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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-I).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -1.000 0.000 517.000

3 Dead 1.000 0.000 517.000

4 Dead 0.000 -1.000 517.000

5 Dead 0.000 1.000 517.000

6 Dead -2.000 -2.000 529.000

7 Dead 2.000 -2.000 529.000

8 Dead 2.000 2.000 529.000

9 Dead -2.000 2.000 529.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 -1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DEAD LOAD - Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No


DEAD LOAD Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DEAD LOAD Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No


DEAD LOAD-L DEAD LOAD - 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes


Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DEAD LOAD - ULS 0.000 0.000 14633.696 -10.6408 10.6195 0.0000

DEAD LOAD -SLS-N 0.000 0.000 9755.797 -7.0938 7.0797 0.0000

DEAD LOAD -SLS-I 0.000 0.000 9755.797 -7.0938 7.0797 0.0000

DEAD LOAD-L 0.000 0.000 14633.696 -10.6408 10.6195 0.0000

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Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

m m m

DEAD LOAD - ULS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DEAD LOAD -SLS-N 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DEAD LOAD -SLS-I 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DEAD LOAD-L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.132013

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.131970

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.132013

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.131970

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.386692

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.391011

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.391001

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.391011

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DEAD LOAD - -602.488 0.180767 -0.0057 1.369306


3 DEAD LOAD - -602.450 0.180708 0.0017 1.369306


4 DEAD LOAD - -602.487 0.180767 -5.5747 1.369306


5 DEAD LOAD - -602.450 0.180708 5.5254 1.369306


6 DEAD LOAD - -642.054 0.529500 -63.6989 1.369306


7 DEAD LOAD - -641.072 0.535414 -95.1299 1.369306


8 DEAD LOAD - -641.069 0.535400 95.1236 1.369306


9 DEAD LOAD - -641.072 0.535414 65.3156 1.369306


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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 5.5748 None

3 -5.5253 None

4 0.0058 None

5 -0.0016 None

6 92.7751 None

7 -65.3155 None

8 -65.3170 None

9 95.1300 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-II).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -7.000 1.000 671.000

3 Dead -6.000 1.000 391.000

4 Dead -18.000 0.000 526.000

5 Dead -18.000 1.000 536.000

6 Dead -20.000 1.000 637.000

7 Dead -16.000 -4.000 440.000

8 Dead -16.000 5.000 448.000

9 Dead -20.000 0.000 645.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 1.0000 13.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 1.0000 12.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 0.0000 20.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 1.0000 20.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 1.0000 21.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -2.0000 18.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 3.0000 18.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 0.0000 21.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL + WL-X - ULS Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No

DL + WL-X Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL + WL-X -SLS-I Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No

DL + WL-X -L DL + WL-X - ULS 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes

Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL + WL-X - ULS 0.000 0.000 14798.696 -108.9601 -2548.8676 0.0000

DL + WL-X -SLS-N 0.000 0.000 9865.797 -72.6400 -1699.2451 0.0000

DL + WL-X -SLS-I 0.000 0.000 9865.797 -72.6400 -1699.2451 0.0000

DL + WL-X -L 0.000 0.000 14798.696 -108.9601 -2548.8676 0.0000

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

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m m m

DL + WL-X - ULS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-X -SLS-N 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-X -SLS-I 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-X -L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.170945

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.106034

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.138371

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.140417

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.465586

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.368709

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.369175

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.474995

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL + WL-X - ULS -793.892 0.234077 -0.1820 1.369306

3 DL + WL-X - ULS -445.623 0.145193 -0.1726 1.369306

4 DL + WL-X - ULS -613.644 0.189473 -6.5110 1.369306

5 DL + WL-X - ULS -625.883 0.192274 5.6827 1.369306

6 DL + WL-X - ULS -782.064 0.637529 -112.0986 1.369306

7 DL + WL-X - ULS 1471.382 0.504875 -1142.4574 1.369306

8 DL + WL-X - ULS 1467.067 0.505513 1139.4207 1.369306

9 DL + WL-X - ULS -791.401 0.650413 115.1638 1.369306

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

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Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 -4.2124 None

