Software Developer

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Who is a Software Developer?

A Software Developer is a professional who is charged with designing and coding

software for businesses and consumers alike. They work closely with clients to determine
what they need, then use programming languages like Java or C++ to create programs.
They must have critical thinking skills, as well as strong problem-solving abilities.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Software Developer.

● Work with developers to design algorithms and flowcharts.
● Produce clean, efficient code based on specifications.
● Integrate software components and third-party programs.
● Verify and deploy programs and systems.
● Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing software.
● Gather and evaluate user feedback.
● Recommend and execute improvements.
● Create technical documentation for reference and reporting.

Qualifications of a Software Developer.

While the software developer role requires various skills, most of these skills vary
depending on the organization. Here are the fundamental skills that most employers
look for in a software developer:

● Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science, or related field.

● Proven experience in building applications and UX or UI design.
● Solid expertise with coding languages (e.g., Java, Python, PHP, C++, etc.).
● Background in using software frameworks and systems (React Native, AngularJS,
● Familiarity with Agile development best practice.s
● Proficiency in open-source technology and cybersecurity.
● Ability in identifying and debugging software errors and issues.
● Good knowledge of managing Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) and databases.

Additionally, software developers need these soft skills when working individually or
with other team members:
● Communication skills – software developers often work closely with team
members, stakeholders, and clients. This specific skill is crucial to understanding
the requirements and communicating ideas and instructions clearly to other people.
● Analytical skills – Since developers are naturally inclined to solve everyday user
problems, their analytical competence should support them in creating solutions
that match users’ needs.
● Creativity – Find yourself a software developer who can find different ways to get
things done, even when they seem impossible.

Salary range of a Software Developer.

On average, entry-level software developers might earn around GYD 1,200,000 to GYD
2,000,000 per year ( GYD 100,000 to GYD 400,000 monthly, depending on factors like
experience, location, and the specific company. More experienced developers with
several years of experience could potentially earn higher, ranging from GYD 2,500,000
to GYD 5,000,000 or more annually.

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