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Reflection in Field Study 1 and Field Study 2

As future educator I just want broaden my knowledge about teaching, I was

grateful because I have given an opportunity to have this subject so that I can
experience teaching in real life.

When my field study adviser says we are going to appoint in the nearest
elementary school in our home, I feel nervous and there’s a lot of what if’s in my
mind , what if I cannot pass my FS, what if the cooperating school will not accept me
and what if cannot continue my study because of financial problem. But when I was
appoint and my cooperating school accept me, since my cooperating school and my
elementary school was the same, I was motivated to do and fight for my dreams.
When I was introduce with my resource teacher and my students I feel nervous, but
feel grateful because when I see my students are excited to be with me.

Here in my observation I’ve learned a lot especially from my resource teacher

Ma’am Rose Ann she was a millennial teacher and every day she teach we have an
interactive discussion. I’ve learn a lot in her teaching practices and I practice those I
observe in her so that I may use it some day when I am the one who teaching
someday. And everything that I observe her teaching techniques and her strategies
that I may apply it when I am teaching. In handling student engagement I learn a lot
also from my students on how should I develop my relationship with them and what
should be write in classroom management plan if I should put my student’s interest so
that they can actively participate.

In doing lesson plan my resource teacher help and teach me on what should I
improve in writing my lesson plan, also she gave me techniques on how should I select
and use my instructional materials, after my demonstration the teacher and students
gave their feedback in my local demo, I was so glad that after my discussion my
students learned on what I have been taught to them, because after the day of my
demonstration the students have a review about the lesson have been discussed
before, and the students are actively participates and answer correctly on the
recitation that my resource teacher ask to them. I will make sure that all the learnings
I’ve gain in field study it will stay and I will use it when I will teach someday. I will be
always thankful with my cooperating school because I’ve learned a lot on teaching, on
how to handle students in their behaviors attitudes and to build good relationship with
them. And I’ve learned about on how should be the proper selecting and creating an
assessments to the students.


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