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ASME Codes Section I and VIII Division 1

Training (2019 Edition)

Quality Control System

Working together
for a safer world

ASME Concept

quality and
Inspection by
Inspector, AI

National Board

4 Working together
for a safer world


ASME Quality System

Specific Specific
Technical Technical
requirement requirement


Specific Technical

Quality System

Quality Systems

1. Quality Control System : Focus on quality of products Apply

to manufacture of non-nuclear products Appendix 10 of
Section VIII, Div. 1, Appendix A-302 of Section I
2. Quality Assurance System : Focus on systematic approach of works
Apply to manufacture of nuclear products NCA-4000 of Section III and
NQA-1 (ISO-9001)

3. Quality Management System : Focus on management system Apply

to all industries ISO-9001 : 2015 Edition


Quality Control System Section I (App. A-302)

1. QC System shall be accepted by AI.

2. Criteria for Quality Control System
(1) Authority and Responsibility
(2) Organization
(3) Drawings, Design Calculations and Specification
( Quality Control Control
(4) Material Control
(5) Examination and inspection program
(6) Correction of nonconformities
(7) Welding
(8) Nondestructive Examination
(9) Heat Treatm ent
(10) Calibration of M easurement and Test Equipment
(11) Records Retention
(12) Sample Forms
(13) Inspection of Boilers and Boiler Parts
(14) Inspection of Pressure Relief Valves
(15) Certifications

Quality Control System Section VIII Div.1

(App. 10 )

1. QC System shall be accepted by AI.

2. Criteria for Quality Control System
(1) Authority and Responsibility
(2) Organization
(3) Drawings, Design Calculations and Specification Control
(4) Material Control
(5) Examination and inspection program
(6) Correction of nonconformities
(7) Welding
(8) Nondestructive Examination
(9) Heat Treatm ent
(10) Calibration of M easurement and Test Equipment
(11) Records Retention
(12) Sample Forms
(13) Inspection of Vessels and Vessel Parts
(14) Inspection of Pressure Relief Valves
(15) Certifications


Quality System ( QA System, NCA-4000 & NQA-1 )

• QA System shall be accepted by ANI Supervisor.

• Criteria for Quality Assurance System
1. Organization
2. Quality Assurance Program
3. Design Control
4. Procurement Document Control
5. Instructions, Procedures and Drawings
6. Document Control
7. Control of Purchased Items and Services
( Supplier Evaluation )
8. Identification and Control of Items
9. Control of Processes ( Process control, Welding, NDE, Heat Treatm ent etc. )

Quality System ( QA System, NCA-4000 & NQA-1 )

10. Inspection
11. Test Control
12. Control of M easuring and Test Equipment
13. Handling, Storage and Shipping
14. Inspection and Test Status
15. Control of Non-conforming Items
16. Corrective Action
17. Quality Assurance Records ( Lifetime Records and Non-permanent Records )
18. Audits
19. AIA
* QA M anual shall be distributed to AIA.
* QA M anual shall be available to the ANI.



Quality Control System ( App. 10 )

* General


Quality Control System ( App. 10 )

* QC Manual General Check Points

1) A Cover Sheet contains the company name, physical address, effective date of the QC
Manual, phone number or other information.
2) A brief description of the products being fabricated and/or work being accomplished
under the Code.
3) Manual revision control system.
4) Provision for review and approval of QC Manual t o maintain it current.
5) Provision for submittal of QC Manual revisions to t he AI for acceptance prior to
6) Provision for the custody and control of the Code Symbol Stamp.
7) In case of more than one language, English version is mandatory and translation
control method shall be identified.
8) A glossary of terms.



Quality Control System ( A-302.1, App. 10 )

1. Authority and Responsibility

2. QC Manual Check point

1) A Statement of Policy and Authority must be signed by a senior company officer.
2) The authority and responsibility is clearly established and documented.
3) Person performing QC functions have sufficient and well defined responsibility,
authority, and organizational freedom to identify quality control problems and to
initiate, recommend and provide solution.


