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International Journal of Surgery 33 (2016) 237e241

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Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation: A review

Jessica L. Weaver a, b, *, Jason W. Smith a
University of Louisville Department of Surgery, Louisville, KY, USA
Robley Rex Veterans Administration Hospital, Louisville, KY, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation (DPR) instills hypertonic solution into the abdomen in addition to IV resuscitation.
 DPR causes rapid vasodilation and improves visceral organ blood flow after shock.
 DPR reduces edema and allows earlier abdominal closure after damage control surgery.
 DPR reduces serum levels of inflammatory cytokines and other mediators.
 DPR increases the number of organs procured per donor after acute brain death.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Conventional treatment for hemorrhagic shock includes the infusion of intravenous (IV) fluid and blood
Received 1 July 2015 products in order to restore intravascular volume. However, even after normal heart rate and blood
Received in revised form pressure are restored, the visceral organs often remain ischemic. This leads to organ dysfunction and also
24 August 2015
releases numerous cytokines and inflammatory mediators which activate the body's inflammatory
Accepted 2 September 2015
response. The use of Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation (DPR) helps counteract this response. DPR involves
Available online 16 September 2015
infusion of hypertonic fluid into the abdomen in addition to IV resuscitation. This causes rapid and
sustained dilation of the arterioles, especially those in the intestine, which reduces organ ischemia and
Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation
cellular hypoxia. Studies in animals have demonstrated that use of DPR after hemorrhagic shock can
Shock reduce organ edema, improve liver blood flow, and reduce serum levels of inflammatory cytokines.
Inflammation Subsequent human studies have shown that DPR after damage control surgery for hemorrhage or sepsis
Hemorrhage leads to faster abdominal closure, higher rate of primary fascial closure, and reduced abdominal com-
Brain death plications. Peritoneal resuscitation has also shown benefits in the resuscitation after acute brain death,
Visceral ischemia including reduced inflammatory mediators and organ edema. Use of DPR in potential organ donors leads
to an increase in the number of organs procured per donor, most frequently by increasing the number of
lungs procured.
© 2015 IJS Publishing Group Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Background the pulmonary and systemic circulation. Even after normalization

of hemodynamics, this vasoconstriction resolves slowly, possibly
Severe traumatic injury can lead to hemorrhagic shock. The due to the intense catecholamine surge and sympathetic response
traditional treatment for significant hemorrhage is the adminis- that accompanies trauma and hemorrhage [2]. The visceral organs
tration of intravenous (IV) crystalloid solutions as well as blood such as the small intestine and liver are particularly prone to pro-
products to restore intravascular volume [1]. However, despite longed ischemia as the body shunts blood to more vital organs such
resuscitation that restores heart rate and blood pressure to normal, as the brain, heart, and kidneys [3,4].
patients can still progress to organ dysfunction. In response to This prolonged hypoperfusion of the intestine can precipitate a
shock, the body experiences a profound vasoconstriction of both severe prolonged inflammatory response due to mobilization of
Damage-associated molecular pattern molecules (DAMPs) from
ischemic tissue [5]. Additionally, hypovolemic shock has been
demonstrated to cause sloughing of the intestinal mucosa and
* Corresponding author. 550 S Jackson St, ACB 2nd Floor Rm A2J19, Louisville, KY
40202, USA. increased intestinal permeability. This is associated with decreased
E-mail address: (J.L. Weaver). function of tight junctions between endothelial cells [6]. This
1743-9191/© 2015 IJS Publishing Group Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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238 J.L. Weaver, J.W. Smith / International Journal of Surgery 33 (2016) 237e241

increased permeability of the bowel wall allows bacteria by- rats. The animals were anesthetized and then underwent trache-
products to translocate out of the bowel lumen. It has also been ostomy and cannulation of the carotid artery, internal jugular vein,
demonstrated that even a short period of intestinal ischemia leads and femoral artery and vein. Hemorrhage was induced with blood
to activation of inflammatory cytokines and other mediators [4]. withdrawal to mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 40% baseline for
Efforts to develop antagonists for specific inflammatory mediators 60 min. Rats were resuscitated with blood and saline with or
have thus far been unsuccessful in clinical studies, and fail to without intraperitoneal injection of Delflex solution. Animals were
address the root of the problem of global tissue ischemia and sacrificed four hours after resuscitation was complete. The acute
inflammation [7]. Thus, our work attempts to reverse the intestinal brain death (ABD) model began similarly, but after the vascular
hypoperfusion that is the underlying cause of inflammation and cannulas were inserted a 4F angiocatheter was inserted into the
organ dysfunction after shock. epidural space and inflated to induce intracranial hypertension and
ultimately brain death. Animals were then resuscitated with IV
2. Initial microcirculatory studies saline with or without DPR.

