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Miranda H. Chakos, MD, Sharon Esposito, MD,
Cecil Charles, PhD, and Jeffrey A. Lieberman, MD

Neuropsychiatry attempts to integrate in psychiatry include: history of head trauma,

knowledge from related specialties of general focal neurologic findings on physical examina-
psychiatry, biologic psychiatry, child psychia- tion, new-onset psychiatric symptoms after 40
try (particularly related to developmental dis- years of age (including psychosis, affective dis-
orders), behavioral neurology, and geriatric order, and personality change), rapid onset of
psychiatry. New techniques are dramatically psychiatric symptoms, history of neurologic
expanding current clinical applications of neu- symptoms (including seizures), evidence of
roimaging in neuropsychiatry. Neuroimaging cognitive impairment, abnormal electroen-
research that examines brain structure and cephalogram, and abnormal lumbar punc-
function relationships in neuropsychiatric dis- ture."
orders is also enhancing our understanding of CT may be part of the initial psychiatric eval-
the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric ill- uation when the clinician suspects such abnor-
nesses such as dementia, focal CNS insult, malities as mass lesions, calcification, atrophy,
schizophrenia, affective disorders, and neuro- or infarction. MR imaging is recommended in
developmental disorders. preference to CT for the evaluation of white
matter or demyelinating disorders, seizure dis-
orders, dementia, infarction, neoplasm, vascu-
INDICATIONS FOR NEUROIMAGING lar disease, degenerative diseases such as Hun-
IN PSYCHIATRY tington's disease, suspected localized lesions,
and in children."
The earliest clinical use of neuroimaging in Neurobehavioral dysfunction syndromes
psychiatry was in the diagnostic work-up of associated with organic causes are found in a
patients presenting with neuropsychiatric spectrum of disorders: (1) degenerative disor-
symptoms associated with medical conditions ders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's
such as multiple sclerosis and multi-infarct de- disease, Huntington's disease, multiple sclero-
mentia. Current indications for neuroimaging sis, or lupus; (2) epilepsy; (3) focal insults such
Research for this article was supported by NIMH grant as stroke or closed head injury; and (4) devel-
MH 33127 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel opmental anomalies. These neuropsychiatric
Hill and a NARSAD award granted to Dr. Chakos. disturbances are commonly associated with

From the Department of Psychiatry (MHC) (SE) (JAL), Neuroscience's Hospital, The University of North Carolina School
of Medicine Chapel Hill; and the Department of Radiology and the Center for Advanced MR Development (CC),
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina



