Providing Higher Value Care Through Population Health Management: What Is The Radiologist 'S Role?

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Providing Higher Value Care Through

Population Health Management: What Is the
Radiologist’s Role?
Medicine is not an exact science, and population health management The third bucket in the IPF focuses
the uncertainty of medicine relates feasible, scalable and sustainable. on quality and efficiency strategies,
heavily to a long-held view of medicine including opportunities to engage
as an art. Jeffrey Campbell [1] stated A key tenet in these descriptions specialists in population health man-
that “developing a tolerance and of population health management is agement. Here, radiologists can parti-
healthy respect for uncertainty, as well the need for automated or semi- cipate equally with their specialist
as recognition of the prominent role automated tools to assist with data colleagues from a wide range of disci-
it plays in a patient’s experience of integration, analysis, reporting, and plines. Suggested activities for specialists
illness, is a fundamental component communication to improve the health include virtual visits, active referral
in our ability to provide effective and of a population on a broad scale. management, patient-reported outcome
empathetic care.” Although population health man- measures, procedure order entry and
Although the uncertainty of medi- agement is not yet adopted broadly decision support systems, clinical care
cine factors heavily in the care that is throughout our country, the Medicare bundles, care redesign, and variation
provided to an individual patient, the Access and CHIP Reauthorization reporting and control.
Triple Aim for Health Care Reform [2] Act set the stage for value-based pay- Active referral management
calls for better care for individuals, ments and put 9% of our fee-for-service through an e-consult program gives
lower costs through improvement, and revenue at risk by 2022. At the Massa- specialists input through e-mail-based
better health for the population. It is chusetts General Hospital, population e-consults rather than in-person visits,
this need to provide better health for health management has been imple- allowing patients to avoid long waits.
the population where the uncertainty mented and continuously refined for a Virtual follow-up visits enable patients
of medicine becomes most problematic. number of years. The internal perfor- to receive routine follow-up care in
In its “Roadmap for Provider-Based mance framework (IPF) defines the their homes or offices, increasing
Automation in a New Era of Health- measures and tools needed to succeed in clinical capacity for new, urgent, and
care,” the Institute for Health Tech- this arena. The IPF elements are divided complex patients. Procedure order en-
nology Transformation [3] states, into three buckets focused on quality, try and patient-reported outcomes
medical expense trend, and strategy. guide patients and physicians through
The goal of population health The quality measures focus much on common procedures by providing risks to keep a the classic topics one would expect in a and benefits at the point of clinical
patient population as healthy as population health management portfo- care and decision making. Specialty
possible, minimizing the need lio: diabetes, depression, bronchitis, care management enables care man-
for expensive interventions such asthma, weight loss, and so on. Efforts at agers to address complex care coordi-
as emergency department visits, reducing medical expense trend consti- nation needs. Care bundles enable
hospitalizations, imaging tests, tute the second bucket in the IPF. In efficient care delivery for defined
and procedures..Population Massachusetts, state law requires medi- episodes of care. Finally, variation
health management requires cal expense trend to stay below a 3.6% reporting and control provide sufficient
healthcare providers to develop increase annually. Some efforts in this guidance and data to physicians and
new skill sets and new category are focused on reducing leakage practices about their laboratory, phar-
infrastructures for delivering of imaging studies performed in our macy, and radiology ordering patterns
care..Automation makes health care system to outside networks. to reduce practice variation.

