Contemporary World Module 1

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This course will introduce you to the contemporary world by examining the multifaced
phenomenon of globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, social,
political, technological, and other transformations have created an increasing awareness of the
interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course will also
provide you with an overview of the various debates in global governance, development, and
sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to
inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.


1. share a personal definition of globalization

2. describe the nature of globalization
3. differentiate competing conception of globalizations; and
4. synthesize and agree on a working definition of globalization for the course

Keywords: Globalization, economic activity, trade, cultural exchange


In this lesson, you will be exposed to the concept of globalization and how it affects the
economic status of a particular nation or state. You are going to critic news reports discussing
about the emergence and role of globalization in the process of global development. Look for an
updated news reports or article as your sample. Hence, you will be aware of the recent changes
of the world. The textbooks that you have received will be helpful to you during our online
interaction and when you answer the tasks in the module.


The first concept that you are going to encounter is the definition of the word Globalization. But
how do you understand the word itself. Try the activity below using your own interpretation of
the word at the center.

the process by which people and integration of markets, trade and investments
goods move easily across with few barriers to slow the flow of products
and services between nations.

enables countries to access less

historical process, the result of human
expensive natural resources and lower
cost labor. innovation and technological progress.

Later, let us see if the words you have written in the boxes are closely associated on the main

Below, is the nature of globalization which are all significant as we go through with the
discussion on globalization.


1. Liberalization. It stands for freedom of the entrepreneurs to establish any

industry or trade or business venture, within their own countries or abroad.

2. Free trade. It stands for free flow of trade relations among all the nations. Each
state grants (most favored nations) status to other states and keeps its business and trade
away from excessive and hard regularly and protective regimes.

3. Globalization of Economic Activity. Economic activities are to be governed

both by the domestic market and also the world market. It stands for the process of
integrating the domestic economy with world economies.
4. Liberalization of Import-Export System. It stands for liberating the
importexport activity and securing a free flow of goods and services across borders.

5. Privatization. Keeping the state away from ownership of means of reproduction

and distribution and letting the free flow of industrial, trade and economic activity across

6. Increased Collaborations. Encouraging the process of collaborations among the

entrepreneurs with a view to secure rapid modernization, development and technological

7. Economic Reforms. Encouraging fiscal and financial reforms with a view to

give strength to free world trade, free enterprise, and market forces.

Give your viewpoints on the two conditions about the meaning of globalization to you. Write
your answer by giving a brief explanation out of the given statements.

The formation of a global villagr e

Economic globalization

You will notice that the world continues its developments towards human interactions and
movements. From there, list down some signs of globalizations observable to you in our
contemporary time.







On the other side of defining globalization, here are two terms that you need to distinguish. Both
are helpful as you continue to learn the lesson.


Does economic globalization lift all boats, or is it a modern form of empire?

Many anti globalism activists see globalization as the promotion of a Corporatist agenda,
which is intent om constructing the freedoms of individuals in the name or profit. They
also claim that increasing autonomy and strength of corporate entities increasingly shape
the political policy of nation-states. Globalization imposes credit-based economics,
resulting in unsuitable growth of debt and debt crises.

Supporters of free trade point out that economic theories such as comparative advantage
suggests that free trade leads to a more efficient allocation of resources, with all those
involved in the trade benefiting. In general, they claim that this leads to lower prices,
more employment and better allocation of resources.

The Philippines itself is part of globalization so with any countries around the world. Though we
are just a small nation we take all the challenges and contribute to global progress. If you are
listening or reading news reports, the gradual progress of our country now could be categorized
as part of globalization.

Do this activity below to support the idea that globalization has been contributing the
country’s economic status. Write in sentences or paragraph form.
Examples of Globalization

Cultural globalization- refers to the interpretation of cultures which, as a consequence,

means nations adopt principles, beliefs, and costumes of other nations, losing their unique
culture to a unique, globalized supra-culture.

Economic globalization- is the development of trade systems within transnational actors

such as corporations or NGO’s

Industrial Globalization- Every country in the world is moving towards specialization

may be referred to as the phenomenon of producing only that product in which the
country has competitive advantage in terms of cost. For example, Singapore specializes
in pharmaceutical while the US specializes in military equipment.

Therefore, the counties exchange their industrial products, which is known as trade, and
fulfill the requirements of their people. Every country of the world today is involved in
trade and is depended on some other country one way or the other. The US is the biggest
economy in the world and even that is depended on other countries for many of its needs.
Hence the industries of the whole world today are considered to be working not for their
native countries but for the world as a whole.

Financial Globalization- can be linked with the rise of a global financial system with
international financial exchanges and monetary exchanges. Stock markets, for instance,
are a great example of the financially connected global world since when one stock
market has a decline, it affects other markets negatively as a whole.

Social Globalization- Refers to the sharing of ideas and information between and
through different countries. In today’s world, the internet and social media is at the heart
of this. Good examples of social globalization could have included internationally
popular films, books, and TV series. The Harry Potter/ Twilight films and books have
been successful all over the world, making the characters featured globally recognizable.
However, this cultural flow tends to flow from the center (i.e. from developed countries
such as the USA to less developed countries). Social globalization is often criticized for
eroding cultural differences.

Ecological Globalization- accounts for the idea of considering planet Earth as a single
global entity – a common good all societies should protect since the weather affects
everyone and we are all protected by the same atmosphere. To this regard, it is often said
that the poorest countries who have been polluting the least will suffer the most from
climate change.

Political Globalization- the development and growing influence of international

organizations such as the UN or WHO means governmental action takes place at an
international level.

Technological Globalization- the phenomenon by which millions of people are

interconnected thanks to the power of the digital world via flatforms such as facebook,
Instagram, skype or Youtube

Geographic Globalization – is the new organization and hierarchy of different regions

of the world that s constantly changing. Moreover, with transportation and flying made so
easy and affordable, apart from a few countries with demanding visas, it is possible to
travel the world without barely any restrictions


Complete the table on the advantages and disadvantages of globalization in general. Consider the
global changes happening now.

Advantages Disadvantages

After a thorough discussion and understanding of the lessons, write a comprehensive response
about the concept and impact of globalization

1. Has globalization gone too far, not far enough, or has it been heading in the wrong

2. Is "globalization" another word for Americanization?


Dacles, Darwin Don M. & Maslang, Kenneth L. (2018), The Contemporary World. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: SMU Publishing House
Haywood, A. Politics. London: Palgrave Mcmillan.2012

Claudio, L. & Abinales, P.(2018). The Contemporary World. C&E Publishing, Inc

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