOQ was
10 ml of aqueous acetic acid/methanol solution (1:2, v/v) threefold the value of LOD. The resulting LOQs in tea
by 30 min vigorous shaking. The samples were centri- and herbal teas are shown in Table 1. Recovery rates were
fuged at 4000g for 10 min and the supernatants were determined by repeated analysis of fortified blank material
brought to pH 5–6 with diluted ammonia solution. An at concentrations of 20, 150 or 200 µg/kg.
aliquot of 2 mL of each supernatant sample was evapo- Quantification of dehydro PAs, TAs and their corre-
rated under a stream of N2 at 40°C. The dried samples sponding N-oxides was carried out by means of matrix-
were reconstituted in 4 ml water and filtered into a 2-ml matched calibration from blank extracts of the respective
glass vial using 0.45 µm syringe filter. type of tea.
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Results and discussion

LC-MS/MS parameters
The LC-system consisted of a Shimadzu degasser (DGU-
20A3) and two Shimadzu LC-20AD pumps controlled by Method validation for the determination of 30 different
a Shimadzu CBM-20A controller unit. dehydro PAs and PAs-N-oxides and for four different
Injection of 10 µl of sample was done using a HTC TAs (atropine, scopolamine and their corresponding
PAL autosampler of CTC Analytics AG. Column tempera- N-oxides) was performed according to the guidelines
ture was held steady at 25°C. The column was eluted defined by the EU and the results are summarised in
using a gradient flow (300 ml/min) of two solvents. Table 1. The recoveries obtained from blank matrix
Solvent A consisted of 99.5% water plus 0.5% formic spiked with dehydro PAs and TAs were in the range of
acid; solvent B of 94.5% methanol, 5% water and 0.5% 80–95%. The calibration curves for dehydro PAs and
formic acid. To both solvents 0.1 mM oxalic acid and TAs displayed excellent correlation between analyte
2.0 mM ammonium acetate were added. The mobile concentration and peak area (R2 for all curves were
phase was maintained for the first 30 s at 97:3 (A:B) and >0.995). The LOD and LOQ values for the dehydro
then changed with a linear gradient to 100% solvent B PAs and TAs were in the range of 0.001–0.05 mg/kg
over 6 min, which was kept for 1 min before a re-equili- and (Table 1). The percent coefficients of variation (%
bration phase over 2.5 min restored the initial mobile CV) of within- and between-days for dehydro PAs and
phase of 97:3. Separation was achieved using a Thermo TAs as well as for their corresponding N-oxides were
Hypersil Gold C18 column (50 x 2.1 mm, 1.9 mm particle 1.0%–8.5% and 0.6%–3.8% respectively. The accuracy
size). The short column allowed for a reduced analysis values for all analytes tested were in the range of 90%–
time of 10 min per sample. An Applied Biosystems API 110%. Hence, in the examined range of concentrations
4000 QTRAP triple quadrupole mass spectrometer was analysed (1–500 µg/kg), the optimised analytical method
used to detect the PAs, PA-N-oxides, TAs and TA-N- was considered accurate and precise.
oxides (Table 1). The instrument was set to multi-reaction
monitoring (MRM) mode (source temperature 650°C,
cone voltage 5500 V, collision gas on “high”, curtain gas PAs in tea and herbal tea samples
25 psi, ion source gas 1 and 2 at 35 and 45 psi, respec- In the present study, 70 tea and herbal tea samples of 8
tively), using one MRM transition as quantifier and different popular tea (green and black tea) and herbal tea
another two as qualifiers for each analyte. Quantification types (chamomile, fennel, melissa, mixed herbal teas,
was done using external calibrations. The calibrations peppermint and rooibos) purchased in various Israeli
were prepared with the reference materials in blank supermarkets during January–March 2015 were analysed
mixed herbal tea. Finally, concentrations were corrected for their dehydro PAs (sum of 30 individual dehydro
against the recovery of the internal standard resulting in PAs and dehydro PA-N-oxides) and TAs (atropine,
recoveries between 70% and 110% for the analysed (–)-scopolamine and their corresponding N-oxides) levels.
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 5

Table 1. Mass spectrometric conditions used, indicative retention times and limit of quantification of utilised
pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids determined in the study.

