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Response time or Reaction Time- Cognitive Ability


A human reaction is the ability to process, detect and respond to a stimulus. Our reaction time depends on various factors sound, touch or
Scientists believe that the average reaction time for a developed human brain is around 200 milliseconds. Looking more into details, average
audio stimulus is 170 milliseconds, touch stimulus around 150 milliseconds while visual stimulus is believed to be around 250 milliseconds.
However, we are aware that we all have a different reaction time.

Some humans have incredible reactions- like Mr. Senderák or this 18 years old teen.
We as well predicted where our results will take us. We have created three hypotheses.
First thing we bet our guts on, was that boy/men will have a better, therefore faster reaction time than girls/women.

Math question
Second thing we predicted, that overall reaction of a human is slowed down (or completely turned off for some of you) if a math
• question
45-degree angle
Lastly, we predicted that a reaction with a 45-degree angle from your eye´s vision point.

• For our experiment we used rulers with the length of 30 cm. We went around school, mainly Gym 5 and year 8. We measured every
individual in 3 different categories twice. The better result counted. Firstly, we asked each individual to place their hand 3 cm from
the tip of the ruler, while we released it at any moment. Subsequently we measured the centimeters that were left beneath the
hand. Less centimeters equals in a faster reaction.
Secondly, we asked an easy math question while testing the reactions. The individuals had to answer our questions while catching
• the ruler.
Lastly, we put the ruler at a 45-degree angle from the vision point and measured your peripheral vision reaction.

Hypothesis 1-
We predicted that men would be faster in this reaction test then women, as you can see on the bar graph, our prediction was correct. Women
had a larger number of centimeters beneath their hand; therefore, their reactions were slower.

The average reaction time for a man was 12.56 cm while for a woman it was 13.47cm

Hypothesis 2-
In our second hypothesis we predicted that overall reaction speed will be slowed if we asked you some simle math
questions. In our graph you can clearly see that during asking the math questions you had larger distance benethe your
thumb than before therefore proving our hypothesis that thinking slows down our reaction speed.

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