3 -16.3959 None

4 -8.2428 None

5 -8.2498 None

6 70.2616 None

7 -1261.7787 None

8 -1268.4081 None

9 73.1207 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-III).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -1.000 -15.000 531.000

3 Dead 1.000 -15.000 531.000

4 Dead 0.000 -6.000 644.000

5 Dead 0.000 -5.000 418.000

6 Dead 0.000 -17.000 622.000

7 Dead 0.000 -17.000 622.000

8 Dead 4.000 -13.000 463.000

9 Dead -4.000 -13.000 463.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 -17.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 -17.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 -11.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 -10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 -18.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -18.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 -15.0000 -2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 -15.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL + WL-Z - ULS Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No

DL + WL-Z Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL + WL-Z -SLS-I Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No

DL + WL-Z -L DL + WL-Z - ULS 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes

Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL + WL-Z - ULS 0.000 0.000 14798.696 2061.7930 11.6481 0.0000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-N 0.000 0.000 9865.797 1374.5287 7.7654 0.0000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-I 0.000 0.000 9865.797 1374.5287 7.7654 0.0000

DL + WL-Z -L 0.000 0.000 14798.696 2061.7930 11.6481 0.0000

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

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m m m

DL + WL-Z - ULS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-N 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-I 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-Z -L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.138384

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.138341

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.162755

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.111652

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.454511

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.459377

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.367865

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.367870

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL + WL-Z - ULS -619.787 0.189490 6.2087 1.369306

3 DL + WL-Z - ULS -619.746 0.189431 6.2160 1.369306

4 DL + WL-Z - ULS -760.220 0.222862 2.0323 1.369306

5 DL + WL-Z - ULS -479.294 0.152886 14.2149 1.369306

6 DL + WL-Z - ULS -762.546 0.622365 -70.0828 1.369306

7 DL + WL-Z - ULS -761.408 0.629028 -71.8934 1.369306

8 DL + WL-Z - ULS 1460.041 0.503719 1257.2579 1.369306

9 DL + WL-Z - ULS 1460.061 0.503726 1257.2935 1.369306

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

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Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 5.8207 None

3 -5.7666 None

4 0.0065 None

5 -0.0025 None

6 109.1058 None

7 -111.7683 None

8 -1157.0105 None

9 1156.9709 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-IV).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -1.000 0.000 1032.000

3 Dead 1.000 0.000 1032.000

4 Dead 0.000 -1.000 1032.000

5 Dead 0.000 1.000 1032.000

6 Dead -2.000 -2.000 1044.000

7 Dead 2.000 -2.000 1044.000

8 Dead 2.000 2.000 1044.000

9 Dead -2.000 2.000 1044.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 -1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 1.0000 -1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL + WL-Z - ULS Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No

DL + WL-Z Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL + WL-Z -SLS-I Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No

DL + WL-Z -L DL + WL-Z - ULS 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes

Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL + WL-Z - ULS 0.000 0.000 20813.696 -17.6960 17.6720 0.0000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-N 0.000 0.000 13875.797 -11.7973 11.7813 0.0000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-I 0.000 0.000 13875.797 -11.7973 11.7813 0.0000

DL + WL-Z -L 0.000 0.000 20813.696 -17.6960 17.6720 0.0000

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

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m m m

DL + WL-Z - ULS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-N 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-Z -SLS-I 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL + WL-Z -L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.272803

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.272720

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.272802

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.272720

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.773425

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.781814

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.781795

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.781814

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1236.311 0.373550 -0.0107 1.369306

3 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1236.239 0.373437 0.0037 1.369306

4 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1236.310 0.373550 -14.2560 1.369306

5 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1236.239 0.373437 14.1610 1.369306

6 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1296.661 1.059056 -126.0117 1.369306

