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This publication is an extract from
‘Selection Criteria Exposed:
200 Examples of Statements Addressing Selection Criteria’

© Review Consulting, 2021

The download of this publication entitles the purchaser to one copy of the publication. No
part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,
including photocopying, printing of multiple copies, forwarding by email, downloading
onto multiple systems, or reproduction in any form of verbal or written media without the
prior written permission of the editor.

This publication is the opinion of the editor and authors, and is a guide only. As opinions
will differ between recruiters, the reader should not take all statements as fact for all
recruiters and all situations. The author does not take any responsibility for the use or
application of the information provided. People and companies mentioned are fictitious
and any resemblance to real people or companies is purely coincidental.
This publication is provided on the understanding that: The editor and authors expressly
disclaim all forms of liability to any person (purchaser of this publication or not) in respect
of the publication and any consequences arising from its use.

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381



Book overview

This free examples book is an extract from our full book, Selection Criteria Exposed: 200
Examples of Statements Addressing Selection Criteria.

This sample contains a long response (standard length responses where no word limit is
specified) followed by a short response (where 250-word or half page word limits are

There are five of these selection criteria statement examples, and two letter examples.

The full 200 examples book is formatted as follows:

SECTION 1: “Traditional” statements addressing selection criteria, both long criteria and
short criteria (250-word limit) statements.

SECTION 2: One- and two-page cover letters, statements and pitches.

SECTION 3: Paragraphs to use in your application, no matter what format it takes.

(Paragraph examples have not been included in the free edition).

Recent changes to government job applications

Since the first edition of our selection criteria examples book in 2008, government job
applications have changed quite a bit. Once, every applicant was required to write
between six to eight selection criteria statements, each being close to a page long. Now,
the format of your application will depend on which department you are applying to, often
with very different requirements between the states.

Cover letters, one-page pitches and statements of examples and experience when
considering the position description and duty statement are now commonplace, as are
selection criteria with strict word limits. Sometimes the words “selection criteria” are not
even used, which can be confusing for government employees who are used to the
government recruitment system. It is important to note that no matter what the “selection
criteria” are called; be it experience and skills statements, cover letters, competencies or
something else, the purpose of your written document and your end product will be
exactly the same.

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The current edition of this book has been released to help applicants with the changing
nature of government job applications.

Where our content comes from

The included statements have been written by career counsellors, application writers,
résumé writing teachers, government recruitment consultants and real applicants. Some
criteria are brand new, some are previously published, some are fictional and some have
won real people real jobs.

How to use the content

Some people use them as a template.

Some people pick out the sentences that pop out at them and use them.
Some people re-word whole phrases and use them.
Some people copy the examples word for word (not recommended but it's totally up to

Others just want to see what selection criteria responses should look like, how long they
should be, or what kind of examples they should be including.

Feel free to use the wording, concepts, ideas and structure in your own application. But,
don’t forget to provide examples of your own knowledge, skills and abilities.

Whether you're writing your first ever selection criteria answers, or have done it many
times but are struggling with writers block, or writing something good enough to get an
interview, then these are sure to help you. Hopefully just by looking at this document you
will learn something about how to write your own government job application, both in
content and format.

And if you really like them and want a whole library of selection criteria at your finger tips,
our book Selection Criteria Exposed, could just be the book for you!

All the best with your application!

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381



Commonly appearing in capability frameworks and leadership systems, achieves results

sometimes appears alone, and at other times with a list of sub-competencies.

Standard Response

My strong record of success in a variety of settings throughout my career shows my

capacity to deliver quality outcomes on time and budget. Fundamental to these roles is an
essential ability to deliver results.

My key results at the executive level have been achieved by identifying and harnessing
resources, setting direction and implementing appropriate strategies. When I first joined
the department, one of our key delivery areas was not meeting its KPI and its deliverables
were considerably below standard. I restructured the staff of 20 in this area into four
distinct teams, each with a team leader who was given a mandate to upskill the staff in the
team, champion the goals, motivate staff to achieve outcomes and closely monitor

By using this strategy, we (the team leaders and me as their manager) were able to identify
key staff who required performance counselling as well as some deficiencies in the
processes that were being used to meet the targets. With some additional training and
changes to work procedures through the process of collaboration with the staff, the KPIs
rose to above the standard required within a three-month period.

Former roles that I have held have involved identifying and mobilising resources, driving
change, managing projects and building organisational and professional expertise. For
example, when employed as a senior adviser to the minister for X, I was involved in the
development of an X program in order to achieve the government’s objectives against the
X policy. Prior to this, I took a leading role in providing advice based on business analysis
regarding a number of major government initiatives, such as X, Y and Z. My leadership in
these positions has achieved the following results against key performance indicators:

• Identification and procurement of resources for the X initiative at 75% of budget


• Review of staffing for initiative Y and recommended restructure for a salary savings
and funding reallocation of over $800,000 per annum

• Implementation of a risk management plan against perceived funding threats for

initiative Y

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• Elimination of scope creep and reduction in scheduled timeframe by 30% for

project Z associated with the Z initiative

I was awarded a (Government Department) staff achievement award for my work on

developing the Z capability and was consequently appointed as a subject matter expert in
this area.

I have a strong professional drive and hunger for success that can be demonstrated
through these examples. My commitment to action, proactive outlook and ability to
produce and follow through on clear and realistic plans while identifying and eliminating
barriers to success has led to a career with outstanding results.

