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Radiology 2040
James A. Brink, MD • Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD

Nothing is permanent except change. interpretation will not only become a commodity but, even-
—Heraclitus, around 500 BCE tually, may become obsolete. It is time to actively search out
and demonstrate new means through which we can contrib-
ute beyond image interpretation. If we approach this chal-
H istorically, radiology has been a specialty of innovation.
Radiology has embraced new technologies and recog-
nized their potential well before their clinical value has been
lenge in the right way, then the specialty will continue to
prosper. But the specialty will have to change considerably.
widely accepted. We have been fearless in change and adap- At the most basic level, radiologists’ ability to remain
tation. Over the past 4 decades alone, we have repeatedly clinically relevant will depend on our becoming and staying
expanded and reshaped our field to accommodate revolu- part of the clinical team. The ability to offer therapy will also
tionary technological advances. We adopted cross-sectional be essential for strengthening our clinical impact. Thus, we
anatomic imaging with CT and MRI, which required ad- will need to cultivate interventional radiology and radiother-
aptation to much greater levels of detail in image interpreta- anostics extensively. Furthermore, it will be critical for us to
tion. We introduced various forms of functional and mo- partner with other disciplines—in medicine, data science,
lecular imaging, which required us to incorporate biology engineering, and other areas—to perform clinically relevant
into our knowledge and image interpretation. We facilitated research and carve out paths of innovation and expertise
tremendous growth in applications of interventional radi- unique to our specialty. This editorial describes a variety of
ology, incorporating clinics and clinicians with admitting anticipated changes in the science and practice of radiology
privileges into many of our departments. Finally, most re- (Table), some of which will appear almost inevitably and
cently, we introduced marked advances in radiotheranostics, some of which the imaging community will only be able to
which combines targeted molecular imaging with radionu- achieve through vision and intense determination.
clide therapies.
Today, we are in some ways the victims of our own suc- Radiology Workflow and Teleradiology
cess, as the demand for imaging, especially in oncology, Increasingly, computation and data analytics will support
keeps increasing. We now face large volumes of examina- imaging and other diagnostics, as well as connectedness and
tions, exponential increases in the number of images gener- telehealth (1). Current workflows are largely driven by pa-
ated by each examination, and the demand for 24/7 cover- tient location. Worklists are organized according to whether
age. In an era of widespread physician burnout, our specialty patients are inpatients, outpatients, or admitted to the emer-
is among the most affected. gency department. But we will see the distinction between
The present is not sustainable, and yet again, radiology these three patient locations blurred as more and more medi-
is at a crossroads. The next several decades are sure to bring cal care is delivered at home. Home hospital programs are on
seismic organizational and operational changes that will af- the rise. If inpatient care can be delivered at home, it is likely
fect all medical specialties, including radiology. Artificial in- that we will see more urgent and acute care being delivered
telligence (AI) is emerging as an extremely powerful force at home as well. Thus, our workflows will need to be driven
in medicine and particularly in radiology—one that could by disease focus rather than patient location.
help streamline our workflow and reduce our workload Just as other medical care will be delivered at home,
while also posing challenges to our relevance. Moreover, imaging technologies will increasingly be brought to the
the pace of technological change is constantly accelerating. patient for self-examination. AI-powered autonomous or
Many operational and technological developments that will semiautonomous US using low-cost transducers driven
affect radiology are being driven by external forces beyond by smartphone technology will enable patients to perform
our control. Imaging will still play a critical role in diagno- simple US data acquisition on their own, with images being
sis and minimally invasive intervention. But, as radiologists, reconstructed automatically (2). In the future, other exami-
our focus must be laser-sharp on ways in which we can add nations may be performed locally, including with portable
value to the health care continuum, especially given the rise equipment for radiography, CT (motionless), and MRI (low
of non–image-based precision diagnostics and minimally field strength) (3,4).
invasive interventional techniques certain to occur in other Home reading and teleradiology will continue to rise due
specialties. Radiologists whose activities are limited to image to the growing demand for worker flexibility and the need

From the Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Mass (J.A.B.); and Department of Radiology, Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Ave, Ste H-704, New York, NY 10065 (H.H.). Received October 10, 2022; revision requested October 14; revision received
October 20; accepted October 25. Address correspondence to H.H. (email:
A translation of this article in Spanish is available in the supplement.
Una traducción de este artículo en español está disponible en el suplemento.
Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

Radiology 2023; 306:69–72 • • Content codes: • © RSNA, 2023

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Radiology 2040

for continuous coverage as well as outreach beyond urban centers.

