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ac=ab cos@ Area of face al bx] Area of faceac=acxl=A cos 0 zB Sr ST, A=o, Acos0 cos = T} =o? cos? @-T? =o? cos" @- a? cos* 6 ST; =07 cos’ @(1-cos’ @)=c2 cos’ 6 sin” 8 T,=r,,cos0+ o, sind = ¢,c0s° +a, sin’ A +2cosOsin Or., = 0,12 +0, 1 +2n,n, Ty sin20 +1, ¢0828 2, )n,n, +1, 8-2!) ENCED SOLID MECHANIGS|NTEEAS) (<>) @) g) s % Area of surface bpe =Projection of area abc on yz plane =A. 7, Area of surface apb = Projection of area abc on xy plane =A. n, Area of surface pa = Projection of area abc on x: plane =A. 7, Let the body force component per unit volume in x, y, z direction are b,, b,, D, respectively. The volume of the tettahedronis +4’ x 0, An, -1,,An, z =1,,An, Thus for equilibrium in x-direction. >T,- he, 3 7+ Fag +E Similarly for equilibrium in y and z directions i Tat +9, +F m5 Mb, Be er to. —1nn tant tb In the limit as h tends to zero, the oblique plane abc will pass through point p and the average stress component acting on the faces will tend to their respective values at point p. So for the limiting case we can write: T,=0,n, + Fyn, +70, T,=1,n, + 0, n, +1,,n. |Cauchy'sstress formula TaN, + TM, + ON. 1, If T is the resultant stress vector on the plane abc then we can write: P=? +13+T? Ifo and t are the normal and shear stress components then; © % The direction of is to n(r, my n,) and tis on the plane abc and normal to Since the normal stress is equal to the projection of T along the normal, it is also equal to the sum of the projection of its components Tx, Ty and Tz. along n. Hence o=n, T+ nT, +7, T, Substituting the values of T., T, and T, the expression for cis: tn =m (n,.6, 47,75 +1F)*M Fa tn, 25 +niry) +H. (Fe ty mo, +n o, +n? o.+2n,n,t,,+2nnt, +2n,Nt Problem 1: At a point in a body, 0,= O0N/em?, 6,=-5,000N/em?, y= = eA 10,000N/em. Determine the normal and shearing stresses on a plane which is equally inclined to all the three axes. Aplane which is equally inclined to all the three axes will have 1,=7%5M, gait g, +18 6, +92 0. +2n,0,0, +210... +2n,n.1,, =20.000N fem? iM, + TM, +2,. 2.=10000/3N/em? Beem $e, n, =5000/3N/em" raMl, + TaN, + c.7.=50003N/cn ED SOLID MECHANGS) Sia REDON) <>] =T°-o? =13 +13 +13-0?=> r=7000N/on* ot) gs y Principal Stresses The above equations are written in matrix form as The above three simultaneous equations involving the (el Bey (0 unknown ‘x 7%, Ms. The trivial solutions of the set of, e ml 4 homogeneous equation is 74=0, 7,=0, n,=0.For existence ” ) ” cl of nontrivial solution, the determinant of the coefficient te o)| ln. aatrix will be zero. DEEP oR |DVANGED SOLID NECA TEEA) i PN aya Principal Stresses “ae \(e,-2) ty r, (q-ollg,-cla-o}-4.54-4, lrgla—ol-4,.} +1150, Simplifying the above expression we gst o-0', .ap4 eee o?-a°I, +a1,-1,=0 Bb, ¢,0,+2, :28.-0, 11 -¢, f-o,43 )=0 Ty, Iy, I; are called Stress Invariants DURGAPUR|ADIANGED SOLD MECHANES|(WELeT ECE) sues) a) Mohr’s circles for three dimensional state of stress Arrange the principal stress such that algebraically 0, 20,20, The point Q(o, 2) for all possible » will lie within the shaded area. This region is called Mohr’s stress plane m. Cn Ty fe es Ty Oy Te ees @ mo, +020, +n} 0, +2n.n,7,,+2np, tmnt. T,=0,n,+ Ty, +h Pig =T 4+ +7 Ty=tyn, + 0,2, +5, ont tn on, Ov aeteamiaea 2)-(¢,¢,0,+21,%, t,-,t2-0, 12-4, 12 )=0 <>) (2) 2 % ‘je Problem 1: Determine the principal stresses and their direction for the state of stress characterized by the following stress matrix. Draw the Moht’s circles. 