7 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1294.734 1.070542 -188.1201 1.369306

8 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1294.729 1.070517 188.1087 1.369306

9 DL + WL-Z - ULS -1294.734 1.070543 129.1541 1.369306

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

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Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 14.2562 None

3 -14.1608 None

4 0.0109 None

5 -0.0035 None

6 183.5439 None

7 -129.1539 None

8 -129.1568 None

9 188.1204 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-V).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -7.000 1.000 1172.000

3 Dead -20.000 1.000 1139.000

4 Dead -16.000 5.000 949.000

5 Dead -18.000 0.000 1027.000

6 Dead -20.000 0.000 1147.000

7 Dead -16.000 -4.000 942.000

8 Dead -18.000 1.000 1037.000

9 Dead -6.000 1.000 892.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 1.0000 13.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 1.0000 21.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 3.0000 18.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 0.0000 20.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 0.0000 21.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -2.0000 18.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 1.0000 20.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 1.0000 12.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL + HP + WL-X - Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No


DL + HP + WL-X Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL + HP + WL-X Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No


DL + HP + WL-X - DL + HP + WL-X - 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes


Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL + HP + WL-X - 0.000 0.000 20815.196 125.0025 -475.2158 0.0000


DL + HP + WL-X 0.000 0.000 13876.797 83.3350 -316.8105 0.0000


DL + HP + WL-X 0.000 0.000 13876.797 83.3350 -316.8105 0.0000


DL + HP + WL-X - L 0.000 0.000 20815.196 125.0025 -475.2158 0.0000

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Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

m m m

DL + HP + WL-X - 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL + HP + WL-X 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL + HP + WL-X 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL + HP + WL-X - L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.322339

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.304804

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.244730

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.276848

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.869729

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.694356

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.775526

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.678818

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL + HP + WL-X -1438.029 0.441381 3.1802 1.369306


3 DL + HP + WL-X -1402.279 0.417370 0.5325 1.369306


4 DL + HP + WL-X -1111.111 0.335111 -9.0046 1.369306


5 DL + HP + WL-X -1231.719 0.379090 16.2411 1.369306


6 DL + HP + WL-X -1445.244 1.190926 -138.0403 1.369306


7 DL + HP + WL-X -1145.351 0.950786 -169.8061 1.369306


8 DL + HP + WL-X -1288.273 1.061932 188.5410 1.369306


9 DL + HP + WL-X 2808.939 0.929510 2232.8057 1.369306


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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 22.0935 None

3 -9.0440 None

4 5.2660 None

5 9.0556 None

6 210.2163 None

7 -109.3642 None

8 -120.1336 None

9 2200.2391 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-VI).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -1.000 -15.000 1032.000

3 Dead 1.000 -15.000 1032.000

4 Dead 0.000 -6.000 1145.000

5 Dead 0.000 -5.000 919.000

6 Dead 0.000 -17.000 1124.000

7 Dead 0.000 -17.000 1124.000

8 Dead 4.000 -13.000 965.000

9 Dead -4.000 -13.000 965.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 -17.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 -17.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 -11.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 -10.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 -18.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -18.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 -15.0000 -2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 -15.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL + HP + WL-Z - Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No


DL + HP + WL-Z Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL + HP + WL-Z Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No


DL + HP + WL-Z - DL + HP + WL-Z - 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes


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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL + HP + WL-Z - 0.000 0.000 20816.696 2054.9168 18.5216 0.0000


DL + HP + WL-Z 0.000 0.000 13877.797 1369.9445 12.3478 0.0000


DL + HP + WL-Z 0.000 0.000 13877.797 1369.9445 12.3478 0.0000


DL + HP + WL-Z - L 0.000 0.000 20816.696 2054.9168 18.5216 0.0000

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Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

m m m

DL + HP + WL-Z - 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL + HP + WL-Z 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL + HP + WL-Z 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL + HP + WL-Z - L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.275306