What to Know to Ensure Radiology Is Thriving in 2040
However, radiologists of the future will need to think hard about
how to balance remote and on-site readings for the benefit of pa- 1. Radiologists must add value to the health care continuum,
tients, education, and cross-fertilization of knowledge. It will be especially given the rise of non–image-based precision diag-
important for radiologists to maintain a strong presence within nostics and minimally invasive interventional techniques
their health care institutions so that they continue to be recognized 2. Radiologists whose activities are limited to image interpreta-
as key partners in patient care and research. tion will not only become a commodity but, eventually, may
become obsolete
Artificial Intelligence 3. The ability to offer therapy is essential for strengthening
AI will not replace radiology, but it will profoundly affect our rel- our clinical impact. We will need to cultivate interventional
evance and our workflow. The greatest risk to our specialty is that radiology and radiotheranostics extensively
other medical specialties, and potentially patients themselves, may 4. Our workflows will be driven by disease focus rather than
leverage AI for independent image interpretation. Given that re- patient location
ferring physicians have clinical information at their fingertips, they 5. Radiologists need to maintain a strong presence within their
will be able to put imaging findings in a clinically relevant context institutions and continue to be recognized as key partners in
to a much greater degree than traditional radiologists. patient care and research
The globalization of consultative work combined with AI au-
6. Radiologists must recognize that artificial intelligence (AI)
tomation will increasingly threaten many white-collar disciplines. will enable us to function at a higher level, just as did the
These include medicine and law (5). Our pathology colleagues advent of digital imaging and electronic image display
have seen evolution in practice. For example, the Papanicolaou
7. Radiologists must remain the keepers of AI algorithms and
test no longer requires human interpretation routinely (6). Ma- oversee their use unequivocally
chine-based interpretations, potentially in distant locations, have
8. Non–image-based precision diagnostics (ie, “liquid biop-
become the norm. The only exceptions are in unusual conditions
sies”) will continue to rise, and radiology’s place in the value
that prevent automatic reading and require human intervention.
equation will need to evolve commensurately. Radiology
Certain radiology examinations will undergo a similar evolution. will be responsible for phenotyping with imaging markers
AI algorithms will provide comprehensive and autonomous inter- that are prognostic and predictive of treatment response on
pretation. At present, most AI algorithms are narrowly focused, a large scale
targeting a specific imaging feature or function. Over the next 9. Subspecialized training will remain extremely important,
several years, algorithm development will broaden substantially as radiologists’ clinical relevance can only be assured by
to include a comprehensive evaluation of all possible features that radiologists being as knowledgeable as our subspecialized
may be present in certain imaging examinations. referring physicians
Algorithm development will become increasingly federated, 10. The carbon footprint of medical imaging will be at the
with the training of distributed algorithms on local data rather forefront among environmental sustainability efforts
than moving data beyond secure firewalls. This will increase the
11. We must remain vigilant to do our part in bringing the
diversity of training data and minimize training bias, thereby power of medical imaging to the most underserved popula-
promoting health equity and algorithm robustness. Once an al- tions across the globe
gorithm is trained, its quality will be maintained with continu-
12. Imaging technologies will become increasingly multiscale,
ous learning. Temporal degradation owing to changes in local data
multimodal, and multiomic
environments will be minimal (7,8). Radiologists must remain the
keepers of such algorithms and oversee their use unequivocally. 13. Due to advances in imaging, devices, techniques, and
robotics, the array of minimally invasive interventions will
Just as AI will permeate all facets of daily living, it will affect
continue to grow
all aspects of radiology practice. These will range from examina-
tion triage and planning to lesion detection, characterization, and 14. Radiotheranostic growth will expand clinicians’ ability to
measurement (9). AI will also enable greater assessment of disease first “see with precision” and then “treat with targeting.”
Radiology and nuclear medicine will take leading roles in
likelihood and potential treatment outcomes by seamless integra-
cancer diagnosis and treatment
tion of imaging findings with other clinical indicators. Radiolo-
gists’ role in this continuum is not assured. We must see to it that
we are adding value at every step. gradient-weighted class activation mapping, or Grad-CAM, are
The “lifelong learning” of AI algorithms, including their ability applied, we need to ensure that trainees acquire sufficient knowl-
to adapt to improved or new technologies (eg, novel MRI pulse edge and do not unquestioningly trust the results produced by an
sequences, novel radiotracers) will influence the training of the algorithm (10). For this, trainees need at least a basic understand-
next generation of radiologists. The integration of AI into training ing of AI algorithm design and training strategies to understand AI
will continuously evolve. Radiologists will, at least in the short- algorithms’ performance levels and limitations.
and mid-term, still be required to supervise and, if necessary, over- Over time, AI algorithms will enable the integration of ra-
rule AI, thereby providing feedback and improving model per- diomic features and metabolic or functional information with
formance. While training supported by AI will surely be a great genomic and other phenotypic information for disease detection
learning opportunity, especially when visualization tools such as and characterization. These capabilities will likely exceed what is ■ Radiology: Volume 306: Number 1—January 2023