156 CHAKOS et al

organic illness and MR imaging is an essential deeper brainstem and are accompanied by
part of the neuropsychiatric work-up. All of movement disorders. In Parkinson's disease
these syndromes are associated with dysregu- narrowing of the pars compacta of the substan-
lation of brain systems including mood (limbic tia nigra in the midbrain may be detected by
system), arousal (brainstem), perception (corti- MR imaging. For patients who have medically
cal association areas), executive functions intractable symptoms of Parkinson's disease,
(frontal lobes), or behavioral inhibition and MR-guided stereotactic targeting and micro-
control (orbital frontal lobes). Although each electrode recording techniques are used in ste-
clinical disorder has specific pathophysiologic reotactic pallidotomy procedures to destroy a
characteristics, they can cause similar neuro- portion of the globus pallidus and thereby de-
psychiatric disturbances that often reflect the crease muscle rigidity." In Huntington's dis-
location and extent of the associated brain le- ease, striatal atrophy may be measured by lin-
sion. 39, 53 ear (bicaudate index), transverse diameter of
the head of the caudate nucleus, or by area
measurements on CT and MR images." In MS,
DEMENTIA plaques are seen on MR images and the
amount of plaques is significantly correlated
Cortical Dementia to the degree of cognitive impairment.e" Clin-
ical neuroimaging findings in AIDS using CT
Dementias can be classified into cortical and typically demonstrate cortical atrophy, ven-
subcortical subtypes. Alzheimer's disease tricular enlargement, and sulcal enlargement
(AD) and Pick's disease are the major cortical that increase in severity with progression of
dementias. AD accounts for 54.5% of dementia HIV infection.o " but CT is relatively insensi-
in persons older than 65 years of age. Patients tive to the presence of ADC. Morphometric
with AD generally have larger ventricles and analysis of MR imaging in patients with ADC
more severe medial and temporal lobe atrophy compared with AIDS patients without demen-
than do patients with nonspecific dementias.v tia have shown that patients with ADC have
Patients with Pick's disease have striking fron- greater gray-matter volume reduction in the
totemporal or focal anterior cortical atrophy. basal ganglia and posterior cortex.l-? Positron
MR spectroscopy, particularly utilizing emission tomography (PET) studies of glucose
phosphorus elp), has been useful clinically in metabolism enhance the ability to distinguish
studying the pathophysiology of neurodegen- nondemented AIDS patients, who have corti-
eration in AD. Phosphorus MR spectroscopy cal hypermetabolism, from ADC patients, who
allows for direct measurement of brain mem- have hypometabolism in cortical and subcorti-
brane phospholipids and high energy phos- cal gray matter. 54, 83
phate metabolism. Phosphomonoester (PME) Proton (lH) MR spectroscopy, which mea-
is a precursor of membrane phospholipids, sures the metabolites N-acetyl aspartame
whereas phosphodiester (PDE) results from (NAA), creatinine, and choline, has enhanced
breakdown products of the membrane. With
our understanding of the pathophysiology of
increasing age, there is a significant decrease in
neurodegeneration in subcortical dementia.
PME and a significant increase in PDE, which
corresponds to a decreased synthesis and in- NAA is a marker for neuronal damage or de-
creased breakdown of membrane phospholip- struction.Y" Reduced in vivo levels of NAA
ids, respectively." AD studies employing 31p have been reported in MS.69 The reduction in
MR spectroscopy have shown an increase in NAA may be reversible and the reversibility
brain PME early in the course of the disease, depends on the extent of neuronal damage."
followed by increase in PDE later." Reduced NAA levels are also seen in HIV de-
mentia. 18, 68 Decreased NAA in Huntington's
disease has been found to be associated with
Subcortical Dementia increases in glutamine and glutamate levels,
which are consistent with the excitotoxic
Subcortical dementias, such as those seen hypothesis of this disease." Patients with
in Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, Creutzfeldt-Iakob (C-J) disease demonstrate a
multiple sclerosis (MS), and AIDS dementia 40% reduction in NAA levels, a 10% reduction
complex (ADC) are often characterized by in creatinine levels, and 30% reduction in inosi-
damage to the basal ganglia, thalamus, and tollevels when compared with controls."