ª 2016 American College of Radiology

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personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Variation reporting and control is variation in order entry, I will highlight a reports will be reduced, including
where I believe radiologists have the few examples that typify the high level of variation in the description of imaging
greatest opportunity for contribution to acceptance and value for CDS within findings, characterization of lesions,
population health management. I am this institution. One senior primary care and recommended next steps.
never more embarrassed for our pro- physician reported that several years ago, The ACR sees the value of these
fession than when profound variation she started showing patients what deci- tools in reducing practice variation for
in how we do our business is brought to sion support says when they insisted the benefit of our population’s health
our attention. On June 17, 2011, the on imaging examinations she believed and has committed substantial resources
New York Times ran an article titled to be inappropriate. In exasperation, she to further develop and distribute deci-
“Medicare Claims Show Overuse for would turn the computer screen in her sion support for referring physicians as
CT Scanning” [4]. On the basis of data office toward patients to show the results ACR Select and decision support for
available at the Hospital Compare of decision support for their symptoms. radiologists as ACR Assist. The goal of
website, the Times concluded that 200 These patients now ask what decision both of these systems is to find the sweet
hospitals “administered double scans support says when they are discussing spot of appropriate imaging utilization
[ie, CT scans performed with and whether an imaging examination is that maximizes our population’s health
without intravenous contrast material] warranted for their clinical scenarios. at an appropriate cost. Overutilization
on more than 30 percent of their Some departments have adopted risks increased cost and decreased health
Medicare outpatients.” The national the rate with which inappropriate im- because of the needless workup of
average is 5.4%, and best practice for aging examinations are ordered as an false-positive and incidental findings.
the thorax is probably less than 1%. ongoing performance practice evalua- Underutilization decreases population
The authors concluded that “double tion metric. Indeed, the degree to health by not providing the benefits of
scanning is more likely to occur at which decision support has become medical imaging and image-guided
smaller, community hospitals” and integral to the culture of this institu- intervention to those that would
identified one such hospital that tion is most encouraging as we try to benefit most from our services. I am
performed double scans in 89% of its manage the health of our population, confident that with these semi-
Medicare chest patients. and it typifies the automated or semi- automated CDS systems, radiologists
Practice variation in radiology can be automated tools that are needed to can participate in population health
achieved at both the front end of the achieve such benefit on a broad scale. management through meaningful
imaging chain through clinical decision Although decision support for ra- reduction in practice variation. The art
support (CDS) provided to ordering diologists is at least a decade behind of medicine is not dead, it’s just different.
physicians, guiding them to the appro- decision support for referring physi-
priate imaging examination (ACR cians, the expected benefits from such REFERENCES
Select). In addition, computer-assisted systems are equally exciting. By 1. Campbell JI. Art and the uncertainty of
reporting provides best practice clinical providing clinical guidance at the point medicine. JAMA 2014;312:2337-9.
2. Berwick M, Nolan TW, Whittington J. The
guidelines to radiologists as they interpret of radiologic care, radiologists can draw
Triple Aim: care, health, and cost. Health Aff
imaging examinations and can reduce on tools to help guide them to a uni- (Millwood) 2008;27:759-69.
variation at the back end of the imaging form description of findings and, more 3. Institute for Health Technology Trans-
chain, particularly when radiologists are important, a uniform recommendation formation. Population health management: a
roadmap for provider-based automation in a
making recommendations for clinically for a clinical scenario. First described in new era of healthcare. New York: Institute for
significant findings (ACR Assist). 2011 [5], CDS for radiologists allows Health Technology Transformation; 2012.
CDS for order entry has been in use imaging-based care algorithms to be 4. Bogdanich W, McGinty JC. Medicare claims
show overuse for CT scanning. The New York
at the Massachusetts General Hospital integrated directly into the dictation Times. June 17, 2011. Available at: http://
since 2004. It has become very much a platform, enabling their use at the point
part of the culture of this institution. of care. If radiologists apply the same radiation.html?_r¼0. Accessed June 3, 2016.
5. Boland GWL, Thrall JH, Gazelle GS, et al.
Although several studies have docu- algorithms to the same imaging sce- Decision support for radiologist report recom-
mented the benefit of CDS for reducing narios, then variation in radiologists’ mendations. J Am Coll Radiol 2011;8:819-23.

The author has no conflicts of interest related to the material discussed in this article.
James A. Brink, MD: Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, FND-216, Boston, MA 02114-2698; e-mail: jabrink@

760 Journal of the American College of Radiology

Volume 13 n Number 7 n July 2016
Descargado para Anonymous User (n/a) en University of Chile de por Elsevier en noviembre 14, 2023. Para uso
personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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