Brink and Hricak

achievable by humans alone (11). As radiologists, we must wel- Radiology’s role in ensuring that health care is delivered equi-
come the assistance that AI will provide to our practices, recogniz- tably across all demographic groups of our society is not assured.
ing that it will enable us to function at a higher level, just as did Economic pressures will continue to favor the greatest care deliv-
the advent of digital imaging and electronic image display. To truly ery to those who can most afford it. We must remain vigilant to
harness this AI-enhanced, integrated diagnostic approach, cross- do our part in bringing the power of medical imaging to the most
training with other specialties such as pathology will be vital for underserved populations across the globe (9).
the next generation of radiology trainees. This may be achieved Similarly, diversity among our leadership and within our gov-
by electives during residency, short-term fellowships, or at an even ernance structures is not assured. We must continually strive for
earlier point during medical school in the form of integrated MD- parity for women and members of other underrepresented groups,
PhD programs. or the axiom “if you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu” will be
as apt in 2040 as it is today.
Value-based Care
Non–image-based precision diagnostics (ie, “liquid biopsies”) will Evolution of Imaging Technologies
continue to rise, and radiology’s place in the value equation will Imaging technologies will become increasingly multiscale, multi-
need to evolve commensurately. We must strive to be the primary modal, and multiomic. They will incorporate relevant metabolic,
purveyors of imaging examinations in every respect, from their proteomic, and genomic information. “Smart” contrast agents
most appropriate uses to timely, accurate, and precise reporting will increase exponentially, leveraging in vivo biochemistry, im-
of the information they contain. Imaging centers will evolve be- munohistochemistry, reporter genes (genes that produce receptors
yond diagnostic centers to treatment planning and prediction cen- that bind imaging probes), and nanoparticles. Bioengineering will
ters. Radiology will be responsible for phenotyping with imaging advance rapidly, showing explosive potential to alter the practice
markers that are prognostic and predictive of treatment response of medicine, with an outsized impact on medical imaging. Pheno-
on a large scale. typic data generated by the physical interaction of an external en-
The drive toward subspecialization for maximal value creation ergy source with biologic tissue will enter multiomic databases that
will continue. But AI may enable radiologists to achieve highly cross multiple levels of biologic regulation, potentially bypassing
subspecialized excellence (as so-called centaur radiologists—a the need for image formation (ie, fingerprinting). Images will be
combination of human plus computer) (12). While it is tempting reconstructed in select cases where human understanding is best
to imagine that this scenario may enable AI-powered generalists to achieved by visual means, such as for surgical or interventional
deliver the value typically seen with subspecialists, subspecialized radiology treatment planning.
training will remain extremely important, as radiologists’ clinical
relevance can only be assured by radiologists being as knowledge-
Therapy: An Expanding Role of Radiology
able as our subspecialized referring physicians.
Imaging examinations will give rise to AI-derived three-di-
mensional data sets of imaging findings. Radiologists will need to Precision Imaging and Image-guided Intervention
ensure the accuracy of salient findings. More importantly, radiolo- Due to advances in imaging, devices, techniques, and robotics, the
gists must ensure the integration of these findings with relevant array of minimally invasive interventions will continue to grow
clinical scenarios to produce meaningful and impactful diagnoses. (1). Percutaneous endoscopic imaging will enable interventional
