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Ana Foncerrada
• •

Student's Book

An a Foncerrada PUGLISHING

Editor: Carmen
Editor: Aída Berber

..., ... .:>I~.II and Art Direction: Juan Manuel Santamaría

n~1rl"\I!"I' Salvador Pereira

Javier ,..,'-'0'
1\/1 ...

Corel Stock

of this book may be

or transmitted in any

but if any omissions can be

to the necessary

ISBN: 978-607-06-0240-5
First Orl11Cir\n 2010

1J .....nt-t::l,ri in Mexico

the Cámara Nacional de la Industria Editorial

No. 3249

Este libro se terminó de imprimir en enero 2010

Worldcolor Querétaro, S.A. de C.v.
Fracc. Agro Industrial La Cruz, Marqués
Ww~~ o ~~~
c;l -
It's All 1n tbe Fam.1-1 y...... .... ...... I:k

1 Like, We Like ........................ '1,2.

Different RoutifteS ................ 2.0

eople in 1\117 Neighborl~oocr .. 2.8

~ Does
Mars have ft\OOZls? .....•... 1:1:1:1:

'@.i'mÉj,~ 'V ,'i) What d.oes if: eat? ................... 52.

WwÉl.~ © ' ".r. You, Shou,ld Plant a 'l"zoee ........ 60

ho h t i it?.····............ ..... 68
'2- Read and write the names.

The Kingstons ore an unusual family. AII

the children ore very talented. They con
011 playa musical instrumento And they
also participate in sports.
Ron and Waldo, 17, ore twins. Ron con
play the drums very well, and Waldo
con play the guitar. And they both
love playing tennis. Lola is 14. She loves
swimming, and she con swim 1000 m in
20 minutes. She con also play the trumpet.
Ray is 12. He is o quiet boy, and he con
play the piano. Together with Sophie, 9,
and Kate, 4, they play in their house for
their friends. Sophie con play the violin,
and Kate con play the flute.
Ray also loves basketball. And Sophie and
Kate ore excellent soccer players.

Complete the table.

,,--------- - --- -------1--------------- -----------I------------------------------------------------- --------------------------­
f Name I Age ~ Sport ~ Musical instrument :'
•-------------------------, _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_,l-_-___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ----------------4~------------------------------------~1
~ Ron ~ ~ ten n i s ~ ~
~ )~ 17 ),1 ~~ 9 u ita r )1
1 I ~I t

Sophie !
9 I
soccer I

, .....
soccer I fI ute
___.___-_-_-_-_--_--_--_-_---_-_-_-_-_-_-_.---_---_-_-_---_-_-_.-_--_­___---_---_-_­_____-_-_.. .,

I Musical instruments and sports

Cut and glue. ( - ­

r---------------, r---------------,

Develop your musical talent.

Become a professional
at your favorite sport.
piano violin Join us!
r---------------., ,..---------------, ,..---------------, r---------------,

flute drum basketball tennis

,..---------------, r---------------, ---, r---------------,
I I t I
_______________ I
~ I
L _______ _______ ~ L _______________ I
~ IL _______________ ~

guitar trumpet soccer swimming

Listen, point and repeat.

Game: Charades

Play in pairs.
Guess as many words as
you can in one minute.
'1 Listen and mark (11' or K). @<!) 2

Talk about the characters' abilities.

Ron, Waldo and Lola can whistle.
~ Solve the riddles. Ron and Sophie can't jump on one foot.

He can draw with his feet. He can whistle, move his

He can' t whistle the nationa\
He can' t cook Indian food . nos e and ears, walk on his
anthem. He can't draw with
He can jump on one foot hands and draw with his feet.
his feet. But he can jump on
for 20 minutes. But he can't cook Indian
one foot for 20 minutes.
Who is it? f ood or jump on one f oot
Who is it?
for 20 minutes.
Who is it?

Write a riddle.
Listen and glue.


Helen I I I I

.- - - - ..

Bill I I Julie I I

Listen again and mark (11' or K).

Tell a p artner w hat the children can a nd can 't do.

Write the questions. Answer them a bout yourself.

".----------------------------------------------------------1---------------------------------,;----- .- - -------------------.. . . ,
( :' You -------------'1L-------------
:. Yourpartner ~
- _-_-_ -- - _-_-_-_-_-,t-_-_-_-___-_-
• I
- ------------.1. ~
: 1. Can yOlJ play the pianor : ~ :e
, " ,e
~ 2 ~: ,1
~ • ~ ~
\• e
' ,,e
3. ' 1
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ,1
,1 4 ~ ~ ~
. ~
~~ 5. ~~ ~~ ~~
~ j j •
6 •
~ ~ ~ ~
7. 'c
~ ~
"~ 8 .
.\ . ,~ "

Interview a partner. [ No, I can '!. 1

Can you play the piano?
'2- Read and circle T (True) or F (False).
aZ I

Dragon-Aies are beautiful. They have four wings and very big
eyes. Dragon-Aies eat other insects. They can -Ay very fast
and move forward or backward.

Cockroaches are brown and long. They have wings and long
antennae. Cockroaches can run very fast, they canjump
and they can also bite. Cockroaches can live nine days
without their head.
Ants are small insects. But they are very strong. They can cut
leaves, and they can carry the leaves for long distances. They
can also carry heavy objects. But ants can't eat solid food.

Grasshoppers are large and green or brown. They canjump very ~-f."_1J
high, and they can sing beautifully. They can also walk and -Ay.

l. Dragonflies have two pairs of wings. T F

2. They can eat a persono T F
3. Cockroaches can/t runo T F
4. They can live without their head. T F
5. Ants are very strong insects. T F
6. They can carry leaves and other objects. T F
7. Grasshoppers can/t jump. T F
8. They can flYI but they can/t walk. T F

L.::: Match the verbs with the pictures. ~

II fl Y ~II
~~/////)" //..../////.rW///////~~

~~ ~~

walk ~
~ run ¡¡
i////U";';"-/////////h /////////..A~


~ carry ~ ~ ~

~/AV//////////////////////////////////////~~ ~
cut ~"
~///////h' oV////// W////A~
~ .... ~//////$//////#////////////////////~

L~~, ~ . ~ ~/////////////////// ío;'//M/// :r//~

.. ~ lump ~
.. \ ~//////////////////////////////////////; ~ bite ~
~//////////////h' ///. ~;A~
<-?) Listen and number. @e!) 5

~ Answer the questions about yourself. ...~

l. Can you jump high?
2. Can you bite?
3. Can you fly?
4. Can you run fast?
5. Can you carry heavy objects?
6. Can you cut paper with your tee'th?
7. Can you eat insects?
8. Can you sing?
9. Can you walk?

Write about your abilities.

I can ---------------------------------------------------------

I can't - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­
Listen and number the people. @0 6

Complete the reporte

-gc9~ketbc9l1: Class 4C:

'Rc9y.l After a month of training, these are the results.
Cc9ndy X Basketball:
Troy.l Ray can play basketball excellently.
Troy _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ well, but Candy
Tenni~: _ _ _ _ _ _ _. She should try a different sport.
Cc9rol.l Tennis:
Lc9rry.l Carol and Larry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ very well.
Mindy X Carol jump and run, and Larry
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ concentrate on the ball very well. Mindy,
however, - -- - - - - - - -
~ Unscramble and write M (Musical instrument)
or S (Sport).

l. I iv n o i
2. o pn ia
3. d r m u
4. u f t e I
.. - .......
5. r p m t e u t
6 . s b e b k tal a I
7. sne tn i
8. w s 9 m i i m n
9. i 9 r t u a ......

10. c o s r c e
.. -.
~ Look and number the sentences. ,. -..
.. _. " ,

f/I_. ~.

~::." ... ,
..... ": " .'

" .
_ Robert can/t play soccer, but he can swim very well.
_ Sophie can/t whistle, but she can dance very well.
_ Bob and Jim can play the piano and the violin very well.
_ Erika can write using both hands.
.' .
_ Lynn and Pamela can/t play any musical instruments.
Monica can move her ears.
'J1 Match the maps with the names of the countries.

Japan II Mexico II Brazil II Canada I [ France I I Germany

Complete the table.


( Country ~ Nationality ~ Country : Nationality ~

~ ~ Mexican ~ ~ Brazilian :
,~ ~ I 1 ~~

Listen, check and repeat.

Listen and complete the information.


.>, ~,

f ,~
l· •

Name: Anna Name: Tania

Nationality: Canadian Nationality: ________ Nationality: _______
Age: ______________ Age: _____________ Age: twelve
Ability: Ability:

Name: -------

Nationality: Mexican Nationality: ________ Nationality: _______

Age: ______________ Age: nine Age: _____________
Ability: A b i I-=-=
it~ y -=--=
: ======::;:=======;::==-=-=-

Anna is Canadian. She's eleven

Talk about the children.
years old. She can dance.

Role Play (........ __ ...."

Name: ----------

Age: ______________
Country: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Nationality: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Ability: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Write about your partner in your notebook.

~ Listen and match. Use the correct color.

~ 1 like = red 1 don't like = blue ~


Natsumi Miguel and Susana Karl and Dieter Ted

Complete the speech bubbles. like / don't like

Ilike - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I don't like - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ilike - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I don't like - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

We like ~

We like ~
~ Read and write M (Monica) or S (Stefan).

This is Monicel. She's This is Stefeln. He's

Celneldieln. Monicel likes hot Germeln. Stefeln likes
dogs elnd piZZel. She ellSO belsketbelll elnd soccer.
likes video gelmes elnd He ellso likes books elnd
skelteboel rds. But s he elirplelnes. He doesn't like
doesn't like insects or sodel or lettuce. And he
Celts. Monicel doesn' t like doesn't like roJJer skates
Celrrots or belnelnels, either. or helts.

~ Invent a character. ( "

1 . Cut out the children, the countries, the food and the objects.
z. Choose one of each.
3. Glue the pictures in the table.
4. Write about your character in your notebook.

Name Country Likes Doesn't like

~ Read the ads and make pairs.

My name's Michael. I'm Canadian. I'm Chantal. I'm French. 1 like cats,
l like soccer, hot dogs and apple pie. dogs and all animals. 1 don't like
l don 't like books or spaghetti. insects or skirts.

M~ nameJs Rocío. IJm trom Spaín. Ilíke

My name's Gunther. I'm from Germany. I like
dresses and skírts. I donJt líke anímals or
math and cars. I don't like hamburgers or

1'm Sumiko. 1'm from Japan. l like l'm Roberto. l' m Mexican. 1 like hamburgers,
math and dolls. l don/t like fast food hot dogs and pizza. 1 also like soccer. [ don' t
or soda. like basketball or salads.