Short Response

(This is an example of how the previous achieve results selection criterion has been edited to
meet a strict page limit of half a page per selection criterion).

My strong record of success in a variety of settings throughout my career shows my

capacity to deliver quality outcomes on time and budget. Fundamental to these roles is an
essential ability to deliver results.

My key results at the executive level have been achieved by identifying and harnessing
resources, setting direction and implementing appropriate strategies. When I first joined
the department, one of our key delivery areas was not meeting its KPI and its deliverables
were considerably below standard. I restructured the staff of 20 in this area into four
distinct teams, each with a team leader who was given a mandate to upskill the staff in the
team, champion the goals, motivate staff to achieve outcomes and closely monitor

My leadership in former positions has achieved the following results against key
performance indicators:

• Identification and procurement of resources for the X initiative at 75% of

budget allocation
• Review of staffing for initiative Y and recommended restructure for a salary
savings and funding reallocation of over $800,000 per annum
• Implementation of a risk management plan against perceived funding threats
for initiative Y
• Elimination of scope creep and reduction in scheduled timeframe by 30% for
project Z associated with the Z initiative

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Customer satisfaction can cover a whole range or similar skills including customer service,
customer focus and customer related service delivery. Selection criteria can be very
specific, for example specifying that the customer service be phone based, or very broad
and include other aspects of the job such as meeting deadlines with completing client

Standard Response

I currently work for the (Government Department), whose mandate is to provide

procurement information services to other Commonwealth agencies. My customer contact
comes primarily via phone, but I also spend approximately 20% of my time meeting with
customers face to face to provide training or more comprehensive advice that isn’t as
effectively delivered over the phone. My customer contact is high volume and the
department’s charter stipulates strict turnaround times that are documented and

I often come across competing client priorities in my profession. For example, most clients
have deadlines for the procurement of items for their organisation and need advice
regarding options and legislative requirements within a specific timeframe so they can
complete their procurement. In these instances, I have to make a well-informed decision
as to the priority of clients based on their deadlines and the necessity of the procurement.
For example, if the Department of Defence require advice regarding the procurement of an
item for an overseas operation, this would be considered a higher priority than the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade requiring advice about the acquisition of a new
photocopier. Once I have made a decision regarding client priority, I inform them of my
turnaround time, explain any delays or higher priority issues that may affect the timeliness
of advice and then make an appointment with them for a later date to discuss the issue
either over the phone or in person.

As a customer care consultant, I recognise the value of my role in business partnering, as I

have access to a large cross-section of staff and agencies. I use this exposure to gain an
awareness of current important and arising issues and communicate this knowledge to my
Business Unit so that we can prepare for effective future service delivery. When
communicating with customers, I focus on listening to their needs and responding
appropriately. I believe strongly in educating myself in the business of my customers, as I

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believe this individual approach assists in developing appropriate solutions, and I

demonstrate to the customer that their needs are important and that they come first.

While partnering with current customers, I also build networks with potential customers. I
believe this represents a tremendous opportunity to create solid working relationships,
improve the image of my organisation and present as an organisation with a high customer
service focus. By discovering untapped areas, needs and opportunities to deliver our
products and services, not only does our image and perceived effectiveness improve, but
output and deliverables across the organisation are maximised. I have had incredible
success in this area of partnering and have high levels of customer satisfaction, as
measured by feedback surveys. I would be happy to provide copies of these surveys for
your perusal at an interview.

Short Response

(This is an example of how the previous selection criterion has been edited to meet a
250-word limit).

I currently work for the (Government Department), whose mandate is to provide

procurement information services to other Commonwealth agencies. My customer contact
comes primarily via phone, but I also spend approximately 20% of my time meeting with
customers face to face to provide training or more comprehensive advice that isn’t as
effectively delivered over the phone. My customer contact is high volume and the
department’s charter stipulates strict turnaround times that are documented and

I often come across competing client priorities in my profession. For example, most clients
have deadlines for the procurement of items for their organisation and need advice
regarding options and legislative requirements within a specific timeframe so they can
complete their procurement. In these instances, I have to make a well-informed decision
as to the priority of clients based on their deadlines and the necessity of the procurement.

As a customer care consultant, I recognise the value of my role in business partnering, as I

have access to a large cross-section of staff and agencies. When communicating with
customers, I focus on listening to their needs and responding appropriately. I believe
strongly in educating myself in the business of my customers, as I believe this individual
approach assists in developing appropriate solutions and I demonstrate to the customer
that their needs are important and that they come first.

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Standard Response

I have provided patient-focused care since my registration as a nurse in 1999. I am a strong

advocate of providing care in a health setting that works in partnership with the patient
and their family in planning and implementing care in accordance with informed decisions,
their wishes and best interests.

In my current role as a ward nurse, I promote patient-focused care by providing patients

and their families with information regarding their health and treatment options, as well as
access to other services that may be applicable in their circumstances. I not only liaise with
the patient and their families to do this, but also work in collaboration with specialist
teams and services in the hospital and other health-related organisations that may not be
in the hospital’s portfolio.

