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Background information:

What is food security?

- Food security means that all people, at all times, have physical, social and
economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their food
preferences and dietary nees for an active and healthy life.
- International Food Policy Research Institute |
- Here in the philippines, food security is very alarming as a lot of Filipinos
experience food insecurity from moderate up to severely food insecure.

Statistical Records of affected individuals:

- According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), from 2019 to 2021, 5.3
million Filipinos were severely foiid insecure, while 48 million more experienced
moderate or severe food insecurity (Baclig, 2022).
- Philippine Institute for Development Studies |
- The FAO also noted that from 2019 to 2021, 5.7 million Filipinos were considered
undernourished meaning that they did not meet the minimum requirements for the
daily dietary needs of a person over the course of a year (Baclig, 2022).
- Philippine Institute for Development Studies |

Government Intervention / Non - Government Organization Intervention Strategies:

- According to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the Plant,
Plant, Plant Program 2 that the government is issuing which has a 24 billion peso
budget will help to increase food security in the Philippines by providing
subsidies and support towards the agricultural sector in terms of lowering input
costs, development of new farming technologies, extension of financial assistance
to farmers and strengthening of the agricultural value chain. (NEDA, 2022).
- National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) |
- One non government organization that helps in food security in the Philippines is
the International Care Ministries (ICM) which is a faith-based non-profit
organization in the Philippines that did the Rapid Emergencies and Disasters
Intervention (REDI) which leverages religious leaders to address food insecurity in
poverty-laden households during an emergency. (Brubacher et al., 2023).
- ScienceDirect |

Economic Effect of the Disaster:

- Decreased Labor Productivity:
Food-insecure individuals often suffer from malnutrition, which can lead to
reduced physical and cognitive abilities. This, in turn, can result in decreased
labor productivity, leading to lower income levels and economic growth (FAO, 2018).

Reference: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

(2018). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World.

- Increased Healthcare Costs:

Malnutrition and food insecurity can lead to a higher prevalence of health
problems, increasing healthcare costs for individuals and the government. This
includes costs related to treating conditions like stunting, anemia, and vitamin
deficiencies (Save the Children, 2020).

Reference: Save the Children. (2020). The Cost of Hunger in the Philippines.

- Impacts on Education:
Food-insecure households may struggle to afford educational expenses, and
children from these households are more likely to suffer from chronic absenteeism
due to hunger. This can hinder their educational attainment and future earning
potential (Alviola, et al., 2015).

Reference: Alviola, P. A., et al. (2015). Food Security and Children's Well-
Being: Evidence from the Philippines. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development,
12(2), 1-22.

- Agricultural Productivity and Income:

Food insecurity can also be linked to the agriculture sector. Farmers who
face difficulties in accessing food may have reduced resources to invest in their
farming activities, leading to lower agricultural productivity and income levels
(FAO, 2015).

Reference: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

(2015). Food Security in the Philippines: A National Framework for Action.

- Economic Vulnerability:
Households experiencing food insecurity are often economically vulnerable and
less resilient to shocks like economic downturns or natural disasters. This
vulnerability can perpetuate a cycle of poverty and hinder overall economic
development (Cabrera et al., 2019).

Reference: Cabrera, E. C., et al. (2019). Linking Food Security to Inclusive

Growth: A Rapid Assessment. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.

- Reduced Human Capital Development:

Food insecurity can hinder the development of human capital, as malnourished
individuals are less likely to reach their full potential in terms of education and
skills development. This can limit the country's economic growth potential in the
long term (World Bank, 2019).

Reference: World Bank. (2019). Philippines Economic Update: Sustaining Strong

and Inclusive Growth Amid Global Uncertainty.

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