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Methodology (Megger Testing)

1. Safety Precautions
Ensure that the electrical system under test is properly DE-energized and
disconnected from the power source. Take necessary safety precautions to prevent
electrical shock and related hazards.

2. Pretest Inspection
Inspect the component under test for any visible damage or contamination on the
insulation. Clean and repair any visible issues as necessary.

3. Test Setup
Connect the Megger instrument to the component under test using appropriate test
leads. Ensure that the connections are tight and free from any loose or damaged parts.
(It was performed on unit panel board)

4. Testing
Set the Megger instrument to the appropriate test voltage based on the type and rating
of the insulation. Typically, tests are conducted at 500 V, 1000 V, or 2500 V. Apply
the test voltage and allow the instrument to stabilize. (The device was set on 1000V)

5. Reading and Recording

Record the insulation resistance value displayed by the Megger instrument. This value
is usually expressed in ohms (Ω) and provides a measure of the insulation's resistance
to electrical leakage.

6. Analysis
If the reading was above 1 giga ohms the system is good but if the reading is in mega
ohms; it will be checked if how many circuits is connected but if lesser the reading is
considered faulty.

7. Post-Test Inspection
After testing, inspect the component again for any changes or damages that may have
occurred during the test.

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