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DEAR OER CL OIE) Family Name Given Name EA Ol . n A Date of Birth BR 0S ee Profession or Occupation/Organization wo be employed ex to study in Japan ‘fest Eads Reclmaied Attirities (GR99) (Gmontha } 20 UN Date HmrAM RAM Ee Director General of Tokyo Regional Laas Bureas em ates, sh Sree tee memes ore = ea a Bot REENAL Toe ne EF, aA ‘This sertificate isnot “an cniry permit, Even if ir ceriticaie, yo Bre not ‘Consulate abroad. 2 eu wk +ReAD eS SA Lee eee, eR “This. cenificate shoul be submitted 16 an | wha forthe lasding- permission a the por of om application for landing permixion ix not filod froen the dare s 2 See wi nea Bl Teter se A Ls A PE MPU CVEA LEER ORES 5 ah er ee ot ae he Pes > * ink certificate oes not Poeecier eae) meee east In case that an applicant does not fulfill ether requirements for landing of the relevant Sircumiances are found io be changed, ihe landing permission would be denied.

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