I'm Sandra. I'm Brazilian. I like parrots and I'm Rafeeka. I'm Indian. I like rice and
fish. I don't like spiders, and I don't like dresses. I don't Like short hair or dogs.

Find the information.

l. Types of fast food: _ _ __

2. A dessert: -----

3. Animals: -----

4. Clothes: -----

5. A school subject: _ _ __
6. Sports: _ _ _ __

~ Write about yourself. Use the cues.

~/////////////////////////////////////////~ ~//////////////////////////////////~ ~///////#//////////////////Q///////////////////~ ,(////////////////////////////////~ ~W/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~

~ name ~ ~ age ~
~ country ~
~~ I'k
I e ~~ ~~ don 'I'k
t I e ~~
~////////////////////////////////////////) ~/////////////////////////////////~ ~////////////////////////////////////////////////...A~ ~////////////////////////////////~~ ~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.J
~ Complete the table about yourself.

Game: Seven Matches

1. Find a partner.
2. Student A: T ell your partner what you like.
3. Student B: Mark (-.1) the number of matches in your book.
4. Change partners.

I like dogs. I like the color

green. I like the number 8 ...

Write a report about one of your partners.

Listen and write the information.
~W/////////////////////////////////////////////////////~ ¡(///////////////////////////////////////////~ ~///////////////////////////////~/////////~ ~//////////////////////////////////////////////~

§ Cata l·Ina ~

~ Dons
. § §
.. §
~ ~ Hoshl ~ ~ Renate ~
~ ~
~//////////////////////////////////////////////////////) ~///////////////////////////////////////} ~//////////////////////////////////////////#
~/////////////////////////////////////////) ~//////////////////////////////////////////////}

Name: Name: Name: Name:

Country: Country: Country: Country:

Look and complete the e-mail.



To: Rita

Hi~ My name's Andy. I'm 10 years old. I live with my mom, my dad and my sister.
I I¡ke but I don't like My sister, Renée, IS 12. She
likes but she doesn't
My mom but she _ _ __ __ ___. And my
dad but he
me about your family.
~ Complete the crossword with the nat'ionalities.

2 3

4 .............

1. Japan 4. Mexico
2. Brazil 5. France .................

3. Germany 6. Canada , ......

1 ...... ",'
.. '

:?¿ Read and change.

My name's Ronaldinho. I'm Brazilian but .... ~.

I live in Spain. I'm 28 years old. I like

soccer. I can run very fasto I like healthy ..........
food and junk food. I like apples, but I
.. " '" : " .
don't like bananas. I like salads. I like
hamburgers, but I don't like pizza. : •••• a.

,"" ..
His name is Ronaldinho. He's
'2- Read and label the pictures.

Hit My name's \Vendy. 1 live in 'Denver, Colorado, W'ith my family.

1 8et up at six'o'dock. 1 take a shoW'er and 8et dressed. 1 eat breakfast :
at seven o'dock. brush my teeth and then 80 to school. 1 eat lunch at ¡
school at tW'elve o'dock. And 1 80 back home at four o'dock. ¡

At five o'clock 1 do my homeW'ork. 1 W'atch TV at six o'dock. and

then 1_eat_dinner at ei8h~ o'doc~. } 80 to sle~p ~t nine o'dock. __.. ._~

get c.Jp
.:=.:::: Match each verb with its complement•

get eat
take go up dressed
,get breakfast to bed
watch a shower
eat my teeth
brush eat lunch TV
90 go my homework back home

Listen, check and repeat. <iJ(!) 11

Listen, cut and glue. <iJ(!) 12 ( ___

Write what Martin says in your notebook.

1 ge-r op a.-r eigh-r o 'clock:...

- ----­
~ Look and write the times.

It' s th ree th i rty. It' s ten th i rty.

Listen and draw the times.

gets up


Listen again and w-rite the verbs. Talk about Nalini.

~ --
~ ntsimPle ~
3, Read, cut and glue. ( ' -

Shouhei and Takurni are frorn Japan. and then he does rus homework at one o'dock.
They are identical twins, but they have very At two o'dock Shouhei and Takurnl eat lunch
different routines. together. At three o'dock Takumi goes to
Shouhei gets up at six o'dock and takes a school on foot. At four o'dock Shouhei does
shower. He gets dressed and eats breakfast rus hornework, and then he watches TV at five
at seven o'dock. At eight o'dock he goes to o'dock. At nine o'dock Takumi goes back
school by bus. Takumi gets up at horneo He watches TV at ten
twelve o'dock. He takes a o'dock and goes to bed
at eleven o'dock.

9 3

fd: Write about a member of your family.

MCj b(ome( ge-t.:s op a -t ...

~ Read and write the names. <i@ 14

My sister Liz gets up at six.

She ta kes awa rm shower,
And feeds the chicks.
My sister Helen gets up at seven.
She goes to school,
And gets back home at eleven.
My sister Kate gets up at eight.
She wears her blue dress,
And gets to work very late.
My sister Sue gets up at two.
She eats her lunch,
And watches TV with ashoe.

¿ Choose and write funny sentences in your notebook. ¿. _ d

At six o'clock my mom gets up on roller skates.

At seven th i rty mydad takes a shower in purple pajamas.
At eight o'clock my brother eats breakfast with blue shoes.
At nine thirty my sister gets d ressed by plane.
At ten o'clock my grandma goes to school with his/her cato
At eleven o'clock my grandpa brushes his/her teeth with a teddy bear.
At twelve th i rty my cousln eats lunch and smiles.
At one thirty my friend goes back home with a fork.
At two th i rty watches TV on one foot.
At three o'clock does homework with sunglasses.
At four o'clock eats dinner with the lights off.
At five o'clock goes to bed with chewing gum.
''2, Follow the maze and talk about the characters.

Mrs. Jones Mr. Walters Tony Sandy

9 IO

t ' ': ) 3
11 12 1

II 12


11 12
3 9
,oll " 3
(1' ,'0) 1 :J 910
II 12 1

8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 4 8 8
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 7 6

II 12 1
~ 9
10 L2
II 12 1

~ 9
10 II T12
\ 3 9
10ll)12 1
3 9
11 12
10 J
3 9
11 12


8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 8
7 6 5 7 6 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 7 6
'2- Listen and mark (v or ~).

Fill in the blanks.

( Dear Diary,
C My friend Robin is very strange. He _ _ _ _ _ _ __

O ________ in the morning and .....__~_____ (get dressed).


(./ He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to work at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and then