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.275229

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.297352

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.248539

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.831532

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.840356

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.733743

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.733742

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1236.246 0.376978 6.2038 1.369306


3 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1236.172 0.376872 6.2179 1.369306


4 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1376.679 0.407165 -6.4021 1.369306


5 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1095.720 0.340326 22.6047 1.369306


6 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1400.743 1.138623 -130.8273 1.369306


7 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1398.684 1.150704 -134.1299 1.369306


8 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1192.155 1.004719 181.7338 1.369306


9 DL + HP + WL-Z - -1192.159 1.004718 181.7296 1.369306


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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 14.2551 None

3 -14.1563 None

4 0.0115 None

5 -0.0043 None

6 197.5902 None

7 -202.4109 None

8 -119.4661 None

9 119.4737 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-VII).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -12.000 0.000 897.000

3 Dead -10.000 0.000 165.000

4 Dead -37.000 -1.000 531.000

5 Dead -37.000 1.000 531.000

6 Dead -38.000 3.000 800.000

7 Dead -34.000 -7.000 285.000

8 Dead -34.000 7.000 285.000

9 Dead -38.000 -3.000 800.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 0.0000 26.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 0.0000 25.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 0.0000 40.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 0.0000 40.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 2.0000 41.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -4.0000 39.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 4.0000 39.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 -2.0000 41.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL +EQ-X - ULS Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No

DL +EQ-X Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL +EQ-X -SLS-I Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No

DL +EQ-X - L DL +EQ-X - ULS 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes

Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL +EQ-X - ULS 0.000 0.000 14798.696 -13.2290 -6581.4522 0.0000

DL +EQ-X -SLS-N 0.000 0.000 9865.797 -8.8193 -4387.6348 0.0000

DL +EQ-X -SLS-I 0.000 0.000 9865.797 -8.8193 -4387.6348 0.0000

DL +EQ-X - L 0.000 0.000 14798.696 -13.2290 -6581.4522 0.0000

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

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m m m

DL +EQ-X - ULS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL +EQ-X -SLS-N 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL +EQ-X -SLS-I 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL +EQ-X - L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.240506

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.059500

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.147199

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.147154

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.581114

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.378220

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.378211

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.586740

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL +EQ-X - ULS -1076.352 0.329326 -0.0072 1.369306

3 DL +EQ-X - ULS -163.153 0.081473 0.0052 1.369306

4 DL +EQ-X - ULS -619.779 0.201560 -5.8240 1.369306

5 DL +EQ-X - ULS -619.736 0.201499 5.7681 1.369306

6 DL +EQ-X - ULS -994.959 0.795724 -140.7089 1.369306

7 DL +EQ-X - ULS 1547.878 0.517899 -1005.9321 1.369306

8 DL +EQ-X - ULS 1547.831 0.517887 1006.0023 1.369306

9 DL +EQ-X - ULS -993.536 0.803427 143.8355 1.369306

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

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Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 -24.3275 None

3 -36.5280 None

4 -27.8916 None

5 -27.8961 None

6 74.3474 None

7 -1331.6327 None

8 -1331.5754 None

9 76.3619 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-VIII).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1000 Mat M30 1000.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=20 8.0000E+03

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1000

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=20

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -1.000 -37.000 531.000

3 Dead 1.000 -37.000 531.000

4 Dead 0.000 -12.000 897.000

5 Dead 0.000 -10.000 165.000

6 Dead 3.000 -38.000 800.000

7 Dead -3.000 -38.000 800.000

8 Dead 7.000 -34.000 285.000

9 Dead -7.000 -34.000 285.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 -40.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 -40.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 -26.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 -25.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 -41.0000 -2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -41.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 -39.0000 -4.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 -39.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL +EQ-Z - ULS Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No

DL +EQ-Z Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL +EQ-Z -SLS-I Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No

DL +EQ-Z- L DL +EQ-Z - ULS 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes

Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL +EQ-Z - ULS 0.000 0.000 14798.696 6581.4309 13.2077 0.0000

