Week 6 Acids and Bases

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Diversity of Materials in the Environment: ACIDS and BASES


We are all surrounded with different acids and bases. Acids and bases are the two
important classes of compounds. With these, acids and bases are formed from two or more atoms
of different elements.
In this module, we will find out the properties as well as the advantages and
disadvantages of acids and bases.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. identify the properties of acidic and basic mixtures;

2. determine the pH value of some samples of matter; and
3. explain the importance of pH and the safety measure in handling acids and bases.

Try this!

Look around you. List at least five (5) acids and five (5) bases found at your home. Do
this in your Science notebook.

Acids Bases
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

Think ahead!

From the activity above, what is your basis in identifying these samples of matter as acids
and bases? In your understanding, what are acids? And what are basis?
Read and Ponder


Compounds are divided into two classes, namely, acids and bases. We are all surrounded
with acids and bases and we usually refer acids as sour and have a sharp odor. Basically, the term
acid came from the Latin word “acidus” which means sour; while alkalies are substances that
neutralizes acids. Alkalies become called as bases because they serve as bases for making salts.
An acid produces H+ in a solution while a base produces OH- in a solution. Other properties of
acids and bases are summarized in the table below.

Table 1. Properties of Acids and Bases (Source: https://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch11/acidbase.php)

Acids Bases
1. Acids have a sour taste. 1. Alkalines feel slippery.
2. Acids are corrosive. 2. Alkalines change the color of litmus from
red to blue.
3. Acids change the color of certain vegetables 3. Alkalines become less alkaline when they
dyes, from blue to red. are combined with acids.
4. Acids lose their activity when they are
combined with alkalies.

A pH scale, which was proposed by a Danish biochemist S.P.L. Sorensen, is used to

determine whether the mixture is acidic, basic or neutral. In this scale, the lower the pH, the
more acidic the mixture is and the higher the pH, the more basic the mixture is. In other words, a
sample is neutral if the pH is 7. A pH of greater than 7 is basic while a pH of less than 7 is acidic.
It is good to know the pH level of some sample of matter as shown in figure 1 below.
Figure 1. The pH Scale Level of Some Sample of Matter

Credits: https://blog.jencoi.com/what-is-ph-in-water-testing
As you can see from the figure above, all samples of matter have different pH level.
Based from the figure, only water is neutral. Batteries, lemons, our stomach acid, vinegar,
tomatoes, coffee, and milk are acidic with a pH level less than 7 while the blood, baking soda,
stomach tablets, soap, ammonia solution, bleach, and drain cleaner are basic having a pH level
greater than 7.
Figure 2. Acid- Base Indicator through Litmus Paper
Another way to indicate
the acidity or basicity of a
mixture is by using plant
indicators or using a paper
indicator or known as the litmus
paper. Both indicators will tell us
the acidity and basicity of a
mixture by the change of color.
The figure 2, found on the right
side, shows that the blue litmus
paper changes its color from blue
to red if the solution is acidic.
While the red litmus paper
changes from red to blue if the
solution is basic.

Plants such as red Credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwcNyYx00bQ

cabbage, camote leaves, Mayana leaves, Baston ni San Jose are used as plant indicators. If the
solution changes its color to red or pale red once we drop the plant indicator, that solution is
acidic, while the solution is basic when it changes its color to blue or green or light green. Click
this link to see the changes in color using the red cabbage as plant indicators.

pH are important in human body, in food processing and fruit preservation, in soil and in
personal care products.

Importance of pH

 pH in the Human body

- Acids and bases play an important role to balance the pH levels in the body. The
blood becomes acidic when there’s too much carbon dioxide in the body, which is
why we breathe slowly to increase the pH in the blood. We hyperventilate if the pH is
too basic to lower the pH. In other terms, the acids and bases, control the biological
homeostasis in humans.

 pH in Food Processing and Fruit Preservation

- pH is strictly followed in food processing because changes in pH affect the growth of
microorganisms that causes food spoilage. In foods, most bacteria grow at or near pH
7. In wine and jam preparation, bacteria grow in pH of 9-10. Many fruits are easily
attacked by molds which grow within the pH range of 2-8.5.

 pH in Soil
- pH in the soil is very important. There are plants that grow well in acidic soil while
other plants grow in basic soil. Farmers need to know that banana, durian, pineapple,
coffee, eggplant, kamote, squash, and rice grow in acidic soil. While pechay and
grapes grow in basic soil. Other plants such as orange, watermelon, cabbage, beans,
peanut, tomato, onion and garlic grow in a neutral soil.

 pH in Personal Care Products

- pH are also important in care products to avoid harmful effects on the body. In hair,
most shampoos are within the pH range of 4 – 6 because hair is in the pH range of 4-

Safety in Handling Acids and Bases

How to handle safely the acids and bases? If you’re in contact with high concentrations
of acids and bases can cause serious burns such as the muriatic acid. Acidic mixtures can eat
away our skin and make holes in clothes. While vinegar, since it is only 5% acetic acid, it will
only irritate the skin and destroy the clothes. So, how can we avoid these? Acidic and basic
mixtures must be tightly sealed and always keep out of reach of children. Avoid contact with
nose, eyes, and mouth and do not take these products internally. But the best way to handle the
acidic and basic products is to read properly the product label before using the product.

See if you can do this!


Directions: In your Science notebook answer the following.

A. Identify whether the following samples of matter are acidic or basic.

_____________1. Sodas _____________6. Coffee

_____________2. Grains _____________7. Green tea
_____________3. Washing powder _____________8. Baking Soda
_____________4. Alcohol _____________9. Legumes
_____________5. Toothpaste _____________10. Nuts

B. Essay

10-15. What will you do if a person is burned with hydrochloric acid?


Performance task 5

In a long bond paper, create a poster showing the safety handling of acids and bases. And
write a short explanation about your poster. Your output will be graded according to these
Presentation - 15
Relevance to the topic - 10
Originality - 10
Creativity - 5

Total score: 40 Performance Task 5

+ 10 Try This!
50 pts.

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