I became passionate about patient-focused care in my first role as a nurse when I worked
in palliative care at the X Hospital. In this position, Advance Care Planning held a solid focus
in the implementation of patient care plans and comes under the Natural Death Act 1988
(Northern Territory) which is designed to document an individual’s wishes or directions.
Advance Care Planning enables patients to discuss options with care providers and families
regarding treatments they want undertaken or withdrawn in the event that their health
makes them unable to make decisions or communicate wishes. Through research, it has
become apparent that families rarely have a clear or accurate understanding of the
treatment their loved one would prefer to receive or not receive, and healthcare
professionals who do not have clear guidelines will resort to standard treatment options.
This often leads to patients being treated without dignity and extending suffering. Advance
Care Planning, therefore, provides an environment for structured discussions and shared
communication to ensure that the patient’s end-of-life care is conducted according to their
wishes. As such, I am also meticulous with regard to my documentation, with its potential
use in complaints or legal action always forefront in my mind.

I have also undertaken Respecting Patient Choices (RPC) training, a model of Advance Care
Planning which has recently been implemented at the X Hospital in response to recurring
issues of patient competence in decision-making and the capacity to consent to treatment.
The RPC model is aimed to impact the level to which consumers are involved in decisions
regarding their future care and increasing the involvement of health service providers in
facilitating future care and health processes. I was selected to participate in the initial RPC
implementation trial, and through feedback it was observed that patients perceived an
improvement in the understanding of their health condition and quality of their

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subsequent care. I will be involved as an official advocate when the RPC model is rolled out
to the rest of the hospital.

Short Response

(This is an example of how the previous selection criterion has been edited to meet a
250-word limit).

I became passionate about patient-focused care in my first role as a nurse when I worked
in palliative care at the X Hospital. In this position, Advance Care Planning held a solid focus
in the implementation of patient care plans and comes under the Natural Death Act 1988
which is designed to document an individual’s wishes or directions. Advance Care Planning
enables patients to discuss options with care providers and families regarding treatments
they want undertaken or withdrawn in the event that their health makes them unable to
make decisions or communicate wishes. As such, I am also meticulous with regard to my
documentation, with its potential use in complaints or legal action always forefront in my

In my current role as a ward nurse, I promote patient-focused care by providing patients

and their families with information regarding their health, treatment options and access to
other services that may be applicable in their circumstances. I not only liaise with the
patient and their families to do this, but also work in collaboration with specialist teams
and services in the hospital and other health-related organisations that may not be in the
hospital’s portfolio.

I have undertaken Respecting Patient Choices (RPC) training, a model of Advance Care
Planning which has recently been implemented at the X Hospital in response to recurring
issues of patient competence in decision-making and the capacity to consent to treatment.

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381



Standard Response

I am serious about my obligations under Occupational Health and Safety legislation and
company policy, and commit wholeheartedly to the principles and practices of
Occupational Health and Safety. I understand that there are general requirements that
must be met by every workplace in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of
employees, and that in New South Wales these are set out in the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.

During my duties, I ensure that I take care of the health and safety of others by reporting
any incidents I witness or notifying the Occupational Health and Safety officer of any
hazards I might come across. In the past, I have reported a leaking pipe in the ladies’
bathroom that was creating a pool of water on the floor which could lead to a fall or slip,
and I have reported on an unsafe extension cord that crossed a major walkway between
workstations. I also cooperate with my employer, the (Government Department), in their
efforts to comply with Occupational Health and Safety requirements by attending regular
training, participating in fire drills and abiding by the policies set out by the (Government

In addition to my duties as an individual, I understand that there are also responsibilities

placed on managers and the organisation as a whole. This includes ensuring that the
workplace is a safe and healthy location in which to operate by:

• Maintaining safe working conditions, including facilities, environment and systems

• Ensuring equipment is stored and handled safely

• Providing appropriate information and training to ensure employee health and


• Consulting with employees regarding their health and safety

• Adopting a risk management approach

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Short Response

(This is an example of how the previous selection criterion has been edited to meet a
250-word limit).

I am serious about my obligations under Occupational Health and Safety legislation and
company policy, and commit wholeheartedly to the principles and practices of
Occupational Health and Safety. I understand that there are general requirements that
must be met by every workplace in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of
employees, and that in New South Wales these are set out in the Work Health and Safety
Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011.

During my duties, I ensure that I take care of the health and safety of others by reporting
any incidents that I witness or notifying the Occupational Health and Safety officer of any
hazards I might come across. In the past, I have reported a leaking pipe in the ladies’
bathroom that was creating a pool of water on the floor which could lead to a fall or slip,
and I have reported on an unsafe extension cord that crossed a major walkway between
workstations. I also cooperate with my employer, the (Government Department), in their
efforts to comply with Occupational Health and Safety requirements by attending regular
training, participating in fire drills and abiding by the policies set out by the (Government

In addition to my duties as an individual, I understand that managers and the organisation

as a whole are responsible for ensuring the workplace is a safe and healthy location in
which to operate.

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Standard Response

My current position is extremely autonomous. I am responsible for identifying customers,

developing business, completing the requirements and associated reporting. I have
performance indicators and expected hours to complete. I face tight timeframes to
complete my work as per response timelines that are stated in (Company) policy.

My job requires high-level organisational skills. I am currently in the office approximately

two days per week; the other three days I consult at various sites around New South
Wales. This requires planning abilities, excellent time management skills and a solid work
ethic. I often start early, work late, work through lunch break and travel intrastate at short
notice. In order to accommodate the different issues and deadlines, I structure each day
according to the workload and issues at the time. My office is my laptop and mobile
phone, and such an unstructured work environment requires almost unlimited flexibility,
and I find that I thrive in such an environment.