O (go back) home ot • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. He _ _ __
. . ._ t '
( (eat) breakfast ot (brusn) his teeth ond
then _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (watcn) TV ot _ _ _ _ _ _ _. At
O ..._ t '
r-- - - - - - -......~~
he --------
(take) o shower ond -------­

~~~_.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ He (go back)

( home ot -------­
ond (eat) lunch.
He then (wafcn) TV ot . At
-------­ .----~

( ' _ _ _ _ _ _~~~~------~~~worko~-------

(go back) home ot -------­
. He (eat)
dinner ond _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (90) to be.d at ~

'2- Unscramble the verbs.
1. 9 t e p u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
2. t 9 e d s e r d s e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3.ktae a seowhr ---------------------------------------

4. o 9 o t b d e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5.tae Ichun ----------- - - - - - - ----------------------
.-- -"-,
6. r b u h s u r y o te te h _ _____________ .-­ I

7. h a e w t V T ---------------------------------------
8. o 9 o t e s oh 10 ______________
9. o 9 a b kc o h e m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1O. o d m h e o w ko r ........
- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Match the times with the clocks. .-..-- .

1. It's th ree th irty. .-. -,­ '
. ._.'
2. It's eleven o' clock.
3. It's six thirty. .

4. It's two o' clock. ..... '.

...... .
Write sentences. ... ' " .'.'
1'-------------------r-------------------1:------ --- ------1:------------------------------------------------------------------
~ l ~
11 J2 J ~
\1 !
~ \1 lO
~ • '4 get up \ ( ~ :-",.­
~ ~ \ \ \
~ ~ ~
' go tO
I 2 ~ \ \ \
· ~ school
\~ ~~ ~

." ...
~ I


'4 \ I I
~ 3. Grandma ~~ eat lunch
~~ ~
1 rI ! ,
" , ~

'. do \ ~ ,
5. Karla '\. \
\, , \\
~ homework ~ ~
8 7 6 5 4 )
__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_J_-_-_-_-_-_ L_-_-_-_-_ _-_-_-_-_L_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.. . . '
~ Listen and complete.

~arne: _______________ ~arne: _______________ ~arnes: _____________

~arne: _______________ ~arne: _______________

~arne: _______________ 1

~arne: _______________ ~arne: _______________ 1 ~arne: _______________

Occupation: _________ Occupation: _________ Occupation: _________

Listen, point and repeat. 7

~ Listen and glue.

---------- ~~~~~

---------- ~~~~ .. ---------­ J


__________ . ._

~---------- D

---------- ~~------~

She's a taxi driver.

Point and talk.
She works outside.
Read and color Josh's boxes green.

My name's Josh. I'm a mechanic. I work at the airport.

I repair airplanes and helicopters. Every day I get up at
5 a.m. and run in the park. I start work at 9 a.m.
On Mondays and Tuesdays, I repair small airplanes.
On Wednesdays and Thursdays, I repair jets. And on
Fridays, I repair helicopters. I go to bed at 10:30 p.m.

Josh Greg and Sally Mike

get up at 5 a.m. / run in the Monday: elephants' teeth
a chef
park Tuesday: h ippos' teeth
cooks meals for children and
get up at 7 a. m. / eat breakfast Friday: pizza
Wednesday - Thursday: repair
animal dentists at the airport
gets up at 6:30 a.m. / watches
at the zoo clean animals' teeth
a mechanic repair airplanes and helicopters start work at 10:30 a.m.

Thursday: Orcas and dolphins' Monday: pasta and fish Monday - Tuesday: repair small
teeth. Friday: monkeys' teeth Tuesday : rice and chicken airplanes
Wednesday: tígers' and lions'
go to bed at 10:30 p.m. at a school cafetería

goes to bed at 12 p.m. Friday: repair helicopters starts work at 12 a.m.

Wednesday: hamburgers
start work at 9 a.m. go to bed at 11 p.m.
Thursday: hot dogs and fries

Greg and Sally are dentists. Color their boxes blue and write
about them in your notebook.

Gregand 5ally are ... They work. at. .. They.. . Every day tney .. .
On Mondays tney ...

Mike is a chef. Color his boxes red and write about him in your
Mik.e is... j Present simple, affirmative
Read, cut and glue. (..... _-_ "
... ...

Patricia Monday Wednesday Thursday

dance in
take ballet buy new visit her
Romeo and
classes clothes grandma

Wednesday Thursday
and Pete

take pictures
take pictures take pictures print pictures visit schools
of children
ofdogs ofca~
and families

o Talk about the dancer and the photographers.

On Mondays, Patricia
goes shopping.

On Mondays, Amanda and

Pete take pictures of dogs.
Where is my video
Read and listen to the story. 19

Finally, a taxi stops, and Sandra and

Sandra is late for school. She and her
her mom get in.
mom are waiting in the street for
"To the Benjamin Franklin School,
a taxi. It's 7:45 a.m.
please," her mom tells the taxi driver.

There' s a lot of traffic, so the driver turns

right on one street, left on the other.
He gets in front of a bus, goes past a Sandra takes out her video game and
yellow light. He's driving like crazyl starts to play.

Match the sentences.

1 . Sandra is late for school because .. . the bell is ringing.

2. The taxi driver drives like crazy, so .. . she can't find her video game.
3. When Sandra arrives at school, .. . her mom can't get a taxi.
4. Sandra grabs her schoolbag and .. . Sandra starts to play her video game.
5. Sandra looks in her schoolbag, but. .. ru ns i nto the school.
o L -_ _ _ _ Q
~ ____ O
~~____ ,

Finally, the taxi arrives at her school. Sandra grabs her schoolbag and
It's eight o'clock and the bell is ringing. jumps out of the taxi. She kisses her
"Hurry up, Sandra!" yells her mom mom and quickly goes into the school.
while she pays the taxi driver and She then runs upstairs to her
opens the door. classroom and greets her classmates.

"Of course I have it. It's right here,"

Ron, the boy that sits in front of her, turns replies Sandra as she opens her
and asks her: "So, do you hove it?" schoolbag and starts looking for the
"Do I hove what?" asks Sandra. video game. She looks and looks,
"Your video game, silly!" but she can't find it.

26 Look and number the pictures.


The taxi driver is at the Sandra doesn't know "Wow! Thank you, sir.
school. what to do. Then her You' re very nice," she
"You forgot your video teacher tells her to go smiles.
game, " he says. downstairs.
~ Listen and fill in the blanks. ·0 o

Wo ..kin Peo le
Busy, busy, busy, Busy, busy, busy,
Busy all _ _ _ _ _ long. Busy all _ _ _ _ _ Iong.
They all day, They all day,
And they have _ _ _ __ And they have _ _ _ __

Photographers and _ _ _ __ Taxi drivers, _ _ _ __

Firefighters, _ _ _ __ Dentists, , chefs.
They at night, They at night,
And get up with the _ _ _ __ And get up with the _ _ _ __

26 Unscramble the sentences.

1. is / police / works / outside. / a / officer. / Daniel/He

2. catches / He / thieves. / people / and / protects

3. the / On / he / drives / M ondays, / his / neighborhood. / patrol car / around

4. supervises / shopping mall. / Tuesdays, / the / On / he

5. people / helps / in / W ednesdays, / On / the / he / street.

6. works / On / at night. / he / Thursdays,

7. he / Fridays, / goes / his / writes / office / to / and / On / reports.

~ Complete the definitions.

l. A cleans your teeth.

2. A puts out fires.
3. A helps doctors.
. .
4. A repalrs englnes.
5. A takes pictures.
6. A cooks food.
7. A transmits knowledge.
8. A protects people.
9. A dances beautifully.
10. A takes you places.
11. A takes care of your health.
12. A answers the phone.
' ..
Number the pictures. ....... '
- ~

26 Fill in the blanks.


Narne: Max o
Occuratioh: firetighter
ActiVity: Put out tires ......
MOhdays, Tuesdays, My name's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I'm a
Wedhesdays: Work at tire ________.1 ______________
statioh, cleah the tire truck, On Mondays, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
wait tor ernergehcies
Thursdays: Yisit schools ahd
On Thursdays, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
fridays: Exercise, wait tor
On Fridays, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
~ Listen and label the people.

acrobat juggler

() Listen again and match the people with what they do.
l. The clown does tricks.
2. The acrobat tosses objects into the airo
3. The vendor makes people laugh.
4. The magician sells food.
5. The juggler performs on the trapeze.

() Number the pictures.

.?¿ Read, color and glue. ( , ---,:

Harr'y The Cooper Famíl,Y

He ís our clown. He has an The~ are thejugglers. The~
orange nose and green haír. wear ~ellow and whíte suíts,
He makes people laugh. and toss balls ínto the aír.

Paul Angel
He ís our magícían. He wears
a blue hat and a purple suít
He does magíc trícks wíth
cards and people.

F1'yíng Línda
Saturdayat seven o'clock Bíg Erík
She ís a great acrobat. You Sunday at twelve and at Our tamous vendor. He sells
can see her long red haír five o'clock p0p'corn, cotton cand~,
and sílver suít as she sodas, and more. He wears
pertorms on the trapeze. green clothes.

~ Classify the words.


( sell vendor trapeze magician make people laugh juggler :

~ do tricks acrobat toss into the air clown perform


~~ Nouns ~ Verbs ~
,\...----~---------------------------------------------------~-~----1t----~---~-----~---~---------------------------------------~----. . . .1
I , I
I I ~
~ ~ I
I , I
~ , I
\.. . .__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_-_~___-_-___-___-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_J_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-___~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-.,.I~

o Listen, check and repeat.

Present simple, negative
'áb Look and circle T (True) or F (False).

1. Yoyo doesn't ride o pony. T F

2. Horry doesn't wolk on o boll. T F
3. Horry ond Yoyo don't drive o cor. T F
4 . Horry ond Yoyo don't jump high. T F
5. Horry doesn't sing. T F

~ Look and fill in the blanks.

1. Pierre _______ perform without o neto

2. Pierre perform blindfolded.
3. Lindo wolk on the tightrope.
4. Lindo ond Pierre jurrlp on the trompoline.
5. Pierre work with o portner.
~ Read, choose and glue. ( ___

The magician doesn/t do tricks with animals. He does tricks with rings.
The clown doesn/t make people cry. He makes people laugh.
The acrobats don/t jump on the trampoline. They perform on the trapeze.
The jugglers don/t toss balloons into the airo They toss bottles.
The vendor doesn/t sell hamburgers. He sells popcorn cotton candy and sodas.

-­ - ------
The magician Theclown The acrobats

The j ugglers Thevendor

§ Look and talk about a magician.

He does tricks
do tricks with food )C He doesn't do
with people.
do tricks with people t/ tricks with food.

work in circus )C
perform in porks t/
work olone t/
work with his sister )C
live in o city )C
trovel o" the ti me t/
study ot ni9 ht )C
study on the Internet t/
Read and label the pictures with the names of the people.

My name is Katherine Stuart. 1 live in a eireus with my family. That's my mom, my dad,
my aunt Sarah, my eousin Tim and my brother. We are all jugglers.
We all do different acts. In one aet, first my dad gets on his motoreycle. Then my brother
climbs onto my dad's shoulders. After that, 1 climb onto my brother's shoulders. And
finally, we toss balls into the air while my dad drives around in circles.
My eousin Tim performs with my aunt. They toss rings to eaeh other. They ean toss six
rings! My dad has a very dangerous aet. He tosses knives into the airo My mom and
