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48. What are the four mandatory inputs required for the Create User Stories process?

1. Scrum Core Team

2. Prioritized Product Backlog
3. Done Criteria
4. Personas
49. What are the two mandatory outputs of the Create User Stories process?
1. User Stories
2. User Story Acceptance Criteria
50. Which is a mandatory tool for the Create User Stories process?
User Story Writing Expertise*
51. Create a User Story for "Delivery Time Scheduling" in the following format.
As a customer with specific dietary requirements, I should be able to specify my dietary restrictions
and preferences while ordering groceries online, so that I can find suitable products for my needs.
52. Who creates User Stories and what is their importance?
The product owner creates the user stories. User Stories are designed to ensure that
the customer's requirements are clearly depicted and can be fully understood by all
53. An open Prioritized Product Backlog with prioritized User Stories helps justify which Scrum
Empirical Process Control-This principle emphasizes the core philosophy of Scrum
based on the three main ideas of transparency, inspection, and adaptation.
54.Can you determine what would be all the possible inputs, tools and outputs for the Create User
1. Scrum Core Team
2. Prioritized Product Backlog
3. Done Criteria
4. Personas
5. Stakeholder(s)
6. 6. Epic(s)
7. Business Requirements
8. Laws and Regulations
9. Applicable Contracts
10. Scrum Guidance Body
Recommendations Tools:
1. User Story Writing Expertise
2. User Story Workshops
3. User Group Meetings
4. Focus Group Meetings
5. Customer or User Interviews
7. Scrum Guidance Body
Expertise Outputs:
1. User Stories
2. User Story Acceptance Criteria
3. Updated Prioritized Product Backlog
4. 4. Updated or Refined Personas

55. How crucial a role do they User Stories Acceptance Criteria play with regard to Quality in
In the Scrum framework, quality refers to the ability of the completed
product or deliverables to meet the Acceptance Criteria and deliver the
expected business value to the customer. To ensure that a project meets its
quality requirements, Scrum follows a continuous improvement approach.
This involves learning from experience and actively engaging stakeholders
to regularly update the Prioritized Product Backlog. The Prioritized Product
Backlog serves as a single requirements document that defines the project
scope. It presents a prioritized list of features or functionalities that the
project aims to deliver. These features are represented as User Stories,
which are specific requirements provided by various stakeholders in relation
to the proposed product or service. Each User Story is accompanied by User
Story Acceptance Criteria, also known as Acceptance Criteria. These criteria
are objective components used to assess the functionality of a User Story.
The Product Owner, leveraging their expertise in understanding customer
requirements, develops these Acceptance Criteria. The Product Owner then
communicates the User Stories, along with their associated Acceptance
Criteria, to the Scrum Team members, seeking their agreement. Clear and
explicit Acceptance Criteria are crucial for ensuring the timely and effective
delivery of the functionality outlined in the User Stories. They provide a
measurable standard against which the success of the project can be
evaluated. By adhering to well-defined Acceptance Criteria, the Scrum
Team can deliver a high-quality product that meets the customer's
56. What are the mandatory inputs required for the Estimate User Stories process?
1. Scrum Core Team
2. User Stories
3. User Story Acceptance Criteria
4. Scrum Guidance Body
57.What is the mandatory output of the Commit User Stories process ?
Approved, Estimated, and Committed User Stories
58. Which is a mandatory tool for the Commit User Stories process?
1. User Group Meetings
2. Planning Poker
3.Fist of Five
4. Points for Cost Estimation
5.Other Estimation Techniques
6. Scrum Guidance Body Expertise
59.Explain what happens in Estimate User Stories process of a Scrum project
The Product Owner clarified User Stories to enable the Scrum Master and Scrum Team to estimate
the effort needed for developing the described functionality in each User Story. This step allowed the
team to have a better understanding of the work involved and allocate resources accordingly.
60.Which principle of Scrum is very closely related to Estimate Tasks process and focus on shared
Self-organization-This principle focuses on today's workers, who deliver significantly greater value
when self-organized and this results in better team buy-in and shared ownership; and an innovative
and creative environment which is more conducive for growth.
61. Can you determine what would be all the possible inputs, tools and outputs for the Commit
User Stories
1. Scrum Core Team
2. Task List
3. User Story Acceptance Criteria
4. Dependencies
5. Identified Risks
6. Scrum Guidance Body
Recommendations Tools:
1. Sprint Planning Meetings
2. Estimation Criteria
3. Estimation
Methods Output:
1. Effort Estimated Task List

