Germination and Post Germination Growth To Carrot Seedling Emergence: Predictive Threshold Models and Sources of Variation Between Sowing Occasions

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New Phytol.

(1998), 139, 505–516

Germination and post-germination growth

to carrot seedling emergence : predictive
threshold models and sources of variation
between sowing occasions

B  W. E. F I N C H-S A V A G E*, J. R. A. S T E C K E L    K. P H E L P S
Horticulture Research International, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK
(Received 11 November 1997 ; accepted 19 March 1998)

Cumulative germination curves were recorded for carrot (Daucus carota L.) seeds at a range of constant
temperatures (T ) and water potentials (Ψ) in the laboratory and under variable soil conditions in 15 seed-bed
environments in the field. A single base temperature (Tb), a distribution of base water potentials (Ψb(G)) for
percentiles (G) of the population and the hydrothermal time constant (Hg) were determined from laboratory data.
Although less effective at low Ψ, it was possible, using these germination parameters, to satisfactorily describe the
effect of T and Ψ on germination rates under constant conditions according to the threshold models of thermal
and hydrothermal time. These models were applied to field data with the condition that the germination process
ceased if T ! Tb for thermal time and additionally Ψ ! Ψb(G) for hydrothermal time.
Neither model accurately predicted germination patterns in the field. However, the pattern of germination was
adequately described in most situations by a modified threshold model in which the predicted progress towards
germination was unaffected by soil Ψ, provided it remained above Ψb(G), and was therefore more rapid under
variable seed bed conditions than hydrothermal time. In this modified threshold model, the condition Ψ " Ψb(G)
had to be fulfilled at the initiation of radicle extension before germination occurred. This result implies that the
initiation of radicle growth operates as a moisture-sensitive step that can determine germination and seedling
emergence timing under variable soil-moisture conditions.
Seedling emergence was also recorded in the field and used to determine, separately, the impact of germination
and post-germination growth on the variation in seedling emergence patterns. The analysis suggests that delays
in seedling emergence occur largely in the germination phase, but that seedling losses and variation in the spread
of seedling emergence times within the population occur largely during the post-germination growth phase.

Key words : Carrot (Daucus carota L.), germination, seedling emergence, crop establishment, threshold models,
thermal time, hydrothermal time.

therefore directly influences both their yield and

monetary value (Finch-Savage, 1995). For example,
The pattern of seedling emergence within a popu- in carrots, plant density determines both total yield
lation is determined by a complex interaction of and mean root size (Bleasdale, 1967) and the
ambient weather conditions, soil, seed and seedling uniformity of seedling emergence times can greatly
characteristics. These interactions are little under- influence the uniformity of plant size at harvest and
stood in the natural environment. However, some therefore graded yields (Benjamin, 1982). An under-
progress is being made in the modelling and standing of the causes of variation in seedling
prediction of seedling emergence patterns in hor- emergence both within and between sowing
ticulture. Here the situation is less complex as soil is occasions is therefore necessary to determine efficient
prepared uniformly, and the whole population of crop production practices.
seeds (usually non-dormant) is sown at the same The pre-germination and post-germination phases
time and to a uniform depth. Despite this, seedling of the seedling emergence period are each uniquely
emergence in vegetable crops is still variable and affected by adverse seed-bed conditions (Finch-
* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Savage, 1995). Although the timing of germination
E-mail : bill.finch-savage! in the seed bed can account for much of the variation
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506 W. E. Finch-Savage, J. R. A. Steckel and K. Phelps