18 0 2 Igl-|o -so 0 (pa 2 0 32 1, =o, +0, +0, =18-50+32=0 The cubic equation for principalstressesis I, =0,0, +0,0.+0.0, Fle +1,0-1, =0 4 o* 2500 zy I, =0,0,0, +2fy Ty. Ta — Fy ot, ‘Three principal stresses are = 0Pa, c=0Pa,o,=—S0Pa ‘The direction for the principal stress o,—50Pa : wo elle) lo dtl om ee . : 24 ng 18h f Weksow ni tryin (2 16 m=6,0,08) DERGAPURIADIANGED SOLID MEGHAN >) % Ss The direction for the principal stress o,=0Pa ie 18 0 28]{na) (0) 18n4+24n3=0n3=— 0-50 O[Inst= 507,.=0 974-0 24 0 x2iln.} (0 Dany $32 = Wekawe nicemtat [aber t=) crt yo [: ti} Fe Me!) asa coonge ‘Let the direction cosinesof the 3rd principal planes s.r ismutualy perpendicular ton, and ‘Therefore, 14, =n, x7, (crossproductof n,andn,) Py lo 0.6/ Fos n,=/ 0.8 0 0.6|- yt isl jsok lp 08 0.6 06 0 08 EEC oo oR eo) <>] (12) * ie Mohr’s Circles g,=S0MPa: 0,=0MPa; a, =—S0MPa;, DORGAPTR] Spo yemecomma) >>| (13) oo, Se Bayes Octahedral stresses “OO — Let the frame of reference be again chosen along 6}, 6; and 63 axes. A plane that is equally inclined to these three axes is called an octahedral plane. Such a plane will have “hr ‘The normal and shearing stresses on these planes are called the octahedral normal and shear stresses, respectively. Weknow 1,-0.5 + r9, thom Baty +6,% tom =n, Bee rnc. c.f the frame of reference is principal stress direction then we can write T, =0,1,: T, =03 7:1; =05m5 i ‘We know the normal stress on a plane is gano.+nc, +m, +2ny., +2nyt, +n, If the frame of reference is principal stress direction then we can write BNoso,+ Nesceay Sr Zle,+6, +0.) 5(@ 6, +ej0 oe mas) <>) The state of pure shear: ‘The state of stress at a point p can be characterized by the six rectangular stress components referred to a coordinate frame of reference. The magnitude of these components depends on the choice of the coordinate system. If, for at least one particular choice of the frame of reference, we find that ¢,= 6,=0,-0, then a state of pure shear is said to exist at point p. For such a state, with that particular choice of coordinate system the stress matrix will be ers 7] GH © +, " Oo} For this coordinate system I,= o,+ 6,+0,~0. since I, is invari 2 choice of coordinate system selected at p. Hence, iia Coa iSnona SS! Decomposition into Hydrostatic and pure shear state: An arbitrary state of stress can be resolved into a hydrostatic state and a state of pure shear. 7 Fy f|[P 0 0) fo,-P ty te t) 9 t.\-|0 p 0|+| t, o,-p tf t% 2||00 pl) |r 1, o.-p The first state on the right hand side of the above equation is a hydrostatic state, The second state is a state of pure shear since the first invariant for this state is I,=(6, -p)+(o,-p)+(¢. -p)=0, +0, +0. -3p=0 If the given state is referred to principal axes, the decomposition into hydrostatic state and a pure shear state of stress is given by @ 0 0|f{p 0 0] {a-p 0 0] 0 a O|-|0 p ole} o 0 oo allooplLo o a-p The pure shear state of stress is also known as the deviatoric state of stress or simply stresses deviator. DRE Assignment Problem 1: components ‘or the state of stress at a point characterized by the =12MPa, o,=4MPa, 0,=10MPa, r,,-3MPa, t,.