Quality Control System ( A-302.2, App.10 )

2. Organization

* QC Manual Check Points

1) An organization chart exists and reflects the actual organization.

2) The manufacturer may at any time change their QC System to consider appropriate
for their Code work.



Quality Control System ( A-302.3, App. 10 )

3. Draw ing, Design Calculation, and Specification Control

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Provision for review of customer supplied documents for Code compliance.
2) Provision for the preparation, review, approval and distribution of
drawings, calculations, and specifications,
3) Provision for design change control
4) Provision for computer program verification.
5) Documents identification and control.


Quality Control System (A-302.3, App. 10 )

3. Draw ing, Design Calculation, and Specification Control

Information to be specified in Draw ing.

1) Applicable Code
2) Design Data ; DP, DT, CA, MDMT, HT, Extent of NDE, etc.
3) Impact Test and/or Simulation Test Requirements
4) Configurations and dimensions including Tolerances
5) Materials to be used
6) Nozzle information such as size, use, type, etc.
7) Welding details including welding symbol, size, joint number
8) Data of Name Plate
9) Applicable WPS Number , if required
10) Other inform ation required by Code
11) Other information required by Customer.



Quality Control System (A-302.4, App. 10 )

4. Material Control

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Provisions for preparation, review and approval for Purchase Specification, Material
Requisition, Purchase Order.


Quality Control System (A-302.4, App. 10 )

4. Material Control (QC Manual Check Points continue..)

2) Provisions to assure that the material received is properly identified and has
documentation (MTR or COC) to satisfy Code requirements.
3) Provisions to assure that only the intended material is used.
4) Procedures for control of substitution of materials.
5) Contents of Purchase Specification including requirements of the applicable
material specification, need for MTR or COC, identification marking, and additional
test requirements, impact test, simulation t est etc.
6) Inform ation t o be provided t o the receiving inspector.
7) If further material testing is required, the applicable procedures for control.
8) Measures to assure the proper marking, handling and storage of material.
9) Procedure for control of stock material and Customer supplied material.
10) The title of responsible person for Certification of MTR f or ASTM materials.



Quality Control System (A-302.5, App. 10 )

5. Examination and Inspection Program

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Provisions for the use of Checklist, Process Sheet, Traveller, etc. for listing of
examinations and tests to be performed and for designation of inspection points.
2) Such Checklist, Process Sheet, Traveller, etc. are made available to the AI prior to start of
3) Measures provide for transferring markings to assure traceability is maintained.
4) If a Coded Marking system is used, it is documented and acceptable to the AI.


Quality Control System (A-302.5, App. 10 )

5. Examination and Inspection Program (Check Points continue...)

5) Measures assure that the AI and QC Inspector are inform ed approaching inspection
6) Provisions for repair of material and weldments and concurrence of AI for base
material repair.
7) Measures are established to assure that a final inspection is performed to assure all
specified requirements have been met prior to certifying of the Manufacturer’s
Data Report and/or Code Symbol Stamping.
8) Final pressure test requirements.
9) Provisions for the preparation, certification, and distribution of the M DR.
10) Registration of M D R with National Board.
11) Requirements of Name plate.
12) Documents or records to be reviewed by t he AI.
13) Registration with National Board.



Quality Control System (A-302.5, App. 10 )

M ethod of Process Control

• How quality of Code item will be achieved ?

- Controlled by a Process Control Sheet, or Traveller to get traceability during

fabrication and t o follow t he process sequence of the item.
- Contents of the Process Control Sheet, or Traveller
1) Fabrication sequence and operation description.
2) Applicable document number for the process.
3) Responsible person or organization.
4) Column for inspection points designation by QC, AI, or Customer.
5) Spaces for sign and date by QC, AI, or Customer.
6) Record number for inspection, examination result

- The completed Process Control Sheet must be maintained for 3 years.


Quality Control System (A-302.5, App. 10)



Quality Control System ( A-302.5, App. 10 )

Method of Process Control

• Fabrication sequence ( Shell or Head )

Material verification Marking
Cut t ing Bending/ Forming
Edge preparation Fit up
Welding Visual insp.