my aunt Sarah perform for little ehildren. They toss lots of toys into the air!
We don't live in a house. We live in a trailer. And we don't go to sehool. We have a private
teaeher. We travel all the time. My eousin doesn't like this. Someday he may leave the
eireus. That's beeause he's in love with a girl.
We all work hard. We get up very early. And we work on the weekend, too.

Correct the sentences.

1. Katherine and her family work on a farm.

2. Katherine doesn't have a brother.

3. Her brother rides a motorcycle.

4. Her dad doesn't toss knives.

5. Her mom and her brother toss rings into the air.

6. Katherine, her brother a nd her cou sin go to night sch oo l.

7. Her father has a house.

8. They don't work on weekends.


Read and solve the riddle.

Joey, Felix and Auguste are clowns.They each have a dog, a cat and a hamster.
The dogs' names are Fido, Frisky and Big.
The cats' names are Sylvester, Cosmo and Pamin a.
The hamsters' names are Mini, Harry and Toby
Joey has a cat named Sylvester, but he doesn't have a dog named Big.
Toby, the hamster, doesn't live with Pamina, t he cat.
Frisky, the dog, lives with Auguste, the clown.
Cosmo, the cat, lives with Harry, the hamster, but t hey don't live with Felix, th e clown.

~ Listen and classify.
~W/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.. ~/////////////////u////////////////////////////////////////////////////~ ~////////////////u/////////////////////////u//////////////////////////u//////////////////////////~

,'ump on trampolines I
~ sell popcorn
~ I do tricks with cards I

~///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////l ~W//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Q///////////////////////////////Q//////Q//////////.. [/////////u//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////~

ma keup
~ ~
~ wear ~
I toss objects into the air I
~ get your attention I

Use the notes to write sentences.

1 . Magicians
2. They___________________________________

~ Look and mark (v or K) about yourself. Then write sentences.

• live In a house [
• live In an apartment [ ]
• wear a uniform [ ]
• work [ ]
• study [ ]
• have a private teacher [ ]
• take music lessons [ ]
• like the circus [
• sell things [ ]
• 'travel around my country [ ]
~ Fill in the blanks.

~ clown magician acrobat juggler vendor ~


1 . An performs on the trapeze.

... ............
2. A sells popcorn, sodas and cotton candy.
3. A makes people laugh.
4.A does tricks. ...............
........ '
5. A tosses objects into the air. ..

26 Look and circle the mistakes in the picture. Then correct the sentences.
' ... ..
' ............... '

A magician performs on a trapeze.

A clown sells popcorn.
, ..............' .
A vendor makes people laugh.
A juggler tosses dogs and cats ............
'. ''

into the airo

An acrobat rides a bicycle.

..- ..~~.

l. A magician doesn't~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_
2. A clown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

3. A vendor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-
.' .

4. A juggler _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. A n acrobat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

~ Circle the word that doesn't belong. Then w rite the category.

l. violin trapeze plano flute

2. clown Japanese German Mexican
3. doctor firefighter mechanic popcorn
4. get dressed eat lunch maglclan go home

Which category do the circled words belong to? _ _ _ _ _ __

6. ice 9. rin gs

Listen a nd repeat. cY(!) 26 ~ The so lar system

~~ - ~

~ Find and correct the mistakes.

1 . There a re seven p la nets in the sola r systern.

2. The planets orbit Earth .
3. We live on the fourth plan et.
4. Ice is b lue.
5. So rn e planets have ice around thern, like Saturno
6 . There are sorne stars between M ars and Jupiter.
v-l Read a nd comp lete the definitions.

l. It orbits Earth. You can see it at night. The Moon

2. It also orbits Earth. It' s artificial. - - ----

3. Sorne planets, like Saturn, have them. _ _ _ _ __

4. We live on Earth.
5 . They are bright. We can see them at night. _ _ _ _ __
6 . It's the center of the solar system. _ _ _ _ __
7 . 71 % of our planet is covered by this. It's liquid. _ _ _ _ __
8 . When it's very cold, water turns into this. _ __ _ __
9. are rocks.

Cut and glue. C'-----"

~ Memory Test.

It' s a big, bright star.

'2­ Read and glue. ( "

Many planets have e Moon is 384,400 It takes the Moon

natural satellites.They km away from Earth. 27.3 days to orbit
are called moons. Earth.

only see one side The Moon's surface

Liquid water doesn't The gravity between
of the Moon from has many craters,
exist on t he Moon, Earth and the Moon
only ice. rocks and dust. causes ocean tides.

Circle the correct answer.

l. Do sorne planets have natural satellites? Ves, they do. No, they don 't.
2. Does Earth have a moon? Ves, it does. No, it doesn't.
3. Does Earth 90 around the Moon? Ves, it does. No, it doesn't.
4. Does water exist on the Moon? Ves, it does. No, it doesn't.
5. Does the Moon have ice? Ves, it does. No, it doesn't.
6. Does the Moon have trees? Ves, it does. No, it doesn't.
7. Do the stars cause the ocean tides? Ves, they do. No, they don't.
~ Fill in the blanks.

,'-------------1---------- - -----,;--------------I------------- 1 • -r--- ,-------------',

¡__ _-_,t Mercury '_Venus J--~~-~~---_,L- Mars ~~_ Jupiter-_,L_ Saturn ~L Uranus Neptun~~ t
~ moons '( no ~~ no (t 1 2 ( 63 (, 34 .: 27 ( 13 ~
L , , , t !
~ - . - -I~ -t- -,~ -t- t- -,~ -r-- ~
'~. nngs J" no \
no ~
~ no --.J~ no ~1 yes -.J~ yes -.JI
,1 yes ( yes
I r ~ ,r- ( r (
~ water ( no \ no ( yes ( maybe yes .: no ~ maybe maybe
r- -1- ---1- --1- ~ ,- -1- ----41­

I~ _-_-~.:~_-_-_J_-_-_ no _J_-__ no __1__ yes :1 maybe no -_1-___ no -J_-_ no _-_L___ no _)

1. Mercury have moons?

2. Earth and Mars have moons?
3. Jupiter and Saturn rings?
4. Venus rings?
5. Earth water?
6. all planets ice?

L Look and answer the questions.

:s Choose, write and ask.

Mercury Jupiter have water explosions

Venus Saturn orbit rocks Ice
Earth Uranus cause moons blue
Mars Neptune exist around the Sun red
the stars the Moon rotate fast/slowly green
the Sun asteroids move nngs 365 days
the planets water see stars 29 days
Ice nngs take ocean tides
satell ites we look earthquakes

Do all the planets have water? No, they don't. Only Earth
and Jupiter have water.
'21 Rea d a nd numbe r the pictures. (j) ® 27

An Aztec Myth
The earth is dark. The sun doesn't exist. AH the gods are talking. The gods want
to create the sun. But they need a sacrifice. TecuciztécatL the rich god, and
Nanahuatzin, the poor god, are volunteers.
The other gods make a fire. The rich god is afraid and doesn't jump into the fire.
The poor god jumps into the fire, and the sun appears in the sky. Tecuciztécatl feels
ashamed and jumps into the firel too. Now the moon appears. But it's too bright.
One of the other gods is very angry. He takes a rabbit and throws it to the moon.
Since then, the moon has a rabbit on its face and is not as bright as the sun.

Unscramble the q uestions. Then a nswer them.

1. fire / Do / a / gods / the / make

- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -

2. the / jump / Does / in to / Nanah ua tzin / fire

- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ? - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -

3. Tecuci ztécatl / put out / Does / fi re / th e

- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- ? - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -

4. the / gods / bright / Do / like / moon / the

- - - - - - - - - ­- ­- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­- ­ ? --------------­
~ Rea d and choose a title .

Focts obout the Universe • Th e Plonet Song

Do you know the narnes of the planets?
Ves, I do.
lhey're Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Do all plan etshave rings?
Ves, sorne do.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune do.
And the rest don't have rin gs.
Do all pl anets have rn oon s?
Ves, rnany do.
There areone hund red and forty moons
In our sol ar systern alone.
Do all planets have water?
No, they don't.
Jupiter, yes; Mars, Ura nus and Neptune maybe.
""..".L.>.. .." .~

But Earth isthe only water planet.

Mercury, Ven us, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Satu rn, Uranus and Neptune.
% -_ _.........:..:.._ _ _ _ _ _-::;:..."'"""'""-_
Now I know a lot about the planets.
- - ---~---::":-"""""----:II

e Add a rhythm to the text• . ~ ~~

' ..., W rite the questions. Then interview a partner.

1. the Sun / shine? ~D-=-es

o-=-~ th---=e'----'S=---=l.J-'-'n---=
- - ' s'-'-h=--in:...=.(
e-=--_ _ _ _ _ __
2. the Moon / go oround / the Sun? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
3. Eorth / hove / rings? _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. Jupiter / hove / moons? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
5. Mortions / exist? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
'2- Listen and complete.

JENNY: Hi, Mom.

MOM: Hi, Jenny. How was your trip to the planetarium?
JENNY: Great! Now I know a lot about the -------

the and the - - -- - - -

MOM: Really? Let's see. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Saturn

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ rings?
JENNY: Yes, it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Now it's my 'turno
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ all the planets have _ _ _ _ __
MOM: Hmm ... Earth has one moon ...
JENNY: M ercury an d Venus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ moons, but all
the other planets _ _ _ _ _ __
M OM: W ow! Very interesting.
JENNY: Yeso N ow, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jupiter _ __ _ _ _ _ water?
MOM: Jupiter? I don't know.
JENNY: Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _. And maybe Mars, Uranus and _ _ _ _ _ _, too.

L-.:: Rewrite the text using the opposite form of the verbs.
Vl ozn ik is from another planet. He is green and brown. He has three long legs
an d a big head. His eyes are big. He eats rocks and drinks brown water.
He has a spacesh ip and a pet. He wears boots and sunglasses.
Vla2nik isn't fram anather planet. r- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Draw Vloznik .
l=-­ Read and circle the correct word.
1. The solar system has eight moons / planets. They are:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
2. The Moon /Sun is in the center. It's a big, yellow star / sun.
.. ...... .
3. Many planets have rings / moons, except Mercury and Venus.
4. Our p)anet, Earth, has only one moon. It is a natural satellite. Earth also has
many artificial satellites / planets.
.. ...... .
5. Earth is the only planet with ice / liquid water. "
: .... '
6. Earth and Jupiter are the only two planets with ice / liquid water.
7. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings / liquid water.
8. Between Ma rs and Jupiter, you can see asteroids. They are planets / rocks.
............ "
2:.. Read the answers and write the questions.
1. _________________________________________________ ?
............ '
No, it doesn't. Only Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have rings. .. .....

'., ' '
2. ?
Ves, it does. Earth has liquid water.
3. ______________________________________________________ ?