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluid causes visceral vasodilation. This is 4. DPR improves organ blood flow
thought to be due to the hypertonicity of the fluid, as well as the
lactate, glucose, and glucose degradation products contained In the hemorrhage model, MAP responded to resuscitation and
within the fluid [8]. Our initial microcirculatory studies directly returned to pre-hemorrhage levels in both conventional resusci-
examined the effects of PD fluid application to the terminal ileum, tation (CR) and DPR animals [7,10,12]. Similarly, liver blood flow
and demonstrated that all levels of visceral arterioles rapidly returned to normal in CR and DPR groups after resuscitation.
dilated when exposed to hypertonic fluid (see Fig. 1) but did not However, in the CR group, liver blood flow begins to fall as soon as
respond to isotonic solution [9]. These observations suggested that resuscitation was complete (Fig. 2). The addition of DPR prevented
infusion of a hypertonic solution into the abdomen during periods this decrease [11]. Using colorimetric microspheres we demon-
of low intestinal blood flow, such as during hemorrhagic or septic strated that the addition of DPR improves blood flow to the
shock, could help maintain blood flow to the visceral organs. This jejunum, ileum, spleen, pancreas, lung, and skeletal muscle [12].
novel resuscitation was dubbed Direct Peritoneal Resuscitation In the ABD model, brain death is signaled by a sympathetic surge
(DPR). marked by high blood pressure and heart rate, followed by pro-
The hypertonicity of solution appears to reduce transcellular found hypotension as sympathetic tone is lost. Ongoing resuscita-
water diffusion through the aquaporin channels of cells following tion is required to maintain blood pressure in these patients. In our
ischemia. This serves to maintain blood flow to the abdominal or- ABD experiments use of high levels of IV fluid (IVF) improved heart
gans, by reducing endothelial cell swelling and maintaining capil- rate, MAP, and mortality compared to low levels of IVF resuscita-
lary bed cross sectional area during and after resuscitation, leading tion. Use of DPR achieved similar results while requiring much less
to better tissue blood flow and reduced cellular ischemia. Use of total IVF. The addition of DPR also significantly increased liver blood
adjunctive DPR preserves endothelial cell function when compared flow and correlated with the lower levels of alanine transaminase
to conventional resuscitation [10]. DPR also prevents the significant and alkaline phosphatase [13].
visceral edema via the same mechanism leading to better cellular
function and reduced edema produced cellular dysfunction. 5. DPR reduces organ edema and tissue necrosis
Microscopic evidence points toward a preservation of organ and
cellular architecture following shock in patients treated with DPR In the hemorrhage model, histologic examination demonstrated
compared to those treated with conventional resuscitation tech- that CR animals had significant edema in the liver (see Fig. 3) and
niques alone [11]. sloughing of the villi and loss of intestinal crypts in the ileum. The
DPR animals showed significantly reduced tissue damage and
3. Animal model better preservation of cellular architecture [11]. In the ABD model
the high IVF group was the most like the DPR group in terms of
To better examine the use of DPR in vivo we utilized an animal outcome. However, examination of the lung, liver, and ileum
model for hemorrhagic shock, and subsequently for acute brain demonstrated significantly more edema in all three organs in the
death. The hemorrhagic shock model used male SpragueeDawley IVF only group when compared to the DPR group [13].

6. DPR reduces serum inflammatory cytokines and DAMPs

The fact that effects of DPR extend to organs beyond the

abdominal cavity suggests that the mechanism by which DPR im-
proves organ blood flow is not mediated exclusively through direct
contact. Examination of serum cytokine levels in sham (no hem-
orrhage), CR, and DPR animals revealed that inflammatory cyto-
kines such as IL-1a, IL-1b, and IL-6, were increased in CR animals
and equivalent to sham animals in the DPR group after hemorrhagic
shock. Inflammatory mediator IFN-g was increased in CR and DPR
animals compared to sham, and anti-inflammatory IL-10 was
reduced in CR and DPR animals [11]. Similar results were seen in
the ABD model, where pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1a, IL-1b, IL-
6, IFN-g, and IL-18 were reduced in the DPR group compared to the
groups which received IVF alone [13].
Tissue damage also leads to the release of damage-associated
Fig. 1. Percent change in diameter of different levels of arterioles when treated with molecular patterns (DAMPs). This is a diverse group of molecules
Delflex solution vs solutions of differing pH. which act much like external pathogens, activating the same toll-

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J.L. Weaver, J.W. Smith / International Journal of Surgery 33 (2016) 237e241 239

Fig. 2. Use of DPR prevents a reduction in hepatic blood flow compared to CR (BL ¼ baseline, HEM ¼ hemorrhage, PR ¼ post-resuscitation).