• Assembly sequence ( Shell to Nozzle )

Opening Edge prep.
Fit up Welding NDE.
Visual insp.


Quality Control System ( A-302.6, App. 10 )

6. Correction of Non-conformities

• A non-conformity is any conditio n which does not comply with the

applicable rules of the Code, QC Manual or other specified requirements.
• Disposition – means of correction to make conform ity.
• Corrective action – any action to preclude recurrence.



Quality Control System (A-302.6, App. 10 )

6. Correction of Non-conformities

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Control measures of identify, segregation, and documentation of non- conform ities.

2) Identifying those responsible for the resolution of non-conformities.
3) Controlling further processing of non-conforming items until final disposition.
4) Types of disposition and how t o correct the dispositions.
5) AI involvement such as inform ing t he AI of non-conforming conditio n, review and
consent of the proposed disposition and f inal verification.
6) Customer involvement.


Quality Control System (A-302.6, App. 10 )

6. Correction of Non-conformities
• Procedures for correction of non-conformities
1) Identification
2) Segregation by marking, barrier, or ropes
3) Documentation on NCR
4) Establishment of disposition
(1) Use as is : Need to review by engineering personnel, Accepted by AI, or Customer.
(2) Repair : Review by engineering personnel, if required. Concurrence of AI or
Customer prior to implementation. Repair steps are described in NCR or PCS.
Acceptance standard is same as before.
(3) Replace/Rework : Necessary action shall be taken
(4) Return to supplier
(5) Final verification is required by QC, AI or Customer.



Quality Control System (A-302.6, App. 10 )

Repair of Defects

1) In materials (UG-78)
: Defects in material may be repaired provided acceptance by the AI is first
obtained for the method and extent of repairs.
Defective material that can not be satisfactorily repaired shall be rejected.

2) In weldments (UW-38)
: Defects such as cracks, pinholes, and incomplete fusion, detected visually
or by the test or examination shall be removed by mechanical means or
by thermal gouging process.

No need to generate NCR,

if the QC Manual describes the procedures for weldment repair.


Quality Control System (A-302.7, App. 10 )

7. Welding

The quality control system shall include provisions for indicating that welding
conforms to requirements of Section IX as supplemented by this Section.
Manufacturers intending to use AWS Standard Welding Procedures shall describe
control measures used to assure that the welding meets the requirements of this
Section (see PW-1.2) and Section IX.

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Welding conforms to requirements of Section IX and applicable Section.
2) The responsible personnel for certifying PQR and WPQ are identified.
3) The control procedures for how to qualify the WPSs.
4) The responsible personnel for approval of WPSs are identified.



Quality Control System (A-302.7, App. 10 )

7. Welding
* QC Manual Check Points
5) WPSs are available to the welders in the work area.
6) Who assigns the applicable WPS t o the specific weld joint and how to informs
to the welder.
7) Control measures for qualification of welder and assuring continued welder
qualification in accordance with Section IX.
8) Those responsible for assuring that only qualified welders are assigned to perform
Code welding are identified.
9 ) M easures provide for the storage and conditioning of welding materials.
10) Measures are established for removing or inspecting tack welds.
1 1 ) M easures provide for the right of AI to require requalification of a welder or
procedure for cause.
1 2 ) M easures provide for a system to identify work completed by each welder.


Quality Control System (A-302.8, App. 10 )

8. Non-destructive Examination

The quality control system shall include provisions for identifying nondestructive
examination procedures the Manufacturer will apply to conform with
requirements of this Section.

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Who has responsibility for NDE.
2) NDE services are rendered by a Subcontractor or by in-house personnel.
3) NDE personnel are qualified per t he requirements of Sec. VIII-1.
4) NDE (UT, MT,PT) are performed according to written procedure which are
demonstrated with satisfaction of AI per T-150 of Sec. V.
5) NDE results are traceable t o the Item, and who review the NDE result.
6) The AI can require requalification of an NDE examination or procedure for cause.