. ....
No, they don't. M ercury and Venus don't have moons. .).

4. ______________________________________________________ ? " ........ ...

" "

Ves, it does. The M oon has ice on the dark side.

5. _________________________________________________ ? ......
Ves, they do. Asteroids orbit the Sun.

:s Answer the questions about yourself.


l. Do you go to school? ___________

2. Do you have brothers or sisters? ___________
3. Do you have a pet? ___________
4. Do you like insects? ___________
5. Does your mother work? ___________
6. Does your father exercise every day? ___________
~ Read and number the parts o f the insect.

There are over 1 million different sp ecies of in sects. They live everywhere.
All insects have a head, a thorax and an abdomen. Their mouth, eyes and
antennae are on the head. The thorax includes six legs and two or four wings.
The abdomen contains the stom ach an d the h eart.
Insects have an external skeleton, the exoskeleton. This exoskeleton protects
the insects' organs.
Most insects eat plants. Sorne drink nectar from flowers. And sorne are
insectivores: they eat other insects!

1.leg 5. head

2. wings 6. antennae

7. eyes

4. thorax 8. mouth

Listen and color.
~ Look and mark (v) the insects.
Read, cut and glue. (
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11

-B"ü - - e--iy--- -Beetle ----

11 11 11
1. - - - Co-c-kr-oach- - _.1 1. - - - _.1 1. - - - - _.1 1. - - - - - - -Fiy------ _.1

Cockroaches are Buttemies have big Beetles are insects Flies are sma ll insects
brown insects. They eyes. They also have with a hard exoskeleton. with a soft body. They
have two wings and a spiraHike tongue. They have fou r wings. are black. They have
two long antennae. They dri nk necta r from Most beetles are brown two wings and two big
Cockroaches usually -Aowers. They have four and black, but some are eyes. They d rink nectar,
live in the kitche n or colorful wing s. colorful. Th ey eat liquids or put sal iva on
in the tras h. plants, fruit and -Aowers. sol id food. Some -Aies
eat other insect s.

1 JI JI JI 1
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 I1
11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11

1. - - - - - - - ~ oñflY--- 11
.1 1. ­ - - - - - Bee------ 11
.1 1. - - - - - - A ñt - - - - - -
.1 1. - - G-r - -5-5 hop-p-e-r- - .1

Dra gon-Aies have a long, Bees are small insects, Ants are very small Grasshoppers are
thin body, very big eyes with oval eyes and four insects, but they are brown or green insects.
and four transparent t ransparent wings. very strong. They can They have two short
wings. They can be red, Their abdomen is yellow be red, brown or black. antennae, a big head
blue, green or yellow. with brown ba nds. They Their antennae are not and long legs. They can
They eat other insects. collect necta r a nd straight. Ants live in jump very hig h. They
pollen from -Aowers. groups. eatg rass.
They live in la rge groups.

Listen and repeat.

G a me: Twenty Questions

Does it hove o long,

thin body?
Wh- questions
Listen and circle the correct option. 1

1 . A scarab beetle. A Goliath beetle. A leaf beetle. A rhinoceros beetle.

2. In AustraJia. In South America. In Europe. In Africa.
3. Ves, four. Ves, two. No, it doesn't have Ves, six wings.
4. No, it doesn't. Ves, it does. Only adults fly. Only at night.
5. 10 cm long. 12 cm long. 11 cm long. 8 cm long.
6.45 grams. 35 grams. 55 grams. 65 grams.
7. Fruit and plants. Other insects. Plants and flowers. Fruit and tree sapo

Unscramble the questions.

l. it / long / How / is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? [
2. it / live / does / Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? [
3. eat / does / What / it ? [ ]
4. is / What / it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? [ ]
5. fly / Does / i t ? [ ]
6. wings / Does / have / it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? [ ]
7. much / it / does / How / weigh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ? [ ]

Number the questions.

Write about the beetle.

This is the Goliath beetle. - - - - - - - - - - ­

Choose and interview a partner. ( .:
1. Choose an insect CA, B or C). Cut it out.
2. Wr¡te the questions for an interview.
3. Find a partner with a different cutout.
Y. Ask the questions. I
5. Write down his or her answers. I
6. Glue the corresponding cutout in the space. I

Ques'tions Answers
l. name:
2. place:
3. color:
4. length:
5. wings:

6. fly:
7. diet:

Present the insect.

This is a monarch butterfly.

In winter it lives in ...

Learn and tell the iokes.

What is green and can jump
What do you call a fly with no wings? I a kilometer in a minute?
Awalk! A grasshopper with hiccups!

What do bees do if they want to use

What kind of ant is good at math?
public transportation?
An accountant!
W ait at a buzz stop!
Read a nd circle True or False.

1. Hone,Ybees vísít 2. Flíes vomít theír +. 5utterflíes can't

). Ants don't sleep. see the colors red,
about 2 míllíon food before the'y
Bowers to make 1 kg eatít. green and ,Yellow.
True / False
True / False True / False
True I False

5. A cockroach can líve 6. Some women use 7. Flíes taste food wíth 8. 5ees communícate
)0 da,Ys wíthout íts
beetles asjewelr,Y. theír tongues. b~dancíng.
True / False True / False True / False
True / False

9. The níght butterfl~

10. The dragonB'y 11. Hone~bees have 12. Ants have a ver~
look s the same as haír on theír legs.
has ears on íts bad sense of smell.
)00 míllíon 'years
wíngs to hear bats.
ago. True / False
True / False True / False
True / False

Listen and check. 2

Follow and discov er more facts about insects. Write them down.


Many cultures
Read and number the p ictures.

1 . Take some live crickets, wash and dry them.

2. Put the crickets in the freezer for 15 minutes.
3. Take them out and wash them with water again.
4. Remove the cricket's heads, leg s and wing s.
5. Place the clean crickets on a cookie sheet.
6. Put the crickets in the oven and ba ke them for 1-3 hours.
7. Put the dried crickets into a blender to make flour.
8. Use cricket flour on salads, in so ups, in your favorite bread recipe, and so on.

Write about spiders.

• not lnseCts
• ei~ht \e~s
• ei~ht eljes
• bodlj: head) abdomen
• \ive in houses and ~ar-dens
• eat inseCts and anima\
Listen and label the pictures. @ •


~ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday ~:

~~ __-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_-_-___~_-_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-J

Circle five mistakes.

My Favorite lnsect
by Amando Harris
My favorite insect is the ladybug. The ladybug
it is a beet\e. It is small and it hove two
antennae. It is red with blak spots. It has wings
and it can flies.
The ladybug likes hot weather. lt eat other

Draw your favorite insect. Write about it.


~ I

Complete the names and parts of the insects.

c kr b t f be
~".--" ..,
,. .

.. .
."" ...
o e o e d _ _ g _ _ _ ly --y '.,., .......... #"

"", .. _............

w _ _ g_ g __ s ___ p __ _ o

Fill in the blanks.


Whot color _______
____ _____ _______
~ ~
~ ~ ~
_____ ___ _____ _______~
W here
-_~_-_-_-_-_-_~_-_-_~_~ _____
mony ~:
How ____________..J

1. ______ do drogonflies eot? Mosquitoes, flies, bees, butterflies ond onts.

2. wings does o grosshopper hove? Four.
3. do beetles live? Most live on plonts.
~' a.

4. are flies? 1.5 cm long.

5. ore onts? Brown, block, red or yellow.

Fill in the blanks. Then answer the questions about yourself.

1 . Where _ _ _ you live? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Whot your fother eot for breokfost? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. Whot color your hoir? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
~ Look , unscramble a nd fill in the blanks.
clean the air

Our Friends the Trees

Trees are very important. They give us _ _ __ _ (dofo) like apples, bananas and
ora nges. They are home to many (/sam/an) and (cs/etns)
like beetles, bees and butterflies.
Trees help us to c1ean t he _ _ __ _ Ura). And peop le make _ __ __ _
(te-A'runur) , like chairs and tables, (ytso) , li ke trains and block:s, and
_ __ __ _ (rapep) from their wood. On a hot day, you can relax in their
_ _ _ _ _ (hesda).
Lo.- Read, choose and glue. (' __ --'
... ... ... ... '

This is my grandma's yard. It has a beautiful orange tree. This tree nas many small
flowers. You can see Misty, my grandma's cat, in tne tree. Sne's trying to caten a bird.
Many bees visit tne tree. They /ike the nectar from tne flowers. There are a/so some spiders.
My baby brotner, 11m, is p/aying in the snade. He's p/aying witn nis toy train. It's made
of wood. And my dad is reading tne newspaper in the sun. In tne summer, the tree has
/ots of oranges.

", -­ -­


~ Listen and repeat.

l. food 4.animals 7. furn iture

2.a ir 5. insects 8. toy
3. shade 6 . w ood 9. paper
~ Read, cut and glue. ( "
r---------------------, r---------------------, r---------------------,

plant trees piek up trash play with water

r---------------------, r---------------------,

water 'trees use paper towels take a bath


L _____________________ I

proteet 'trees hurt trees reuse paper

Listen and fill in the blanks.

l. You plant trees. 6. You take a bath.

2. You pie k up trash. 7. You proteet trees.
3. You play wi'th water. 8. You hurt 'trees.
4. You water trees. 9. You reuse paper.
5. You use paper towels.

Test your partner.

You shouldn't plant 'trees. No. You should plant 'trees.

L-­ Look and mark (v or K).
v = should K = shouldn't

brush your teeth

Game: School and Home Rules You shouldn't be

late for school.

Haw ta play:
l. Flip a coin.
Heads = l space, Tai ls = 2 spaces
2. Read and saya sent"ence. Use
should or s houldn't.
~ Read and write the questions.
,---- -.-- ~----- - --­
( W hy are leaves g reen? Why do leaves fall off the trees? ~
Do all leaves change color?
Wh y d o Jeaves change color?
What do leaves look like? ~
What's th e function of leaves? ~

AII leaves are different.


2. ________________________________________
Leaves make glucose. They use the sunlight, carbon dioxide from the air
and w ater. Glucose is food for the tree.

Leaves are g reen because they have chlorophyll.

e Listen and check .

L Fill in the blanks.


1. Tree leaves are all - - - - - -

2. Leaves use sunli g ht, carbon dioxide and _ _ _ _ _ _ to make food.
3. Chlorophyll makes trees _ _ _ _ __
4. In autumn, leaves change _ _ _ _ __
5. fal l o ff trees when they die.
6 . Only _ _ _ _ _ _ trees stay green all year long.
In autumn, chlorophyll stops working. Leaves change from green to red,
orange, yellow and brown.
5. ________________________________________
In winter, leaves die and fall off trees. Dead leaves are brown and dry.
6. ________________________________________
Not all trees change color. Evergreen trees stay green all year long.
These trees have needles.

L-- Read, draw and color.

1. Drow mony leoves on the tree. Y. Drow o butterfly flying neor the tree.
Color them green. Color it oronge.
2. Drow o girl next to the tree. 5 . Drow o choir on the other side of the
She' s corrying o bol\. She' s weoring blue tree. Drow o dog under the choir.
ponts ond o yellow T-shirt. Color the choir brown ond the dog block.
3. Drow o cor behind the gir\. Color it red.

S Listen and sing.

The aig Appl. Trete