DL +EQ-Z -SLS-N 0.000 0.000 9865.797 4387.6206 8.8051 0.0000

DL +EQ-Z -SLS-I 0.000 0.000 9865.797 4387.6206 8.8051 0.0000

DL +EQ-Z- L 0.000 0.000 14798.696 6581.4309 13.2077 0.0000

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

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m m m

DL +EQ-Z - ULS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL +EQ-Z -SLS-N 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL +EQ-Z -SLS-I 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

DL +EQ-Z- L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.147199

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.147154

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.240506

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3774.793 909.000 OK 0.059500

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.581115

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2525.996 909.000 OK 0.586739

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.378211

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9707.996 909.000 OK 0.378220

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL +EQ-Z - ULS -619.779 0.201561 27.8917 1.369306

3 DL +EQ-Z - ULS -619.736 0.201498 27.8962 1.369306

4 DL +EQ-Z - ULS -1076.352 0.329326 24.3276 1.369306

5 DL +EQ-Z - ULS -163.153 0.081473 36.5282 1.369306

6 DL +EQ-Z - ULS -994.959 0.795724 -74.3473 1.369306

7 DL +EQ-Z - ULS -993.535 0.803426 -76.3618 1.369306

8 DL +EQ-Z - ULS 1547.832 0.517887 1331.5765 1.369306

9 DL +EQ-Z - ULS 1547.878 0.517899 1331.6333 1.369306

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

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Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 5.8241 None

3 -5.7680 None

4 0.0074 None

5 -0.0052 None

6 140.7091 None

7 -143.8354 None

8 -1006.0020 None

9 1005.9326 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-IX).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Column assignments
3.3. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Column Property Assignments
Table 13: Soil Property Assignments
Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 15: Load Patterns
Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 20: Load Combinations
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1100 Mat M30 1100.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1000 M30 1000.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1000 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=25 1.0000E+04

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1100

3.2. Column assignments

Table 12: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

3.3. Support assignments

Table 13: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=25

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Table 14: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 16: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

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Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -12.000 0.000 1398.000

3 Dead -10.000 0.000 666.000

4 Dead -37.000 -1.000 1032.000

5 Dead -37.000 1.000 1032.000

6 Dead -38.000 3.000 1302.000

7 Dead -34.000 -7.000 786.000

8 Dead -34.000 7.000 786.000

9 Dead -38.000 -3.000 1302.000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 0.0000 26.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 0.0000 25.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 0.0000 40.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 0.0000 40.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 2.0000 41.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -4.0000 39.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 4.0000 39.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 -2.0000 41.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 18: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 19: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

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Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 20: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL +WL + EQ-X - Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No


DL +WL + EQ-X Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL +WL + EQ-X Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No


DL +WL + EQ-X - DL +WL + EQ-X - 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes


Analysis Results

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Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL +WL + EQ-X - 0.000 0.000 21107.073 -16.9223 -6851.9910 0.0000


DL +WL + EQ-X 0.000 0.000 14071.382 -11.2815 -4567.9940 0.0000


DL +WL + EQ-X 0.000 0.000 14071.382 -11.2815 -4567.9940 0.0000


DL +WL + EQ-X - L 0.000 0.000 21107.073 -16.9223 -6851.9910 0.0000

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Table 21: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

m m m

DL +WL + EQ-X - 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL +WL + EQ-X 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL +WL + EQ-X 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL +WL + EQ-X - L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 22: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

Table 23: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

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Table 24: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 25: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 26: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

Table 27: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


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6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

6.5. Punching check/design

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3831.790 1009.000 OK 0.327577

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Edge 3831.790 1009.000 OK 0.173002

4 0.00000 3.50000 Edge 3831.790 1009.000 OK 0.257009

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Edge 3831.790 1009.000 OK 0.256983

6 2.47500 2.47500 Edge 2704.495 1009.000 OK 0.799521

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Corner 9686.495 1009.000 OK 0.625305