I use several tools to organise and prioritise my work including the Outlook diary, Outlook
reminders and the Outlook to-do list. I spend time each morning planning the day ahead of
me and prioritising tasks in order of importance and due date; however, I remain aware of
the need to reprioritise these tasks as the day progresses and workflow changes. If I am
unsure of the urgency of the task, I will clarify it with a colleague or supervisor, and I often
discuss my workload with my supervisor in order to receive feedback on my plan of attack.
If faced with conflicting deadlines, I will confirm the importance of each task. While I
realise that multiple stakeholders may insist their task is the most important, this is not
always the case. I have excellent negotiation abilities and am able to renegotiate deadlines
where possible. I have also asked for support from others and worked late in extreme
circumstances where deadlines were not possible to meet on my own due to an excessive

One example that demonstrates my flexibility and dedication when meeting strict
deadlines would be when I was working for a chief of staff organising staffing for a new
division. The manager required immediate help with a critical recruitment exercise;
however, there were no HR staff available in Canberra to assist. My division only covers
New South Wales, but since I had worked for this manager previously in New South Wales
and he had specifically asked for my services, I negotiated with my manager due to the

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381


critical nature of the issue. With approval, I flew to Canberra at short notice and worked
overnight to complete the associated report for submission. I received much positive
feedback and have been requested back to Canberra by this manager and his colleagues on
numerous occasions.

This is not an isolated event. While working in the (Company) environment, I have been
exposed to many deadlines that are not flexible due to (Company)’s activities overseas,
and in a more general sense, I understand the importance of ensuring immediate attention
to critical issues in order to smooth the organisation’s operation.

Short Response

My current position is extremely autonomous. I am responsible for identifying customers,

developing business, completing the requirements and associated reporting. I have
performance indicators and expected hours to complete. I face tight timeframes to
complete my work as per response timelines that are stated in (Company) policy.

My job requires high-level organisational skills. I am currently in the office approximately

two days per week; the other three days I consult at various sites around New South
Wales. This requires planning abilities, excellent time management skills and a solid work
ethic. I find that I thrive in such an environment.

I use several tools to organise and prioritise my work including the Outlook diary, Outlook
reminders and the Outlook to-do list. I spend time each morning planning the day, but I
remain aware of the need to reprioritise these tasks as the day progresses and workflow
changes. While I realise that multiple stakeholders may insist their task is the most
important, this is not always the case. I have excellent negotiation abilities and am able to
renegotiate deadlines where possible. I have also asked for support from others and
worked late in extreme circumstances where deadlines were not possible to meet on my
own and the workload was excessive.

While working with (Company), I have been exposed to many deadlines that are not
flexible and I understand the importance of ensuring immediate attention to critical issues
in order to smooth the organisation’s operation.

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381



Sometime applicants are requested to submit a cover letter, pitch, expression of interest or
short statement summarising how their skills relate to the job description or selection
criteria. Here are two examples that can be used in these situations.

One Page

To whom it may concern,

Application for (Position), Position reference (XXXXXX). As shown in my included résumé,

my background and expertise match this position’s requirements.

I have demonstrated a strong record of success in a variety of settings throughout my

career. During my four years with (Company), my key results have been achieved by
identifying and harnessing resources, setting direction and implementing appropriate
strategies. I have a strong capacity to deliver quality outcomes on time and budget.
Fundamental to these roles is an essential ability to deliver results.

When I first joined the department, one of our key delivery areas was not meeting its KPI
and its deliverables were considerably below standard. I restructured the staff of 20 in this
area into four distinct teams, each with a team leader who was given a mandate to upskill
the staff in the team, champion the goals, motivate staff to achieve outcomes and closely
monitor performance.

My leadership in these positions has achieved the following results against key
performance indicators:

• Identification and procurement of resources for the X initiative at 75% of

budget allocation
• Review of staffing for initiative Y and recommended restructure for a salary
savings and funding reallocation of over $800,000 per annum
• Implementation of risk management plan against perceived funding threats for
initiative Y
• Elimination of scope creep and reduction in scheduled timeframe by 30% for
project Z associated with the Z initiative

I have well-developed judgement, initiative, analytical and investigative skills and the

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ability to assess situations to create positive solutions. This includes the proven ability to
analyse complex issues and prepare detailed reports for senior management in my current

I possess the right combination of professional drive and hunger for success that can be
seen in more detail through the achievements and successes listed on my résumé.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications for the position further and
look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Two Pages

I am writing to express my strong interest in the (Government Department) administration

position, position number XXXXXX.

To help you learn more about my track record, I have enclosed my résumé, in which you
will see I have a strong background of over ten years in providing administrative services in
a health setting.

My claims for the position include excellent verbal and written communication skills and
strong experience in developing and maintaining internal and external business
relationships with staff at all levels of the organisation.

With regard to my written skills, I have drafted contracts and legal paperwork, and written
reports, presentations, journal papers, tenders, policies, procedures, letters and minutes
throughout my university studies and career. In my current position, I regularly write
reports for (Company A) senior management and have received positive feedback on many
occasions regarding my writing skills and timeliness.

When communicating with customers, management and external organisations in my

current role, I focus on listening to their needs and identifying the core message before
responding. I have found that I have built trust and credibility among those I work with,
which is demonstrated by the high levels of morale in my team and the referrals and
repeat business I receive from clients.