Under that big apple tree, We hear the birds,
We are happy, you and me. And enjoy the scene.
The shade is cool and the leaves are green. Under that big apple tree,
We are happy, you and me.
L-- Listen and circle the bad actions. (!)0 38

Write the rules. play soccer

throw trash exerclse water the pla nts eat healthy food

l. You should throw trash in trash canso

2. _________________________________
3. _____________________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. ---------------------------------------------

~ Write some advice for your school.

do homework t", run in class

be late
; pay attention to your teac her ~

2. _____________________________________________
3. --------------------------------------------­
4. --------------------------------------------­
'2- Match the parts and write the words.
1. fo ood
2. anim ure
3. a Ir
4. ins er
5. sha od toad
6. w ect
7. furnit y
8. to de
9 . pap al

~ Fill in the blanks.

{' -
I should shouldn't ~
_ __-_-J
l. You _ _ _ _ _ _ brush your teeth.
2. You go to bed late.
3. You hit other children.
4. You eat fruits and vegetables.
5. You watch TV all day.
6. You drink milk every day.

~ Read and mark (v or K) your opinion.

V = I agree K = I don't agree
1. My teacher shouldn't wear pants. [ ]
2. Children shouldn't go to school. [ ]
3. My mother should work in an office. [ ]
4. My father should wash my clothes. [ ]
5. My brother should do my homework. [ ]
6 . M y sister should buy me an ice cream. [ ]
............. Personal objects
Listen and match. 9

Elizabeth Swan

"~-".~., ~
~~ '. "

• watch



Cousin Rick keys


Uncle Rob

Cousin Gloria coat


Listen, point a nd repeat.


Elizabeth is wearing a red necklace.

M om is ...
Match the parts of the body with the obiects .
,, ... ,,
'" '" ',e , / '"
, /
e ,'
I \ \
\ \ t

• ,, ,, /

'" '"

, '"


,, /

'" I

/ '"
e '
• el
/ I

~ f)
I \
t \

• ,,

, ,,
, ....
\ , '"
I \ I \
t \

,, ,,

Look and describe.

Elizabeth is wearing a blue dress and
• blue shoes. She's also wearing
There is ajan ... There are sorne ...
~ Read and draw.
1. There is a necklace on the table. 5. There are some earrings under the sofa.
2. There is a watch under the chair. 6. There are some gloves next to the TV.
3. There is a wallet in the box. 7. There are some keys next to the lamp.
4. There is a purse behind the sofa. 8. There are some glasses in the poto

Look and fill in the blanks.

1. There 15 a coat on the bed.

2. There a on the table.
3. There some under the chair.
4. There a in the closet.
5. There a between the bed a nd the cha ir.
6. There some on the shelf.
7. There a under the bed.
~ Listen, cut and glue. ' ó0

Other people at Elizabeth's party.

Mrs. White Mr. White Mrs. Bell Mr. Bell

----- --- -- ,,
,- , ,-
/ /


\ \

, ,­
, ,­
... . . _---­ -----
s earnngs s gloves
• ----- ... --- - ­
• /
... ...

,- , •


,, ,

,­ ,­
,; "
----- -----
s wallet s purse

W rite the names of the characters.

'llk U nscramble and answer the questions.

1. it / Whose / is / wallet
Whose wallet is it ? It' s Mr. Be!!' s.
2. earrings / Whose / are / they

3. Whose / it / purse / is
-------------------------- ?
4. V',¡hose / are / they / gloves
'.11, Read and circle the suspect.

Today is Elizabeth's birthday. She's very happy.

There's a big cake, a lot of balloons, some of
her friends and some of her mom and dad's Suddenly the lights go out. The house is dark.

Then a woman screams, "Help! My necklace!

Somebody is taking my necklace!" Aman yells, "My wallet!"
Then another woman says, "My earrings!" And another man asks, "Where are my car keys?"

Cousin Rick Cousin Gloria Mrs. White Mr. White Mrs. BeU Mr.Bell

Discuss your answer with a partner.

"Call the police!" says Mrs. Swan.
"Where's the telephone?" asks Mr. Swan.
Everybody is scared. The thief is very happy.
"Here it is."

Two police officers are in the house. They are The police officers are showing Dad sorne
asking all the people questions. Elizabeth is clues: a glove and a cigar.
crying. Dad says, "These are ... 's thi ngs!"

Charades -­ ~ ..

How to play:
1. play in teamS.
2. Choose a sentence früm the story.
3. Choose a member früm another team.
4-. Tell him or her the senterce .
5. He or she acts out the senterce .
b. HiS or her parfners gUe5S the
7. Take rurns. ===="'~~-
'J1 Listen and underline the words that are different.

There's athief in the room, The teacher is right outside,

A ThieS in. the ltoUSe
Dear mama, dear mama. Dear mama, dear mama.
There's athief in the room, The teacher is right outside,
Dear mama, dear mama. Dear mama, dear mama.
There is athief. Let's get the thief.
Papa, ca 11 the doctor, Here is your pretty chef,
Dear papa, dear papa. Dear boy, dear boyo
Papa, call the doctor, Here is your pretty chef,
Dear papa, dear papa. Dear boy, dear boyo
Call them now. It's just acat!

Listen again and write the correct words.

1. 3.
2. 4.

26 Describe the picture.

~W////////////////////////l lt///H///////////H////////////////~

dog §
~ cat ~
~ ~
~ app Ies ~~
~ ~
~///#////////A'/////////H""'~ ~///////////////////////A.~ ~//////////////////////////////////)

(///////////////////////////////~ ~///////////////////////////////////~ ~W////////////////////////////////~ ~W/H////H/////////////////HH////~ (////////////////////////////////////////l lt//////H//////////////////////////////////H////////////"t!i


I table I I chairs I c Iown

§ § §

I guitar I §
~ ~~ b'ICyc Ie ~§ I magazines I
~//U/////////////////.Q///////M~ ~////////////////////////H////////A> l///H/////////////////////////////"'~ ~////////////H/////////H//////////J ~////////////////////H////////////H////~~ i//////////////////H//////H////////////////////////////",'l¡
~ Listen and color. . ~~ 4


...... '

26 Look and circle T (True) or F (False).

'. ~ ...

...... .. ... "" ~

·· .... :·­ 1

1 . There is a teddy bear on the sofa. T F ...... •

.. ',
" . ..
",,' ~

2. There are some keys in front of the sofa. T F

3. There is a train in the box. T F
4. There are some balls behind the sofa. T F ........

Follow and answer the questions.

••••• a •

.... .


1. Whose gloves are they? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Whose glasses are they? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. Whose coat is it? ---------­

4. Whose hat is it? ---------­

f I I
_____ J~ _______
Page J~ _______
SB Track J~ _____________________________ _

1 5 1 Pronunciation: Musical instruments and sports )

2 8 4 Reading: Amazíng Insects
3 12 7 Pronunciation: Countries and nationalities
4 21 11 Pronunciation: Daily routines
5 24 14 Poem: My Four Sisters
6 28 17 Pronunciat ion: Occupatíons
7 32-33 19 Story: Where is my video game?
8 34 20 Song: Work ing People
9 37 22 Pronunciat ion: The circus
10 40 23 Reading: Katherine's e-mail
11 44 26 Pronunciation: The solar system
12 48 27 Reading: An Aztec Myth
13 53 30 Pronunciatíon: Insects
14 61 34 Pronunciation: Trees
15 64-65 36 Reading: All About Leaves ~I
16 65 37 Song: The Big Apple Tree
17 68 40 Pronunciat íon : Personal objects
18 72-73 42 Story: M y necklace!
19 74 43 Song: A Thief in the House
DI Unit 1: Dictation
02 Unit 2: Dictation
03 Unít 3: Dictation
04 Unit 4: Dictation
05 Unit 5: Dictation
06 U n it 6: Dictation
07 U n it 7: Dictation
08 U n ít 8: Dictation
09 U n it 9: Dictation
HOlTle Practice

Ana Foncerrada
58 St. Aldates
Oxford,OX1 1ST

Publisher: Alicia Becker

Supervising Editor: Carmen Zavala
Editor: Aída Berber
Proofreader: Lawrence Lipson
Design Supervision: Marisela Pérez
Design and Art Direction: Juan Manuel Santam aría
Cover design: Juan Manuel Santamaría
Layout and DTP: Paola Romero
Techn ical Coordination: Salvador Pereira
Technical Department: Susana Alcántara, José Luis Avila,
Julián Sánchez, Daniel Santillán

IIIustrations: Jorge Acosta, Alejandro Herrerías, Tania Juárez,

Javier Montiel, Claudia Navarro, Israel Ramírez, Mirna Soto

Photographs: Elías Salas, Comstock, Corbis , Corel Stock Photo,

Digital Stock

D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S. A. de C. V. 2010

Av. Universidad 767 , 03100 México, D. F.

AII rights reserved . No part of this book may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
oth erwise , without prior permission in writing of t he publish ers.

Every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright,

but if any omissions can be rectified , the publisher will be
pleased to make the necessary arrangements.

ISBN: 978-607-06-0246-7
First edition: January 2010

Printed in Mexico

Member of the Cámara Nacional de la Industria Editorial Mexicana,

Reg. No. 3249
• • • • • • • • • aa . . . . . . . . . .
.. . .. .


People in My Nei hborhoo ..... 3.3

1A~~IT.1'~ He Doesn't Ride a PO Zly .... . . • • JI •


~ What does
........ ~-
it eat ? .............. .

o o d 1 ee ". 2S

Whose hat is it?.............. .. · • · • · • ,. . ~ ..... 2. 8

& ~

I basketball

drum ~
~~ fl ute ~~


~ §
~ trumpet ~
¡////////////I'//////////////~//#/////////////'; (//////////////////./////#///////h//U////~

~ ~
~ §
~ soccer
swimming ~


~ . ~
~ tennls ~

26 Look and fill in the blanks.

t/ K K t/ t/

@ --::::-

Bertha and
K V t/ K K

t/ t/ K K K

1. Luis can and - - - - - -1 but he can/t

2. Bertha and Sam and but they
3. Eisa _____________________________ 1 but
~ Unscramble and answer the questions.

1. bees / ca n / fly
- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -?

2. ants / drink / can / honey

- - - -- -- - -- - - -- - -?

3. run / dragonflies / can

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -?

4. jump / can / grasshoppers

- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -?

'Ilk Answer the questions about yourself.

1. Can you playa musical instrument? _ _ _ __ _ __

2. Can you paint? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. Can you play basketball? _ __ __ _ __
4. Can you swim? _ _ _ _ __ __
5. Can you dance? _ _ _ __ _ __

® Write about a member of your family and a friend.

1 . My _ __ _ __ can _ __ 2. My friend _ _ _ _ _ can _ _

---- can't - - - - -- - --- can't - - - - - -

~ Label the musical instruments S (string), W (wind) and P (percussion).

1. piano _ _ 3. violin --
5. drum -­

2. flute - - 4. trumpet _ _ 6. guitar _ _

26 Classify the sports.

:: basketball tennis swimming soccer ~
\ ...._---------------------'--------------------------------------------------------~ ... ~

play go

~ Read and mark the pictures (ti or K).

Hi! My name' s Kim. l' m nine [J

years old. 1 can play the
violin, but I can't play the
piano. I can also play the
flute, but I can' t play the
trumpet. I can swim very
(]OC5 = <= = ::~
well and I can play soccer.
1 can't play tennis.

o Write questions for Kim.

1. _ _ _ _ _________ the violin? Ves, I can .
2. the piano? No, I can't.
3. ? Ves, I can .
4. ? No, I can/t.
5. ? Ves, I can.
6. ? Ves, I can.
7. ? No, I can't.
'J1 Label the countries and the children. " :; -~ - ,'"

Mexico France Germany Canada Brazil Japan ~
~ Mexican French German Canadian Brazilian Japanese ~

26 Look and complete the text.

Hit My name's Anna. I'm from Canada . And this is my sister, Lola. We're very different.
I like and . I don't _ _ _ __
watching ___________ ___________ or ___________
My si ster _____________________ ----------­
and ----------

She doesn't ---------­

or dancin.-t9-:1---___
~ Look and write about Jason and Carol.