in the timing of onion seedling emergence (Finch- mated from controlled conditions, could describe
Savage & Phelps, 1993) it is thought to be the post- germination patterns that occur under the variable
germination phase where most pre-emergence seed- conditions experienced following sowing into hor-
ling losses occur (Hegarty & Royle, 1978 ; Durrant, ticultural seed beds.
1981). However, information on the relative con-
tribution of the pre-germination and post-germi-   
nation phases to the variation in seedling emergence
both within and between sowing occasions is very Field experiment
The experiment was sown in 1988 at Wellesbourne,
Under more extreme conditions, seed-bed factors
UK into a sandy loam soil of the Wick series
such as increased soil impedance and reduced oxygen
(Whitfield, 1974) and had a split-plot design with
supply can have an overriding influence on seedling
three replicates. Main plots were five sowing
emergence. However, under good horticultural
occasions (30 Mar. ; 8 Apr. ; 6 May ; 3 June ; 3 Aug.)
practice, soil temperature and water potential are
and subplots were three irrigation treatments. Ir-
arguably the major influences on the timing and
rigation treatments were : no irrigation ; 12±5 mm
pattern of seed germination and seedling emergence
applied more than 90 °C d (" 1 °C) after sowing
in the field. The threshold models of thermal time
(pre-emergence) ; 12±5 mm applied 48 h before
(Bierhuizen & Wagenvoort, 1974 ; Garcia-Huidobro,
sowing (pre-sowing) plus pre-emergence. Each sub-
Monteith & Squire, 1982) and hydrothermal time
plot was a single 1±5-m row containing 100 carrot
(Gummerson, 1986 ; Dahal & Bradford, 1994 ;
(Daucus carota L. ; cv. Nantura) seeds sown 15-mm
Bradford, 1995) have been developed to describe the
deep with a hand-pushed cone seeder (Craftsman
germination responses of a population of seeds to
Machine Co., Winnipeg, Canada). All plots were
temperature and water potential under constant
sprayed with a soil conditioner (Soiltex2 L1, Inter-
conditions, but little is known of their descriptive
lates Ltd., Skelmersdale, UK, at 125 l ha−" in 1000 l
ability under field conditions.
of water) following sowing. Pests and diseases were
Seed advancement studies which limit moisture
controlled as in good commercial practice, and soil
availability to seeds (i.e. osmotic priming) have
samples, for moisture determinations, were taken at
shown that metabolic advancement occurs at levels
sowing depth in all plots at sowing time.
of water stress which prevent radicle emergence
In plots adjacent (300-mm apart) to those sown
from the seed (Khan, 1992 ; Bradford & Haigh,
with seeds, identical plots were sown with 9, 50-mm
1994). In most species radicle extension growth is
lengths of dry Visking2 tube (6±3-mm diameter,
also less sensitive to moisture stress than radicle
Medicell International Ltd, London, UK) each
emergence from the seed (Ross & Hegarty, 1979).
containing 50 seeds. At regular intervals following
Taken together, this suggests that the initiation of
sowing a tube was exhumed from each replicate plot
radicle growth is a moisture-sensitive, rate-limiting
and the number of germinated seeds were counted.
step in the progress of seedling emergence from the
The tubes were perforated at 5-mm intervals along
soil. The interaction of this step and variable soil
their full length and the ends folded and stapled. In
moisture levels can largely determine the pattern of
this form the tube acted merely as an easily
onion seedling emergence in the field (Finch-Savage
recoverable container for seeds which had good soil
& Phelps, 1993). This suggests that additional
contact, and would wet and dry with the seed bed. In
conditions might need to be applied to the ac-
preliminary tests in soil-filled trays the timing of
cumulation of time in threshold models to take
germination in these tubes accurately represented
account of the influence of this moisture-sensitive
that of seeds sown directly into the soil.
step in the prediction of germination and therefore
Seedling emergence and germination in the field
seedling emergence patterns under field conditions.
were recorded at regular intervals. From these
Although experiments under controlled conditions
recordings, times to germination or emergence of
suggest that the post-germination growth which
different percentiles of the seed population were
leads to seedling emergence is also quantifiable using
calculated in thermal time (°C d) above the base
threshold models (Fyfield & Gregory, 1989 ; Wheeler
temperature determined in laboratory experiments
& Ellis, 1991) few data are available where this phase
(2±15 °C). Procedures for this are described later.
of seedling emergence in the field is not confounded
Final percentage germination and emergence were
with germination.
also calculated and subjected to angular transform-
In the present work an attempt was made to study
ation. All germination or seedling emergence
the influence of seed-bed conditions on both pre-
variables were then subjected to split-plot .
germination and post-germination phases of carrot
seedling emergence to assess their relative con-
Constant environment experiments
tribution to variation in seedling emergence patterns.
A further objective was to determine whether Germination in four replicates of 50 carrot seeds (D.
existing threshold models, using parameters esti- carota ; cv. Nandor) was recorded on moist absorbent
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Carrot germination and post-germination growth 507