Standard used for Precursor ion Fragment 1 Fragment 2 Retention Limit of quantification
quantification (m/z) (m/z) (m/z) time (min) (µg/kg)

Lycopsamine 300.2 94.0 156.0 4.71 10

Lycopsamine-N-oxide 316.2 94.0 172.0 5.27 10
Heliotrine 314.2 138.0 156.0 5.81 10
Heliotrine-N-oxide 330.2 111.0 172.0 6.14 10
Europine 330.2 94.0 138.0 4.63 10
Europine-N-oxide 346.2 172.0 256.0 4.91 10
Erucifoline 350.0 94.0 138.0 4.19 50
Erucifoline-N-oxide 366.0 118.0 164.0 4.66 20
Intermedine 300.1 120.0 156.0 4.57 10
Intermedine-N-oxide 316.0 111.1 172.0 5.15 10
Echimidine 398.2 120.0 220.0 7.28 10
Echimidine-N-oxide 414.2 254.0 352.0 7.12 10
Lasiocarpine 412.2 120.0 220.0 8.30 10
Lasiocarpine-N-oxide 428.2 138.0 254.0 8.62 10
Jacobine 352.0 120.1 155.0 4.52 50
Jacobine-N-oxide 368.0 120.0 296.0 4.79 20
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Monocrotaline 326.0 194.0 120.0 3.48 20

Monocrotaline-N- 342.0 120.0 138.0 5.53 20
Retrorsine 352.0 138.0 324.0 5.50 20
Retrorsine-N-oxide 368.0 136.0 120.0 5.58 20
Riddelliine 350.0 120.0 138.1 4.93 20
Riddelliine-N-oxide 366.0 94.0 136.0 5.04 20
Senecionine 336.0 94.0 308.0 6.48 20
Senecionine-N-oxide 352.0 118.0 220.0 6.60 10
Seneciphylline 334.0 138.0 306.0 5.73 20
Seneciphylline-N- 350.0 95.0 118.0 5.92 10
Senecivernine 336.0 94.0 308.4 6.29 20
Senecivernine-N-oxide 352.0 94.1 118.2 6.41 10
Senkirkine 366.0 122.0 168.0 7.49 10
Trichodesmine 354.0 120.0 138.0 5.45 10
Atropine 290.2 93.0 124.1 6.27 1
Atropine-N-oxide 306.1 124.2 140.3 7.06 1
Scopolamine 303.9 102.9 156.1 5.03 1
Scopolamine-N-oxide 320.1 94.2 154.2 4.68 1

Moreover, the dehydro PAs profile of each tea-type was total dehydro PAs for regular fennel teas (Bodi et al. 2014;
analysed according to their necine base and esterification Mädge et al. 2015). In the Swiss market, however, dehy-
type (mono-, di- or cyclic esters), in order to possibly dro PAs were below the LOD in all fennel tea samples
identify the plant families contributing to the contamina- analysed, in agreement with the result of our study.
tion of the aforementioned teas and herbal teas. In the Israeli market, chamomile, peppermint and rooi-
Table 2 summarises the total dehydro PAs levels bos tea samples were the most heavily contaminated herbal
obtained for the various tea/herbal tea types. Among the teas with dehydro PAs detected in all samples analysed with
herbal teas, dehydro PAs were below the LOD in all the mean values of 261 µg/kg (range: 20–507 µg/kg), 564 µg/
fennel and melissa tea samples analysed in this study. In kg (range: 74–1729 µg/kg) and 314 µg/kg (range:
contrast, the survey results of the German market con- 82–657 µg/kg), respectively (Table 2). The mean total
ducted by the German Federal Institute for Risk dehydro PAs values found for the aforementioned three
Assessment, showed that melissa teas were the most heav- herbal teas are quite high. For instance, consumption of
ily contaminated herbal teas with dehydro PAs levels the beverage prepared from one teabag (assuming 100%
ranging from 5.0 to 2579.2 µg/kg, whereas the fennel transfer from the teabag to the water) containing 2 g
teas for babies in the German market were less heavily (equivalent amount of 1 whole teabag) chamomile, pepper-
contaminated with concentrations ranging from 1.8 to mint, or rooibos herbs exceeds the recommended maximum
96.5 µg/kg total dehydro PAs and from 11 to 198 µg/kg tolerable daily intake of 0.49 µg dehydro PAs for a 70 kg
6 J.A. Shimshoni et al.

Table 2. Total pyrrolizidine alkaloids concentrations measured in different teas and herbal teas.a.

