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inspected and is satisfied with the condition of the 'emised remises anda#reed to ta+e possession

of the 'emised remises on an &as is where is basis) %pon the

deli3ery of the 3acant possession of the 'emised remises to the Tenant

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a!The Tenant has paid the f%ll monthly rental for 5ne (/! year %pon si#nin# of this
TenancyA#reement witho%t any ded%ctions b!To pay all char#es and o%t#oin#s in respect of


sewera#e1 electricity1telephone ser3ices and other %tilities s%pplied to and cons%med by the
Tenant on the 'emisedremises d%rin# the Tenancyc!To +eep the interior of the 'emised 
remises and to maintain the floorin# and interior plaster or other s%rface materials or renderin# on
walls and ceilin#s and the andlord;s <i2t%res and<ittin#s therein incl%din# doors1 windows1 #lass
sh%tters1 loc+ fastenin#s1 electrical wirin# andall other fi2t%res and any additions thereto in %pon
and belon#in# to the 'emised remises in#ood and tenantable repair and clean condition (fair wear
and tear e2cepted! and to replace or repair any part of the 'emised remises and the andlord;s
<i2t%res and <ittin#s thereinwhich shall be bro+en or dama#ed d%e to malicio%s ne#li#ent or
careless acts or omissions of the Tenantd!To permit the andlord and the andlord=s ser3ants
and$or a#ents and$or wor+men and withall necessary e7%ipment and appliances at all reasonable
times %pon #i3in# two (4! day=s prior written notice to enter %pon the 'emised remises and to
3iew the condition thereof and todo s%ch wor+s and thin#s as may be re7%ired for any repairs
alterations or impro3ements tothe remises or any other part or parts of the 'emised remises
and forthwith to repair andamend in a proper and wor+manli+e manner any dama#e for which the
Tenant is liable and of which written notice shall be #i3en to the Tenant or left in the 'emised 
remises and the coststhereof shall be a debt d%e from the Tenant to the andlord and be forthwith
reco3erable byactione!To %se the 'emised remises only for the p%rpose stip%lated in

S"#$%&' ・ & $" S#"*+,"

hereto and not to %se or permit the 'emised remises or any part thereof to be %sed for
anyille#al1 immoral or %nlawf%l p%rposes or in s%ch a manner so as to constit%te a n%isance or
annoyance to or in any way %nnecessarily interfere with the 7%iet occ%pation and comfort of any of
the occ%piers of nei#hborin# premisesf!To obser3e and comply with all laws1 by.laws1 r%les and
re#%lations affectin# the Tenant of the 'emised remises which are for the time bein# enforced or

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