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® 1
3. The plots of radial distribution functions for
various orbitals of hydrogen atom against 'r' are
1. A proton and a Li3+ nucleus are accelerated by
given below:
the same potential. If Li and P denote the de 8

4r R n, l(r)
Broglie wavelengths of Li3+ and proton (A) 4

 Li 0
respectively, then the value of is x × 10–1. 5 10
P r(Å) 

The value of x is ________. 3

4r R n, l(r)

(Rounded off to the nearest integer)

(Mass of Li3+ = 8.3 mass of proton) 5 10
r(Å) 

2. According to Bohr's atomic theory :- 3

4r R n, l(r)
2 2
Z 2 (C)

(A) Kinetic energy of electron is  . 1

5 10
r(Å) 
(B) The product of velocity (v) of electron and
principal quantum number (n), 'vn'  Z2.
4r R n, l(r)


(C) Frequency of revolution of electron in an (D)

Z3 5 10
orbit is  . r(Å) 
The correct plot for 3s orbital is:
(D) Coulombic force of attraction on the
(1) (B) (2) (A) (3) (D) (4) (C)
electron is  . 4. Among the following, number of metal/s which
can be used as electrodes in the photoelectric
cell is _______ (Integer answer)
Choose the most appropriate answer from the
(A) Li (B) Na (C) Rb (D) Cs
options given below : 5. The spin only magnetic moment of a divalent
ion in aqueous solution (atomic number 29) is
(1) (C) Only _______ BM.
6. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 663 nm
(2) (A) Only
is just sufficient to ionise the atom of metal A.
The ionization energy of metal A in kJ mol–1 is
(3) (A), (C) and (D) only
_______. (Rounded-off to the nearest integer)
(4) (A) and (D) only [h = 6.63 × 10–34 Js, c = 3.00 × 108 ms–1,
NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol–1]


2 ®
7. The orbital having two radial as well as two 14. For a given chemical reaction A  B at
angular nodes is - 300 K the free energy change is –49.4 kJ mol–1
(1) 3p (2) 4f (3) 4d (4) 5d and the enthalpy of reaction is 51.4 kJ mol–1. The
8. A ball weighing 10 g is moving with a velocity entropy change of the reaction is ___ J K–1 mol–1.
of 90 ms–1. If the uncertainty in its velocity is 15. The wavelength of electrons accelerated from rest
5%, then the uncertainty in its position through a potential difference of 40 kV is x × 10–12
is_______×10–33 m. (Rounded off to the m. The value of x is _____. (Nearest integer)
nearest integer) Given : Mass of electron = 9.1 × 10–31 kg
[Given : h = 6.63 × 10–34 Js] Charge on an electron = 1.6 × 10–19 C
9. When light of wavelength 248 nm falls on a Planck's constant = 6.63 × 10–34 Js
metal of threshold energy 3.0 eV, the 16. A source of monochromatic radiation of
de-Broglie wavelength of emitted electrons is wavelength 400 nm provides 1000 J of energy
______ Å. (Round off to the Nearest Integer). in 10 seconds. When this radiation falls on the
[Use : = 1.73, h = 6.63 × 10–34 Js surface of sodium, x × 1020 electrons are ejected
me = 9.1 × 10–31 kg ; c = 3.0 × 108 ms–1 ; per second. Assume that wavelength 400 nm is
1eV = 1.6 × 10–19J] sufficient for ejection of electron from the
10. A certain orbital has n = 4 and mL = –3. The surface of sodium metal. The value of x is
number of radial nodes in this orbital is ________ .
________. (Round off to the Nearest Integer). (Nearest integer)
11. A certain orbital has no angular nodes and two (h = 6.626 × 10–34 Js)
radial nodes. The orbital is : 17. An accelerated electron has a speed of
(1) 2s (2) 3s (3) 3p (4) 2p 5 × 106 ms–1 with an uncertainty of 0.02%. The
12. The oxide that shows magnetic property is : uncertainty in finding its location while in
(1) SiO2 (2) Mn3O4 motion is x × 10–9 m. The value of x is
(3) Na2O (4) MgO __________ . (Nearest integer)
13. Given below are two statements : [Use mass of electron = 9.1 × 10–31 kg,
Statement I : Bohr's theory accounts for the h = 6.63 × 10–34 Js,  = 3.14]
stability and line spectrum of Li+ 18. Given below are two statements :
ion. Statement I : Rutherford's gold foil experiment
Statement II : Bohr's theory was unable to cannot explain the line spectrum of hydrogen
explain the splitting of spectral atom.
lines in the presence of a Statement II : Bohr's model of hydrogen atom
magnetic field. contradicts Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
In the light of the above statements, choose the In the light of the above statements, choose the
most appropriate answer from the options given most appropriate answer from the options
below : given below :
(1) Both statement I and statement II are true. (1) Statement I is false but statement II is true.
(2) Statement I is false but statement II is true. (2) Statement I is true but statement II is false.
(3) Both statement I and statement II are false. (3) Both statement I and statement II are false.
(4) Statement I is true but statement II is false. (4) Both statement I and statement II are true.