Mean dehydro PA ± STD % of tea bag samples exceeding Average amount of

(µg/kg) the maximal recommended levels dehydro PA consumed
Tea (range) Samples above LOQ of 210 µg/kg for 60 kg adult per 2 g teabag (µg)

Herbal tea
Fennel NDb ND ND –
Peppermint 261 ± 179 (20–507) 10 60 0.52
Chamomile 564 ± 670 (74–1729) 10 60 1.13
Melissa ND ND ND –
Mixed teas 315 ± 281 (48–723) 5 30 0.63
Rooibos 314 ± 211 (82–657) 10 80 0.63
Black 107 ± 84 (10–160) 6 0 0.21
Green 81 ± 30.5 (60–116) 6 0 0.16
Notes: aEach tea type was randomly selected for analysis in various supermarkets during January–March 2015. The sample size for green, black, rooibos,
mixed herbal tea, chamomile and peppermint was 10, whereas for melissa and fennel teas the sample size was 5. Mean value were calculated only for
samples with dehydro PAs levels ≥ LOQ.
ND, not detected (level below LOD).
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adult and is more than 13-fold the recommended safe daily PAs-producing Crotolaria weed species (Van Wyk &
dose (0.04 µg) for infants weighing 5 kg (Table 2; EFSA Verdoorn 1990). Because there are no available pub-
2011; Mädge et al. 2015). In agreement with the results of lished data regarding the alkaloid content of the rooibos
the present study, the German survey also found exception- plants, it is of the utmost importance to determine
ally high levels of dehydro PAs in rooibos (mean level of whether rooibos plants are potential producers of dehy-
1856.4 µg/kg) and chamomile (mean level of 439.7 µg/kg) dro PAs.
teas, occurring in 90% of the chamomile and 100% of the In herbal mixed teas obtained from the Israeli market,
rooibos samples. Furthermore, the peppermint teas in the dehydro PAs occurred in 50% of the analysed samples with
German market displayed a lower mean level of dehydro levels ranging from 48 to 723 µg/kg and with a mean value
PAs of 134.2 µg/kg, occurring in 87% of the samples (Bodi of 315 µg/kg (Table 2). The composition of the mixed
et al. 2014). In the Swiss market, on the other hand, the herbal teas analysed in the present study included the
total dehydro PAs burden for chamomile, peppermint and following major ingredients: green tea, black tea, lemon-
rooibos was lower, with mean values ranging from 101 to grass, peppermint, chamomile and melissa. High levels of
146.5 µg/kg and occurrence frequencies ranging between dehydro PAs of 455–723 µg/kg occurred in all mixed
50% (peppermint) and 100% (rooibos; Mathon et al. 2014). herbal tea samples containing chamomile as a common
It is reasonable to assume that the lower dehydro PAs levels ingredient, resulting in an exposure of 0.91–1.4 µg per
reported for the Swiss market may be an underestimation teabag. The aforementioned levels of dehydro PAs are
due to the fact that only nine different dehydro PAs were more than twice the recommended maximum tolerable
monitored, whereas in the Israeli and German market, daily intake of 0.42 µg for a 60 kg person (EFSA 2011).
respectively, 30 and 17 different dehydro PAs were mon- In comparison, dehydro PAs occurred in 91% of the mixed
itored. Because several chamomile and peppermint samples herbal tea samples analysed from the German market with a
analysed form the German and Swiss markets had no mean level of 151.4 µg/kg, whereas in the Swiss mixed
detectable levels of dehydro PAs and their corresponding herbal tea products, dehydro PAs occurred only in 13% of
pure herbal drugs were shown by several studies to be free the samples with a mean value of 2 µg/kg (Bodi et al. 2014;
of dehydro PAs, it can be concluded that both plant species Mathon et al. 2014).
are non-dehydro PAs producers and that the appearance of Mean levels of dehydro PAs in green and black tea
dehydro PAs in their tea samples is the result of contamina- samples in the Israeli market were 81 and 107 µg/kg,
tion with PA-producing plants (Bodi et al. 2014; Mathon respectively, occurring in 60% of the samples (Table 2).
et al. 2014). The total levels of dehydro PAs per 2 g teabag in all
Interestingly, dehydro PAs were found in all of the analysed green and black tea samples were below the
rooibos tea samples obtained from the Israeli, German recommended daily intake for a 60 kg person (Table 2).
and Swiss markets, in contrast to all other tea types However, for 2 black tea and 1 green tea samples, the
which displayed variable occurrences of dehydro PAs. total level of dehydro PAs exceeded 105 µg/kg per tea-
The rooibos plant (Aspalathus linearis) is a member of bag, potentially exposing long-term tea consumers con-
the Crotalarieae tribe, which includes numerous dehydro suming more than 1–2 tea cups daily to significant levels
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 7