~ 1,4 Determine the principal stresses and their directions. Draw the Mobr’s Circles. Determine the principal shear stresses and the associated normal stresses. Also determine the octahedral shear and uonnal stresses. Assignment Problem 2: The state of stress at a point in a body is given by 1 0} b 1 2 Piles o 412] Find the normal and shear stress on a plane defined by 2x +y-2=1 Assignment Problem 3: A solid shaft of diameter ¢-10- is subjected to a tensile force P= 10,000 N and a torque T-S000Nem at point A on the surface, determine the principal stresses, the octahedral shearing stress and the maximum shearing stress. () Send your assignment to this mail address Equality of cross shear: 9, +A, Considering moment about z-axis Tus Ge tat Aten yet Atyn On GtAGn Try and tx Will not create any moment about z-axis, other 10 stresses will create moment about z-axis SOLID ME‘ MEE613 | ae Mg 2800 |ay tc x 1, arte «(6,122 aca 2 we 2 a 2 by BA cre ar, -[ s+ Gear facacay [7 3 3 er, ac |axay®® 2, arayS® +2, avay 7+ 7 as |aeey at 2 & After simplification we get Limiting case Ax -> 0,Ay > 0, Az +0 20, Saver. oom ANGED SOLID MECHANIGS) EES) (<>) (19) Assignment: Prove that t= tj. and t,,= Ty. Equations of Equilibrium: For equilibrium in x-direction: ))F,-0 hs he by —0, Acay ar, +| 1, +2 ay |AvAs —ry Av Ar ( ae Oy wh os a: aay —rAvAy s| i ra Te ss ay|* Far. +b, AvAyAc=0 x 1 Jf Simplifying the above expression we get ‘ Equations of equilibrium in Cylindrical Coordinate System i) The atea of face aa'd’disr 40 d= ii) The area ofthe face bb'e'e is (Pdr) 46 dz iit) The area of the faces dec'd and abb'a’ are cach equal to Ar de iv) The area of the faces abed and ar'e'd' are each (++ }ssar emer dG, ttt MIM 2-40, txt tye tate MM ot4c, tte, — tgtdeg ra 1 Sri| RANGED Soran WECRANGS TENS) <>] For the equilibrium in the r-direction 3, =0 (ctsnfeoaaoasy(ce 82 re ]aear—c,rsessmro{r+%]sear-o,sin AB arse 2 uta) 2 ae = F008 2 be Ee 2 ss)uaBlrat{ cs Sza0) er ace(-!0 CCanceing the off tems, dviting by AO. Az, Arand going to the fit with AG, Az and Aral tending to zero DURGAPOR|RDWNGED SOLID MECHANTGS| EEE} -<[>(22) Assignment Problem 4: Given the following stress field in a body 00d+37) @, =100(x* +10) 0 @,=10(9y?+10=") x(2}+100xy) o,=80 ty Ty Find the expression for body force distribution, necessary to satisfy the equations of equilibrium. What are the stresses and body forces at point (1. 1, 5) Assignment Problem 5: Determine whether the following stress fields are possible in a structural member free of body force. Desqxteyeexy ie, i -2xy+3z = A a rod is pad to atorque T at the free end, the following stresses occur Gay, ~=Gex Check whether these satisfy the equations of equilibrium, Also show that the lateral surface is free of load, i.e show that T, =, = + 1, =0, where 0 is angular rotation per unit length and it is constant. Determine the principal shears, octahedral shear stress and its associated normal stress. Send your assignment to this mail address DURGAPUR] Analysis of Strain Curvilinear coordinate system: Let the position vector of a point Pis r=xi+yj+zk Tt can be written r (uty, ta Us) A tangent vector to the u, curve at p (for which 1), 1; are or constant) is. 5 Then a [EEEAGERENERTEE in this direction is a Are length It can be written r= r(u, ta, 3) d= Ogg ee 3 ou hy dit, 6+, dy ey +h ds The differential arc length ds is ds =dr.dr +g, dy) iia dete where it, and : ‘ The quantity fy, J, Hs are called scale factor. | Iu; +n du; +h, dur [weknow @,.e, +2,.¢, +2,.e,=0] <> a Differential arc length for cylindricaland spherical coordinate system Cylindrical coordinate system (R, ©. 