paper (Whatman2, grade 181) at c. 5 °C intervals where Hg (hydrothermal time) is a constant and, as
between 5 and 35 °C and at a range of six water there was a linear relationship between the ger-
potentials (ψ) between 0±0 and ®1±2 MPa at 20 °C. mination rate of fraction G and Ψ, the base water
Temperature was monitored continuously by potential (Ψb(G)) below which germination did not
thermistors placed, like seeds, on moist paper. Water occur was defined as the intercept on the Ψ axis.
potentials were established using polyethylene glycol Substitution of (2) in (1) gives :
(PEG, 8000, BDH Ltd, Poole, UK) solutions made 1}t(G) ¯ (T®Tb) (Ψ®Ψb(G))}Hg. (3)
up according to Michel (1983). The same solution
volume : filter paper ratio was used for germination From (3) it can be seen that the distribution of times
as that in the vapour pressure osmometer (model to germination are influenced by the variability of
5100C ; Wescor Inc, Logan, UT, USA) used to Ψb(G).
measure water potential. Thus the problem of filter- Hydrothermal time has been used to describe
paper exclusion of PEG pointed out by Hardegree & germination curves produced in a wide range of
Emmerich (1990) was avoided. combinations of constant temperature and water
For comparison with field data, seed germination potential (Gummerson, 1986 ; Dahal & Bradford,
and seedling emergence were determined in the 1994). Under field conditions both temperature and
absence of moisture stress at 20 °C in seedling trays soil water potential vary unpredictably. However, it
filled with soil taken from the field experiment site. was argued by Finch-Savage and Phelps (1993) that
The soil was sieved and dried before water was under good horticultural practice seeds are sown into
added to bring the gravimetric soil moisture content moist soil so that initial imbibition is rapid. Once
to 12±5 % which was the equilibrium value at imbibed, the seed would then progress towards
0±005 MPa (nominal field capacity) determined from germination unaffected by Ψ provided it remained
water release curves. For emergence counts, 50 seeds above Ψb(G). Thus eqn (3) would become :
were sown in rows on a level soil surface and covered 1}t(G) ¯ (T®Tb) (®Ψb(G))}Hg. (4)
with 15 mm of soil from the same batch. For
germination 9, 50-mm lengths of dry Visking tube Parameter estimation. The techniques for parameter
(as sown in the field) each containing 50 seeds were estimation were analogous to those used in thermal
similarly sown. The soil was firmed by applying a time (Garcia-Huidobro et al., 1982). The parameters
weight approx. equal to that of the rear wheel of the of eqn (1), Tb and θ(50) were estimated from data
seeder used in the field experiment. Germination collected at 0 MPa by linear regression of 1}t(50)
and seedling emergence were recorded under against sub-optimal temperatures. θ(10), θ(20) etc.
fluorescent lights in six replicate trays placed in were estimated by interpolation of germination
plastic bags to minimize moisture loss. curves from all temperatures on the thermal time
scale. Data from all water potentials (0 to ®1±2 MPa)
Analysis of data at 20 °C were used to estimate Ψb(10), Ψb(20) etc.
The values of Tb and Ψb(50) were substituted in eqn
Germination models. Threshold germination models (3) and Hg was estimated by non-linear regression
used in this work are based on the theories of thermal using 1}t(50) values from all controlled environment
and hydrothermal time of Garcia-Huidobro et al. regimes.
(1982) and Gummerson (1986) respectively. It is an
assumption of these theories that seeds germinate in Application of models to field data. Using recorded
a set order and that this order is unaffected by soil moistures as initial values, a model, developed
germination conditions. Each seed can then be for these soils (Walker & Barnes, 1981), was used to
assigned a value of G, which is the fraction of the estimate soil moisture and temperature at sowing
population at which it germinates. As the ger- depth at 6-h intervals following sowing. The model
mination rate of fraction G was linearly related to required daily air temperature and rainfall measure-
sub-optimal temperatures (T ), the rate of germi- ments made at an agrometeorological station within
nation of that fraction G was defined by Gummerson 0±5 km of the plots. A water release curve was
(1986) as : determined, using pressure membrane apparatus, and
1}t(G) ¯ (T®Tb)}θ(G), (1) used to convert estimates of soil moisture produced
by the model to soil water potential.
where t is the time to germination and θ the thermal The ability of eqns (1), (3) and (4) to describe seed
time to germination. The base temperature (Tb(G)) germination recorded under variable field conditions
below which germination does not occur was defined was then tested. To use these equations, germination
as the intercept on the temperature axis. According for any fraction G was assumed to occur after n 6-h
to the theory of hydrothermal time (Gummerson, periods where n was defined as laid out below and
1986) rates in thermal time are proportional to water T(i), Ψ(i) are the temperature and water potential for
potential thus : each period. The conditions for germination for each
1}θ(G) ¯ (Ψ®Ψb(G))}Hg, (2) equation then become as follows.
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508 W. E. Finch-Savage, J. R. A. Steckel and K. Phelps