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Corner 9686.495 1009.000 OK 0.625274

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Edge 2704.495 1009.000 OK 0.804991

Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

2 DL +WL + EQ-X - -1582.695 0.448553 0.0102 1.369306


3 DL +WL + EQ-X - -719.136 0.236893 0.0183 1.369306


4 DL +WL + EQ-X - -1150.924 0.351924 -56.2325 1.369306


5 DL +WL + EQ-X - -1150.917 0.351889 56.1882 1.369306


6 DL +WL + EQ-X - -1627.162 1.094790 -246.5645 1.369306


7 DL +WL + EQ-X - 2704.894 0.856234 -2105.1880 1.369306


8 DL +WL + EQ-X - 2704.655 0.856191 2105.4341 1.369306


9 DL +WL + EQ-X - -1624.850 1.102280 250.6431 1.369306


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Table 28: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 49.1733 None

3 -63.8448 None

4 -20.2360 None

5 -20.2401 None

6 154.0205 None

7 -2429.7103 None

8 -2429.5208 None

9 156.7341 None

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report

Model Name: OHT-Footing (STAAD-Case-X).fdb

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22 August 2023

Model Definition
1. Model geometry
1.1. Connectivity
2. Model properties
2.1. Material properties
2.2. Section properties
2.3. Support properties
3. Model assignments
3.1. Slab assignments
3.2. Beam assignments
3.3. Column assignments
3.4. Support assignments
4. Model loading
4.1. Load patterns
4.2. Load cases
4.3. Load combinations
Analysis Results
5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
5.2. Structure results
6. Design summary
6.1. Preferences
6.2. Overwrites
6.3. Slab design
6.4. Beam design
6.5. Punching check/design

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular
Table 8: Soil Properties
Table 9: Spring Properties - Point
Table 10: Spring Properties - Line
Table 11: Slab Property Assignments
Table 12: Beam Property Assignments
Table 13: Column Property Assignments
Table 14: Soil Property Assignments
Table 15: Point Restraint Assignments
Table 16: Load Patterns
Table 17: Load Assignments - Surface Loads
Table 18: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Table 18: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Table 19: Load Cases 02 - Static
Table 20: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
Table 21: Load Combinations
Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
Table 23: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 24: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
Table 25: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
Table 26: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2
Table 28: Beam Design Overwrites

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Table 29: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Table 30: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Table 30: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model
Figure 2: Deformed shape
Figure 3: Finite element model

Model Definition

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Figure 1: Finite element model

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support properties.

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc

N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2

C30 26667.31234 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

M30 27386.12788 0.170000 9.9000E-06 2.5000E+01 30.00000 No

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Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

CSA- 200000 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000


Fe500 199948 7.6973E+01 500.00000 545.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Material E UnitWt Fy Fu

N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2

A416MGr186 196501 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho


RAFT-1100 Mat M30 1100.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot

mm mm mm

B500X1300 M30 1300.000 500.000 500.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign

mm mm

B500X1300 Fe500 Fe500 75.000 75.000 No

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Table 7: Column Properties 03 - Circular

Column MatProp Diameter AutoRigid AutoDrop IncludeCap


C450 M30 450.000 Yes No No

2.3. Support properties

Table 8: Soil Properties

Soil Subgrade


SBC=25 1.0000E+04

Table 9: Spring Properties - Point

Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt

kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad

PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00100 0.00 0.00 0.00 None (Linear)

Table 10: Spring Properties - Line

Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt

kN/mm/mm kN/rad

LSPR1 0.001000 1.000E-03 None (Linear)

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3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 11: Slab Property Assignments

