01 Writing Task 1 Comments (Sample Paper 2 From Handbook) .JPG

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Fashion Industry

People needs to invest in fashion. Most of woman's women are " fashion victims".

She They needs to be dressed with in modern clothes, wear luxury brands, High-heels... If an
influencer on Instagram wears a new dress or shoes, many womans women needs to buy it! It is
a little bit crazy but the fashion industry moves more marketing than other industries do.y

On the one hand, the fFashion industry moves millions of dollars, it generates many jobs arround
the world and it creates many new professions. On the other hand, it is a really "dirty" industry.
each t-shirt wastes many litres of water. Much Many workers live and work in a infrahuman
inhuman conditions in clandestine fabrics in southern Asia

In my opinion, people needs to buy more concisious clothes, buy less fewer items but with better
quality, Invest in the environment and good quality jobs it is everyone business

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