Vascular Dementia changes in blood flow and metabolism that

may either accompany or underlie epileptic
Vascular dementia is a combined subcorti- activity using single photon emission com-
cal-cortical dementia that accounts for 29% of puted tomography (SPECT) or PET. SPECT
all dementia. No brain MR or CT findings are utilizing Technetium-99 hexamethylpropyl-
pathognomonic for vascular dementia.P The ene amine-oxime (99Tc-HMPAO) as the tracer
lacunar type of vascular dementia, which is will demonstrate hypoperfusion in an area ex-
often accompanied by silent strokes and a tending beyond the epileptogenic region dur-
progressive course, is easily confused with ing the interictal period. The sensitivity of in-
Alzheimer's-type dementia (DAT). The mea- terictal focus detection ranges from 40% to
surements of cerebral blood flow and metabo- 80%.83 Postictal and ictal SPECT typically show
lism displayed using PET distinguish vascular hyperperfusion ipsilateral to the epileptogenic
dementia from DAT. Vascular dementia has a focus.F PET is generally utilized interictally
multifocal pattern of reduced perfusion, to demonstrate the locus of epileptic activity,
mostly in subcortical regions including the either by detecting areas of altered blood flow
basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum, using oxygen 15 or altered metabolism using
whereas in DAT there is a diffuse decrease in 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose. PET has superior spa-
cerebral perfusion in the temporoparietal and tial and contrast resolution compared with
frontal association cortex. In both vascular de- SPECT, but it is more expensive and ictal stud-
mentia and DAT the severity of cognitive im- ies are difficult owing to the short half-life of
pairment correlates directly with the volume positron-emitting radioisotopes. Localized in-
of impaired cerebral glucose metabolism as terictal hypoperfusion and hypometabolism in
seen on PET studies/" the epileptogenic area as shown by PET are
reliable confirmatory findings in the presurgi-
cal assessment of temporal lobe epilepsy pa-
EPILEPSY tients."
Functional MR imaging holds the promise
Clinically, a major goal in evaluating intrac- of being a less expensive and less invasive im-
table epilepsy is the task of isolating the epilep- aging technique for identifying the locus of
togenic locus. Accurate localization provides epileptic activity. A particular benefit of func-
information that is helpful both for proper di- tional MR imaging in the management of epi-
agnosis of epilepsy type and for choice of phar- lepsy is the ability to quickly combine high-
macologic or surgical treatment. Such localiza- resolution anatomic studies with functional
tion has entailed using a variety of modalities, studies, without the need for coregistration of
including long-term electroencephalogram different imaging modalities. Combining EEG
(EEG) monitoring with telemetry and invasive with functional MR imaging during imaging
EEG monitoring with depth electrodes. Recent will allow for the acquisition of temporally
advances in structural and functional neuro- correlated neurophysiologic and imaging in-
imaging have made invasive EEG recording formation that will increase the flexibility in
less necessary. High-resolution CT of patients identifying the locus of epileptic activity."
with focal epilepsy reveals a lesion in 60% to
70% of cases. MR imaging is used routinely FOCAL CNS INSULTS
and is superior to CT scans in detecting most
epilepsy-related lesions, including tumors, Cerebral Vascular Accident
vascular malformations, and medial temporal
sclerosis. The diagnosis of hippocampal pa- Cerebral neuroimaging is the only sure
thology can be improved by quantitative MR means by which to differentiate between cere-
volumetric studies." Proton MR spectroscopy bral ischemia and hemorrhage and in some
has also been used to detect decreases in NAA patients is the only way to differentiate stroke
in the mesial temporal lobe of patients with from tumors or other mass lesions. In clinically
hippocampal sclerosis." suspected stroke, imaging must be done imme-
Once a lesion is detected in a seizure patient diately to formulate and initiate treatment in
who has structural imaging studies, functional a timely fashion. CT is an effective means of
studies are required to determine if a structural differentiating hemorrhage from infarct early
lesion is responsible for the seizure and might after clinical onset of stroke. MR imaging, how-
eventually be excised. Efforts to identify the ever, allows precise anatomic localization of
locus of epileptic activity have evaluated focal cerebral infarction. In addition, MR angiogra-
158 CHAKOS et al

phy provides a noninvasive view of the major associated with slowness, apathy, blunted af-
cerebral arteries. fect, social withdrawal, and abulia. Lesions in
Conventional MR imaging demonstrates the orbital surface of the frontal lobes and ante-
ischemic abnormalities by detecting changes in rior temporal lobes are associated with rage
brain tissue relaxation times, but such changes and violence as well as aggressive sexual be-
generally occur only after several hours, at havior. Intellectual and cognitive dysfunctions
which point there is limited opportunity for include changes in attention, concentration,
therapeutic intervention with thrombolytic and memory leading to impairment in infor-
and putative neuroprotective agents." There mation processing and abstract thinking. MR
is great interest in the future use of diffusion imaging and MR spectroscopy provide infor-
and perfusion MR imaging to visualize isch- mation related to the specific lesions and are
emic changes at the earliest possible moment clinically significant to the neuropsychiatrist
and to monitor progress of thrombolytic and and to rehabilitative efforts. Neuroimaging as-
neuroprotective therapies.P sists in diagnosis and rehabilitation of specific
skills and in psychopharmacotherapy for the
areas of injury.
Traumatic Head Injury

