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Talk about last week/yesterday.

use was/wasn't/were/weren't

Where were you last week? Where were you yesterday morning? Were you with your family
or alone?

Were you at the university campus yesterday? If not, where were you?

Was your mother at home last week ? Where was your father yesterday?

Where was your brother/sister last night?

Who was your best friend when you were a child?

What was your grandfather's/ grandmother's job?

Hable sobre la semana pasada/ayer. uso era/no era/eran/no eran

¿Donde estuviste la semana pasada? ¿Dónde estabas ayer por la mañana? ¿Estabas con tu
familia o solo?

¿Estuviste ayer en el campus universitario? Si no, ¿dónde estabas?

¿Tu madre estuvo en casa la semana pasada? ¿Dónde estaba tu padre ayer?

¿Dónde estaba tu hermano/hermana anoche?

¿Quién era tu mejor amigo cuando eras niño?

¿Cuál era el trabajo de tu abuelo/abuela?

Last week I was in Cerro de Pasco at the Huaron mine (Huallay) with my
dad and uncle, yesterday I was at the Cajas institute with my friend.
Yesterday I was at the university in my project workshop classes from
five until ten at night. My mother was at home last week, she cooked
pachamanca for the family. She normally works every day of the week at
the market. My father was at the notary's office with the lawyer. My
brother was at home and called me to see his work from school on a
weight scale.
When I was a child my best friend was Esperanza with whom I remember
my entire childhood and that stage is amazing. My grandfather was a
miner in Cerro Verde and my grandmother was an animal herder, they
told me that they were very happy with their jobs.
la semana pasada estaba en cerro de pasco en la mina Huaron(Huallay) con mi papa
y tio, ayer estaba en el instituto cajas con mi amigo.
Ayer estaba en la universidad en mis clases de taller de proyectos de cinco hasta las
diez de la noche. Mi madre estaba en casa la semana pasada cocino pachamanca
para la familia normamente trabaja todos los dias de la semana en el mercado mi
padre estaba en el notario con el abogado. Mi hermano estaba en casa me llamo
pare ver su trabajo de la escuela una balanza de pesas.
Cuando era niño mi mejor amiga era esperanza con quien recuerdo toda mi niñez y es
asombroso esa etapa. mi abuelo era minero en cerro verde y mi abuela era pastora
de animales, ellos me contaron que eran muy felices con sus trabajos.

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