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….Name Of The Book…


Number of pages=…

Cost of book=…

____Body of the review(divided in paragraphs)____

Introduction should contain these points:-

*purpose (why is the book written)

*little bit about the author(his previous books or something like that)

*any special feature of book or of the author

Middle portions shall include:-

*style and theme

*introduce central characters

*describe the plot in short(don’t write a book…only review has to be done)

Concluding para shall include:-

*excitement of public towards the book(if it is there,even if it is not you have to write)

*relevance of the book in today’s scenario

*comparison of the book with author’s previous books

*Your own critical comment(how you felt while reading the book….only 2 sentences will do)


…Name O f The Film…



*Body of the review (in paragraphs)

Introduction should contain:

*date of release

*theme of the film

*it’s plot

Middle portion must include:-

*main characters and their portrayal by actors

*technical aspects(cinematography, direction, choreography, music, etc.)

**(we should never narrate the whole story in a review because it makes the people loose interest
in watching the movie themselves)

*message of the film (if any)

Lastly the overall impression of the film and it’s entertainment vsalue must be included in the


By a staff reporter(this should be written on the right-hand side of the sheet),

city, day, date: Body of the report…….5 W’S

*the body of the report can be like a summary

*it should be well organised and the scenario should be clear to the readers

*note that the report is a first person or third person report

*a report should address six basic questions ,viz: who,what,when,where,why .

*The concluding paragraph should have a clear picture/the latest update.

Thre should be atleast one comment from a person of authority (in direct speech).

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