While working for (Company B), a health consulting firm, I was responsible for initiating
relationships with new businesses, winning business, maintaining the business and

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ensuring repeat business. I believe my success here was due to my strong communication
and relationship management skills and ability to ensure that everyone was headed
toward the same goal.

My key achievements in this area have been a successful tender for the ABC project (worth
over $5million annually) gained through solid business relationship development and
maintenance, and the development of the DEF Consultative Committee that brought
together key health sector stakeholders into discussion forums and initiative sharing

I have used my initiative and organisational skills in this environment to improve processes
and procedures which boost the efficiency and functionality of the work area. In this
current area, we use one Microsoft Access database, two key Microsoft Word documents
and a Microsoft Excel file for registering work that comes in and out of the area. I used my
strong computer skills to turn the Word documents into merge documents (with the
Access database as a data source) and linked the Excel file to the access database. This
means that we can now use the Access database as a central “control board” and navigate
through the other systems by clicking on the links in the database. This saves time looking
for documents and creating new files, as it now happens automatically through a central
database. While this is a simple idea, it saves me and all my work colleagues considerable
time in our day-to-day duties, cuts down on errors and ensures consistency across our
work practices.

I understand that your organisation has articulated six leadership values: professionalism,
loyalty, integrity, courage, innovation and teamwork that are consistent with the Public
Service Act 1999 and a corporate governance framework that is characterised by a
commitment to be a results-focused, values-based organisation. My current organisation
has a set of Workplace Values and Expected Behaviours that outline conduct in the
organisation. I am not only aware of what is expected under these policies, but I commit to
and uphold these values on a daily basis. I display these values in the workplace by acting
professionally, respecting and trusting colleagues, striving for positive results, acting with
honesty and integrity and working not only with my immediate team, but with all
(Company A) personnel. In addition, I understand that many of the workplace values are
underpinned by legislative requirements and I have acted as an Equity Adviser and OHS
Representative at (Company B).

I meet all the mandatory requirements of the position. I am available to work outside of
normal business hours, travel as required and I have a current class C driver’s license.

Based on my experience and strong commitment to my projects, I know I will add

significant value to your team. I look forward to discussing my capabilities in more detail at

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an interview and would be keen to bring examples of my work as evidence of my skills in

this area. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

1. Application form
2. Résumé

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381


Following is the Table of Contents for the full guide, Selection Criteria Exposed: 200
Examples of Statements Addressing Selection Criteria.

This guide comes with a 30-day money back guarantee, so if it doesn’t help your selection
criteria, you can get your money back.


Cross-Reference Index ................................................................................................... 12
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 14
How to use this book ........................................................................................................... 15


Acquire new knowledge / skills ...................................................................................... 22
1. Fast learner. ............................................................................................................................23
1b. Fast learner (short response)................................................................................................24
2. Acquire knowledge. ................................................................................................................25
2b. Acquire knowledge (short response). ...................................................................................27
3. Develop skills...........................................................................................................................28
3b. Develop skills (short response). ............................................................................................29

Achieve Results.............................................................................................................. 30
4. Achieve results. .......................................................................................................................31
4b. Achieve results (short response). .........................................................................................33
5. Achieve results. .......................................................................................................................34
6. Achieve results. .......................................................................................................................36
6b. Achieve results (short response). .........................................................................................38
7. Achieve results. .......................................................................................................................39
8. Achieve results. .......................................................................................................................41
9. Deliver results. ........................................................................................................................43
9b. Deliver results (short response)............................................................................................45
10. Achieve outcomes. ................................................................................................................46
11. Achieve positive work outcomes (short response). .............................................................49

Administration .............................................................................................................. 50
12. General administration. ........................................................................................................51
13. General administration. ........................................................................................................52
13b. General administration (short response). ..........................................................................53
14. Administration skills. .............................................................................................................54

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15. Administration and reception. ..............................................................................................56

16. Complex administrative functions. .......................................................................................58
16b. Complex administration functions (short response). .........................................................60
17. Procedures and systems. ......................................................................................................61
17b. Procedures and systems (short response). ........................................................................63
18. Procedures and systems. ......................................................................................................64
19. Executive secretarial support. ..............................................................................................66
20. Transcription. ........................................................................................................................68
21. Keyboard skills. .....................................................................................................................69
21b. Keyboard skills (short response). ........................................................................................71
22. Office management (short response). ..................................................................................72

Analytical Skills / Attention to Detail .............................................................................. 73

23. Analytical skills. .....................................................................................................................74
23b. Analytical skills (short response). .......................................................................................75
24. Analytical and conceptual skills. ...........................................................................................76
25. Analytical and conceptual skills (short response).................................................................78
26. Attention to detail. ...............................................................................................................79
27. Attention to detail. ...............................................................................................................80
28. Attention to detail. ...............................................................................................................82
29. Interpret, organise and use numerical data. ........................................................................83
30. Analyse data (short response). .............................................................................................86
31. Statistical analysis / research. ...............................................................................................87
32. Attention to detail: ...............................................................................................................89

Change Management ..................................................................................................... 90

33. Change management. ...........................................................................................................91
34. Change management. ...........................................................................................................93
34b. Change management (short response). .............................................................................95

Communication Skills ..................................................................................................... 96