of dehydro PAs, possibly leading to increased risk of mixed herbal teas containing dehydro PAs of the helio-
health impairment. According to the recent dehydro tridine-type (Figures 1 and 2). Because at present no
PAs survey in green and black tea samples in the dehydro PAs-producing weed species is known to pro-
German market, higher occurrence rates and mean levels duce a mixture of mono-, open chain-diesters and macro-
of dehydro PAs were found in both tea types, namely in cyclic-esters, it is reasonable to assume that chamomile,
87% of the green tea and 95% of the black tea samples green, peppermint and rooibos teas were contaminated
with mean values of 109 and 255.9 µg/kg, respectively with several dehydro PAs-producing plant species of
(Bodi et al. 2014). In contrast, no dehydro PAs were unknown genera. The lack of macrocyclic dehydro PAs
found in green and black tea samples analysed from the in black tea indicates that the source of contamination
Swiss market (Mathon et al. 2014). The widely seen might be a weed species of the Boraginaceae family.
variability in dehydro PAs content in different tea types Furthermore, the presence of only 12-membered macro-
within and between the various retail markets clearly cyclic dehydro PAs found in herbal teas as well as in
demonstrate the possibility to produce pre-packed super- green teas indicate that the sources of contamination
market teabag products below the recommended maxi- were mainly plant species of the Asteraceae family. In
mum daily intake of dehydro PAs, thereby minimising agreement with the survey results in the Berliner area, no
potential health risks associated with exposure to dehy- 11-membered macrocyclic dehydro PAs such as mono-
dro PAs. Recently, Mädge and co-workers analysed 44 crotaline were found in the present study, which implies
herbal tea samples for infants, pregnant or lactating the possibility of ruling out Crotalaria species as the
Downloaded by [Arne Dübecke] at 05:37 20 October 2015

women purchased across Germany, with 86% of the potential source of contamination.
samples testing positive for dehydro PAs with alarmingly Senecionine-N-oxide and retrorsine-N-oxide were the
high concentrations of up to 821.1 µg/kg and a mean only dehydro PAs commonly found in all positive-tested
value of 105 µg/kg total dehydro PAs (Mädge et al. herbal tea types as well as in green tea (Figure 2). The
2015). These findings are of major concern to public most frequently detected dehydro PAs occurring in more
health, mainly due to the facts that dehydro PAs are than 30% of all tested samples were: senecionine-N-oxide
well known to be partially excreted into mothers’ milk followed by lycopsamine and intermedine-N-oxide
and the known high susceptibility of infants and children (Figure 2). Dehydro PAs found at concentrations above
to the hepatotoxic effects of dehydro PAs. 100 µg/kg in some of the tea samples analysed in the
Furthermore, the dehydro PAs profile for each tea present study were intermedine, senecionine-N-oxide,
and herbal tea type was determined (Figure 2). Each lycopsamine-N-oxide, lycopsamine, intermedine-N-oxide
tea type analysed in this study displayed a different and heliotrine-N-oxide. Comparable results regarding the
composition of dehydro PAs comprising 3–10 dehydro frequent occurrences and high concentrations of various
PAs, with 19 different dehydro PAs being detected in all dehydro PAs were obtained for the German market survey
the samples analysed (Figure 2). Except for black tea (Bodi et al. 2014).
samples, which displayed only 3 dehydro PAs of the Although presently the source of contamination of
retrorsine-mono-ester type, the remaining tea and herbal various tea and herbal tea products with dehydro PAs is
teas comprised a mixture of mainly retrorsine-type 12- unknown, it is reasonable to focus on two major key
membered macrocyclic, mono-ester and open chain-die- factors during the manufacturing process possibly respon-
ster dehydro PAs, with only peppermint tea and the sible for the contamination, namely the harvest technique

Figure 2. (colour online) Mean total dehydro PAs concentration profile of each analysed tea variety. The mean values were calculated
only for samples with concentration values above the LOQ.
8 J.A. Shimshoni et al.

