Assessment of Lighting System in Haluoleo University Library Room

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Waode Dzulistia Sari Febriani

Department of Architcture, Haluoleo University

The lighting quality of library is one of the important aspect for users in reading books or text
on a computer screen. The library of Haluoleo Univerty had the illuminance of 97 – 359 lux.
The library building requires 300 lux illumination level by Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)
thus the readers can do well-reading activities in a library. This research was conducted to
determine the quality of lighting in reading room on the 1st floor of the Haluoleo University
library that implemented the concept of building. The method used is a comparison method by
comparing the measurement results to the SNI standard.
Keywords: assessment, lighting, library, convenience, Haluoleo University.

1. INTRODUCTION improving the quality of education for

Lighting is one of the main elements in Haluoleo University students. Based on the
architecture. Light has a very big influence observation, the library had illuminance
on the effectiveness of human work, for that did not achieve SNI 6197-2011 both
example in reading activities in the library. daylight and artificial lighting. The
Without adequate lighting intensity in the daylight can optimize the lighting system,
library, humans cannot see and read books but it cannot support because of the
properly and comfortably. In addition, inappropriate layout of the furniture.
lighting can also help provide an aesthetic Meanwhile, it is necessary to redesign the
effect on a room. Also daylight is layout and utilize daylight that the library's
insufficient for the library's lighting. illuminance can be optimal and achieve
Meantime, the minimum standard for 300 lux.
library room lighting is 300 lux.
The Haluoleo University Library is a place 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
that functions to store books and other This research is an evaluation study,
materials for reading, study, or reference in namely evaluating the level of lighting
an effort to support the process of at three measuring points in the reading

Jurnal 1
room on the 1st floor of the Haluoleo located on the right and left of the room.
University library in sunny cloudy As for the manifold dead glass window
weather by taking measurements and with various sizes. Due to the large
comparing the results of these window dimensions, the reading room on
measurements with applicable the first floor of the library makes use of
standards/requirements, namely natural lighting from daylight by not
Permenkes No 48 of 2016. Lighting using curtains or roller blinds to adjust the
level measurements were carried out lighting conditions in the room.
using a Luxmeter with reference to the
Indonesian National Standard on
Measurement of Illumination Intensity
in the Workplace (SNI 16-7062-2004).
Evaluation was also carried out on the Figure 1. Haluoelo University Library
lighting conditions in the library room Building (left), Research location (right)
including physical aspects, subjective Measurement of the reading room of the
responses. This research was conducted Haluoleo University library was carried out at
for two weeks from 9 November 2022 – three areas of the reading room on the 1st
23 November 2022. The time for floor. Measurements were taken in the
conducting the research was divided morning, afternoon and evening so that
into three scales, namely morning lighting conditions could be represented.
(08.00 AM-08.30 AM), afternoon Measurements were taken on a reading table
(11AM-11.30 AM), and evening (14.30 with a height of 75 cm. The layout of the
PM-15.00 PM). furniture has been designed following the
simulation results of the empty library. The
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION placement of the reading desk has been
3.1 General Description focused on an area with sufficient
The Haluoleo University Library is a illuminance. If the illuminance did not
public facility for Haluoleo University achieve 300 lux, then the artificial lighting has
students located on the Kampus Hijau been replaced.
Bumu Tridharma Anduonohu where this
building was inaugurated in 1994. This
library consists of two floors with several
reading rooms. Overall apertures in the
reading room on the first floor are only

Research Journal 2
Figure 2. View of Reading Room
3.2 General Conditions of Lighting in Library Lighting System

Reading Room 28%

31% Lighting Quality
Illumination Standard
Intensity Permenke Lighting
Measuring (LUX) s No 48 14%
Point Year of Planning
Morn Aft Eve 2016
Source: Results of Questionnaire
Distribution (Appendix)
1 207 236 212 300
Based on the diagram above, it can be seen
2 216 359 320 300
that the intensity of lighting in the reading
3 97 172 117 300
room of the Haluoleo University library is at
Table 1. Results of Measurement of Lighting
14%, followed by aspects of lighting quality
Intensity in the Reading Room
which are still not optimal. This is evidenced
From the results of measuring the intensity of
by the fact that the sunny weather causing
light in the library room, it can be seen that
light shadows from the sun reflecting off glass
there is an unequal distribution of light so that
cabinets or other furniture that disturbs the
there are parts of the room that do not meet
reader's comfort.
lighting standards.
Judging from the aspect of the lighting
3.3 Questionnaire Results
system, there are still many visitors who
From the results of research data collection
disagree with the lighting used in the library
with a structured questionnaire by distributing
due to the lack of artificial lighting sources in
questionnaire sheets to library visitors. The
the reading room such as lamps. This make the
questionnaire used is a questionnaire that has
reading room quite dark in the rainy season.
been developed by previous researchers.
The last aspect is lighting planning which has
Obtained respondents as many as 15
the largest percentage. This is because many
respondents. The profile of the respondents in
visitors disagree with the area of the reading
this research were mostly students who visited
room, as well as the distance between tables,
the Haluoleo University library.
chairs, shelves or cupboards in the reading
room. The facilities provided by the library,
especially in the reading room area, are also
considered to be unsatisfactory.