Eqn (1) : considered the ‘ best ’ estimate of Tb. Significant

negative linear relationships (r " 0±97, P ! 0±01)
θ(G) & 0±25 3 (T(i)®Tb) T(i) " Tb. were also found between the germination rate of
i=! deciles 10–80 % of the seed population and Ψ in the
Eqn (3) : range 0±0 and ®0±8 MPa at 20 °C (Fig. 2). According
to eqn (2), lines corresponding to deciles should be
n parallel, but the variability between deciles at Ψ ¯
Hg & 0±25 3 (T(i)®Tb) (ψ(i)®ψb(G))
i=! 0 MPa was considerably more than that at Ψ ¯
T(i) " Tb, ψ(i) " ψb(G). 0±8 MPa and so it was not appropriate to fit parallel
lines. Therefore, Ψb(G) were estimated as the
Eqn (4) : intercepts of a set of converging lines. The resulting
n estimates were well described by the following
Hg & 0±25 3 (T(i)®Tb) (0®ψb(G)) equation :
T(i) " Tb, ψ(i) " ψb(G). Ψb(G) ¯®0±9745®0±0010145 G­0±000040782 G#
(R# " 0±98, P ! 0±001 ; Fig. 2 insert).
Hydrothermal time (Hg) estimated from eqn (2)
was 47±71 MPa °C d. Using the estimates of Tb, the
Constant environment experiments
values of Ψb(G) and Hg all germination time courses
Significant positive linear relationships (r " 0±98, were plotted in hydrothermal time (Fig. 3). With the
P ! 0±01) were found between the germination rate exception of data from ®0±8 MPa and deciles greater
on water (0±0 MPa) of deciles 10–80 % of the seed than 60 at ®0±6 MPa germination curves collapsed
population and temperature up to 25 °C (Fig. 1). onto a single line. Mean final percentage germination
The intercept on the temperature axis of the 50th was not significantly different at water potentials of
percentile was taken as the base temperature (Tb ¯ ®0±6 MPa or greater. However, final percentage
2±15 °C). There was a difference in the intercepts of germination was reduced at ®0±8 MPa (Fig. 3 ;
other percentiles to give a  of 0±178 °C. The 50th P ! 0±01) and no germination was recorded at
percentile, as median of the distribution, was ®1±2 MPa.

0·7 _, 10 %
^, 20 %
+, 30 %
*, 40 %
0·6 E, 50 %
D, 60 %
y, 70 %
x, 80 %
Rate of germination (1/t(G))





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Temperature °C

Figure 1. The effect of constant temperature on the rate of germination for deciles of the Daucus carota seed
population. Extrapolation of the linear regression fitted to data for the 50th percentile to the temperature axis
(Tb) is shown.
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Carrot germination and post-germination growth 509

100 0·6



Rate of germination (1/t(G))

–1·0 –0·9 –0·8 –0·7 0·4
¾b(G) MPa

_, 10 %
^, 20 % 0·3
+, 30 %
*, 40 %
E, 50 %
D, 60 %
y, 70 % 0·2
x, 80 %


–1·2 –1·0 –0·8 –0·6 –0·4 –0·2
Water potential (MPa)
Figure 2. The effect of constant water potential on the rate of germination for deciles of the seed population.
The inset shows the distribution of Ψbs (intercepts with the water potential axis) for different deciles of the
population, a quadratic regression (see text) is fitted to the data.