35. Communicate with influence. ...............................................................................................97
35b. Communicate with influence (short response). .................................................................98
36. Communicate with influence. ...............................................................................................99
36b. Communicate with influence (short response). ...............................................................101
37. Communicate with influence. .............................................................................................102
38. Resolve issues. ....................................................................................................................103
39. Verbal, written and interpersonal skills. .............................................................................104
40. Verbal, written and interpersonal skills. .............................................................................106
40b. Verbal, written and interpersonal skills (short response). ...............................................108
41. Communication and interpersonal skills with client focus. ................................................109
42. Open communication. ........................................................................................................111
42b. Open communication (short response). ...........................................................................112
43. Communicate technical information. .................................................................................113
44. Produce media materials. ...................................................................................................115
45. Produce complex written information. ..............................................................................116

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46. Produce information products. ..........................................................................................117

47. Prepare reports, policy papers and briefings. ....................................................................118
47b. Prepare reports, policy papers and briefings (short response). .......................................119
48. Prepare high-level correspondence and briefings. .............................................................120
49. Document research.............................................................................................................121
50. Communicate in a variety of contexts. ...............................................................................122
50b. Communicate in a variety of contexts (short response). .................................................123

Contract Management ..................................................................................................124

51. Contract management. .......................................................................................................125
52. Contract management. .......................................................................................................126

Customer Service ..........................................................................................................129

53. Customer service skills. .......................................................................................................130
53b. Customer service skills (short response). .........................................................................131
54. Customer service focus. ......................................................................................................132
54b. Customer service focus (short response). ........................................................................133
55. Customer service in a challenging environment. ...............................................................134
56. Phone-based customer service. ..........................................................................................135
57. Achieve customer satisfaction. ...........................................................................................136
57b. Achieve customer satisfaction (short response). .............................................................137
58. Quality service delivery. ......................................................................................................138
59. Achieve sales targets. .........................................................................................................140

Decision-Making ...........................................................................................................142
60. Make complex decisions. ....................................................................................................143
60b. Make complex decisions (short response). ......................................................................144
61. Make difficult decisions. .....................................................................................................145
61b. Make difficult decisions (short response). .......................................................................146
62. Decision-making and strategic thinking. .............................................................................147
63. Decision-making:.................................................................................................................148

Graphic Design..............................................................................................................149
64. Experience as a graphic designer. .......................................................................................150
65. Demonstrate experience in graphic design using Adobe Creative Suite 6 to develop
concepts and deliver press-ready artwork. ..............................................................................152

Engineering ..................................................................................................................153
66. Undertake engineering design tasks...................................................................................154
67. Document engineering design tasks. ..................................................................................156
68. Control engineering projects. .............................................................................................158
69. Undertake engineering tasks (short response). .................................................................159

Occupational Health and Safety / Values .......................................................................160

70. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). ..............................................................................161
70b. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) (short response). ................................................162

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71. Manage Occupational Health and Safety risks. ..................................................................163

72. Apply Occupational Health and Safety measures...............................................................165
73. APS values and department values. ...................................................................................166
74. APS values and department values. ...................................................................................168
74b. APS values and department values (short response). ......................................................170
75. An understanding of and commitment to the principles of equity and diversity. .............171
76. Code of conduct. .................................................................................................................173
76b. Code of conduct (short response). ...................................................................................174
77. Knowledge of, and commitment to, workplace diversity, Occupational Health and Safety
and consultative work practices. ..............................................................................................175
78. Knowledge and understanding of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). .......................176
79. Knowledge and understanding of Ethnic Affairs Priorities Statements (EAPS). .................177
80. Apply Occupational Health and Safety measures...............................................................179

Finance .........................................................................................................................180
81. Finance experience. ............................................................................................................181
81b. Finance experience. ..........................................................................................................182
82. Financial business practices and processes. .......................................................................183
83. Accounting. .........................................................................................................................185
84. Process financial transactions. ............................................................................................186

Health ..........................................................................................................................188
85. Health service management. ..............................................................................................189
86. Mental health services. .......................................................................................................191
86b. Mental health services (short response). .........................................................................192
87. Nursing. ...............................................................................................................................193
87b. Nursing (short response). .................................................................................................195
88. Nursing. ...............................................................................................................................196
89. Patient-focused care. ..........................................................................................................198
89b. Patient-focused care (short response). ............................................................................199
90. The ability to manage the workloads of yourself and others in a healthcare setting. .......200
91. Psychology registration (short response). ..........................................................................201
92. Medical administration / reception. ...................................................................................202

Human Resources .........................................................................................................204

93. Generalist Human Resources. .............................................................................................205
94. Recruitment. .......................................................................................................................208
94b. Recruitment (short response)...........................................................................................209

Information Management .............................................................................................210

95. Records management. ........................................................................................................211
95b. Records management (short response). ..........................................................................213
96. Electronic file management systems. .................................................................................214

Information Technology ................................................................................................215

97. Computer literacy. ..............................................................................................................216
98. Computer literacy. ..............................................................................................................217

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99. Computer literacy (short response). ...................................................................................218

100. Word processing and database skills. ...............................................................................219
100b. Word processing and database skills (short response). .................................................220
101. Word processing and database skills. ...............................................................................221
102. Financial software. ............................................................................................................222
103. Write systems specifications. ...........................................................................................223
103b. Write systems specifications (short response). ..............................................................225
104. IT support. .........................................................................................................................226
104b. IT support (short response). ...........................................................................................228
105. Maintain and support a network environment. ...............................................................229
106. WC3 web standards and web technologies including HTML, XHTML and CSS. ...............232
107. Website development. .....................................................................................................234
108. SAP Basis Operations, SAP Transport Mechanisms and SAP in a Microsoft Server
environment. ............................................................................................................................236
109. Database administration...................................................................................................238
109b. Database administration (short response). ....................................................................241
110. Installation, configuration and maintenance of UNIX and Windows operating systems.

