Unit 5 Iii. Review Vocabulary: A. Countries

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1. As the chairperson of a travel organization, my best friend has been to many .......... so far.
A. countries B. destinations C. tours D. ways
2. When air fare is no longer a big consideration to almost tourists, the best way to .......... around
the world is flying.
A. expedite B. travel C. explore D. investigate
3. Nowadays, thanks to the development of .......... technology, a lot of scientific
advancements have been applied into practice.
A. backward B. inexpensive C. modern D. cheap
4. My most memorable holiday is in Nha Trang where I have found many .......... and
interesting things that make me happy.
A. boring B. amazing C. scaring D. shocking
5. Business trips to different cities and countries were initially big attraction in Dr Lee’s work,
however, they are so frequent that Dr Lee thinks they are no longer ......... .
A. Irritating B. depressing C. interesting D. tiring
6. Many first-time travellers to London are overwhelmed when they see .......... tubes
running around and around.
A. awkward B. industrious C. curious D. enormous
7. If you are not hurried and want to enjoy the city sightseeing tour, buses are a good
choice giving you a wonderful .......... of the sights.
A. landmark B. view C. picture D. scent
8. London Heathrow is the world’s busiest .......... airport serving 185 destinations in 84
A. national B. international C. local D. internal
9. The strange man appearing at the sight of the crime is unreliable, and the police is
investigating his .......... information.
A. final B. impersonal C. basic D. background
10. After a long time of sailing vainlessly in the sea, the raft was locked down when being hit by
a .......... wave.
A. huge B. thick C. large D. long
11. We are eager to take a .......... bus for our city tour tomorrow when we have a chance to sit on
the second floor and see the city from the height.
A. single-decker B. double-decker C. private D. individual
12. I think in this urgent case, catching a .......... is the best way to Ho Chi Minh city. We may
have to wait for hours at the airport, but it is still much faster than other means.
A. train B. plane C. tram D. boat
13. After two days’ mountain camping with classmates, her children came back home with a lot
of different stories to tell about their ...........
A. expedition B. voyage C. tour D. trip
14. Sailing a boat through the Nile river was a/an .......... experience, and they wish they had not
done it before.
A. fascinating B. amazing C. threatening D. exciting
15. When you .......... into the water, waterproof clothes prevent your body from being wet.
A. Watch B. catch C. dive D. see
16. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can enjoy all the view of the city with a ..........
A. glass B. magnifier C. microscope D. telescope
17. When coming to London, travelers, especially the first comers, can’t help visiting
such .......... as Royal Castle and the National Museum.
A. sights B. landmarks C. landscapes D. mountains
18. In our last summer’s holiday, we visited .......... mausoleums and walked a lot in the city
A. similar B. indifferent C. various D. unpopular
19. Son Doong - a newly discovered cave in Vietnam - with its spectacular landscape has been
proudly considered as one of the greatest natural .......... in the world.
A. histories B. wonders C. wanderers D. positions
20. Michael with the ambition of exploring peak mountains in the world has spent years
hiking in the mountainous areas and .......... many things beyond his dream.
A. discovered B. founded C. took D. looked
21. Many travelers have a dream of putting their steps on Easter Island, an island and
special territory of Chile and exploring its ........... underlying in each rock layer.
A. landmarks B. landscapes C. mysteries D. drawbacks
22. We have made our decision to talk to the islanders about the .......... of the island so that they
have more knowledge on the foundation of the area where they were born and grew up.
A. history B. life C. scene D. name
23. With great passion for snow and surfing, John always dreams of .......... in the
mountains in winter.
A. going B. hiking C. climbing D. getting.
24. In our modern life, in order to keep fit, beside balancing work and private life, playing a sport
is also a good way to .......... a person’s stress.
A. relieve B. relax C. reconstruct D. recharge.
25. .......... is a sport that you can do in skyscrapers of almost any big city. All you need to do is to
start running up all the stairs to the top of a high-rise office block.
