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Aylen Mazzaglia

Harlow seems both good and bad for Rosie. Discuss.

British English
Harlow gave Rosie a confusing friendship. Since the day they met, jail, police officers
and trouble surrounded these two girls. They relationship was too intense despite the short period
of time they shared together. Harlow was a problematic girl who awake something inside Rosie.
And Rosie was a quiet depressed girl who was fooled by Harlow´s behaviors.

After Harlow´s performance in the cafeteria, Rosie showed a great attraction to her.
Otherwise, she wouldn´t have thrown the cup away. Something in Harlow´s attitude was a
mystery to solve for Rosie. Unconsciously, her impulsive and wild behavior remembered Rosie
to her lost sister, Fern. Rosie, at least for some time, thought of Harlow as the sister she had lost.
Rosie enjoyed her jokes, her company and, she even wanted to smell her hair and grab it as
chimpanzees did. Harlow introduce Rosie to new experiences that she missed because of the
deep depression she was into after the disappearance of her two siblings. They were the perfect
match, just like Rosie and Fern.

On the other hand, when Lowell appeared Harlow fall in love with him, and she revealed
her real personality. She started to flatter each aspect of Rosie´s personality to Lowell when she
had never expressed any kind of affection for her before. Harlow talked of her parents as
unresponsible people with many children who were too busy for her and, they ended up being
the most careful ones. She was an only child with the perfect family so the reason why she hid
this was strange for Rosie. Harlow had no reason to lie. So, it came as a shock when Rosie had to
say goodbye to her brother and Harlow was in his last comment. She had not only lied but also,
she stole her brother. Rosie was jealous of how Lowell was more curious about Harlow than her.
She felt, one more time, displaced.

To sum up, at the beginning Harlow seemed to be a potential new reliable friend for
Rosie but she ended up being a freeloader who disappointed her. She even took away from Rosie
the ventriloquo which Harlow knew that was meaningful to Rosie. She didn´t need it, but she
wanted to send a message. She would do what she had to to get what she wants, in this case,
Rosie´s big brother Lowell.

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