MOD - The Suzuki Parent's Role

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Understanding the Suzuki

Parent's Role

n the best case scenario the Suzuki parent begins h er Suzuki she will be asked to sit in a special place close to the studen t

I journey by being a studen t h erself as she takes an extensive

parent education course prior to her child 's first lessons. It
is in the role of student that the parent learns what she needs to
and write down everything that is said in such a way that sh e
will be able to tutor her child at h ome during the week. Too
many parents who have not been properly trained for the job
know in order to fulfill all of her other roles as Suzuki parent, of teacher's assistant make the grave error of reading a book,
which include the role of assistant to the teacher, the role of doing their knitting, etc, during the lesson. It is much easier to
home teacher and the role of nurturer. All of these roles are train people in their duties before they are pressed into their
important and need to be fully understood so that the parent role than it is to re-direct them. Parents want and need to know
and child can enjoy working together as the child learns to play exactly how they are to behave at the lessons. It is the teacher's
the instrument. job to see that the parent has that information .
During the time that the parent's role is that of student, the
parent needs to have sufficient study in the philosophy that The parent as home teacher must keep the
supports the Suzuki Method. This can take from six to ten weeks practice time sacred.
of reading and discussion of Suzuki 's books which include most What are the duties of the Suzuki parent as home teacher? The
of what the parent needs to know. For clear understanding of most important task for the parent is to establish a daily practice
Suzuki's ideas it is important for parents to do some reading at time and stick with it so that it becomes a habit for both parent
home and then return to talk about what they read and wh at it and child . My experience has been that the greatest success oc-
means to them. My experience h as been that parents truly enjoy curs when practice is the same time every day. This is important
and benefit greatly from a parent education course wh en they for a couple of reasons. Having the same time of day for practice
come together with a few other parents to read and discuss Dr. creates a habit for sure, but it also requires that we not let other
Suzuki's writings. things intrude on that time or e lse we will not be practicing at the'
Parents also need to be trained in how to apply the philosophy same time every day. If the parent does not schedule anything else
to teaching their child, and that includes their own study of the at that time of day including dental and medical appointments
beginning steps (bow, rest, and ready position) and playing of and does not let the child participate in oth er activities or 'p lay
Twinkles. In addition , for maximum success, every Suzuki parent with friends until the practice is completed, talent will h ave a
should receive some degree of music reading instruction. With real chance to develop. Moving the practice time around tells
this kind of preparation all parents will be more effective in their the child that practice is not sacred but just something e lse we
Suzuki parent role. do when we can find the time. That is not the attitude you want
your chi ld to h ave about his Suzuki study so you must not have
The Parent as an Assistant to the Teacher that attitude either.
The Suzuki parent's role as assistant begins at the first lesson.
The parent assists the child and the teacher by taking very clear The parent as home teacher must immerse the
precise no tes so that sl he can be an effective teacher at tile home child in music.
practice. Whatever information tile teacher gives in the way of The second most important job of me teacher parent is to
assign m ents and recommendations should be carefully noted immerse the child in the music slhe is learn ing. You cannot play
by the parent on e ither a practice sheet or in a notebook. The the recordings of the music that your child is learning too much.
kind of note-taking and the format which the paren t u ses should H e cannot know the music too well. We are teaching the children
be determined by the teacher. A teacher must give attention in to memorize their music by being completely surrounded by
tile early parent training to the parent's behavior at the lessons. the sounds. The Suzuki child does not know how he knows it,
A parent should not come to the first lesson not knowing that but it is inside of his head, and thus he is able to play it. When