t'--------------.---------------,;------------------------------,------------- ------.--.----- ,
,\..': __-_-_-_-_ -. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~\--------------
• 1
, Jason :c

-------------.. ,1.J
V '.
~ sweaters ) V ) ,. '.
I I I '.
~ ~ a~ ~ V ~
~ soccer ~ y ~ ,. '.
~ ~ ~ '.
~ books ~~ v
,. ~~ a ~ '.

'.'. I

y '.
: vegetables ~ V ~ K :
''.. m"llk ~~ v
,. ~~ a~
'I. "1 I4 ~! ,.~
anima S ) K
\'\'""_-___-_____-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_..1_-_-_-___-_-_-_-___-___ ) ti'
-_-_-_-_L_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-___-___--'" J

Jason _______________________________________________________________
He doesn't ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Carol --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She doesn't

lff.s Complete the table about yourself and your family. Use words.
I.'------------------~¡_----------------------T;_----- ---------------.,.-------------.---------'c-------------.--.-------1------------------.----,,~

.: :. Me :. Moro :. Dad :. My brother :. My sister 1

4@ 4
~ ~
n ~
~ ~
-_-_-_-;~_-_______-_-_-_-_-_-_-;l----------------------.,'4------------.-----------1'4-----------------_-_-_...,t-_-_-_-___-___-_-_-_--'" .
~ ~ ~! ~ I
~ ~ ~ '. ~ '. ~ ,.
~~ I'k / 1
~ '.
I I e I ~ ,. " 1 !
: ! • • • • '.
• I'k s \ '.
~~ @ I

'~. ""



~\ .


I 4 I
~I ,'. 1.. '.I ,.. ..I
~ ,. 1 ). ,. ). ~
," don 'I'kt le / "' ,
. "
\ ~ .
doesn't like : , 1
1 '.
~ .~
, ) ..

o Write about your family.

~ Unscramble the names of countries.

1.adnaac 4. a pan i
2 . r z Iba i 5. e m n 9 a r y
3. e o c i m x 6. r n f c a e

O Write their nationalities.

1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

~ Unscramble the sentences.

l. doesn't / Peter / spaghetti / pizza / or / like

2 . donuts / likes / chocolate / Brigitte / and

3. hamburgers / like / or / Kurt / hot dogs / doesn't

4. Natsuki / spiders / birds / likes / and / Sonia / basketball / or / doesn't / tennis

6. sandwiches / Mario / and / likes / chicken

O Write the names of the children.

)t t/

1. _ _ ~2. _ _~~ 3. _ _ ~~
t/ )t ti'
4. _ _ Q~ 5. §~ 6. _ _ ~¡¡P ~ ·
.. " ' , ;~

~ Write the activities in the order that you do them.

~ go to school brush my teeth get up go to bed go back home ~
I ~
~ get dressed take a shower eat lunch watch TV eat breakfast ~
I t
~ do my homework eat dinner J
1. 7.
2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 1 1.
6. 12.

26 Read and draw the times.

1 . It's six thirty. 2. It' s seven th i rty. 3. It's two o'clock.

4. It's five o'clock. 5. It's seven o'clock. 6. It's eig ht th i rty.

o o

o Write sentences.
1. She gets CJp at . 4. ___________________
2. __________________________ 5. ____________________
3. __________________________ 6. - -------------------­
~ Complete the table.
I'----------------------------~-----------------------~----------'7-----------~-~---------------------------- . .-----------------------'\
~ 1. I get up at . :. My mom at . :•
.: 2. I take a shower.
~ My mom a shower.
I 3. I
IMy mom gets dressed.

~ 4. I breakfast at . ~ My mom breakfast at . ~

~ '. :.
:I 5. I brush my teeth. )i My mom her teeth. ~
! ~ ~
6. I to school at . ~ My mom
to work at (

t ~ .4
~ 7. I go back home. ~ My mom back home. ~
~ ~ ~
: 8. I lunch at ~ My mom lunch at ~
~ ~ e
~4 9. I do my homework. ~ My mom
her homework. ~,
i, ~ t
~ 10. I watch TV at ': My mom TV at (
~ ~ ~
: 11 . I dinner at ~ My mom dinner at ~
l ~ I

~. . .12. I go to bed at . ~ My mom to bed at . :

__-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_L_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.. . . 1

lIfls Look and describe Sally's routine.

Sally gets op at
.. - .....
.~. ~.

O O '

........... ­


~ Write the verbs.

1. up 5. your teeth 9. homework

2. a shower 6. to school 10. TV
3. dressed 7. back home 1 1. dinner
4. breakfast 8. lunch 12 . to bed

~ Circle the correct time.

o o
It's three o'clock. It's four thirty. It's seven th i rty.
It's th ree th i rty. It's four o'clock. It's seven o'clock.

~ Choose and write sentences.

getup take a shower nine o'clock
Jim Mindy Amanda brush his/her teeth watch TV saven thirty
My sister Mydad eat lunch dohomework three thirty
Mycousin Myteacher eat dinner gotoschool twelve o'clock
Jerry Tom Susan gotowork gobackhome six thirty
gotobed eat breakfast five thirty

1. My sister eats lunch at three thirty.

2. ________________________________________________
3 . ______________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5 . ________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________
~"" ' -~
~, # I

~ Label the items accorcling lo the person that uses them.

~ c:tW & 2ó~


h Ct ~ (§J
~, ~~~
26 Fill in the blanks. Use the correct form of the verb.
(I take put out work teach clean protect '!:
:\...__wear drive dance
repair help cook ~
_________- ___________-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_.,..._-_-_-_-___________....J

1 . He's a dentist. He cleans your teeth.

2. She's a secretary. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in an office.
3. They're doctors. They white coats.
4. She's a chef. She Italian food.
5. He's a mechanic. He motorcycles.
6. They're photographers. They pictures of cars.
7 . He's a police officer. He people.
8. She's a taxi driver. She people to different places.
9 . They're firefighters. They fires.
10. He's a dancer. He at the theater.
11 . He's a teacher. He math and science.
12. She's a nurse. She doctors.
~ Choose the correct option.
2. Linda and Sue are sisters. They are
1 1. Ke~is a nurse. He workl works ot a secretaries. Linda get/ gets up at 6:30 and
hospital. Every doy he getl gets up ot Sue at 7:00. They eat/ eats breakfast
6:00 a.m. He gol goes to work by subwoy. together and drive/ drives to work. Linda
He startl starts work ot 8:30 a.m. He visitl work/works on the third floor and Sue on
visits potients ond he/pIhe/ps doctors. On the fifth. Every day they check/ checks
Mondoys ond Wednesdoys he go/goes e-mails, answer/ answers the telephone and
to the gym ofter work. On Tuesdoys ond he/plhe/ps their bosses. On Mondays they
Thursdoys he takel takes English closses. go/goes shopping. On Tuesdays they
And on Fridoys he golgoes to the movies hove/ has a coffee with their friends. On
with his girlfriend. _~~~~~~~~ Thursdays they visitl visifs their grandparents.
And on Fridays they golgoes dancing
~ Look and write.
-----...----------- :-. -.. .- -. -.. . . -.. -. - :-. :-. :-. :-. - - : -. ...
---4IIIo--..-..-r---~-~- ~ -~-- -,~ ~----~--~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ =-:: :-= - - -- ~ :-. - . :-. :-. :-. --~--- ~ ~

- -=; :-.::; -. :-. :-. :-. :-. :-. -

Monday -.
': Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday
____ _ !:oIi _ -________
- ___ _____ _ , ____ ______ __
Friday i
¡c --------------------------,"------- - - - - - - - - -'""'i- - - - - - - - ~ I I

, work at a ~ work at a ~ work in the ~ work at hospital :. work at home ~

'/ ~ I ~ ,l . I
) hospital ) school : countryside ': operates on ~ see pahents ~
~ ,. ~ I '.
e p farmers
~1 visit patients ~ teac h·
sClence ~i hl ~~ patlen
. ts .~ .)"
\\-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-1.-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.. .L_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-.-.L_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_.J_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-._

Patrick is a docto~ ~n ~ondays ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tim and Robin are teachers. On ~ondays _~~~~~~~~~~~~~_

~ Number the pictures.

1. teacher 4. doctor 7. mechanic 1O. firefighter

2. nurse 5. chef 8. photographer 1 1 . taxi driver
3. sec reta ry 6. dentist 9. dancer 12 . police officer

~ Look and correct the sentences.

1. Elton and Carol teach math on Tuesdays.

No. They teach ballet on Taesdays.
2. Elton and Carol dance at the theater on Thursdays.

3. Steve starts work at 5 a.m. on Wednesdays.

4. Steve visits his parents on Fridays.

~ Complete the drawings and label the pictures.

e ow m _ gl _ _ an a __ ob _ t J - gg _ _ r ve or

o Answer the questions.

l . Who does magic tricks? _ __ _ _ _ __ _
2. Who makes people laugh? _ __ _ __ _ _ _
3. Who tosses objects into the air? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
4. Who sells popcorn and sodas? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
5. Who performs on the trapeze? _ __ _ _ _ __ _

26 Read and circle the correct option.

The AII-Star Circus don't / doesn't have clowns . The performers only work on
Saturday. They don't / doesn't have a show on Sunday. The acrobat don't / doesn't
perform on the trapeze. He walks on the tightrope. The jugglers don't / doesn't toss
rings into the airo They toss hundreds of marbles to each other. The magician
don't / doesn't do tricks with cards. He makes a violin play by itself.
~ Look and write sentences.

800 hove weor

1 . Boo doesn 't - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -

2. He ____________________________
3. _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
4. ________________

Page Brothers ride cut

1. The Page Brothers don't _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _~

2 . They __________________________
3. each other in half.
4. _ ______________________

fIJk Read about an acrobat. Then write the description of a iuggler.

David is - - - - - - - - - -- -
Vívían ís an acrobat. She líves ín a
house wíth her husband and a cato
She doesn't work ín a círcus.
she pertorms ín a theater. she
doesn'tjump on the trampolíne or
walk on the tíghtrope. She pertor s
on a tra eze. She loves herjobo

~ Color the matching words. Use the codee

clown = red magician = blue acrobat = green

vendor = purple juggler = orange
~ . , . ~ l I d I d I . \
( tosses ~ maglc ~ alr ) peop e ~ an ~ oes :. Into ~
:. makes
) the
~~ laugh
) on
~~ performs ~
~ objects
:. soda
l ' ,
~ cotton í~ trapeze ':..
• I I '- I

'. sells '..
: tricks } the í) popcorn )'. candy
,__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_J_____-___-_-_-_-_-_J_-_-_-_________-_-_..1_-_-_-_________-___1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_.1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_.1_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-, J

o Write sentences.

1. Aclown makes people laugh

2. ______________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________

26 Circle the correct option.

1. Mike don't / doesn't like spaghetti.
2. Rita and Ben work / works in a hospital.
3. Roy and Jake don't / doesn't do tricks with animals .
4. Linda write / writes poems.
5. The clown don't / doesn'twear a hato

~ Look and write.

'ák Look and unscramble the words. "
...... - ..... "',

... ,
1/ ,'\
1. u n s 2. o m o n 3. t s r a 4. n epi a t

5. i e c 6. t a e r i s o d 7. s I a lit e t e 8. i n 9 r s

~ Read and mark (1/ or K).

t/ = grammatically correct K = grammatically incorrect
1 . Does Earth orbits the Sun? [ ]
2. Do Mercury and Venus have moons? [ ]
3 . Does the Moon cause ocean tides? [ ]
4. Do Neptune and Uranus rings have? [ ]
5. Do the Sun shine? [ ]
6. Does Earth have artificial satellites? [ ] •
o Correct the incorrect questions.

o Answer the questions.

1. _ _ _ _ __ 4. _ _ _ _ __
2. _______ 5. _______
3. _ _ _ _ __ 6. _ _ _ _ __

~ Read and answer the questions.

