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Understanding the Psychology of

Diversity 3rd Edition Blaine Test Bank

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Chapter 6

Test Bank Questions

Multiple Choice

1. How is sex-based social categorization similar to race-based social cateogization?

a. Both kinds of categorization are made in less than a second.
b. Both kinds of categorization are rooted in different sets of physical characteristics.
c. Both kinds of categorization use physical differences to represent inner qualities.
d. All of the above.

2. Which characteristic best fits the cultural stereotype of men?

a. Sociable
b. Independent
c. Nurturant
d. Helpful

3. Which characteristic best fits the cultural stereotype of women?

a. Competitive
b. Independent
c. Understanding
d. Self-confident

4. Stereotypically speaking, men ____ and women ____.

a. act; relate
b. nurture; solve problems
c. care for others; understand
d. make decisions; compete

5. According to the stereotype content model, which subtype of women is stereotyped as

high in competence and low in warmth?
a. Housewife
b. Secretary
c. Feminist
d. Society lady

6. According to the stereotype content model, stereotypes of women who are liked (high
warmth) but not respected (low competence) are called:
a. Envious stereotypes
b. Contemptuous stereotypes
c. Paternalistic stereotypes
d. Hostile stereotypes
7. Research has found that feminine-sounding voices, in both men and women, lowered
listeners’ ratings the speaker’s:
a. Warmth
b. Competence
c. Both warmth and competence
d. Neither warmth and competence

8. One study of the characters in coloring books found that female characters comprised
just 41% of all coloring book characters. This illustrates:
a. Gender categorization
b. Gender bias
c. Paternalistic stereotypes
d. Envious stereotypes

9. Gender bias in reflected in:

a. Preferring men for stereotypically male jobs.
b. The pathologizing of women’s psychological and physical differences from men.
c. Reporting males’ data first and females’ second in gender-difference studies.
d. All of the above

10. The belief that women are emotionally weaker but morally superior to men is reflective
a. Benevolent sexism
b. Hostile sexism
c. Modern sexism
d. Symbolic sexism

11. Which form of sexism regards women as sexual objects and believes they are interested
in controlling men?
a. Modern sexism
b. Hostile sexism
c. Benevolent sexism
d. All of the above

12. Large meta-analyses (which combine the results of many studies) of gender differences
in math ability show that:
a. Women are reliably better than men.
b. Men are reliably better than women.
c. Women and men do not differ.

13. On which trait do studies show a reliable gender difference?

a. Empathy
b. Aggressiveness
c. Math ability
d. All of the above

14. Gender differences can arise out of:

a. Having difference expectations for women’s and men’s behavior.
b. Having different roles in life.
c. Boys and girls being treated differently by parents or teachers.
d. All of the above

15. The fact that stay-at-home dads develop nurturing and caring traits that are no different
from stay-at-home moms illustrates:
a. Gender differences in nurturance are internal, inherent qualities
b. Nurturance is a state variable rather than a trait variable.
c. Nurturance is a function of the situation rather than the person.
d. Both B and C

16. What statement best illustrates the social selection of gender differences?
a. Women are by nature more gullible than men.
b. Women are more nurturant because of the roles they occupy.
c. Men are more aggressive because it is advantageous in perpetuating their genes.
d. Men are more independent because social situations expect that from them.

17. Current data on the gender pay gap shows that, in 2010, women’s median weekly
earnings were about ____ of men’s median weekly earnings.
a. 40%
b. 60%
c. 80%
d. Men’s and women’s earnings are the same.

18. Women are underrepresented among corporation presidents and vice-presidents,

tenured full professors, and other high level professional positions. This phenomenon is
a. The maternal wall
b. The gender pay gap
c. The income entitlement gap
d. The glass ceiling


1. TRUE or FALSE. Generally agreed-upon beliefs about men help define what is masculine.

2. TRUE or FALSE. Holding both paternalistic and envious stereotypes of women reflects
underlying ambivalence.
3. TRUE or FALSE. Generally, stereotypically feminine traits are valued more than
stereotypically masculine traits.

4. TRUE or FALSE. Gender bias works in favor of women when they are applying for
stereotypically female jobs.

5. TRUE or FALSE. Hostile sexism romanticizes women’s sexuality and sees them as objects
to be adored.

6. TRUE or FALSE. Stay-at-home dads, who take on the child-rearing role, develop
nurturance that equals stay-at-home moms.

7. TRUE or FALSE. If men were placed in follower, rather than leader, roles as consistently
as women are, they would develop better ability at reading nonverbal behavior.

8. TRUE or FALSE. People with interdependent self-construals tend to preserve their


9. TRUE or FALSE. Benevolent sexism encourages women to think of themselves more in

relational, and less in competence, terms.

10. TRUE or FALSE. Women earn less than men even in stereotypically female jobs (e.g.,

11. TRUE or FALSE. Title IX has established gender equity in college sports, according to
recent investigative reports.

Short Answer
1. Studies show that women and men do not differ in math achievement. So why are
women underrepresented in STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) field?

2. Distinguish between hostile and benevolent sexism.

3. Distinguish between paternalistic and envious stereotypes.

4. Mention some ways that gender stereotypes are perpetuated in the school

5. What are self-construals? How are men’s or women’s self-construals shaped by gender

6. Describe the gender pay gap and explain how income entitlement is related to it.
1. How do both hostile and benevolent forms of sexism enforce patriarchy?

2. Discuss three reasons why women endorse benevolent sexist attitudes?

3. What is gender bias? How is it expressed in the workplace?

4. Explain how gender differences arise out of men and women occupying different roles
in society.

5. What do we learn about the presumed differences between men and women from TV
advertisements? Give some examples and how those examples reflect gender

6. Distinguish between the glass ceiling and the maternal wall. How are both expressions
of sexism?
Multiple choice
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. C
18. D

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True
10. True
11. False

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