Traumatic head injury accounts for signifi- PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS

cant neuropsychiatric disability, with motor
vehicle accidents being the most common Schizophrenia
cause. Head injuries may be categorized as
either open with acute presentation or closed At the present time there are no structural
with subtle or chronic presentation in which findings that can be considered diagnostic for
the bony cranium remains intact. These injur- schizophrenia. Thus, the only clinical indica-
ies, particularly intermediate and minor types, tion for the use of imaging is to rule out other
may present only with behavioral, memory, or brain pathology underlying the psychotic be-
affective changes rather than severe neurologic havior. Neuroimaging studies have made im-
deficit. The mechanisms of traumatic brain in- portant contributions to the understanding of
juries include mechanical injury, diffuse axo- the neurobiology of schizophrenia, however.
nal injury, hypoxia, and free radical formation. The most replicated findings in brain dysmor-
The secondary effects of such traumas, how- phology in schizophrenia include ventricular
ever, cause the neuropsychiatric sequelae and enlargement-s 27, 51,103 and sulcal dilatation.f 66, 90
complicate rehabilitation. These effects include In addition, widespread cortical volume def-
hypoxemia, hypotension, hypercapnia, ane- icits selective to gray matter have been re-
mia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, infection, ported.F: 106, 107 These findings establish the
and seizures. There is evidence that both neu- presence of generalized global brain dysmor-
roanatomic and neurochemical changes alter phology in schizophrenia. One of the more
mood and affect." The neurochemical changes robust constellations of findings in the neuro-
noted include alterations in the norepineph- imaging of schizophrenia concerns the absence
rine, serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine or loss of normal structural brain symmetries,
systems. Secondary neurotoxicity caused by with reports of lateralized abnormalities in the
free-radical formation may affect neuronal temporal lobe substructures such as the amyg-
tracts, particularly of the hypothalamus, basal dala, hippocampus, and superior temporal gy-
ganglia, limbic system, and frontal cortex, rus, in the basal ganglia, and in numerous cor-
leading to affective and behavioral changes. tical subregions' 6, 29 MR imaging of either
Neuropsychiatric sequelae secondary to trau- the temporal lobes as a whole, or of more spe-
matic brain injury often present with personal- cific regions, such as the superior temporal
ity changes, intellectual and affective changes, gyrus or left parahippocampal gyrus, has re-
psychotic features, delirium, and seizure dis- ported volume reductions in schizophrenic pa-
orders. Two important factors that determine tients." 12, 91, 97, 107 The limbic structures in the
the severity of neuropsychiatric sequelae sug- mesial temporal lobe have also been reported
gest the relevancy of neuroimaging in this clin- to have abnormalities. Several MR studies de-
ical setting: (1) extent and severity of brain scribe amygdala-hippocampal complex vol-
lesion; and (2) anatomic location of Iesion.f ume reduction in schizophrenic patients?' 9, 11, 98
Lesions in the dorsolateral frontal cortex are Some studies have failed to detect volume dif-