2) x=Re0s8 yy =Rsind here m, =R, 1, =0.u, = roxityj+zk=Reos@i+Rsind j+2k ds =Hk dul +ie dit+hk dui where a 2 2 (ReasBi+ Rsin Oj +2k }=cosdi +sin 8 2 on” oR" ct} Ht nla feoP osm? O~1 OPT Er © (icosdi+Rsind j+2k)=—Rsindi+ Reosd{ Ou, 60 00 & 7 Fr. {2 (-Rsin of’ +(Reosd) = FOF © (Reosei+Rsin 8 j+2k)=k Ou, E Differential length ds =i dit+H dd 4B he Forcylindricalcoordinatesystem — 14,=R, u, =0. and h=1 0 y=R y= 1 ds’ =dR’ +R? dO" +d:* Spherical coordinate system (R, 8, 6) x=RsinBeosp y=RsinOsing ==Reosd Forspherical coordinatesystem —u,=R. 1, = raxity j+zk=Rsin@cosgi+RsinOsing j+Rcos0k ar , . i Fen Fen Fa Bsa Oeosgi Ran in + Roos msn ons inosine h | (Gin Ocos9y «(cin Osin g)'+ cos? O=1 ar_or_2 A -E (sin 2e059i~Rsin sing j~Reosdk }~ Reosdcosi ~Reososin j—Rsin Ok hy e-. [Rein Os dF = (Ren Den5d) = Rind DIREAPORADNCED Son WECmANGS) ira ROTA) < [>] 2 M=1, by =R,h,=Rsin® f The differentialarclength ds? =Iidus + hid; + hydus ds’ =dR° +R? dé” +R’ sin’ 0dg? ‘A square block is deformed as shown in figure below. Assuming that the body is very thin and the strains (due to Poission’s effect) associated with the thickness direction is negligible. Determine the two-dimensional strains. Xi ib | { el Problem 3: Consider the uniform deformation of a square of sides 2units initially centered at X(0, 0). The deformation is given by the mapping 1 (los4x,-6x,); x, (6x,-2): =x, = Xp X i) Sketch the deformed configuration of the body. ey Xx =7(10-4%,-6%;) aay 10,1) 1 acu 10.) (lox, -6x1)-2 XX 2 unt XM, Xp 1 2(5-2) a (i) =f (omi-2)-1 36-2) Frit (o+4x,-6x,) =Fltosx1-oxen Jes Pr O%X%) Q: (K+dX. +4X,.X,+dX,) Pr (%,.).%5) @: Gy +dx,.x; +ax,,x, +85) ex, F fs, aX ds? =dX?4dX? 44x? as te dx, Lagrangian description of motion x =f(%,X, [E] is called deformation gradient matrix TERA ER DUNG sory WECM) TTT LON) ~<|>) BO) aoe ‘dx,)" (dx,] [dX,]" (ax, = ds*-ds?=dx,} {dx,}—{dx,} Jax, dx3J [dxsJ (dX) (dX), aX,)" ‘aX,) [ax] fax) [ax,)" dX,) (dX, 4 | eval) nse ax,t [el] ft} ax, |= fe ela AX, dx,} (dx, ax} (ax, ax.) (dX, aX, J 1 fe) 2 fer fel [E] is called Green-Lagrange strain tensor le] 3k Teli The displacements w, v and w can be written as. w= XX 2) GK, Xp.Xs)=X; +ul% Xs.X) 3 x, =X + X,.X2.X,)=fX,.X2.X5) ou a. OH, 2% _ Of Ou. Om Of fb DIP RP RIS [VuJis called displacement gradient matrix EF [GF + fea + fe)] = B+ [Ve] + [vu] [Ve] [ve] el 5[er t FM uk lal (rok +10oF fa 2: [a |x a a nt tele ‘Bg Blo ale Please au au, & & | av ar OO A,” BG OG _ =e =f ae . Pe oa ee Jz aw mu au aw ze i 2, See A | OY Oe eS 2am 2% ak, aX, ax, ax, x, | 2am Ifthe displacement gradient are so small, |W] <<1 that their squares and products are negligible compared to Vu Then the Green-Lagrange strain tensor reduces to the infinitesimal strain tensor E=e and [ru+ (vn) aw oy av aw pee | a {z X, } + Tye ‘The above relations are called strain-displacement relations Compatibility conditions ENCED SOLID MECHANI These six equations are called Saint- Venant’s equations of compatibility. These equations are ako known as continuity ‘equations Assignment Problem 1: The displacement field for a body is given by x? + y)i4G+2)7+(x7+2y)k Write down the displacement gradient matrix at point (2, 3, 1) Assignment Problem 2: The displacement field for a body is given by uw =|[x?