E, 5 °C
Germination (%)

60 +, 10 °C
_, 15 °C
y, 20 °C
U, 25 °C
Water potenial
40 D, – 0·0 MPa
*, – 0·2 MPa
^, – 0·4 MPa
x, – 0·6 MPa
V, – 0·8 MPa

0 50 100 150 200
Hydrothermal time (MPa °Cd)
Figure 3. The hydrothermal time courses of germination of Daucus carota seeds at a range of constant
temperatures and water potentials.

following sowing into three irrigation treatments on

Field experiments
five sowing occasions. Mean temperatures at sowing
Application of germination models to field data. Figure depth during germination were 10±2, 11±1, 15±0, 17±6,
4 shows cumulative germination curves recorded 21±1 °C for sowings 1–5 respectively. Soil moisture

No irrigation Pre-emergence irrigation Pre-sowing + pre-emergence irrigation

(a) (b) (c)
50 Sowing 1

(d) (e) (f )
Sowing 2

(g) (h) (i )
Sowing 3

(j) (k) (l )
W. E. Finch-Savage, J. R. A. Steckel and K. Phelps

Sowing 4

100 (m) (n) (o)
Sowing 5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Figure 4. The time courses of germination (——) in 15 different seed-bed environments. Predictions of germination time for each
decile of the population according to eqns (1) (E), (3) (+) and (4) (*) subject to the conditions outlined in the text are also shown.
Sowings 1–5 are shown vertically e.g. (a), (d ), (g), ( j), (m) respectively. Irrigation treatments are shown horizontally e.g. no
irrigation (a), pre-emergence (b), pre-sowing­pre-emergence (c).

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Carrot germination and post-germination growth 511

100 seasonal effect of temperature to be eliminated to

show the impact of other seed-bed factors. Thermal
time to germination and the thermal time required
80 for post-germination growth to seedling emergence
(emergence time–germination time) for deciles
Percentage germination

(10–80) of the population are therefore shown in
60 Figure 6.
The degree of delay caused by seed-bed stress in
each of the two phases of seedling emergence can be
40 seen by comparison with curves that were de-
termined under unstressed conditions in seed trays
filled with moist soil (Fig. 6). It is clear that variation
20 in seedling emergence time results from delays in
both the pre-germination and post-germination
phases. Delay in germination time was greatest in
0 sowings 3 and 5 where prolonged dry periods
a b c a b c a b c a b c a b c
1 2 3 4 5
occurred. This effect was less marked in the time
Sowing required for post-germination growth to emergence.
In addition, delays in germination time were not
Figure 5. Percentage germination (*) and percentage
seedling emergence (8 9) in 15 different seedbed environ- necessarily associated with slow post-germination
ments. At each sowing the columns from left to right are : growth. However, significant delays in germination
a, no irrigation ; b, pre-emergence irrigation ; c, pre- time were associated with reduced percentage seed-
sowing­pre-emergence irrigation treatment respectively. ling emergence (Fig. 5).
Horizontal lines are germination (——) and seedling In two seed-bed environments the thermal time
emergence (– – – – –) under non-stressed conditions.
required for post-germination growth to emergence
was less than that recorded under unstressed con-
patterns were very different with prolonged moist ditions. The reasons for this are not known, but this
periods following sowing 2 and prolonged dry situation could have resulted from soil slumping or
periods following sowings 3 and 5, conditions were erosion following rain and}or irrigation which would
more variable following sowings 1 and 4. Under effectively reduce sowing depth.
these differing conditions, rate and spread of ger- In the absence of seed-bed stress, post-germi-
mination varied greatly between the fifteen different nation growth rate was similar for all percentiles of
seed-bed environments, but final percentage ger- the population, but tended to decrease at higher
mination was consistently high (Fig. 4). These percentiles. As seed-bed stress increased (greater
germination characteristics are further described in delay in thermal time) post-germination growth rate
the next section. of higher percentiles (the last to germinate) decreased
Figure 4 shows germination time simulations from more than lower percentiles and this increased the
eqns (1), (3) and (4) plotted alongside recorded spread of time of post-germination growth to
germination data in real time following sowing. With seedling emergence in the population. This effect
the exception of the relatively moist environment was much less marked in the germination phase.
experienced at sowing 2, thermal time (eqn (1)) Thus most variation in the spread of seedling
underestimated the time required for germination. emergence times in the population between seed-bed
Hydrothermal time (eqn (3)) with the exception of environments appears to occur post-germination.
some deciles at sowing 4 greatly overestimated the
time required for germination. With the exception of
sowing 2 the pattern of germination is generally best
described by eqn (4).
Threshold germination models under constant
Sources of variation in seedling emergence. Final
percentage germination was little affected by seed- There is currently much interest in the use of
bed environment (sowing and irrigation treatment) threshold models to explain and describe the ger-
with mean germination across seed-bed environ- mination response of seeds to a range of constant
ments of 94 % (Fig. 5). However, there was a stimuli (Bradford, Dahal & Ni, 1993). These models
significant reduction (P ! 0±001) in final percentage are increasingly being used as a framework in which
seedling emergence at later sowing dates. These data the mechanisms of germination can be understood.
suggest that the cause of variation in percentage However, they are derived from, and usually tested
seedling emergence occurs largely post-germination. against, data collected under constant conditions and
Presenting the pattern of germination and emerg- therefore their true descriptive abilities are not
ence in thermal time allows the more consistent known.
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512 W. E. Finch-Savage, J. R. A. Steckel and K. Phelps