Research Journal 3
V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION out to obtain a natural lighting system
Based on the research data above, analysis and design strategy for the library reading room
regarding lighting in the reading room of the on the 1st floor of Haluoleo University and
Haluoleo University library, the following a method is urgently needed to optimize
conclusions can be concluded: lighting intensity so that it meets SNI
1. The highest average intensity of natural standards regarding energy conservation in
lighting in the reading room on the 1st floor lighting systems. Meanwhile, in several
of the Haluoleo University library as areas of the reading room that have met the
measured using lux meter is at measuring standard, a natural lighting system design
point 2, of 359 lux. solution is needed so that the glare problem
2. The lowest average value of natural light can be resolved.
intensity in the reading room on the 1st
floor of the Haluoleo University library as REFERENCES
measured using a flux meter is at BSN, 2011. SNI Konservasi Energi Sistem
measuring point 3, of 97 lux. Tata Udara pada Bangunan Gedung.
3. Based on SNI 03-6197-2000 concerning Norbert Lechner, 2001. Heating, Cooling,
Energy Conservation in Lighting Systems, Lighting Metode Desain untuk
the lighting of the library reading room on Arsitektur, kedua. ed. Rajagrafindo
the 1st floor of Haluoleo University as a Persada, Jakarta, Indonesia
whole has not met the standard but at John E.Kaufman. IES Lighting Handbook.
several points the reading room still meets The Standard Lighting Guide,
the lighting standard so it is necessary to Illuminating Engineer Society, New
optimize the natural lighting system for the York, 1991.
points other. SNI 03-2396-2001. Tata cara Perancangan
4. The average value of the intensity of Sistem Pencahayaan Alami pada Bangun
natural lighting in the reading room on the Gedung.
1st floor at measuring point 2 can cause Poole, F. G. (1981). Dasar Perencanaan
problems such as glare which can disturb Gedung Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi
the comfort of readers in the orange library di Indonesia. Penerbit ITB, hal 28.
so that further evaluation is needed before Neufert, E. (1993). Architects’Data: Third
adding light points or other artificial Edition. New York: Granada, hal 145.
lighting. Kroelinger, Michael D. (2005). Daylight in
Based on the conclusions of this study, it is Buildings. Dimuat dalam Implications
suggested that further research be carried Vol 03 Issue 3.

Research Journal 4
Mumpuni, Primastiti Wening. 2017. Surabaya: Jurnal Arsitektur, Bangunan, &
Pencahayaan Alami Pada Ruang Baca Lingkungan.
Perpustakaan Umum Kota Surabaya.

Research Journal 5
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Flux Meter Measurement Results

Measurement Point 1 Measurement Point 2 Measurement Point 3

Readimg Room Condition

Jurnal 6


Name :

Agency/Work/Study Program :

Gender : Male / Female (cross out unnecessary)

Address :

Please answer the following questions according to your opinion by circling (example a,
b, c, d) answers a, b, c, and d which you think are correct

A. Lighting System

1. Is the reflection of sunlight entering the room Haluoleo University Library make you

a. Very Comfortable c. Uncomfortable

b. Comfortable d. Very Uncomfortable

2. Do you agree with the lighting used in the Haluoleo University Library current?

a. Strongly Agree c. Disagree

b. Agree d. Strongly Disagree

3. In your opinion, is the light used in the Haluoleo University Library is not bright?

a. Very Bright c. Not Bright

b. Bright d. Very Not Bright

B. Lighting Quality

4. Is the lighting in the reading room of the Haluoleo University Library make your eyes

a. Very Glare c. No Glare

b. glare d. Very Not Glare

5. Do the shadows of light on your work area bother you when doing activities in the
reading room of the Haluoleo University Library ?

a. Very Annoying c. Not Disturbing

b. Disturbing d. Very Unobtrusive

Research Journal 7
6. Is the arrangement of furniture in the reading room of the Haluoleo University Library

a. Very Neat c. Not Neat

b. Neat d. Very Untidy

C. Lighting Intensity

7. Does the reflection of light from the work area (reading table, chair, shelf, ceiling, wall)
dazzle your eyes?

a. Very Glare c. No Glare

b. Glare d. Very Not Glare

8. Do you agree with the color of the room used in the Haluoleo University Library?

a. Strongly agree c. Disagree

b. Agree d. Strongly Disagree

D. Lighting Planning

9.Do you agree with the size of the Haluoleo University Library?

a. Strongly Agree c. Disagree

b. Agree d. Strongly Disagree

10. Do you agree with the spacing of tables, chairs, shelves, cupboards in the reading room?

a. Strongly Agree c. Disagree

b. Agree d. Strongly Disagree

11. In your opinion, how comfortable are the facilities provided for reading at the Haluoleo
University Library ?

a. Very Comfortable c. Uncomfortable

b. Comfortable d. Very Uncomfortable


Research Journal 8
Research Journal 9

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