+y°+2)'+Gx+4y7)7+(2x°+42)ehl0* What is the displaced position of a point originally at (1, 2, 3). Assignment Problem 3: For the displacement field given in problem 2, what are the strain components at (1, 2, 3) for linear and nonlinear case. Assignment Problem 4: State the conditions under which the following is a possible system of strains. 8,=a+b(x7 ty" )eatey* EB eera(e+y) Pea.) PE 20 is in ey =6438 art yt + 4ny (x7 +y7+ 2); 0. 7270. 8 & Determine whether the above strain field is possible, 16 t is possible, determine the displacement “ at the origin. components in terms of x and y, assuming =v =0 and 3: ~ Gy Principal strains To calculate the principal strains we get the following equation weget thefollowing cubic equation e—J,e° +I, 6-J,=0 ‘Where J;, Js. J; are the first, second and third invariants of strain 5, — Problem 1: The displacement field in micro units for a body is given by Vale ty) (3+2)j+( +2y)k Determine the principal strains at (3. 1, -2) and the direction of the minimum principal strain NCED SOLID MECH (GRD) cunic EQUATION HAS THREE REAL ROOTS. [Hse 11, ws sted tat. (1.20) ha three rel rots. The poo eat ring Ea (1.20 by appropriate values of o, she quantity onthe lesbnd side wil be equal to ater ss, ih uaty wil aot Be equa eo and one ca wae he faction = ehsltn by oso) a Be i, 0) cmb nae ps ar aye ove ws ot jlo) be sale negate rage Deane values of ees ane £m [i tawny dod can a 8 Rieietetajte wiles seo ne ne te eo Fig L19 Plus o)rmae a NCED SOLID MECH (<>) 7) cece mth sytem, (19) siren 8 Tet tempter | YO)” apindg “(ante —(0p+ @)a+ 0) ~Fipl=0 “This sa cabiein Oe of the laos i o~ oy Te tothe solutions re ugly slving the quadati Inside the bakes The ho slton are re quniy ander esque t (poe) 8 neve neue ad ec, () in Fig 13 el ae 6a alos. Tis means that he cr ‘ania tes pct 4, and Cin general I the ext seton we shal stay few pclae From the book Advanced Mechanics of Solids by L. S. Srinath (<>) Aci MOHR’S STRESS PLANE Tr seta he previ sea tht cn pis wi Ie ts Feng rugs poi se aed on te 72 wate ike peice are bounded bythe tree Mo's ils. In his, section we Sine.» and? areal pon, the ignd ie egresion fhe stove anisms le postive, Rea tn we ave amangd the princi ses Bho, o> oy Tore wre he ches nee conser Gee i o,=2.>0, Cid 6,-0.6, esa esr secs intvitaty Worenc, Choose the cordial frame of reference Pay sch thatthe axes ar,along the ‘principal axes. On any plane with normal nthe resultant tess vector Tad the ‘oral sess are such tht ftom Eos (1.32) and (1.33) t,t denote, posive a one the ner epee na (41) be Oreos ng moa, me mish cute pn P+ om ain! san} fe 43, o= oni sey + ay 439) ad 0 tenant ond 39) (a ayaa)> ‘The above thee equations can be used to solve for nim} and a yielding so) aay (142) Uf Acconting the ft fe so ution, he oa (6; #) et en ot a sale) Frome book ‘Advanced Mechanies of Solids by. . ‘rina owes ce ofa 116, wih scene ao, 0) sate ms at oi, ma side eed ADC wih as 166) and centre (+ e3)on the oa Sia, he as equation indicts vs If Standard Method of Solution the pin (2 must eo or oad he ile AFB with dus equal wo 4(o;— a) [Comer ecw eauaiony? + ra) +7—G, where mg andrare conan andcentrnt L(+ 4), ‘ ere aauen ens fr cnt at sh nie he ide ati Lg TOBE tar b= Case 9 6,= 05> 05 Following spuments silat the ones given above, one has for hese fom Bs (140) (142) n= sea($sta0) of Frome toot tv oetes se pet (1) mat i on po sca($20r)-2 circle with radius. Ho 6) with its centre at He +63). ‘The last equation iit et nt tw ino cS aie Gr,

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