Area SlabProp

2 RAFT-1100

3.2. Beam assignments

Table 12: Beam Property Assignments

Line BeamProp

9 B500X1300

10 B500X1300

11 B500X1300

12 B500X1300

13 B500X1300

14 B500X1300

15 B500X1300

16 B500X1300

3.3. Column assignments

Table 13: Column Property Assignments

Line ColProp

1 C450

2 C450

3 C450

4 C450

5 C450

6 C450

7 C450

8 C450

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3.4. Support assignments

Table 14: Soil Property Assignments

Area SoilProp

2 SBC=25

Table 15: Point Restraint Assignments

Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

18 No No No Yes Yes Yes

19 No No No Yes Yes Yes

20 No No No Yes Yes Yes

21 No No No Yes Yes Yes

22 No No No Yes Yes Yes

23 No No No Yes Yes Yes

24 No No No Yes Yes Yes

25 No No No Yes Yes Yes

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 16: Load Patterns

LoadPat Type SelfWtMult

Dead DEAD 1.000000

Live LIVE 0.000000


Eqx QUAKE 0.000000

Eqy QUAKE 0.000000

Wx WIND 0.000000

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Wy WIND 0.000000

Table 17: Load Assignments - Surface Loads

Area LoadPat Dir UnifLoad A B C

kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m3 kN/m2

2 Dead Gravity 45.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.00

Table 18: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav

kN kN kN

2 Dead -1.000 -37.000 1032.000

3 Dead 1.000 -37.000 1032.000

4 Dead 0.000 -12.000 1398.000

5 Dead 0.000 -10.000 666.000

6 Dead 3.000 -38.000 1302.000

7 Dead -3.000 -38.000 1302.000

8 Dead 7.000 -34.000 786.000

9 Dead -7.000 -34.000 787.000

Table 18: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim

kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm

2 -40.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

3 -40.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4 -26.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

5 -25.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

6 -41.0000 -2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

7 -41.0000 2.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

8 -39.0000 -4.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

9 -39.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

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Table 19: Load Cases 02 - Static

LoadCase InitialCond AType

Dead Zero Linear

SDL Zero Linear

Live Zero Linear

Eqx Zero Linear

Eqy Zero Linear

Wx Zero Linear

Wy Zero Linear

Table 20: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

LoadCase LoadPat SF

Dead Dead 1.000000

SDL SDL 0.000000

Live Live 0.000000

Eqx Eqx 0.000000

Eqy Eqy 0.000000

Wx Wx 0.000000

Wy Wy 0.000000

4.3. Load combinations

Table 21: Load Combinations

Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DL +WL + EQ-Z - Dead 1.500000 Linear Add Yes No No No


DL +WL + EQ-Z Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No No Yes No


DL +WL + EQ-Z Dead 1.000000 Linear Add No Yes No No


DL +WL + EQ-Z - DL +WL + EQ-Z - 1.000000 Linear Add No No No Yes


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Analysis Results

Figure 2: Deformed shape

5. Analysis results

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5.1. Support results

This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

5.2. Structure results

Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2

OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ

kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m

DL +WL + EQ-Z - 0.000 0.000 21637.035 6862.9810 -3.1442 0.0000


DL +WL + EQ-Z 0.000 0.000 14424.690 4575.3207 -2.0962 0.0000


DL +WL + EQ-Z 0.000 0.000 14424.690 4575.3207 -2.0962 0.0000


DL +WL + EQ-Z - L 0.000 0.000 21637.035 6862.9810 -3.1442 0.0000

Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ

m m m

DL +WL + EQ-Z - 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL +WL + EQ-Z 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL +WL + EQ-Z 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


DL +WL + EQ-Z - L 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000


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Figure 3: Finite element model

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 23: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors

GammaSteel GammaConc

0.E+00 0.E+00

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Table 24: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotExt PTCGSBotInt SlabType

mm mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 16 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

Table 25: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot

mm mm mm mm

75.000 75.000 20 10 50.000 50.000

Table 26: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 0.360000 0.360000 0.540000 0.500000 0.500000 0.410000 0.340000 0.250000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2