Interpersonal Skills .......................................................................................................245

111. Cultivate productive working relationships. .....................................................................246
111b. Cultivate productive working relationships (short response). .......................................248
112. Cultivate productive working relationships. .....................................................................249
113. Support and cultivate productive working relationships. ................................................250
114. Support and cultivate productive working relationships. ................................................252
115. Support and cultivate productive working relationships. ................................................253
116. Build strategic partnerships. .............................................................................................254
117. Solid skills in client engagement. ......................................................................................255
118. Collaborate with others. ...................................................................................................256
118b. Collaborate with others (short response). .....................................................................257
119. Manage difficult people. ...................................................................................................258
120. Manage relationships. ......................................................................................................259
121. Manage relationships. ......................................................................................................260
122. Consult at all levels. ..........................................................................................................261
123. Consult at all levels. ..........................................................................................................262
123b. Consult at all levels 2 (short response). ..........................................................................263
124. Work in a joint service environment. ...............................................................................264

Inventory Management / Logistics ................................................................................265

125. Inventory management. ...................................................................................................266
125b. Inventory management (short response). ......................................................................268
126. Logistics. ............................................................................................................................269
126b. Logistics (short response). ..............................................................................................270

127. Legal experience that would allow the incumbent to perform the duties of the role. ...272

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Legislation, Guidelines AND Compliance .......................................................................274

128. Business acumen...............................................................................................................275
128b. Business acumen (short response). ................................................................................276
129. Certified agreements. .......................................................................................................277
130. Interpret legislation and policy. ........................................................................................278
130b. Interpret legislation and policy (short response). ..........................................................279
131. Australian electoral legislation. ........................................................................................281
132. Corporate governance. .....................................................................................................282
132b. Corporate governance (short response). .......................................................................284

Machinery of Government ............................................................................................285

133. Local government. ............................................................................................................286

Management ................................................................................................................287
134. Commercial acumen. ........................................................................................................288
135. Management experience. .................................................................................................290
135b. Management experience (short response). ...................................................................291
136. Management experience. .................................................................................................292
137. Leadership capacity. .........................................................................................................294
137b. Leadership capacity (short response). ............................................................................295
138. Stress management. .........................................................................................................296
138b. Stress management (short response).............................................................................297
139. Commercial knowledge (short response). ........................................................................298

Marketing and Communications ...................................................................................299

140. Communications, media and large-scale events. .............................................................300
141. Manage media, advertising, internet, printing and merchandise. ...................................301
142. Development, management and implementation of communication advice, strategies
and plans. ..................................................................................................................................303

Personal Skills: Integrity, Initiative, Flexibility, Confidentiality, Empathy, Etc. ...............304

143. Personal drive and integrity. .............................................................................................305
143b. Personal drive and integrity (short response). ...............................................................307
144. Personal drive and integrity. .............................................................................................308
144b. Personal drive and integrity............................................................................................310
144c. Personal drive and integrity. ...........................................................................................311
145. Display personal drive and integrity. ................................................................................313
146. Personal drive and integrity. .............................................................................................314
147. Initiative / proactiveness. .................................................................................................315
148. Initiative and flexibility. ....................................................................................................317
148b. Initiative and flexibility (short response). .......................................................................318
149. Flexibility. Write about a situation when you had to adjust quickly to changes in your
organisational or departmental priorities. (Targeted question). .............................................319
150. Confidentiality. ..................................................................................................................321
151. Confidentiality. ..................................................................................................................322
151b. Confidentiality (short response). ....................................................................................323
152. Continuous improvement. ................................................................................................324

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153. Empathy. ...........................................................................................................................326

153b. Empathy (short response). .............................................................................................328

Policy Management / Development ..............................................................................329

154. Develop policy...................................................................................................................330
154b. Develop policy (short response). ....................................................................................332
155. Develop policy and procedures. .......................................................................................333
156. Develop policy and provide advice. ..................................................................................334
157. Provide policy advice. .......................................................................................................335
157b. Provide policy advice (short response). ..........................................................................336

Problem-Solving ...........................................................................................................337
158. Problem-solving. ...............................................................................................................338
159. Develop solutions. ............................................................................................................339
159b. Develop solutions (short response). ...............................................................................340

Procurement ................................................................................................................341
160. Procurement knowledge. .................................................................................................342
160b. Procurement knowledge (short response). ....................................................................343
161. Procurement knowledge. .................................................................................................344
162. Procurement experience. .................................................................................................346
163. Procurement experience. .................................................................................................347

Project Management ....................................................................................................348

164. Project management experience......................................................................................349
164b. Project management experience (short response). .......................................................351
165. Project management experience......................................................................................352
166. Manage multiple initiatives. .............................................................................................354
167. Produce project schedules................................................................................................355
167b. Produce project schedules (short response). .................................................................356

Risk Management / Quality Assurance ..........................................................................357