62. Elaborate on importance of the Estimate User Stories process to ensure adherence to the

1. Scrum Core Team*

2. Estimated User Stories*
3. Length of Sprint*
4. Previous Sprint Velocity
5. Scrum Guidance Body Recommendations


1. Sprint Planning Meetings*

2. Communication Techniques


1. Committed User Stories*

10. Identify Tasks

Question 63
What are the two mandatory inputs required for the Identify Tasks process?

1. Scrum Core Team

2. Committed User Stories

Question 64
What is the mandatory output of the Identify Tasks process?
1. Task List.

Question 65
Which is a mandatory tool for the Identify Tasks process?
1. Sprint Planning Meetings.

Question 66
Identify the tasks associated with the User Story: 'As Andy (an employed, single male), I
should be able to schedule the delivery time so that I can take the delivery at my home at
a time that is convenient for me.'
1. Implement modifications to the backoffice and database structure to enable
business teams to add different time slots and their corresponding capacity.
2.Develop the necessary webpages and functionality on the website to introduce a
stage between order placement and payment where customers can select their preferred
delivery time slot.
3.Conduct comprehensive testing of the entire functionality, including the ability to
select and schedule delivery time slots, to ensure a smooth and error-free user

Question 67
How is Task List created in a Scrum project?
1. The Estimated and Committed User Stories are broken down into specific tasks
and compiled into a Task List.

Question 68
Which principle of Scrum is very closely related to Identify Tasks process?
1. The principle of self-organization emphasizes the importance of empowering
modern workers to take ownership and collaborate as a team, leading to increased value
delivery, stronger team commitment, and a nurturing environment that fosters innovation
and creativity, promoting overall growth.

Question 69
Can you determine what would be all the possible inputs, tools and outputs for the
Identify Tasks process?

1. Scrum Core Team*

2. Committed User Stories*

1. Sprint Planning Meetings*\


1. Task List*
2. Updated Committed User Stories
3. Dependencies

Question 70
How does Scrum Core Team collaborate in the Identify Tasks process?
1. During the Sprint Planning Meetings, collaboration takes place as the Scrum Team
comes together to plan the tasks for the upcoming Sprint. The team collectively
reviews the User Stories that have been prioritized and committed from the Product
Backlog. The presence of the Product Owner ensures that any clarifications regarding
the User Stories or design decisions can be addressed. Facilitated by the Scrum
Master, the meeting concludes with the entire Scrum Team making a full commitment
to deliver a specific subset of User Stories from the Prioritized Product Backlog within
the Sprint.

11. Estimate Tasks

Question 71
What are the two mandatory inputs required for the Estimate Tasks process?
1. Scrum Core Team
2. Task List

Question 72
What is the mandatory output of the Estimate Tasks process?
1. Effort Estimated Task List.

Question 73
Which tools are mandatory for the Estimate Tasks process?
1. print Planning Meetings*
2. Estimation Criteria*
3. Estimation Methods*

Question 74
When estimating tasks the Scrum Team maps the story points estimate to time. With a
two week sprint length what would be a good unit for the time estimation and why?
1. Using hours as the unit for task estimates would be ideal, as it provides a suitable level
of granularity for tracking progress within a short sprint period of 2 weeks. Weeks or days
would not offer enough detail for effective monitoring. On the other hand, using quarter
hours or smaller units could introduce excessive overhead and unnecessary complexity.

Question 75
How is Effort Estimated Task List created in a Scrum project?
1. During the Sprint Planning Meeting, the Scrum Core Team evaluates and
estimates the effort needed to complete each task listed in the Task List. This
collaborative process leads to the creation of an Effort Estimated Task List, which
outlines the estimated effort required for each task.

Question 76
Which principle of Scrum is very closely related to Estimate Tasks process and focus on
shared ownership?
1. The principle of self-organization emphasizes the importance of contemporary
workers who achieve enhanced value when they are empowered to organize
themselves. This empowerment leads to improved team buy-in, shared ownership,
and fosters an innovative and creative environment that facilitates growth.