Area RebarMat

2 Fe500

Table 27: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Area Dir1TopCov Dir1BotCov Dir2TopCov Dir2BotCov RLLF Design IgnorePT

mm mm mm mm

2 75.000 75.000 75.000 75.000 1.000000 Yes No

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Table 28: Beam Design Overwrites

Line CoverType RLLF IgnorePT

9 Section 1.000000 No

10 Section 1.000000 No

11 Section 1.000000 No

12 Section 1.000000 No

13 Section 1.000000 No

14 Section 1.000000 No

15 Section 1.000000 No

16 Section 1.000000 No

Table 29: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

2 Program Auto Auto None


3 Program Auto Auto None


4 Program Auto Auto None


5 Program Auto Auto None


6 Program Auto Auto None


7 Program Auto Auto None


8 Program Auto Auto None


9 Program Auto Auto None


6.3. Slab design

6.4. Beam design

Table 30: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Line SpanID Location FTopCombo FTopMoment FTopArea

kN-m mm2

9 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -38.1131 71.701


9 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -73.6632 138.839


9 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -46.7102 87.914


10 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -46.6721 87.842


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10 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -73.5516 138.627


10 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -37.9321 71.360


11 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -55.7447 104.968


11 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -77.1794 145.493


11 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -20.5028 0.000


12 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -21.4863 0.000


12 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -83.2994 157.080


12 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -46.1242 86.809


13 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -19.9720 0.000


13 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -79.8373 150.524


13 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -38.5210 72.470


14 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -38.4810 72.395


14 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -79.7704 150.397


14 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -19.9166 0.000


15 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -46.0512 86.671


15 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -83.1912 156.875


15 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -21.3876 0.000


16 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - -20.5234 0.000


16 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - -77.2805 145.684


16 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - -55.8633 105.192


Table 30: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Line SpanID Location FBotCombo FBotMoment FBotArea

kN-m mm2

9 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 91.5099 172.637


9 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

9 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 59.4831 112.029


10 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 59.4877 112.038


10 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

10 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 91.8466 173.276


11 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 69.6609 131.268


11 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

11 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 147.8441 279.745


12 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 189.8728 360.075


12 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

12 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 113.7736 214.890


13 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 202.0499 383.417


13 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

13 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 167.1147 316.532


14 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 167.1685 316.635


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14 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

14 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 202.0986 383.511


15 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 113.8254 214.989


15 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

15 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 189.9660 360.254


16 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 147.8426 279.742


16 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000

16 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 69.3601 130.699


Table 30: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Line SpanID Location VCombo VForce VArea

kN mm2/m

9 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 247.718 554.000


9 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 104.946 554.000


9 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 204.719 554.000


10 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 204.645 554.000


10 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 105.100 554.000


10 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 248.027 554.000


11 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 238.907 554.000


11 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 133.526 554.000


11 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 317.401 554.000


12 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 399.049 554.000


12 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 165.363 554.000


12 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 304.826 554.000


13 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 417.542 554.000


13 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 170.023 554.000


13 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 389.921 554.000


14 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 389.931 554.000


14 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 170.002 554.000


14 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 417.521 554.000


15 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 304.786 554.000


15 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 165.370 554.000


15 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 399.051 554.000


16 Span 1 Start DL +WL + EQ-Z - 317.457 554.000


16 Span 1 Middle DL +WL + EQ-Z - 133.590 554.000


16 Span 1 End DL +WL + EQ-Z - 238.590 554.000


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6.5. Punching check/design

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio

m m mm mm

2 3.50000 0.00000 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

3 -3.50000 0.00000 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

4 0.00000 3.50000 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

5 0.00000 -3.50000 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

6 2.47500 2.47500 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

7 -2.47500 2.47500 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

8 -2.47500 -2.47500 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

9 2.47500 -2.47500 Not Not

Calculated Calculated

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap

kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

Table 31: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail


2 2 None

3 3 None

4 4 None

5 5 None

6 6 None

7 7 None

8 8 None

9 9 None

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