50 Sowing time
D, 1
40 E, 2
*, 3
30 +, 4
^, 5


0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Thermal time (°C d)

Figure 6. Thermal time required for (a) germination and (b) post-germination growth (emergence –
germination) to emergence. , non-stressed conditions. Irrigation treatment : ——, no irrigation ; – – –, pre-
emergence ; [[[[[[, pre-sowing­pre-emergence.

In the present work, although less effective at differ between cultivars (Corbineau, Picard & Co# me,
lower water potentials, it was possible to describe the 1994), but it is likely that in carrots, bases do not
germination response of carrot seeds at a range of vary greatly as a very similar Ψb (®0±81 MPa ; Ross
constant temperatures and water potentials using, a & Hegarty, 1979) and a similar Tb (1±4 °C ; Bierhuizen
single Tb, a distribution of Ψb(G) and Hg according to & Wagenvoort, 1974) were recorded for cvs
the principles of hydrothermal time (eqn (3) ; Fig. 3). unrelated to those used here. In the experiments
There was variation in the estimate of Tb between presented, a seed lot from a closely related genotype
deciles of the population similar to that shown by was selected for constant environment experiments
Marshall & Squire (1996). Here a single Tb has been (cv. Nandor) that had germination characteristics
used, as this is the currently accepted practice when similar to the seed lot used in field experiments (cv.
calculating hydrothermal time, but an alternative Nantura). Estimates of Tb (1±6³0±364 °C) and θ(50)
approach has been suggested elsewhere (Phelps & (58 °C d) for ‘ Nantura ’ from limited constant-
Finch-Savage, 1997). environment data were very similar to those de-
There can be subtle differences in Ψb between termined for ‘ Nandor ’ (2±15³0±178 °C and 56±5 °C d
tomato genotypes (Dahal & Bradford, 1990) and respectively). Similar spreads in thermal time (θG
θ(50) also varies, but it has been suggested that Tb 10–80 % for ‘ Nantura ’ 40 °C d and Nandor 36 °C d)
might be a species characteristic and vary little show that a very similar range of Ψbs exist in both
between genotypes (Ellis et al., 1986 ; Dahal, seed lots according to the theory of hydrothermal
Bradford & Jones, 1990). Clearly germination rates time. In relation to the variation that exists even
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Carrot germination and post-germination growth 513