Quality Control System (A-302.9, App. 10 )

9. Heat Treatm ent

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Controls provided to assure that heat treatment as required by the Code for the
scope of Code work is applied.
2)When heat treatment is subcontracted, measures are established to assure
that procedures are followed and heat treatment charts are provided.
3) Who has responsibility for preparation of heat treatment procedure or
4) The responsible person who accept the result of heat treatment is identified.
5) Means are provided for the AI to satisfy them that Code heat treatments are met.


Quality Control System (A-302.10, App. 10 )

10. Calibration of Measurement and Test Equipment

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Measures are established that assure calibration records are maintained and
calibration status of equipment are identified.
2) The measurement and test equipment are identified and recorded.
3) Measures are established for out of calibration of those equipment.
4) NDE equipment are calibrated.
5) Heat treatment equipment are calibrated.
6) Impact test machine and temperature instrument are calibrated per ASTM E-23.
7) Calibration frequency and allowable accuracy are established.



Quality Control System (A-302.11, App. 10 )

Records Retention. The Manufacturer or Assembler shall have a system for the
maintenance of radiographs (PW-51.4), UT reports (PW-52.2), Manufacturer’s Data
Reports (PG-113.3), and qualification maintenance records for welders and welding
operators (PW-28.4) and brazers and brazing operators (PB-29.3) as required by this

(1) Manufacturer’s Partial Data Reports

(2) manufacturing drawings
(3) design calculations, including any applicable Proof Test Reports
(4) Material Test Reports and/or material certifications
(5) Pressure parts documentation and certifications
(6) Welding Procedure Specifications and Procedure Qualification Records
(7) Welders/Welding Operator Qualification Records for each welder who welded on the
(8) RT and UT reports
(9) repair procedure and records (12) postweld heat treatment records
(10) process control sheets (13) nonconform ances and dispositions
(11) heat treatment records and test results (14) hydrostatic test records


Quality Control System ( App. 10 )

11. Record Retention

• Manufacturer’s Data Report
a. A Data Report shall be prepared for each pressure vessel.
But, same day production of vessels may be reported on a single Form;
provided 1) vessel must be identical
2) vessel must be manufactured for stock or for same user
3) serial number must be in uninterrupted sequence
4) QC System must include procedures to control.
b. A copy of Data Report shall be furnished to the User, the AI and the appropriate
enforcement authority in which the vessel is to be installed.
c. The manufacturer shall keep a copy of the Data Report on f ile in a safe repository for
at least 3 years or register with the National Board.
d. When the National Board registration is required, a NB number shall be assigned in
sequence without prefix, suffix and skips or gaps.



Quality Control System ( A-302.12, App. 10 )

12. Sample Forms

* QC Manual Check Points

1) Forms used to control f unctions relative to quality are included within t he QC Manual
and t heir use explained in the t ext of the QC Manual.
2) Provisions exist for revision control of the Forms.
3) Index of Forms.


Quality Control System (A-302.13)

13. Inspection of Boilers and Boiler parts

1) Inspection of boilers and boiler parts shall be by the AI as defined in PG-91.

2) The written description of the quality control system shall include reference to the Authorized
Inspector and when required, the Certified Individual.
2.1 The Manufacturer (or assembler) shall make available to the Authorized Inspector at the
Manufacturer’s plant (or construction site) a current copy of the written description or the
applicable quality control system.
2.2 The Manufacturer’s quality control system shall provide for the Authorized Inspector at the
Manufacturer’s plant to have access to all drawings, calculations, specifications, procedures,
process sheets, repair procedures, records, test results, and any other documents as necessary
for the Inspector to perform his duties in accordance with this Section.
The Manufacturer may provide such access either to his own files of such documents or by
providing copies to the Inspector.



Quality Control System (A-302.14)

14. Inspection of Pressure Relief Valves

1) Inspection of pressure relief valves shall be by designated representative of the ASME, as described
in PG‐73.4.
2) The written description of the quality control system shall include reference to the CI and the
ASME designee.
2.1 The valve Manufacturer (or assembler) shall make available to the ASME designee at the
Manufacturer’s plant a current copy of the written description of the applicable quality control
2.2 The valve Manufacturer’s (or assembler’s) quality control system shall provide for the ASME
designee to have access to all drawings, calculations, specifications, procedures, process
sheets, repair procedures, records, test results, and any other documents as necessary for the
designee to perform his duties in accordance with this Section. The Manufacturer may provide
such access either to his own files of such documents or by providing copies to the designee.


