Mrs. Shaheen Shah

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Lab Code :­ 145862 Age/Gender:­ 46 Yrs / Female

Patient Name:­ Mrs. Shaheen Shah Regn. Date :­ 23/11/2023


High Definition Ultrasound Of Abdomen & Pelvis (TA +TV)

on SAMSUNG V8 the most intelligent premium ultrasound system.

The Liver is normal in size ( 15.5 cm ) and shape with grade I increase in echogenicity. Multiple (4­5) thin walled cys
ts are seen in the liver parenchyma, largest cyst measures 1.9 x 1.4cm in right lobe. Rest of the cysts are seen in le
ft lobe of liver. The portal and hepatic veins appear normal. The Portal vein is normal in calibre, measuring 0.8 cm.

The Gall bladder is distended. The gall bladder wall thickness is normal. There are no gallstones observed. C.B.D. is of normal calibre.

The Pancreas is normal in size and shape and shows a homogenous echotexture.
The Spleen is normal in size, shape and echotexture.

Both kidneys appear bulky and enlarged and multiple non­communicating cysts are seen scattered in the renal parenchyma
. The residual renal parenchyma shows mild increase in its echogenicity. (The measurements of kidneys includes the cysts)
The Right Kidney measures 18.3 x 6.2 cm. The Left Kidney measures 16.9 x 7.3 cm. Largest cyst on right side measures 4.3 x 2.5c
m at lower pole and largest cyst on left side measures 4.7 x 4.2cm at interpolar region.

Urinary bladder is partially distended. The wall thickness is normal. There is no evidence of any mass or calculi noted within it. Pre­void
bladder volume measures 100 cc. The post­void study did not show a significant residue.

There is no evidence of ascites or significant retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy noted. Both the psoas muscles and iliac vessels appear n

The uterus is retroverted, measuring 5.4 x 3.9 x cm with smooth contours and shows a heterogenous myometrial
echotexture. This is due to either multiple small intramural seedling fibroids or Adenomyosis

Both ovaries are well visualized and appear normal in size, shape and echotexture. No ovarian or adnexal mass is seen. Right ovary me
asures cm (Volume cc). Left ovary measures cm (Volume cc).
No evidence of any free fluid is noted in the Pouch of Douglas.

Lab Code :­ 145862 Age/Gender:­ 46 Yrs / Female

Patient Name:­ Mrs. Shaheen Shah Regn. Date :­ 23/11/2023


High Definition Ultrasound Of Abdomen & Pelvis (TA +TV)

on SAMSUNG V8 the most intelligent premium ultrasound system


Grade I fatty liver with multiple cysts scattered in the liver parenchyma.
Both kidneys are enlarged and multiple non­communicating cysts are seen scattered in the renal parenchyma.
The residual renal parenchyma shows mild increase in its echogenicity, this is suggestive of autosomal
dominant polycystic kidney disease.
Retroverted uterus showing a diffusely heterogenous echotexture suggestive of either multiple small
intramural seedling fibroids or Adenomyosis.

SUGGEST : Clinical correlation and family ultrasound screening for renal cysts.
(Solitary radiological / pathological investigations have their limitations and only help in diagnosing the disease in correlation with clinical fi
ndings and / or other related tests.)

Dr. Ganesh Agrawal Dr. Neha Rahatekar


Now providing Digital Mammography & High Resolution Sonomammography



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