Question 77
Can you determine what would be all the possible inputs, tools and outputs for the
Estimate Tasks process?


1. Scrum Core Team*

2. Task List*
3. User Story Acceptance Criteria
4. Dependencies
5. Identified Risks
6. Scrum Guidance Body Recommendations


1. Sprint Planning Meetings*

2. Estimation Criteria*
3. Estimation Methods*

1. Effort Estimated Task List*
2. Updated Task List

Question 78
What is the primary objective of using Estimation Criteria?
1. The main goal of employing Estimation Criteria is to ensure consistent relative
estimation sizes and minimize the need for frequent re-estimation. Estimation
Criteria can be expressed in various forms, with story points and ideal time being two
common examples. For instance, ideal time typically represents the number of hours
dedicated by a Scrum Team member exclusively to developing the project's
deliverables, excluding any time spent on unrelated activities or work. By using
Estimation Criteria, the Scrum Team gains the ability to estimate effort more
effectively and identify and address inefficiencies when required.

Question 79
When the team estimates the tasks associated with committed user stories can they be
sure that the estimated time fits the available in the sprint? Why? Why not?

1 The estimated duration of tasks within a sprint may or may not align with the
available time. While the team made a commitment to the User Stories based on story
points, breaking down the stories into tasks offers a more comprehensive comprehension
of the work that needs to be accomplished. This detailed understanding can either
validate or alter the previous estimates made.

12. Create Sprint Backlog

Question 80
What are the three mandatory inputs required for the Create Sprint Backlog process?

1. Scrum Core Team

2. Effort Estimated Task List
3. Length of Sprint

Question 81
What is the mandatory output of the Create Sprint Backlog process?
1. Sprint Backlog.

Question 82
Which is a mandatory tool for the Create Sprint Backlog process?
1. Sprint Planning Meeting.

Question 83
Imagine that the 3rd Sprint is going on and more than half the tasks of the sprint have
been completed. The Marketing Director at VMfoods is now requesting that the
"promotional offers" feature be added to the scope of the Sprint in progress. What should
the Product Owner do?
1. It is advisable for the Product Owner to resist the request and refrain from adding
the feature to the Sprint Backlog midway through the ongoing sprint. Instead, the
feature should be reevaluated and reprioritized in the Prioritized Product Backlog
during the process of grooming the backlog. This ensures that the feature is
appropriately considered for inclusion in a future sprint, following the prioritization
and planning activities.

Question 84
How is Sprint Backlog created in a Scrum project?
1. The Scrum Core Team holds Sprint Planning Meetings where the group creates a
Sprint Backlog containing all tasks to be completed in the Sprint.

Question 85
Can you determine what would be all the possible inputs, tools and outputs for the Create
Sprint Backlog process?

1. Scrum Core Team*

2. Effort Estimated Task List*
3. Length of Sprint*
4. Previous Sprint Velocity
5. Dependencies
6. Team Calendar


1. Sprint Planning Meetings*

2. Sprint Tracking Tools
3. Sprint Tracking Metrics


1. Sprint Backlog*
2. Sprint Burndown Chart*

Question 86
How does the Create Sprint Backlog process help in ensuring Transparency which is one
of the three ideas on which Empirical Process Control is based?

1. The Create Sprint Backlog process generates two important outputs: the Sprint
Backlog and the Sprint Burndown Chart. The Sprint Burndown Chart serves as a
vital Information Radiator, ensuring that all members of the Scrum Core Team stay
informed about the tasks and the progress within the ongoing Sprint.
2. Sprint Backlog: The Sprint Backlog encompasses the list of tasks that the Scrum
Team will execute during the upcoming Sprint. It is common practice to represent the
Sprint Backlog on a Scrumboard or task board, providing a constantly visible
depiction of the status of User Stories within the backlog.
3. Sprint Burndown Chart: The Sprint Burndown Chart is a graphical representation
that illustrates the amount of remaining work throughout the ongoing Sprint. It initially
includes a planned burndown, indicating the expected progress over time. As work is
completed, the Sprint Burndown Chart should be updated at the end of each day.
This chart visually showcases the progress made by the Scrum Team and offers a
clear indication of whether the team is on track to fulfill the committed User Stories
for the sprint.

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