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Operating Room-a room in a hospital specially equipped for surgical operations.

Importance of Operating -The operating room is one of the most important areas in a hospital. Patients who enter into the OR put their lives in the hands of a team of well-trained

professionals. They work together to perform surgical procedures that save lives.

Scrub nurses-They do a surgical scrub and go into the surgery with the surgical patient and doctors. They set up the operating room for the patient, ensure all the tools are sterile

and ready go, hand tools to the doctor during the surgery, and perform other duties inside the surgical to room.

Circulating nurse-a registered nurse who makes preparations for an operation and continually monitors the patient and staff during its course, who works in the operating room

outside the sterile field in which the operation takes place, and who records the progress of the operation, accounts for the instruments, and handles specimens.

Basic Operating rooms instruments:






•Needle holder


•Surgical scissors

•Kocher forceps

There are a variety of instruments used in an operating room, which are designed to assist surgeons and medical personnel during surgical procedures. Here are some commonly

used operating room instruments and their uses:

1. Scalpel: A precise cutting instrument used to make incisions in the patient's body.

2. Forceps: Used to grasp and hold delicate tissues or blood vessels during surgery. There are various types of forceps, such as tissue forceps, hemostatic forceps, and tissue resecting


3. Retractor: Used to hold back tissues and organs, providing a clear surgical field for the surgeon to work in.

4. Scissors: Used for cutting tissues, sutures, or any other material in the operating room. There are many different types of surgical scissors, including straight scissors, curved

scissors, and fine-tip scissors.

5. Needle holders: Used to hold and guide suturing needles during the surgical closure of wounds.

6. Suction devices: Helps in removing fluids or debris from the surgical site, ensuring clear visibility for the surgical team.
7. Clamps: Used to occlude blood vessels or ducts, preventing bleeding or leakage during surgical procedures.

8. Surgical staplers: Used to close tissue or organs quickly and efficiently, replacing traditional hand suturing in some cases.

9. Electrocautery devices: Used to control bleeding by sealing blood vessels during surgery. These devices use electrical current to create heat, which coagulates blood vessels.

10. Surgical drills: Used for drilling holes in bones, such as during orthopedic surgeries or neurosurgical procedures.

11. Trocars and cannulas: Used during minimally invasive surgery to create access points for specialized surgical instruments, such as laparoscopes, robotic instruments, or

Perioperative nursing describes the wide variety of nursing functions associated with the patient’s surgical management. Perioperative Nursing is the care of a client or patient

before, during, and after and operation. It is a specialized nursing area wherein a registered nurse works as a team member of other surgical health care professionals.

The postoperative phase of the surgical experience extends from the time the client is transferred to the recovery room or postanesthesia care unit (PACU) to the moment he or she

is transported back to the surgical unit, discharged from the hospital until the follow-up care.

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