168. Risk management experience. ..........................................................................................358
169. Knowledge of risk management. ......................................................................................359
169b. Knowledge of risk management (short response). ........................................................360
170. Quality assurance. .............................................................................................................361
170b. Quality assurance (short response). ...............................................................................363
171. Security planning. .............................................................................................................364

Social Work ..................................................................................................................365

172. Social work experience. ....................................................................................................366
173. Social work experience (short response). .........................................................................367

Strategic Skills ..............................................................................................................368

174. Strategic direction. ............................................................................................................369
174b. Strategic direction (short response). ..............................................................................371
175. Strategic direction. ............................................................................................................373
175b. Strategic direction (short response). ..............................................................................374

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381


175c. Strategic direction. ..........................................................................................................375

176. Strategic direction. ............................................................................................................377
176b. Strategic direction (short response). ..............................................................................378
177. Strategic thinking. .............................................................................................................379
177b. Strategic thinking (short response). ...............................................................................380
178. Strategic thinking. .............................................................................................................381
179. Strategic influencing. ........................................................................................................382
179b. Strategic influencing (short response). ...........................................................................383
180. Strategic planning (to manage risk). .................................................................................384

Supervision ...................................................................................................................385
181. Supervise staff...................................................................................................................386
181b. Supervise staff (short response). ....................................................................................387
182. Supervise staff...................................................................................................................388
183. Plan workloads. .................................................................................................................390
183b. Plan workloads (short response). ...................................................................................392

Teaching / Learning AND Development .........................................................................393

184. Teaching experience. ........................................................................................................394
185. Teaching experience. ........................................................................................................396
186. Teaching K-6. .....................................................................................................................397
187. Monitor and improve learning. ........................................................................................399
188. Develop training................................................................................................................402
189. Deliver learning and development programs. ..................................................................404

Teamwork ....................................................................................................................406
190. Work in a team. ................................................................................................................407
191. Work in a team. ................................................................................................................408
191b. Work in a team (short response). ...................................................................................409
192. Work in a team or as an individual. ..................................................................................410
192b. Work in a team or as an individual (short response). ....................................................412
193. Collaborate........................................................................................................................413
194. Work in a team: What are the most important factors when working as part of a team
and how do you believe you possess these attributes? (Targeted question). .........................414

Time Management........................................................................................................415
195. Planning skills. ...................................................................................................................416
196. Organisational skills. .........................................................................................................417
197. Organisational skills (short response). ..............................................................................419
198. Organisational skills and confidentiality. ..........................................................................420
199. Time management. ...........................................................................................................422
199b. Time management (short response). .............................................................................424
200. Manage priorities. .............................................................................................................425
200b. Manage priorities (short response). ...............................................................................426

Working as an Individual ...............................................................................................427

201. Work as an individual........................................................................................................428

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201b. Work as an individual (short response). .........................................................................429

202. Take ownership. ................................................................................................................430
203. Work with limited supervision. .........................................................................................432
203b. Work with limited supervision (short response). ...........................................................433


Introduction ..............................................................................................................................435
Template ...................................................................................................................................435
204. Two-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................437
205. Two-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................439
206. Two-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................441
207. Two-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................443
208. Two-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................445
209. Two-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................447
210. Two-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................449
211. One-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................451
212. One-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................453
213. One-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................454
214. One-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................455
215. One-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................456
216. One-page letter / statement / pitch. ................................................................................457


Paragraphs – introduction. .......................................................................................................459

Acquire new knowledge / skills. ...............................................................................................460
Achieve results. .........................................................................................................................464
Administration. .........................................................................................................................468
Analytical skills / attention to detail. ........................................................................................476
Change management. ...............................................................................................................479
Communication – general. .......................................................................................................481
Communication – oral. .............................................................................................................483
Communication – written.........................................................................................................487
Communication – communicate with influence. .....................................................................491
Communication – negotiation / persuasive skills.....................................................................492
Contract management. .............................................................................................................494
Corporate governance. .............................................................................................................497
Customer service / client focus. ...............................................................................................498
Engineering. ..............................................................................................................................506

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Occupational Health and Safety. ..............................................................................................507

Values / code of conduct. .........................................................................................................510
Finance. .....................................................................................................................................516
Human Resources. ....................................................................................................................522
Information management. .......................................................................................................524
Information technology. ...........................................................................................................526
Interpersonal skills / working relationships. .............................................................................539
Inventory management / logistics. ...........................................................................................545
Legal. .........................................................................................................................................548
Legislation, guidelines and compliance. ...................................................................................549
Personal drive and integrity. .....................................................................................................556
Confidentiality and empathy. ...................................................................................................559
Initiative and continuous improvement. ..................................................................................561
Flexibility. ..................................................................................................................................563
Time management / organisational skills / prioritising. ...........................................................564
Policy management / development. ........................................................................................567
Problem-solving. .......................................................................................................................568
Procurement. ............................................................................................................................570
Project management. ...............................................................................................................574
Risk management / quality assurance. .....................................................................................577
Social work. ...............................................................................................................................578
Strategic skills............................................................................................................................579
Staff management / supervision. .............................................................................................582
Teaching / learning and development. .....................................................................................584
Teamwork. ................................................................................................................................585
Working as an individual. ..........................................................................................................588

Purchased by Haryanni Masarip on 2023-11-21. Transaction ID #18152381

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