within a good seed bed these differences are subtle germination, including radicle emergence, is equal
and had little affect on field predictions. throughout the germination process. There is no
compelling reason to believe this is the case. Indeed
Finch-Savage & Phelps (1993) based on the work of
Threshold germination models under field conditions
Hegarty & Ross (1978) and Ross & Hegarty (1979)
Neither the thermal (eqn (1) nor hydrothermal (eqn suggest that in many species the initiation of radicle
(3)) time models adequately described patterns of growth operates as a moisture-sensitive barrier to the
carrot germination in the field. Thermal time completion of germination. Thus, although the seed
underestimated, and hydrothermal time greatly is ‘ ready ’ to germinate, Ψ must exceed Ψb(G) before
overestimated, the time required for germination. radicle growth can be initiated. Such a mechanism
Clearly, when applying these models to a field would avoid germination into seed-bed conditions
situation there are many assumptions and likely to be hostile to subsequent seedling growth. In
inaccuracies, not least the estimation of soil Ψ from practice the interaction of this barrier and water
meterological data, which might have led to this lack potential could determine the pattern of germination
of fit. However, the pattern of germination was curves under conditions where soil moisture varies
adequately described in most situations by a around Ψb(G). Indeed, the initiation to radicle
modified hydrothermal time model in which the growth can be considered as a critical point at which
predicted progress towards germination was more rain or irrigation is required to obtain uniform
rapid as it was unaffected by soil Ψ provided it germination in the field (Finch-Savage, 1990 a, b).
remained above Ψb(G) (eqn (4)). Further consider- Only the end point of the germination process is
ation of the results is therefore justified. observed in experiments to determine germination
A straightforward thermal time approach was rate (reciprocal of time to germination) and therefore
unlikely to be effective because the soil at 15 mm the impact of a rate-limiting barrier cannot be
(sowing depth) dries very quickly in the absence of directly observed. However, the effect of such a
rain to delay germination in thermal time. The barrier has been shown in seed priming studies
inadequate description of the data by hydrothermal where the progress of germination to radicle emerg-
time and the improved fit using eqn 4 is, however, ence is prevented (e.g. low water potential, Khan
more difficult to explain. (1992) ; abscisic acid, Finch-Savage & McQuistan
When calculating hydrothermal time it is assumed (1991) ; low temperature, Coolbear, Newell & Bryant
that Tb, Ψb(G) and Hg are intrinsic properties of the (1987)). Under these conditions germination is
seed which remain the same under all germination prevented, but physiological changes occur which
conditions. However, experiments under constant result in more rapid germination when those barriers
conditions have shown that there are examples of are subsequently removed. This metabolic advance-
interactions, which might be species-specific, be- ment can be quantified using hydrothermal time
tween Ψb(G) and T and between Ψb(G) and Ψ accumulated above values of Tb and Ψb(G) s
(Dahal & Bradford, 1994). Both Gummerson (1986) determined for the progress of metabolism which are
and Dahal & Bradford (1994) and the present work lower than those derived for radicle emergence in the
show that hydrothermal time is less descriptive of hydrothermal time model (Bradford & Haigh, 1994).
germination time courses as Ψ decreases. This is Thus the accumulation of this so-called ‘ hydro-
because seeds appear to adapt physiologically by thermal priming time ’ is subsequently expressed as
increasing osmotic potential and lowering Ψb(G) more rapid germination (reduced hydrothermal
when exposed for prolonged periods to low Ψ (Ni time) when the barrier to radicle emergence is
and Bradford, 1992). This accounts for much of the removed. Bradford (1995) speculates how the effect
inaccuracy in the use of hydrothermal time under of priming on germination rate might be predicted
constant conditions (Dahal & Bradford, 1994). by combining hydrothermal and hydrothermal
Under these conditions an alternative model based priming time.
on the nominal accumulation of osmotically-active The accuracy of prediction here using eqn (4) on
compounds (Rowse, Goodman & Grey, 1986) might most occasions suggest that if seeds are sown into a
be more descriptive. However, under good hor- moist seed bed, which allows adequate imbibition,
ticultural practice with effective use of irrigation they progress towards germination rapidly and are
(Finch-Savage, 1990 a, b) such prolonged periods of relatively insensitive to the effect of Ψ in the seed bed
low Ψ should not occur in the seed bed. In the that remains above Ψb(G) until the initiation of
current work, these conditions might have occurred radicle growth when the condition Ψ " Ψb(G) must
at sowings 3 and 5 where irrigation was not applied be fulfilled. As the seed bed dries quickly at sowing
(Fig. 4 g, m). depth this will usually occur following rain or
A further implicit assumption of hydrothermal irrigation. For example, at sowing 5, Ψ declined
time is that seeds wet up and dry as rapidly, and to during a dry spell following sowing into moist soil
the same extent, as the surrounding soil and that the and then, after some delay, germination occurred
impact of this on the rate of progress towards rapidly when soil-water potential increased and Ψ "
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514 W. E. Finch-Savage, J. R. A. Steckel and K. Phelps