Comets are small balls of dust and ice.
They come from outside the solar system,
and also orbit the Sun. They have a tail. ® A5terold5
Comets don' t live long. They melt and die.
Asteroids are rocks. Some are very large,
others very small. Some asteroids have
metals. Other asteroids have carbono About
5,000 asteroids cross Earth 's orbit. But
they only hit Earth every 100 million years.

1. Do comets have ice? - - -- -----

2. Do they orbit Earth? _ _ _ _ _ __

3. ,. Do they live long? _ _ __ _ __
4. Do asteroids have water? - - - - - -- - ----
5 . Do they cross Earth's orbit? _ _ _ _ _ __
6 . Do they ever hit Earth? _ _ _ __ _ _

~ Look and write about the planets.

Name of the planet: Mercury

Moons: no
Rings: no
Water: no
Ice: no
Characteristics: rotates very slowly,
extremely hot during the day, extremely
cold d uring the nigh t, no air

Name of the planet: Mars

Moons: yes, two
Rings: no
Water: no
Ice: yes
Characteristics: mountains and canyons,
one volcano
~ Solve the puzzle.

o 1
3 I--+--+--+---+---r----,


o Fill in the blank.

We live in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ system.

26 Match the questions with the answers.

1 . Do astronomers study the stars? No, it doesn't.

2. Do all the planets have moons? Ves, it does.
3. Does Earth have liquid water? Ves, they do.
4. Does Venus have natural satellites? No, they don't.

~ Fill in the blanks. Answer the questions.


::J orbit cause study have exist Ves :¡

~ it does they do No it doesn't :
1. Earth a moon? Ves, _ __ _ __ __
2. astronomers the planets? Ves, _ _ _ __ _ __
3. _ _ _ Earth the moon? No, _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. Neptune and Saturn _ _ __ rings? Ves, _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. ____ Iiquid water _ _ _ on Uranus and Mars? _ _ _ _._ _ __
6. Venus --­
the ocean tides? - ­- - - - - ­
7. planets the Sun? _ _ _ _ __ _ _
I G-+

~ Solve the puzzle.

O 1

4 ~
5 6

O \J 9 O

26 Look and answer the questions.


Length: 1 cm long Place: near water
Wings: two Diet: nectar and blood
Antennae: two, long Color: brown or block

l . How long is a mosquito? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. How mony wings does it hove? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. How mony ontennoe does it hove? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 . Whot color is o mosquito? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 . Where does it live? ---------­
6. Whot does it eot? ---------­
~ Match the words with the pictures.




'lfs Invent your own insect.

Color: --------

Number of wings: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Number of antennae: --------

Length : _ _ _ _ __ _
Uves in: --------

Eats: --------

You can / can't eat it.

o Draw your insect.

~ Correct the sentences.

1 . Dragonflies has very big eyes.
2. Butterflies' wing have many colors.
3. Beetles are insects small.
4. Flies drinks nectar.
5. Bees lives in large groups.
6. Ants are very estrong.
7. Grasshoppers can jumps very high.
~ Look and circle the insect words.

HOST: legs does an insect have? How long

Boy: An insect has legs. - ~

HOST: Do all insects wings? Where ~

Boy: No, they don't.
~ - hav~ ~
HOST: Can all insects with wings ? ,E J
Boy: No, they can't.
HOST: do butlerflies live?
What ~..

~ - ~
Boy: AII over the world. ~ six 3
; j
o HOST: do dragonflies eat? - - - - ~

o Boy: They eat other insects. How many ª

o HOST: is a mosquito?
Boy: l1's 1 cm long.

~ Circle the correct word.

1. What / Where is your name? _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. How long / Where is your hair? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. What / How many do you eat for breakfast? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. How many / long books do you hove? _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __
5. Where / How do you study? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
6. Can / Do you ride a bicycle? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7. Can / Do you hove brothers and sisters? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Answer the questions about yourself.

.. -. . .. - ... ",
2, Find nine words related to trees. Write them .... _--"'~,

,.. '­
' "

in alphabetical order.
~ 1 . _ __ _______
:~ VO L KXNZXVC :~ 2. _ ________
~ ~ 3.
~ HDFHBE L I YQ ~ - - - - - -- - -
•ii ~I 4.
Ie WW S X e e F T S H ~
~1 5.
- -- -- - - - -

'1 ---------
1 ~ 6.
'I i - - - - - - -- -
~~ 7 . - - - - - - -- ­
I M A L S P J H ~~ 8 . - - - - - -- - ­
'e ~

'. ~1 9 • - - - - - -- -­
I~-_-_-_-_-_-_- _________-_-_-_-_-_-_-___-_-_-_-_-_-___---------_____.. . 1

~ Look and write sentences. Use the verbs in the boxes.

o o

- -1 - - I
eat unhealthy food brush your teeth play video games( do -y -o ur homework
- -----:::. --. --- - - - - ' - - ­

1. You shouldn't
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________ _________ ____
4. ______ _ _____________________
~ Label the diHerent types of leaves•
( narrow wide different shapes srnall leaves needles ~

'Ii1 Read and circle the correct option.

AII trees have leaves / eyes. Allleaves are pink / green. Leaves rnake water / food
for the tree. In auturnn, leaves change color / insects. In winter, leaves work / die.
Sorne trees don't have / change color. They are always green / blue.

@ Look and mark (v or K).

You should do this = v You shouldn't do this = K

o Write sentences.
1. _ _ __ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __ (smoke)
2. ~~~~~~_ __________ (~sh~urhan~)

3. (eat unhealthy food)

4. (listen to music and watch TV)
5. (~e~~~
'J1 Label the groups of words.
Paper I I Inseds 1 I Animals II Furniture I I Toys II Food

ferret cat rooster cockroach dragonfly books magazlnes

rabbit duck hen beetle grasshopper ne'Alspaper notebook

sugar chocolate table chair sofa doll teddy bear

tomato apple pear desk bed bookshelf bal! train car

~ Read and circle the correct option.

l . You should / shouldn't hurt trees. 10 bhi nes IfOU ShoUld

2. You should / shouldn't play with your t oys. ~ and ShoUldn't; do <@¡,
3. You should / shouldn't sleep in the shade of trees. in a par~
4. You should / shouldn't paint the trees.
5. You should / shouldn't ride your bike.
6. You should / shouldn 't cut flowers.
7. You should / shouldn't give food to an imals.
8. You should / shouldn't separate organic and inorgan ic trash.
9. You should / shouldn't swim in the fountain.
10. You should / shouldn't eat lunch in t he food area.

~ Read and write the name of the place.

•: _________
se 001
___~_~ ~
park :.
_________ _____ ___ ___...1
~ ~

1. You shouldn't eat in the elassroom.

2. You should take a shower every day.
3. You shouldn't wateh too much TV.
4. You shouldn't cut plants. ~
.. I

5. You should put your books under your desk.

21 Label the pictures.
.: necklace wallet purse coat watch (
I ~
~ glasses gloves earrings ___- _______
hat -_-_....J~

G o

~ Look and describe the picture •

f there is there are in on under next to between in front of ~

There - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -
~ Look and fill in the blanks.

Bob Anna

~ Erik

Tom Jessica

l. Whose glasses are they? They're _ _ _ _ _ __

2 . Whose is it? It's Anna's.
3. Whose keys are they? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
4. _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ ? It's Bob's.
5. Whose purse is it? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. Whose - - - - - -- is it? - - - ---------

~ Look and describe.

.r--------------------------------------.. }
( there is there are ~

~ Look and draw.

a necklace a purse sorne earrings sorne glasses sorne gloves

a wallet a watch sorne keys a hat a coat

26 Unscramble and answer.

o is / in / a / there / necklace / purse / the

necklace / is / whose / it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?

e on / are / sorne / the / gloves / table

there / gloves / whose / they / are

--------- ---------------------- ?

o chair / there / a / hat / under / is / the

~North ~
it / hat / is / whose
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­?
Unit1 Unit2 Unit3

Unit ':1: Units Unit6

• •

• • •

Cutouts & Picture Dictionary


Ana Foncerrada PUBLISHING
58 St. Aldates
Oxford, OX1 1ST

Publisher: Alicia Becker

Supervising Ed itor: Carmen Zavala
Editor: Aída Berber
Proofreader: Lawrence Lipson
Design Supervision: Marisela Pérez
Design and Art Diredion: Juan Manuel Santam aría
Cover design: Juan Manuel Santamaría
Layout and DTP: Paola Romero
Technical Coordination: Salvador Pereira
Technical Department: Susana Alcántara, Ju li án Sánchez,
Daniel Santillán

IIlu strat ions: Jorge Acosta, Alejandro Herrerías, Tania Juárez,

Javier Montiel, Claudia Navarro, Israel Ramírez, Mi rn a Soto

Photographs: Elías Salas, Comstock, Corbis, Corel Stock Photo,

Digital Stock

D.R . © Richmond Publishing, S. A. de C. V. 2010

Av. Universidad 767, 03100 México, D. F.

AII rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any fo rm or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the publishers.

Every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyri ght,
but if any omissions can be rectified, the publ isher w ill be
pleased to make the necessary arrangement s.

ISBN: 978-607 -06-0252-8

First edition : January 2010
First reprint: June 2010

Printed in Mexico

Reg. No. 3249

Se termino de imprimir en Junio 2010

Impresos Publicitarios y Comerciales S.A. de c.v.
Calle: Delfín Mz. 130 Lt. 14 Col. Del Mar
Tláhuac México D.F. c.P. 13270
------T -----~ -- Page 5 Act.2

.. -- -+-- +--­

+ --+-­
""_"iAlNllII, I


Name: Harumi Name: Juliette

Age: 10 years old Age: 12 years old
Country: Japan Country: France
Nationality: Japanese Nationality: French
Ability: whistle Ability: play the flute
Name: Sebastian Name: Roberto
ot, I
Age: 11 years old Age: <1 years old
Country: Germany Country: Brazil
Nationality: German Nationality: Brazilian
Ability: cook Ability: jump on one foot

JOMc:2S I Kiyosni I Alice I CIc:2udic:2 I
---------------+------- -------+---------------+------ --------i
~~ ~:

1f. : :
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~---------------+---------------+---------------+----- ----------i

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~---------------+---------------+-------- -----+---------------i

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Page 23 Act. 3
Page 29 Act. 3
Page 37 Act. ~
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Page 45 Act. 3
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Page S3 Act. 3
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------+- I
IL ________________ •I _______________ •I ________________ • I ________________ ~I

o M onarch Butterf1y
Place: Spring: North America;
Winter: Florida and Mexico
Size: From 8 to 1 2 cm
Diet: Nectar from flowers

Bum blebee
Place: Northern Europe and North
Size: From 1.5 to ~.5 cm
Diet: Nectar from -Aowers

Carpenter Ant
Place: Trees or houses in tropical oreas
Size: 7 mm long
Diet: Dead insects, meat, nectar,
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Page 62 Act. 1
Page 69 Act. 3
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Page 71 Act.3
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do tricks
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