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PHY 170 Tutorial 1

1. Subatomic particle called muons are unstable and, when at rest in the
laboratory, decay with an average lifetime of 2.200 µs
In a 1968 experiment at CERN, a beam of muons circulating in a storage
ring of 2.5-m radius, was accelerated to a speed of 0.9966c. What is
average lifetime of these muons as measured while they were in flight at
this very high speed?


The resting average lifetime of the muons as measured in the laboratory

single clock is a proper time interval.

Δt = γΔt0
1 1
where γ= = = 12.14
2 2
"v% " 0.9966c %
1− $ ' 1− $ '
#c& # c &

which is substantially greater than 1.

Therefore :
Δt = γΔt0 = (12.14)(2.200 µ s) = 26.7 µ s

The actual measured value was 26.2 µs, in excellent agreement within
experimental error.

2. In inertial frame S, a blue light flashes, followed after 5.35 µs by a

red flash. The separation of the two flashes is Δx= 2.45 km, with the red
flash occurring at the larger value of x. S’ is moving in the direction of
increasing x with a speed parameter β=0.855. What is the distance
between the two events and the time interval between them as measured
in S’?


We are told that:

Δx = x R − x B = 2.45 km = 2450 m and

Δt = t R − t B = 5.35 µ s = 5.35x10 −6 s
speed parameter β = ⇒ v = βc

Because the event is being observed from the frame of S’, the appropriate
transforms equations are:

x ʹ′ = γ ( x − vt ) = γ (x − β ct)  
⎛ vx ⎞ βx
t ʹ′ = γ ⎜ t − 2 ⎟ = γ (t − )    
⎝ c ⎠ c

1 1 1 1
γ= = = = 1.928
2 2 2 2
"v% " βc % 1− β 1− ( 0.855)
1− $ ' 1− $ '
#c& # c &
Thus we have from the transform equation,
x ' = 1.928[2450 − 0.855x3.00x108 m / s5.35x10 −6 s]
= 2078m ~ 2.08km

t ' = 1.928[5.35x10 −6 s − ]
3.00x108 m / s
= −3.147x10 −6 s ≈ −3.15µ s
We conclude that in S’ the red flash is also more distant but that distance is 2.08 km
(rather than 2.45 km). The negative sign in the last result tells us that in S’- contrary
to what is observed in S – the red flash occurs. The time between the flashes in S’ is
3.15 μs  and  not  5.35  μs.  
3. At what relative speed would a moving clock appear, to a stationary
observer, to run at half the rate observed by a person moving with the


The person moving with the clock records a proper time Δt0, since the
clock is at rest relative to him. The person who is watching the moving
clock records a dilated time Δt for that clock.

Δt = γΔt0
That is if Δt0 = 1h then Δt= 2h and in general;

Δt=2 Δt0
              ⇒ γ =2
                                    2 =  
1− β 2
Squaring  both  sides  yields  
  ( 4) (1− β 2 ) = 1  
β = 3 4 = 0.866  
Thus,  a  clock  must  be  travelling  at  about  87%  of  the  speed  of  light  for  the  time  
dilation  factor  to  amount  to  a  factor  of  2.  Such  a  speed  corresponds  to  circulating  
the  globe  at  the  equator  6.7  times  per  second.  
4.  What  is  the  magnetic  dipole  moment  of  a    coil  which  is    2.1  cm  high  and  1.2  cm  
wide.  It  has  250  turns  and  mounted    so  that  it  can  rotate  about  a  vertical  axis  in  a  
uniform  magnetic  field  of    magnitude  0.23  T.  Assume  that  it  carried  a  current  of  
85  μ  A?  
The  area  of  the    coil  is  given  by  :  
 Height  of  coil  2.1cm  =  2.1x10-­‐2m  
Width  of  the  coil  1.2  cm    =  1.2  x10-­‐2m  
 Area  =2.52x10-­‐4m2  
The  magnitude  of  the  dipole    moment    is  given  by:  
µ = NIA  
where  the  symbols  have  their  usual  meaning.  
            = ( 250 ) (85x10 −6 A) ( 2.52x10 −4 m 2 ) ;  
= 5.36x10 −6 A.m 2
= 5.36x10 −6 J / T
Note  that  the  two  set  of  the  units  are  identical.  

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