100 (a) (b)

Germination (%)



Water potential (MPa)



0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300 400

Thermal time (°C d)

Figure 7. Soil water potential and cumulative germination at sowings 2 (a) and 5 (b) in treatments receiving
pre-emergence irrigation. Predictions of germination time for each decile of the population according to eqns
1 (E) and 4 (*) subject to the conditions outlined in the text are also shown.

Ψb(G) (Fig. 7 b). Equation (4) described this pattern predicted that germination would occur after sub-
satisfactorily. However, at sowing 2, Ψ fell below sequent rainfall events. The accumulation of ‘ time ’
Ψb(G) 2 d before germination occurred, it then above a lower Ψb(G) would have improved the
rained and soil-water potential increased just before accuracy of this prediction.
germination was first recorded. Under these cir- The accuracy of germination predictions using
cumstances, seeds surprisingly germinated according eqn (4) in most situations shows the importance of a
to thermal time (Fig. 7 a), and germination rate was rate-limiting moisture sensitive step in predicting
apparently unaffected by Ψ ! Ψb(G). In eqn (4) germination in a variable seed bed. The comparative
‘ time ’ only accumulates above Ψb(G), consequently lack of fit using hydrothermal time implies that time
germination time was overestimated. accrues too slowly in the existing model under field
In general terms the above result suggests that the conditions. Results here suggest that the incor-
Ψb(G) above which ‘ time ’ accrues in the period poration of metabolic advancement below Ψb(G)
leading up to the initiation of radicle growth is too into hydrothermal time theory, discussed by
high. Arguably this period is more likely to be Bradford (1995), is likely to considerably improve
controlled by the limits for metabolic advancement predictions of germination time under variable field
rather than those determined for radicle emergence conditions.
itself. Therefore, lower Ψbs similar to those de-
termined for hydrothermal priming time (Bradford
Sources of variation in seedling emergence
& Haigh, 1994) might be more appropriate. In this
case, ‘ time ’ could accrue above a lower Ψb(G) for It is clear from the present work that when high
metabolic advancement, although, the condition quality carrot seeds are sown under good hor-
Ψ " Ψb(G) for radicle growth initiation must still ticultural practice any reduction in the number of
be fulfilled before germination could occur. This seedlings that emerge occurs after germination in the
change would bring forward the predicted ger- soil. This is in agreement with studies on other crop
mination time at sowing 2 (Fig. 7 a). In most of the plants (Hegarty & Royle, 1978 ; Durrant, 1981).
other seed-bed environments where germination was When seedling emergence was greatly delayed
delayed and tended to occur only after rainfall, as much of this delay occurred before germination.
described for sowing 5 (Fig. 7 b), the prediction This would be expected if the moisture-sensitive
would be little affected. At sowing 3 on unirrigated rate-limiting step at the initiation of radicle emerg-
plots (Fig. 4 g) neither hydrothermal time nor eqn (4) ence discussed above operates. If the seed bed is dry,
predicted that germination was sufficiently far ad- seeds would not germinate until sufficient rain fell to
vanced to take advantage of the rainfall event which increase soil Ψ above Ψb and the radicle would then
actually brought about germination. These models extend down into increasingly moist soil and thus, in
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Carrot germination and post-germination growth 515

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