ferences in the hippocampus, however." 99, 107 the American Heart Association, including
Similar conflicting findings have been reported hypertension, diabetes, smoking, and atrial
in regard to basal ganglia volumes, with some fibrillation.55, 57
studies reporting reduced volume" and others Most studies report global or focal decrease
reporting increased volume.? 49 A prospective in glucose metabolism and blood flow in
study of first-episode schizophrenics suggests patients with major depressive disorder
that caudate nuclei enlargement in schizo- (MDD).4, 5, 73, 100 Focal decreases in metabolism
phrenic patients is an effect of chronic neuro- are particularly prominent in the frontal lobes,
leptic treatment." left anterior cingulate gyrus, left dorsolateral
Functional MR imaging studies have gener- prefrontal cortex, and basal ganglia." 5, 73 Some
ally reported decreased metabolism and blood investigators, however, have found that hypo-
flow in the basal ganglia of never-medicated metabolism is present only during resting
schizophrenic subjects." Low metabolic rates state, but does not persist during a cognitive
in the striatum may predict positive clinical challenge." Others report no decrease in rest-
response to neuroleptics," and neuroleptic ing cerebral perfusion in mixed age samples
treatment appears to increase basal ganglia of MDD patients. 65,80 Some investigators report
metabolism." Another well-replicated finding a normalization of metabolism and flow with
is that of decreased activation of the dorsolat- successful treatment with antidepressant or
eral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenic patients electroconvulsive therapy.58,72 Other investiga-
when they are challenged with the Wisconsin tors report no change in resting regional cere-
Card Sorting Test, a task that requires patients bral blood flow with successful treatment of
to use working memory to make decisions depression."
based on past experiences and to change their Although qualitative and quantitative MR
behavior based on error information.!" imaging has enhanced our understanding of
The findings from receptor imaging studies the pathophysiology of MDD, the diagnostic
of the dopamine D2 system in schizophrenia value of these techniques remains minimal.
have thus far been inconclusive. A N- Reasons for conflicting findings are that scan-
[llC]methyl-spiperone PET study has demon- ning techniques, imaging protocols, methods
strated a two-to threefold increase in D2 re- of data acquisition, and image analysis vary
ceptor density in the caudate nuclei of considerably across groups, the clinical groups
schizophrenic patients.!" Mean striatal D2 re- examined vary across studies, and most stud-
ceptor densities, however, were not found to ies use highly selective clinical groups present-
differ between neuroleptic-naive schizo- ing at university settings, which limits the gen-
phrenic subjects and controls in two studies eralizability of the findings.
using [llC]raclopride as the radioligand
tracer. 32,43 Differing pharmacokinetics of the DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS
two ligands used in these PET studies and
their differing affinities for dopamine receptor Neuropsychiatric developmental disorders
subtypes may account for the differences in are believed to result from deviation from nor-
these findings. mal brain development. The most frequently
studied developmental disorders include au-
Affective Disorders tism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
dyslexia, Down's syndrome, Tourette's syn-
Small caudate volumes have been demon- drome, and childhood-onset schizophrenia.
strated in mixed-age samples of depressive pa- The clinical utility of neuroimaging in these
tients and have been interpreted as evidence neuropsychiatric disorders currently is to rule
of a disruption to the caudate-prefrontal path- out other causes for the symptoms. Neverthe-
way." Patients with late-life depression have less, MR imaging provides a new avenue of
been found to have an increase in the severity investigation into the pathogenesis and patho-
of high-intensity signals in the periventricular physiology of these illnesses.
white matter and in subcortical regions com-
pared with nondepressed controls.i" 89, 105 Autism
Several groups have found an association be-
tween areas of increased signal intensity and MR imaging studies of autistic subjects re-
cerebrovascular risk factors as outlined by port enlarged ventricles and reduced cerebel-
160 CHAKOS et al

lar and superior-posterior vermis size.":" Cor- Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia

tical malformations including polymicrogyria,
schizencephaly, and macrogyria have also Because of rarity, the largest neuroimag-
been described." These abnormalities are be- ing study of childhood-onset schizophrenia
lieved to arise from disturbances in neuronal (COS), defined as onset of psychotic symptoms
migration that occur in the second trimester of prior to 12 years of age, is a cohort of treatment-
gestation. PET abnormalities include localized refractory patients being followed prospec-
regions of hypometabolism in the cortical asso- tively in an ongoing study at the Child Psychi-
ciation areas, especially in the parietal, occipi- atry Branch of the National Institutes of Mental
tal, and temporal lobes." MR spectroscopy Health.P 38,48 MR imaging assessment of these
data seem to indicate hypermetabolism in the patients found a lack of normal right-greater-
dorsal prefrontal cortex, which is suggestive than-left asymmetry of the hippocampus, but
of enhanced degradation of cell membranes in no mean differences in the volume of the tem-
this area." porallobe, amygdala, hippocampus, or supe-
rior temporal gyrus." In addition, subjects had
smaller total cerebral volume and midsagittal
Attention Deficit Disorder thalamic area, larger basal ganglia, and a trend
toward larger ventricles." Overall, results of
Neuroimaging studies on the pathophysiol- neuroimaging investigations add to the data
ogy of attention deficit disorder report reduced from clinical and neuropsychologic reports, in-
volume of the corpus callosum, sulcal widen- dicating a continuity between COS and adult-
ing, and caudate nuclei asymmetry.v- 37, 46, 64 onset schizophrenia.v 84
Functional imaging studies show decreased
metabolism in the striatal region and reduced
metabolic rates in sensorimotor, auditory, and Down's Syndrome
occipital regions in adolescents.f
The initial elucidation of homogeneous sub-
types of retardation syndromes such as
Tourette's Syndrome Down's syndrome has resulted in use of neu-
roimaging to examine the neurobiologic effects
Structural imaging studies in Tourette's syn- of specific genetic defects. Despite the causal
drome report reduced volume of the corpus homogeneity in patients with Down's syn-
callosum and left lentiform nucleus as well drome, finding appropriate contrast groups
as absence of asymmetry in the lentiform nu- continues to be a methodologic challenge ow-
cleF5, 94 Functional imaging studies corrobo- ing to the difficulty in controlling for con-
rate basal ganglia pathology with the finding founding variables such as IQ, which are likely
of hypometabolism in the ventral striatum." to correlate with cerebral structural and func-
tional measures. Despite these difficulties, nu-
merous investigators have consistently re-
Dyslexia ported decreased whole-brain and gray-matter
volumes, especially in gray matter of the fron-
Neuroimaging findings on the pathophysi- tal lobes and in the limbic region, hypoplasia
ology of dyslexia remain preliminary. Several or atrophy of the corpus callosum, and re-
MR studies report an absence or reversal of the duced volume of the cerebellum and vermian
leftward asymmetry of the planum temporale Iobules/" 88, 101 Histopathologic studies that
seen in normal subjects.v" Other studies have demonstrate smaller structures in midterm fe-
failed to replicate findings of group differences tuses and presenile cortical degeneration asso-
in hemispheric asymmetry/"" PET studies ciated with the accumulation of amyloid
have demonstrated an abnormal decrease in plaques and neurofibrillary tangles suggest
activation of the posterior portions of the pla- that the cortical abnormalities may be second-
num and increases in activation in the medial ary to both hypoplastic and degenerative pro-
temporal lobe during phonologic processing cesses. 88,89 Preliminary PET studies report ab-
tasks,": 85 which may reflect activation of com- normal metabolic patterns involving frontal
pensatory pathways or inefficient metabolic and parietal regions and language systems
processing. in particular."

CONCLUSIONS MR imaging will allow us to image brain elec-

trical changes with a temporal resolution of
Methodologic Problems milliseconds, and a spatial resolution compa-
rable to current MR imaging standards. Im-
Inconsistency in report of brain pathomor- provements in the ability to stratify subjects
phology in neuroimaging studies of neuropsy- with respect to the degree of genetic risk for
chiatric disorders, particularly in regard to a disorder by using genetic markers and with
some of the more localized findings, has oc- respect to degree of exposure to prenatal and
curred in part because neuroimaging tech- obstetric complications will permit investiga-
niques are continually developing and im- tors to use neuroimaging to determine the ef-
proving. Thus, depending on available re- fects of genetic and nongenetic factors on the
sources and the timing of a study, laboratories neurobiologic substrate of these disorders.
have adopted different approaches for image With continued advances in neuroimaging
acquisition and analysis. In addition to techno- and genetic analysis technologies, neuroimag-
logic differences, laboratories have used differ- ing is likely to contribute to an improved diag-
ent techniques for accounting for normal varia- nostic classification of neuropsychiatric disor-
tions due to age and head size, may not have ders into biologically homogeneous units
a standardized head position, and may have whose treatment responsiveness will be more
defined specific brain structures differently. uniform. Advances in receptor imaging meth-
Sampling differences in subject selection and odologies may also influence treatment deci-
availability, use of small sample sizes, and use sions for individual patients with regard to
of control groups who are not matched for age, the class and dosage of specific pharmacologic
gender, and IQ may also account for inconsis- agents used. These advances will permit ear-
tent reports. lier and more accurate diagnosis, which may
prevent disease progression and improve as-
sessment of the treatment response.
Future Directions

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Address reprint requests to

Miranda H. Chakos, MD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #7160
Neuroscience's Hospital
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7160

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