Quality Control System ( A-302.15, App. 10 )

15. Certification

1) Methods other than written signature may be used for indicating certifications,
authorizations, and approvals where allowed and as described elsewhere in the

2) Where other methods are employed, control and safeguards shall be provided
and described to ensure the integrity of the certification, authorization, and



The following files shall be ready for the

Joint review.


Engineering Department

• Design drawing and calculation

• Document transmittal and drawing control
• Material list
• Material purchase requisition
• Read QC Manual on Section—Design and understand
function, procedure and documentation.



Purchasing Executive

• Copy of PR
• Copy of PO
• Understand code section – ASME II
Part A


Shop Fabrication ( Production Manager, Supervisor )

• Design drawing
• PO
• Welder list
• Welding supervisor and welder training on issue of electrodes,
• read and understand WPS and etc.



Shop Fabrication ( Production Manager, Supervisor) continue…

• Shop preparation for welding demonstration

• Store preparation for the electrodes;
• Holding oven and calibration
• Baking oven and calibration
• Welding quiver
• Issue of electrodes
• Understand the QC Manual on Material control, Fabrication and welding


Quality Control Dept

( QC Manager, Inspectors )



File “A”---Demo vessel

• Client’s specification, drawing, appendix KK, etc.

• Design drawing, Calculation document
• PO/ PR
• Material inspection report/log /list, Mill certificates
• ITP checklist to sign on inspection points
• Welder list /log
• Electrode certificate
• NDT report
• QC inspector to understand ASME Part 2—Appendix A on ASTM
• SA20, SA 105, SA516, SA106


File “B” ----NDE

• NDE Procedures endorsed by QC Manager and AI

• NDE Demonstration reports
• NDE Personnel
• Dark room with acceptance limits
• Densitometer—
• Step wedge comparator
• Step wedge National type
• X‐ray film and report of the demo vessel for review
• Appointment letter of ASNT Level III valid for 3 years
• Appointment letter for NDE Company



File “C “---Calibration log

• Summary of all equipment

• Pressure gauges
• Temp gauges
• Measurement gauges
• Calibration certificate of each equipment


File “D”---MDR

• ASME / National board log

• Last MDR and reports

• Demo vessel MDR



File “E”--- Operation procedures (1 file )

• HT procedure
• Welding consumable control procedure
• Repair procedure
• Coded Marking procedure
• Fabrication and Tolerance procedure
• PWHT procedure, PWHT Instruction, Sample PWHT Chart
• Document control procedure
• Any other available procedures


File “F”---Visual examiner

( ‘S’ stamp Holder only )

• Visual examiner procedure

• Eye test report of visual examiner

• Visual examiner certification



Shop floor for ASME review

• Generally clean
• To segregate area for ASME work, Material inspection, Hold and reject Area
• Area for excess plate , pipe , flanges and small attachment pieces i.e. lug, pad, etc..
• To stamp and identify all material with Material specification and heat no.
• To paint white box for easy detection.
• To place demo vessel on rotator
• To clear safety passage
• To provide table or display board—design drawing, WPS/WPQ, weld map ready
• To standby tool, tong, welding gauge for demo
• Inspector to verify all weld gap, fillet size, weld reinforcement to comply to code


For more inform ation, please contact:

Chamni Mosagul
Lloyd’s Register International(Thailand)Ltd./ Inspection Services
22 nd floor, Sirinrat Building, 3388/78 Rama IV Road, Klongton,
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand.
T. +66 2 3675594-7
M. +66 81 9352069

Working together
for a safer world

Lloyd’sRegister and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’sRegister Group Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Copyright © Lloyd’sRegister Asia. 2013. A member of the Lloyd’sRegister group.



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