being used in the field and the processing (withering, of tropane alkaloids (TAs) such as atropine, scopolamine
rolling, fermentation, drying, sorting and packing) of tea/ and their corresponding N-oxides in commercially avail-
herbal tea leaves yielding the final product. The utilisation able teas and herbal teas. The present study reports for the
of harvesting machinery on the field in contrast to hand- first time the occurrence of the aforementioned alkaloids
picking techniques commonly practiced on tea plantations in eight different tea and herbal tea types. Because the
might present a major risk factor for dehydro PAs con- naturally occurring plant alkaloids (−)-hyoscyamine and
tamination as dehydro PAs-producing weeds growing on (−)-scopolamine can racemise to atropine ((±)-hyoscyamine)
the same field can be easily co-harvested by modern and (±)-scopolamine, respectively) during the extraction and
harvesting machinery. The relatively low dehydro PAs purification procedure, we have determined the levels of the
burden of green and black tea as compared to chamomile racemic mixtures as well as their corresponding N-oxides as
and peppermint herbal teas might be due to the fact that a measure of total TAs burden in the tea and herbal tea
teas in general are commonly handpicked in contrast to samples. Table 3 summarises the TAs concentrations and
many herbal teas (Hicks 2009). Furthermore, airborne occurrences in the various teas and herbal teas analysed. No
dehydro PAs-producing weed particles such as pollen TAs were detected in all black tea, green tea and melissa tea
can easily contaminate nearby crops and tea plantations samples analysed. However, low levels of atropine and
and therefore their removal from the teas and herbal tea scopolamine occurred in 80% of the peppermint samples
leaves by various physical means and/or the eradication of analysed with mean values of 171 µg/kg (range:
dehydro PAs producing weeds in nearby fields needs to be 20–208 µg/kg) and 81 µg/kg (range: 14–171 µg/kg),
Downloaded by [Arne Dübecke] at 05:37 20 October 2015

considered. The utilisation of the same processing equip- respectively (Table 3). Their corresponding N-oxides were
ment for tea and herbal tea leaves during the manufactur- found in trace levels (1–2.8 µg/kg) in only 40% of the
ing process might present an additional major cause for samples. The highest total TAs level (sum of atropine,
cross-contamination and therefore a vigorous cleaning scopolamine and their corresponding N-oxides) detected
protocol needs to be implemented after each batch in the peppermint samples (379 µg/kg) yielded a maximal
processing. amount of 0.76 µg TAs per 2 g teabag (equivalent to the
All tea and herbal tea samples of the global brands amount per one cup of tea), which is below the acute daily
analysed herein revealed dehydro PAs to various reference dose (0.96 µg) for a person weighing 60 kg
levels, thereby strengthening our assumption that the (EFSA 2013). However, the consumption of 2 or more
contamination occurs during harvest and possibly as a cups of peppermint herbal tea containing more than
result of cross-contamination during the manufacturing 220 µg/kg TAs per teabag by a person weighing 60 kg for
process. a longer period of time might result in hazardous chronic
exposure according to the recommended guidelines (EFSA
2013). Because the health risks associated with chronic
TAs in tea and herbal tea samples exposure to low levels of TAs in humans and animals are
To the best of our knowledge, no published data in peer currently unknown, toxicity studies are necessary for a
reviewed literature are available regarding the occurrence rational risk evaluation.

Table 3. Total tropane alkaloid concentrations measured in different teas and herbal teas.a.

Mean total N-oxides

of atropine and Mean total atropine Average amount
Mean atropine ± Mean scopolamine scopolamine ± and scopolamine ± Samples of TA consumed per
STD (µg/kg) ± STD (µg/kg) STD (µg/kg) STD (µg/kg) above tea bag (of 2 g)
Tea (range) (range) (range) (range) LOQ (µg)

Herbal tea
Fennel 83 11 1 94 1 0.19
Peppermint 171 ± 53 (20–208) 81 ± 69 (20–208) 3.3 ± 0.8 (1–2.8) 181 ± 154 (34–379) 8 0.36
Chamomile NDb 2.1 ND 2.1 1 0.004
Melissa ND ND ND ND ND –
Rooibos ND 2 ND 2 1 0.004
Black ND ND ND ND ND –
Green ND ND ND ND ND –
Notes: aEach tea type was randomly selected for analysis in various supermarkets during January–March 2015. The sample size for green, black, rooibos,
mixed herbal tea, chamomile and peppermint was 10, whereas for melissa and fennel teas the sample size was 5. Mean value were calculated only for
samples with TAs levels ≥ LOQ.
ND, not detected (level below LOQ).
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 9

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