® 3
19. If the Thompson model of the atom was correct, 22. The kinetic energy of an electron in the second
then the result of Rutherford's gold foil h2
Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is equal to .
experiment would have been : xma 20
(1) All of the -particles pass through the gold The value of 10x is ________ . (a0 is radius of Bohr's
foil without decrease in speed. orbit) (Nearest integer) [Given :  = 3.14]
(2) -Particles are deflected over a wide range 23. The number of photons emitted by a
of angles. monochromatic (single frequency) infrared
(3) All -particles get bounced back by 180 range finder of power 1 mW and wavelength of
(4) -Particles pass through the gold foil 1000 nm, in 0.1 second is x × 1013. The value of
deflected by small angles and with reduced x is _____. (Nearest integer)
speed. (h = 6.63 × 10–34 Js, c = 3.00 × 108 ms–1)
20. Given below are two statements. 24. Ge(Z = 32) in its ground state electronic
Statement I: According to Bohr's model of an configuration has x completely filled orbitals
atom, qualitatively the magnitude of velocity of with ml = 0. The value of x is _______.
electron increases with decrease in positive 25. The value of magnetic quantum number of the
charges on the nucleus as there is no strong hold outermost electron of Zn+ ion is _______.
on the electron by the nucleus. 26. A 50 watt bulb emits monochromatic red light
Statement II: According to Bohr's model of an of wavelength of 795 nm. The number of
atom, qualitatively the magnitude of velocity of photons emitted per second by the bulb is
electron increases with decrease in principal x × 1020. The value of x is _________.
quantum number.
[Given : h = 6.63 × 10–34 Js and
In the light of the above statements, choose the
c = 3.0 × 108 ms–1]
most appropriate answer from the options
given below:
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(3) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
(4) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
21. A metal surface is exposed to 500 nm radiation.
The threshold frequency of the metal for
photoelectric current is 4.3 × 1014 Hz. The
velocity of ejected electron is ________× 105
ms–1 (Nearest integer)
[Use : h = 6.63 × 10–34Js, me = 9.0 × 10–31 kg]


4 ®
SOLUTION 5. Official Ans. by NTA (2)

1. Official Ans. by NTA (2) Sol. Z = 29 (Cu)

Sol. 
h Cu2+ form [Cu(H2O)4]2+ complex ion with H2O.
2 mqV
[Cu(H2O)4]2+  Cu2+ [Ar]3d9, H2O  WFL
 Li m p (e)V
 m Li  8.3m p
p m Li (3e)(V) Cu2+
 Li 1 1
   0.2  2  10 1 number of unpaired e– = 1
p 8.3  3 5
 = 1(1  2) B.M.
2. Official Ans. by NTA (4)
Sol. According to Bohr's theory :  = 3  1.73 B.M.  round off ans.  2

z 2 eV z2 6. Official Ans. by NTA (181)

(A) KE = 13.6  KE
n 2 atom n2
hc N A
Sol. E = 
– z  1000
(B) speed of e 
6.63 1034  3 108  6.02  1023
 v  n z 663 109 1000

= 3 × 6.02 × 10 kJ
v –
(C) Frequency of revolution of e =
2 r = 180.6 kJ

z2 7. Official Ans. by NTA (4)

 frequency 
Sol. n – l – 1 = 2
kq1q 2 kze 2  n2 l=2
(D) F   2 r 
r2 r  z
 F 2 n=5
 n2 
 
 z  8. Official Ans by NTA (1)

z3 5
 F Sol. v = 90 ×
n4 100

3. Official Ans. by NTA (3) = 4.5 m/s

Sol. Number of radial nodes = n –  – 1 h

v. x =
4 m
Therefor corresponding graph is (D) x =
4 m.v
Hence answer is (3)
6.63  10 34
4. Official Ans. by NTA (1) =
4  3.14  0.01  4.5
Sol. Cs is used as electrodes in the photoelectric cell. = 1.17 × 10–33


® 5
9. Official Ans. by NTA (9) 12. Official Ans. by NTA (2)
hc Sol. Mn3O4 shows magnetic properties.
Sol. Energy incident =

13. Official Ans. by NTA (2)
6.63  10 34  3.0  108
 eV Sol. Statement-I is false since Bohr's theory accounts
248  10 9  1.6  10 19
for the stability and spectrum of single
6.63  3  100
 electronic species (eg : He+, Li2+ etc)
248  1.6
= 0.05 eV × 100 = 5 eV Statement II is true.

