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I.Graphic Organizer. Sources of Philippine Educational Jurisprudence. Answer the following questions
being asked.

A. Present the sources of Philippine educational jurisprudence by way of a graphic organizer. Describe
each period briefly.

B. Is it necessary for teachers to learn about the sources of Philippine educational Junsprudence?
Why? Write your answer on the space provided below.

- It is necessary for teachers to learn about the sources of Philippine educational jurisprudence because
it provides them with a solid foundation of legal knowledge and understanding. Knowing these sources
allows teachers to make informed decisions, ensure compliance with laws and regulations, and protect
their rights and the rights of their students. Additionally, understanding educational jurisprudence helps
teachers navigate legal issues that may arise in the course of their profession.

C. What should the government do to further improve the quality of Philippine education?
1. Increase Education Budget: Allocate more funds to education to improve facilities, resources, and
teacher salaries.

2. Enhance Teacher Training: Provide comprehensive and continuous professional development

programs for educators to enhance their teaching skills and knowledge.

3. Curriculum Reforms: Continuously review and update the curriculum to align with global standards
and address the needs of the changing world.

4. Access to Quality Education: Ensure equal access to quality education for all Filipinos, regardless of
socio-economic status or location.

5. Technology Integration: Promote the integration of technology in education to enhance teaching and
learning processes.

6. Collaboration with Stakeholders: Foster partnerships between the government, private sector,
parents, and communities to collectively improve the quality of education.

II. Legal Underpinnings of Philippine Education

A. Educational Structure. Complete the table below by giving a brief description of the levels of basic
education in the Philippines.

Elementary school in the Philippines typically
covers six years of basic education. It serves as
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL the foundation for a student's educational
journey, focusing on fundamental subjects like
math, science, English, and Filipino language.

Junior high school consists of four additional

years of education, building on the knowledge
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL gained in elementary school. It introduces more
specialized subjects and prepares students for
senior high school.
Senior high school offers the last two years of
secondary education in the Philippines. It
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL provides students with the option to choose a
specific academic track or vocational strand,
helping them prepare for higher education or
enter the workforce.

B. In your own words and in not less than 5 sentences each, explain:
a. Basic Education

- Basic education in the Philippines refers to the foundational level of education that every Filipino child
is expected to receive. It includes six years of elementary education and four years of junior high school.
Basic education aims to provide students with essential knowledge and skills, including literacy,
numeracy, and a general understanding of various subjects. It plays a crucial role in shaping students'
character, values, and citizenship. The K-12 program introduced reforms to the basic education system
by adding two years of senior high school, making it more aligned with international standards and
enhancing students' readiness for higher education or the job market.

b. Tertiary Education

Tertiary education in the Philippines pertains to post-secondary education offered by universities,

colleges, and technical institutions. It typically includes bachelor's degrees, associate degrees, and
vocational courses. Tertiary education allows students to specialize in specific fields, such as
engineering, medicine, business, or the arts. It is a significant step beyond basic education, providing
advanced knowledge, skills, and expertise to prepare individuals for their chosen careers. Tertiary
education plays a crucial role in equipping the Filipino workforce with the qualifications necessary for
professional and technical positions.

c. Alternative Learning System

The Alternative Learning System (ALS) in the Philippines is an educational program designed to cater to
individuals who may have missed formal schooling or need non-traditional ways of acquiring an
education. ALS provides a flexible and accessible learning pathway for out-of-school youth and adults. It
offers various learning modalities, including self-study modules, community-based classes, and online
courses, to help learners acquire basic literacy skills, complete their elementary or junior high school
education, and prepare for taking the Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Test. ALS aims to make
education more inclusive and ensure that even those who have faced barriers to traditional schooling
can access educational opportunities and improve their quality of life.

III. Legal Underpinnings of Philippine Education

B. Educational Policies. Complete the table below by giving a brief description of the educational
policies of the government in the following levels of education.


Elementary School K-12 Program: The K-12
program introduced an additional two years of
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL senior high school to the existing 10-year basic
education cycle, aiming to enhance the quality of
education and better prepare students for higher
education or the workforce.
Junior High School Enhanced Basic Education Act
of 2013: This law, also known as the K-12 law,
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL mandated the implementation of the K-12
program, extending basic education from 10 to
12 years and emphasizing the importance of
mother tongue-based multilingual education.
Senior High School Program: The senior high
school program offers specialized tracks and
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL strands, allowing students to choose from
academic, technical-vocational, and sports tracks
to align their education with their career goals.
ALS Alternative Learning System Act: This policy
governs the Alternative Learning System, which
ALS provides non-formal education for out-of-school
youth and adults, offering flexible learning
pathways and an Accreditation and Equivalency
(A&E) Test for certification.

B. Reflect and write your answer to the following questions.

1. As a pre-service-teacher, do you think that these ever-changing policies in policies in Philippine

education beneficial to the system or not? Defend your answer.

As a pre-service teacher, the ever-changing policies in Philippine education can be beneficial if they are
implemented effectively and with a focus on improving the quality of education. These changes, like the
K-12 program, aim to align the country's education system with international standards and provide
students with more options for their future. However, the challenge lies in ensuring proper
implementation, adequate resources, and teacher training. Continuous policy changes can also be
disruptive, so a balance is needed to maintain stability while pursuing improvements.

2. What do you think is the law which has the biggest impact on Philippine Education? Explain your

One of the laws with the biggest impact on Philippine education is the Enhanced Basic Education Act of
2013 (K-12 Law). This law extended the basic education cycle and restructured the curriculum to
enhance the quality of education and make it more competitive globally. It also emphasized mother
tongue-based multilingual education, aiming to improve students' language skills and understanding of
their culture and heritage.

In your own words and in not less than 10 sentences explain:

a) What is an educational policy and its relevance in Philippine education?

Educational policy refers to the laws, regulations, and guidelines established by the government to
govern the education system. It is relevant in the Philippine context as it sets the framework for
educational development, curriculum standards, and the protection of students' rights. Educational
policies play a crucial role in ensuring that education is equitable, accessible, and of high quality.

b) How does the state protect the schools, school boards and school systems, as well as students'

The state protects schools, school boards, school systems, and students' rights through various legal
mechanisms. It establishes regulations to ensure the safety, quality, and inclusivity of education. It
enforces anti-discrimination and child protection laws to safeguard students' rights and well-being.
Additionally, the state provides funding and resources to support schools and their operations.

c) in your own words, explain in not less than sentences the statement. "The purpose of education
law is to promote the rule of law through education".

The purpose of education law is to promote the rule of law through education by instilling legal
awareness and adherence to the principles of justice, fairness, and human rights in the educational
system. It aims to create responsible citizens who understand the importance of the rule of law in
society and contribute positively to its maintenance and development.

d) Make your own research and enumerate relevant regulatory laws in education?

While I don't have access to the internet to provide a comprehensive list of regulatory laws in education,
some key education laws in the Philippines include the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K-12
Law), the Higher Education Act of 1994, the Alternative Learning System Act, the Anti-Bullying Act of
2013, and the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers. These laws cover various aspects of the
education system, from curriculum development to the protection of students and teachers' rights.

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