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Mathematics II 105 06 Oct 2004 8h30 - 1130 P.0.BOX, 3817 KIGALI-TEL/FAX ; 586871 NATIONAL EXAMINATION 2003/2004 SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS II OPTION : BIOLOGY-CHEMISTRY DURATION : 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS : - Answer all questions in section A and any THREE questions in section B. - Geometrical instruments and calculators may be used. 105 - Page 1 of 4 SECTION A: 55 marks 1. 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, %,.... is a geometric progression. Find the number of terms which will give a sum equal to 220 - 4+ What is the last term of the progression ? 4 marks 2. Two independent events A and B are P(A) = 0.30 and P (B) = 0.25. Find the following probabilities P (ANB), P (AUB) and P(A\B)). 5 marks +2 3 marks 3. Evaluate f 2x'+3vx+* x 4. Find the equation of a straight line passing through polar coordinates (1, %) and (I, >. 3 marks 5. Given the functions f (x)=3x2+10x-3 and g (x)= x2-8x+5, solve fO)2 g (x). 3 marks 6. Determine the number m in the equation —?—— z 2x+1 0 2x-1 4x7 -1 one of the roots is not zero. Using the value of m solve the equation. 4 marks if at least 7. x is a real number such that x [° | and sin x= cos 2x hence find the value of x. 4 marks 8. In a chain fabricating machine, a material to be fabricated must pass through the following 6 parts of the machine A, B, C, D, E and F. How many possible roots can the material go through so that it finally comes out of part D ? 2 marks 9. f(x) = eT +x'x eR (a) Is the function f even or odd ? 2 marks (b) Calculate the limit of f(x) when x > +c . 1 mark 10. The function, f, is defined by f (x) = tan x, where fsx sf} a. a (@) Determine f 4) and f@) 1 mark 4 a (b) Calculate I = . (b) Calculate Sie 3 marks 105 - Page 2 of 4 11. Given vectors u(4+10,34) and we , 5) in vectorial space (R,R2,#) state the conditions for real number /so that vectors wand ¥ are linearly independent. 4 marks 12. m is any real number and fis a function f(x) = ie +(m=1)x+1.For which conditions of m should the function f be ascending ? 3 marks 13. The curve P with equation y = a+be?* (where a and b are constants) passes through point (0,4). At point M (tn2, a+2b) on the curve P, the gradient is 8. Find the values of a and b. 4 marks 14. The maximum blood pressure Y of women of age X is given below : "the mean of X= 50 years and standard deviation ¢ =10 years - the mean blood pressure Y = 14 and standard deviation g=14 - the covariance cov (X,Y) = 12 (a) Find the equation of the regression line Y in terms of X. 2,5 marks (b) Calculate the linear coefficient of correlation. What can you conclude from your answer ? 1,5 marks (c) Is a 70 year old person with a maximum blood pressure of 16.2 normal ? 1 mark 15. Solve the system of equations. flog, (-x+ 29) +1=log, (2x~3y)] say = 81 xX yEIR . 4 marks pa SECTION B : 45 marks 16. Given the complex numbers : Z = -2V3 +2i and u= $hs6- v2) +16 +12)) a) Find the roots of z and express the answers in the geometric form. 6 marks b) Write algebraic form of 212 2 marks c) Calculate u? and give the answer in algebraic form. 4 marks 4) From the answers of 16(a) and 16 (c) find the values of cos and of sin 2%. 3 marks 12 12 105 - Page 3 of 4 17. 18. 19, 20. dy The equation of the curve C is y =f(s) and other form is 3x2+9x-12 ‘The curve C passes through point P (2, -24). a) Find y in terms of x. 6 marks b) Show that the curve C passes through point (-1,0) 1 mark ¢) Solve the equation : y = 0. 5 marks 4d) Find the equation of a tangent at point p on the curve C. 3 marks A(1, 2, 1); B(2,3,2) and C(2,0,2) are points in a Cartesian coordinates three dimensions space. (a) Show that vectors 4B and AC are perpendicular. 4 marks (b) Find parametric equations and Cartesian equation in the plane determined by points A, B and C. 6 marks (0) Calculate the area of triangle ABC. 5 marks From the following system of equations mx+y+z=m+1 x+my+z=m xt+y+mz=m-1 ~ deduce the values of the real number m - Show that the roots of the equations exist - - Find the number of solutions. 15 marks Given the function, f (x) = cos? x - cos x, x ER a) Solve the equation f (x) = 0, x ER. 7 marks b) Determine integral value F of the function f (x) when F (54)=0. 8 marks 105 - Page 4 of 4

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