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The following practices are variable from one culture

to another. Do you think there is a right and wrong

on those matters and why?
a. Myanmar's neck ring women from Kayan Tribe.

The practice of neck rings worn by women from the

Kayan tribe in Myanmar is a cultural tradition that
has been followed for centuries. From a cultural
relativism perspective, there is no right or wrong
when it comes to cultural practices, as each culture
has its own unique traditions and values.

However, from a universal human rights perspective,

the practice of neck rings can be seen as harmful
and violating the individual rights of the women
involved. The neck rings can cause physical harm,
such as neck pain and discomfort, and restrict
movement, which can limit the individual's ability to
perform daily activities.

Therefore, while cultural practices should be

respected and valued, it is also important to
consider the potential harm caused by these
practices and ensure that individuals' human rights
are protected. If a cultural tradition causes physical
or emotional harm, it may be necessary to reassess
its continuation and find alternative cultural
expressions that do not violate human rights.
B. Lotus Feet China (19th and 20th century practice)

The practice of Lotus Feet in China, which involved

binding the feet of young girls to prevent them from
growing, is widely recognized as harmful and has
been discontinued since the 20th century. From a
cultural relativism perspective, the practice can be
considered a cultural tradition of China, but from a
universal human rights perspective, it can be seen
as a violation of women's rights and physical harm.

The practice of Lotus Feet can cause permanent

damage to the feet, making it difficult for women to
walk and perform daily activities. It also perpetuated
gender inequality and discrimination against women
by portraying small feet as a symbol of beauty and

Therefore, it is important to recognize that cultural

practices that cause physical harm or violate human
rights are not acceptable. While cultural traditions
should be valued and respected, they should not
come at the expense of individuals' health and
wellbeing. The discontinuation of Lotus Feet in China
is an example of how societies can evolve and move
towards cultural expressions that promote equality
and respect for human rights.

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