Now using 14. Official Ans. by NTA (360)

E =  + K.E. Sol. Given chemical reaction:

5 = 3 + K.E. A 
T 300K
 B [G]P, T = -49.4 kJ/mol

K.E. = 2eV = 3.2 × 10

J Hrxn = 51.4 kJ/mol
h Srxn = ?
for debroglie wavelength  =
mv  From the relation [G]P, T = H – TS
1 2 H rxn  [ G]P,T
K.E = mv
2  Srxn =
2KE [51.4  ( 49.4)] 1000 J
so v  =
m 300 mol K
h J
hence    Srxn = 336
2KE  m mol K
6.63  10 34 15. Official Ans. by NTA (6)
2  3.2  10 19  9.1  10 31 Sol. De-broglie-wave length of electron:
6.63 10 34 66.3  10 10 m  
=   h  e is accelerated
7.6 10 25 7.6 e =  from rest
2m(KE)  KE  q  V
= 8.72 × 10
m 

 9 10 10
m h
 9Å
10. Official Ans. by NTA (0) 6.63 10 34
Sol. n = 4 and m = –3 2  1.6 10 19  9.1 10 31  40 103
= 0.614 × 10–11 m
Hence,  value must be 3.
= 6.14 × 10–12 m
Now, number of radial nodes = n –  – 1 Nearest integer = 6
11. Official Ans. by NTA (2)  Å
Sol. l = 0  's' orbital
n–l–1=2 =  6.15  10 12 m
n –1=2
Ans. is 6


6 ®
16. Official Ans. by NTA (2) 19. Official Ans. by NTA (4)
Sol. Total energy provided by Sol. As in Thomson model, protons are diffused
(charge is not centred) - particles deviate by
Source per second =  100J small angles and due to repulsion from protons,
their speed decreases.
Energy required to eject electron  20. Official Ans. by NTA (3)

Sol. Velocity of electron in Bohr's atom is given by
6.626  10 Z
  3  108 V
400  10 9 n
Number of electrons ejected Z = atomic number of atom, corresponds to +ve
100 charge so as Z increase velocity increases so
6.626  10 34  3  108 statement-I is wrong.
400  10 9 and as 'n' decreases velocity increases so
statement-II is correct.
400  10 7  10 26
6.626  3 21. Official Ans. by NTA (5)

40  10 20 e–
= =500nm
6.626  3
= 2.01 × 1020
17. Official Ans. by NTA (58)
.02  : speed of electron having max. K.E.
Sol.    5 106  103 m / s
100  from Einstein equation : E =  + K.E.max
h hc 1
x .     h0  mv 2
4m  2
 6.63  10  39  10  6.63  10 34  4.3  1014  1 mv 2
6.63  10 –34

x  10  10 
500  10 2
4  3.14  9.110 –31 20
.63  30  10 1
–9 3 –3   6.63  4.3  10 20  mv 2
x × 10 × 10 = 0.058 × 10 5 2

0.058  10–6 1
x  58  11.271 × 10–20 J = × 9 × 10–31 × 2
18. Official Ans. by NTA (4)    5 105 m / sec.

Sol. Rutherford's gold foil experiment only proved 22. Official Ans. by NTA (3155)
that electrons are held towards nucleus by Sol. mvr 
electrostatic forces of attraction and move in
n2h2 4h 2
K.E.  
circular orbits with very high speeds. 82 mr 2 8 m(4a 0 )2

Bohr's model gave exact formula for simultaneous 2

 4  h
 2  2
calculation of speed & distance of electron from  8 16  ma 0
the nucleus, something which was deemed x = 315.507
impossible according to Heisenberg. 10x = 3155 (nearest integer)


® 7
23. Official Ans. by NTA (50)
Sol. Energy emitted in 0.1 sec.
0.1 sec. 10 3 = 10–4 J
If 'n' photons of  = 1000 nm are emitted,
then ; 10 4 n

n 6.63 10 34 3 108

10 4
1000 10 9
 n = 5.02 × 1014 = 50.2 × 1013
 50 (nearest integer)
24. Official Ans. by NTA (7)
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p2
m = 0 0 –1 0 +1 0 –1 0 +1 0 –2 –1 0 +1 +2
(1) (1) (1) (1) (1 (1) (1)

Completely filled orbital with m = 0 are

= 1+1+1+1+1+1+1
So Answer is 7
25. Official Ans. by NTA (0)

Sol. Zn+  1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1

Outermost electron is in 4s subshell
26. Official Ans. by NTA (2)
Sol. Total energy per sec. = 50 J
n  6.63  10 –34  3  108
50 =
795  10 9
n = 1998.49 × 1017 [ n = no. of photons per second]
= 1.998 × 1020
2 × 1020
= x × 1020

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