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Nama : Anwar Saddam

NIM : 211003232010551
Kelas : Arsitektur A

I. Fill in the blank with choose in the parenthesis (Dengan memilih jawaban di dalam kurung)
1. Julia is very good in languages. She speaks four languages very well.

2. Water boils at 100 degrees celcius.

3. The little boy goes to bed at 8 p.m every night.

4. He always goes to bed before midnight.

5. My brother makes delicious cakes once a month.

6. The moon goes around the earth.

7. The sun rises in the east.

8. The sun sets in the west.

9. Excuse me, do you speak English?

10. What do you ussually do at weekends?

11. Most people learn to swim when they are children.

12. John isn’t lazy. He works very hard most of time.

13. It doesn’t rain very much in summer.

14. I always go to work by motorcycle.

15. The carpenter makes some furniture.

16. The train is never late. It always leaves on time.

17. James and his brother are very untidy. They always leaves their things all over the place

18. Baby cries

19. Bees make honey.

20. Mother takes a shower every day.

Tugas buatlah kalimat Negative dan kalimat tanya untuk Romawi I dan II (bila sudah berupa kalimat
negative atau kalimat tanya tidak perlu diubah lagi).
II. Choose the correct answer and then make negative sentence and interrogative.

Translate(s) tell(s) play(s) open(s) (flow(s) cause (s) drink(s) live(s) take(s) speak(s) close(s) believe (s)
1. An Atheist does not believe in God.

(?) Does Atheist believe in God?

2. An interpreter translates from one language into another.

(-) An interpreter doesn’t translate from one language into another.

(?) Does interpreter translate from one language into another?

3. A liar is someone who doesn’t tell the truth.

(?) Does a liar is someone who tell the truth?

4. The river Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

(-) The river Amazon doesn’t flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

(?) Does the river Amazon flow into the Atlantic Ocean?

5. He opens the piano, but he does not play very well.

(?) Does he play piano very well?

6. Anna doesn’t speak German very well.

(?) Does Anna Speak German very well?

7. The swimming pool opens at 9 o’clock and close at half past six p.m every day.

(-) The swimming pool doesn’t open at 9o’clock and close at half past six p.m evert day.

(?) Does the swimming pool open at 9o’clock and close at half past six p.m evert day?

8. Bad driving causes many accidents.

(-) Bad driving does cause many accidents.

(?) Does bad driving cause many accidents?

9. I don’t drink coffee.

(?) Do i drink coffee?

10. My parents live in very small flat.

(-) My parent doesn’t live in very small flat.

(?) Does my parent live in very small flat?

11. The Olympic Games take place every four year.

(-) The Olympic Games doesn’t take place every four year.

(?) Does the Olympic Games take place every four year?

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