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We believe in the triune God, the authority of Scripture, Holiness, Unity, the Kingdom of God, the coming Return of Christ,
the leading of the Holy Spirit, in women in ministry, that Biblical marriage is defined as one man and one woman, that God
assigns gender as either male or female in the womb, and above all- that Jesus is Lord. We are associated and
credentialed with the Church of God (Anderson). You can find out more about the official beliefs of the Church of God at

The Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of
God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final
source of what we believe. For purposes of the Great Trail Community Church of God’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy,
and discipline, our Pastor(s) in conjunction with the Board of Elders are Great Trail Community Church of God’s final
interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.


1. First of all, these buildings are an extension of the ministries of the Great Trail Community Church of God and are
viewed as an outreach ministry of the church. We hope everyone who enters these buildings will feel welcomed
and will want to come back for future services and activities.
2. Those using the facilities must be willing to agree to the above Statement of Faith as it is the general guideline
that governs the facility.
3. The facilities are smoke-free. Smoking will be permitted outside of the buildings, but it is expected that all
waste/butts will be cleaned up and disposed of properly. Failure to do so could result in loss of possible future use
of the facilities.
4. Drugs (including marijuana) and/or alcohol are not permitted on the premises.
5. Profanity (including misuse of the Lord’s name) is not permitted on the premises.
6. No balls of any type or other objects are to be thrown or kicked against the walls or ceilings, except when being
properly done in the Wallyball/Racquetball court.
7. Hanging on rims and/or nets is not permitted.
8. If music is played on the premises, then it should be tasteful/God-honoring. No profane lyrics or content of a
sexual nature. Music that glorifies substance use/abuse and or violence is strictly forbidden.
9. Please wear appropriate attire while on the premises. This includes the use of clean gym, sports, or walking
shoes if you are playing a sport. (Appropriate attire is typically viewed as that of a modest nature and/or that which
is appropriate for the sport being played. While modesty can sometimes be defined differently by different people,
please keep in mind the 3 Bs - no showing of Bellies, Boobs, or Butts. Final authority of what is appropriate is left
up to the Pastor(s) and/or the Board of Elders of Great Trail Community Church of God).
10. A responsible adult must be present if minors are on the premises. If possible, we ask that at least 1 adult be
present for every 10 minors present.
11. Each group renting the facilities is required to pick up all trash and put everything back in its proper place, unless
informed otherwise. Trash is to be put into the on-site dumpster.
12. If Air Conditioning or Heat is in use, then the A/C is to be set no lower than 74° and the heat is to be set no higher
than 68°. When leaving, make sure to set the heat to 58° or turn off the A/C if either were in use.
13. Ensure all water is turned off if the sinks were in use. Check all restrooms for cleanliness and ensure toilets have
been flushed and are not continually running.
14. If your group has liability insurance, please file a copy with the church office as part of this rental agreement.
15. If keys were given to the group for the use of the facilities, return those keys to the church after use of the
16. Turn off all lights when finished with the facility.
17. Anyone may be asked to leave due to improper behavior or intentional breaking of the rules (if a minor, the
parent/guardian will be contacted).
18. The facilities will only be available for rental on Sundays for limited time frames, typically between 12:30pm till
19. If the rented space is needed before the scheduled rental period for set-up, permission will need to be obtained
for that as others may have the facility rented during the time in which set-up is being requested.
20. All rental requests will need to be approved either by one of the Pastors, the Church Secretary, or a member of
the Board of Elders.


These fees do not apply to recognized groups, members (membership being defined in Article V, Section 1 of the official
Constitution and By-Laws of Great Trail Community Church of God), or ministries of Great trail Community Church of God
or other churches affiliated with the Go-Team (Minerva area churches). The following fees and requirements do apply to
non-members who desire to rent the facilities.

The following facilities are available for rental:

1. Family Life Center (FLC)
a. Any one of the following rooms:
i. Gym
ii. Kitchen
iii. Game Room
iv. Wallyball/Racquetball
b. Any 2 of the above rooms
c. Whole building
2. Church Building
a. Any one of the following rooms:
i. Fellowship Hall
ii. Classrooms
iii. Sanctuary (This space is limited in what will be allowed for use. Typically it will be limited to
special services or conference sessions. Please speak with one of the Pastors or Board of Elders
members to find out if the intended use is appropriate for the room.)
b. Any 2 of the above rooms
c. Whole building

1. The general Fee for the use of any single room of those listed above is $20 per hour up to a 6 hour maximum.
2. Any use over the 6 hour maximum falls into the “Full Day” use structure below:
a. Any single room in either building: $200
b. Any 2 rooms in the same building: $300
c. Whole Building: $500
d. Both Buildings: $600

“Full Day” rentals require a deposit of ½ the amount of the rental. The rental will not be official or added to the calendar
until that deposit is received.

Date(s) Needed:__________ Times Needed:_________ Deposit (if applicable):_________Date Paid:_______




Reason for Usage:_________________________________________________________________________

Estimated number of participants:_________

Requested Rooms/Buildings:_________________________________________________________________

Approved By:_____________________________________________________________________________

I have read and agree to abide by the policies of the Great Trail Community Church of God, Minerva, OH contained in this packet. I also
agree to see that those attending my activity will abide by these policies. I also understand that I will be held liable for damages to the
facilities and/or property occurring during my rental.

Renter Name and Contact Info_______________________________________________________________

Renter Signature__________________________________________________________________________

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