a child has been sufficiently immersed in of the prope r technique. Developing a should be taught in the parent e ducation
his music he is confident about being able good technique takes time, patience , and course .
to play. Everything including his be havior rep eate d demonstra tion by someone who
is improved. Much of the resistance we see understands the importance of learning Finally, the Suzuki parent must
in students is caused by the fact that they th e proper way to play. All parents who nurture the child on a daily
do not have the music they are expected are reall y interested in helping their basis.
to play inside of their h eads. Many try children learn must comprehend prope r It is very important when trying to teach
to think their way through pieces and technique. Even if a parent cannot play your child that you nurture and support
become anxious and nervous. When the the advanced literature, p a re nts can be yo ur child's efforts. From what I have see n
child doesn't know his music sufficiently taught the early techniques so that they and h eard it is the child/ parent relation-
to play without forgett ing, it not only can supe rvise their child's prac tice on a ship tha t requires the most thought a nd
makes the child nervous, but the parents daily basis. By teaching parents Twinkles patience. Suzuki parents often have to
become anxious and short-tempered as in th e ir parent e ducation course and change their p a r e nting style in orde r
well. Parents please give your child every continuing to explain concepts to the for their relationship with their child
chance to su cceed. Play the recordings pare nt in th e lesson, pare nts can be- to work. Neither the authoritaria n nor
for at least four to six hours a day when come experts in the are a of instrument the p ermissive parenting style will work
they are in Book One. After that you can techniqu e and tone production. Parents over the long haul. Parents have to stay
decrease the amount of listening by 20% who care about their children 's progress in a calm, peaceful state of mind and not
for each book, if you wish. must ask questions and m a ke sure they push and bully the child during practice.
Sometimes I wonder if we really believe understand what it is the teacher wan ts The parent must provide the best possible
that all children have tale n t as Su zuki said. them to do . They can the n go h o m e and environment and then le t the child learn
Ifwe believed that our children could re- practice wh at they see in the lessons. It is at his own pace. If children misbehave
ally play at the advanced level that Suzuki important that pare nts realize that as the pare nts should keep a calm demeanor
promised , surely we would do those things Su zuki h ome teacher they must reinforce and simply stop the practice. There is
that he said we re required for the child to good technique a nd good tone eve ry always anothe r day! The child will not fee l
reach the highest level. Daily practicing day at home . Without the parents daily nurtured if the environment is harsh and
and listening must be done for your child attention to prope r ton e and technique unhappy. OJ
to become a talented musician. the child will not excel.
Reprinted with permission from Luedke
As the home teacher the parent As the child's home teacher Parent Education Newsletter, Vol. 1, No.2,
must understand proper technique the parent must be able to read February 2005.
for playing the instrument. music.
Beyond making sure that the r e is In order to h elp th e child with music Afte r earning a Master's d egree in music and a
career in piano performance, Jeanne Luedke stud-
daily practice and immersion listening, he cannot decipher either from listening ied the Suzuki Method of talent education both
th e Suzuki pare nt must unde rstand the or reading (which com es later on) the here and at Dr. Suzuki's sch ool in Matsumoto,
Japan. She founded the Suzuki Talent Education
technique of playing the instrument as parent must be able to read music herself. School of Newtown, Connecticut in 1977 and has
de monstrated by the teache r. The pare nt Some of the skills of music reading can be been a teacher and trainer for several decades.
After forty years of private piano teaching, Jeanne
attends the lessons not just to take notes, taught in the parent education course,
retired from teaching in 1999 to focus entirely on
but also to learn how to be the guiding and I have fo und that parents pick up the parent educa tion.
hands for the child away from the lesson. rest from attendance at weekly lessons and Jeanne is a past member of the Board of Direc-
tors of the Su zuki Association of America and
I think that the only really difficult p art the daily work they do with their child. p ast editor of the piano column for the Suzuki
of playing an instrument is the learning But basic understanding of music reading Journal. Jeanne continued to train teachers and
parents in her wi dely acclaimed Parent Education
Seminars from 1987-2007. In addition for the past
ten years Jeanne has w ritten a parent education
newsletter for Suzuki parents and teach ers. Her
Get In On The Fun! newest materials for parents and teachers includes
a compilation of the best of the Luedke newsletters
Irish Tunes for Young @ Heart, Books 1 and 2 in a 162 page manual called Parents as Teachers
which is a vailable now on her website: www .
Fiddle, Cello, Viola plus Guitar chords In addition, she has written
a book entitled Teachers Guide to Parent Educa-
Arranged by Su zuki Teacher and Irish Musician, Scott Wa lker tion which contains the important information
that Jeanne ha s shared in her newsletters and
teacher seminars over the past twenty years.
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