Imaging interpretations will be converted to lay language instantly radiologists to perform minimally invasive interventions in do-
and in a variety of media, including static and motion content mains previously reserved for other specialties. When combined
with automatic, cinematically rendered images (13). Patients and with multispectral optical imaging, in vivo virtual histologic ex-
their providers will have instant and full access to their images and amination may be possible for certain pathologic conditions, po-
interpretations in real time, potentially for the application of in- tentially obviating the need for a needle biopsy (15).
dividual or personal AI algorithms on features of interest. Recom- Interventional procedures will become increasingly automated,
mended follow-up imaging or other diagnostic testing will be com- powered by AI. This will enable less-trained personnel to carry out
municated, confirmed, and, if warranted, arranged automatically some less complicated image-guided procedures, potentially at
through robust care coordination systems (14). These changes will home and other locations beyond the purview of standard health
further marginalize radiologists and threaten our relevance unless care facilities (16). AI-powered robotics may follow for more com-
we integrate ourselves in the care continuum and add value be- plex procedures.
yond machine-generated interpretations and recommendations.
Environmental, Social, and Governance Concerns Molecular imaging will continue to expand through basic science
The carbon footprint of medical imaging will be at the forefront of research and clinical practice via the rapid rise in theranostics.
environmental sustainability efforts. Thus, technical advances that Theranostics combines diagnostic imaging with targeted therapy
substantially reduce our energy consumption will be embraced to noninvasively determine tumor phenotype and evaluate func-
uniformly. These include imaging devices and viewing equipment tional and molecular responses to therapy.
with reduced power requirements. Renewable sources for con- Radiotheranostics will continue to expand exponentially, com-
sumables in diagnostic and interventional radiology will become bining molecular imaging—currently with PET and SPECT—
mainstream. with radionuclide therapy, leveraging small drugs, peptides, and

Radiology: Volume 306: Number 1—January 2023 ■ 71

Radiology 2040

antibodies to carry therapeutic radionuclides (alpha-, beta-, or 100 years, since the first innovations of our specialty were set to
auger-emitters). Radiotheranostic growth will expand clinicians’ print in Radiology.
ability to first “see with precision” and then “treat with targeting.”
While oncologic radiotheranostics already includes numerous Acknowledgments: The authors thank Jason Lewis, PhD; Marius Mayerhoefer, MD,
contemporary applications, it has enormous untapped poten- PhD; and Ralph Weissleder, MD, PhD, for their valuable input and Ada Muellner, MS,
for editing the manuscript.
tial for treating a huge range of cancers, given its capacity to be
adapted to different targets and maximize tumor killing while Disclosures of conflicts of interest: J.A.B. Member of the board of directors for Ac-
minimizing side effects (17). cumen and president of the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology.
Real-time feedback from imaging allows clinicians to improve H.H. Grants from the National Cancer Institute (principal investigator or co-leader);
member of the external advisory board of the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer
patient selection for therapy, provide earlier and more precise Center at Johns Hopkins, the international advisory board of the University of Vienna,
treatment response assessment, and expedite drug development. the Scientific Committee of the DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center), the board of
Whereas patients are typically selected for cancer therapies based trustees of the DKFZ, and the board of directors of Paige; paid member of the board of
directors of Ion Beam Applications.
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