like receptors that ramp up the body's inflammatory response [14]. the most effective, even when compared to more hypertonic so-
Serum hyaluronic acid and High-Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB-1) lutions, which tended to desiccate the tissue and pull fluid from the
protein levels, which are markers of cellular injury, were elevated in intravascular space [9,15]. The DPR solution should be warmed to
the CR group and become equivalent to shams with the addition of 37  C to avoid inducing hypothermia.
DPR. Hyaluronic acid forms a part of tight junctions. HMGB-1 is In patients without an open abdomen, the access is inserted at
normally sequestered in the nucleus due to its paracrine inflam- the bedside or at the time of operation. A small incision is made
matory properties, and thus finding it in the cytosol is a sign of below the umbilicus and a commercially-available Diagnostic
tissue damage. Immunohistochemistry staining showed that in Peritoneal Lavage catheter is inserted using the open Seldinger
sham and DPR animals HMBG-1 remained contained in the nu- technique. One liter of PD fluid is instilled over an hour utilizing
cleus, while in CR animals it migrated to the cytosol (Fig. 3). Levels either gravity or a bedside IV pump. The fluid is left in the abdomen
of pro-inflammatory lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were increased in CR for an hour, and then allowed to drain via gravity over an hour. This
compared to both DPR and sham animals [11]. sequence is repeated during acute resuscitation. Higher infusion
The fact that different cytokines responded differently to the volumes should be avoided due to the risk of abdominal
application of DPR suggests that the anti-inflammatory properties compartment syndrome in the closed abdomen.
of DPR are not global, but in fact act through specific inflammatory
pathways. The effects seen on tight junction proteins indicates that 8. Results of human studies
not only does DPR reduce the production of inflammatory media-
tors, but also helps maintain the permeability of the intestine and Use of DPR has expanded into human studies and shown
reduce the release of these inflammatory mediators into the numerous benefits. A retrospective study demonstrated that use of
circulation. DPR after damage-control surgery for hemorrhagic shock decreased
the time to definitive abdominal closure, as well as increased the
7. Application in humans rate of primary fascial closure. Rates of significant complications,
such as enterocutaneous fistula and abdominal hernia were also
In humans, we initially applied DPR to patients with an open reduced, likely due to the improved fascial closure rate [16]. While
abdomen after laparotomy for trauma or intra-abdominal sepsis. To resuscitation practices in trauma patients have changed since the
perform this, the tubing from a 19F Jackson-Pratt (JP) drain is publication of that manuscript, these initial efforts produced
inserted through the abdominal wall and the internal end placed promising results. Additionally, the use of DPR following abdominal
around the base of the mesentery. The abdomen is then tempo- catastrophes has also shown an improvement in time to abdominal
rarily closed with a vacuum device. We typically use an improvised closure and primary fascial closure rate, as well as reduced venti-
vacuum-assisted closure device (Barker type) including an under- lator days and ICU length of stay when compared to propensity-
lay of perforated sterile plastic sheeting, blue towels, two chest matched controls [17]. Most recently, we have demonstrated that
tubes, and an adherent dressing such as an Ioban (see Fig. 4). A good use of DPR in brain dead organ donors improves the organ pro-
seal with the adherent dressing is essential to maintain suction and curement rate per donor, particularly by increasing lungs procured,
prevent the fluid from leaking. The chest tubes are connected to likely due to reduced edema and improved blood flow [18].
each other and to suction using a Y connector. Chest tubes should
be at least 28F and the bowel must be protected from the suction 9. Future directions
ports on the tubes. The PD solution is infused through the JP tubing
at 800 cc/hr for the first hour and then continuously lavages the Further experiments will continue to explore the potential
abdomen at 400 cc/hr. The chest tubes are kept to continuous wall benefits and applications of DPR. While we have demonstrated
suction. We have found the 2.5% glucose-based PD solution to be reduced levels of inflammatory cytokines, we have not yet shown

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240 J.L. Weaver, J.W. Smith / International Journal of Surgery 33 (2016) 237e241

Fig. 3. Left: Hepatic H&E staining showing increased cellular edema with CR and preserved cell architecture with DPR. Right: Immunohistochemistry staining in liver showing
migration of HMGB-1 into the cytosol after CR and maintenance of HMGB-1 in the nucleus with DPR.

whether this translates to changes in leukocyte activity, especially

the infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils into organs. Ex-
periments to explore this relationship are ongoing. Also, we have
only used commercially-available hypertonic fluid for DPR, and
addition of other compounds to the fluid could cause additional
changes to the post-resuscitation physiology seen after shock.
Finally, within our organ donor patients, the need for organ out-
comes follow-up continues to investigate if DPR improves organ
function in organ recipients.

Ethical approval

Not Applicable, study is a review.

Author contribution

JW: wrote manuscript; JS: edited manuscript.

Sources of funding

Fig. 4. Set-up for continuous DPR in patients with an open abdomen. None.

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