A. Upstair-running C. High-rise office block running B. Tower-running D. Sky-
1. He ………… summer clothes because the weather in Montana was hot.
A. wears B. will wear C. was wearing D. is wearing.
2. The reason why we enjoy …………. at the beautiful countryside is that it always helps us feel
more relaxed.
A. walk and look C. walking and look B. walking and looking D. walk and
3. When Mary was crossing the room, she happened to notice the old lady ………… to get out
of bed. A. has tried B. to try C. trying D. tried.
4. On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong ………… down onto the moon, and became the first
person ever set foot on another planet.
A. was stepping B. stepped C. has stepped D. were stepping
5. To come to the central theatre, you should keep going ………… until you reach the corner of
King’s Road.
A. X B. by C. on D. to
6. I am very satisfied with my current job because I have the ………… to make my own
A. freed B. freedom C. free D. freely
7. The boy fell and hurt himself while he ………… a bicycle along the street.
A. rode B. rides C. was riding D. has ridden.
8. When you finish ………… that report, make five copies of it and give them to all of the
A. type B. typing C. typed D. to type.
9. We chose to get married in Venice because that’s where we first ………… and fell in love at
first sight. A. meet B. meeting C. have met D. met.
10. In Hanoi, we should avoid travelling between 7 and 8 in the morning because traffic often
………… its peak at this time.
A. was reaching B. has reached C. reaches D. reached.
11. The teacher ……...… us how to do the experiment when the fire bell rang.
A. was going to show B. was showing C. was shown D. has shown.
12. The radio was on, but nobody …………. because the news was not interesting enough to
attract people’s attention.
A. had listened B. was listening C. didn’t listen D. listened.
13. While Janet’s husband was in the army, she missed him so much that she ………… to him
twice a week. A. was writing B. wrote C. was written D. had written
14. While I ………. to my office yesterday morning, it started to rain, and I got wet because I
didn’t bring my raincoat.
A. was walking B. walked C. has walked D. walk
15. The Earth spins on its axis and …........... 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds for one
complete rotation. A. need B. needed C. needing D. needs
16. We were eating in a restaurant when we …………. the news about the president’s accident.
A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. has heard
17. Helen Keller lost both her sight and hearing after a severe illness …….……
A. of her age in 19 months C. when 19 months old she was
B. she was 19 months old D. when she was 19 months old
18. If you want to reach the train station quickly, you need to go ………… the town centre.
A. through B. above C. under D. on
19. Kitchen appliances called blenders became ……….. in the 1930s when Stephen J. Poplawski
developed a machine that excelled at making his favorite drink.
A. establish B. establishing C. established D. to establish
20. I seem ………. good luck with the weather when I go on holiday. It never rains!
A. having B. to have C. had D. has
21. While Ernesto was travelling, he met many poor people from Chile, Peru, and this ………….
his eyes to the lives of poor people.
A. has opened C. opens C. opened D. was opening
22. I ………… writing ten years ago, but I have never published anything.
A. start B. started C. am starting D. has started
23. The builders need ………… their work before we can paint the house.
A. to finish B. finishing C. finished D. finish
24. I couldn’t resist ………… him why he was trying to avoid meeting me for such a long time.
A. asking C. to ask B. asked D. ask
25. Laten and his friend Alberto wrote books about their journey to Peru, and five years later, the
story ………… into a film.
A. made B. was making C. was made D. has made
1. Someone says to you: “I’m going to Plaza Hotel, but I am lost and cannot find the location on
Google map. Could you please give me directions?”. You reply:
A. Keep going past the cinema and take the first left. Then it’s on the right.
B. Turn off the light when you leave the hotel.
C. You should go there.
D. The Plaza Hotel? You shouldn’t go there.
2. Which is the best response to the question: “Excuse me, how long does it take me from here
to the airport?”?
A. It is about five kilometers.
B. It is not very far from here.
C. Yes, you can walk.
D. It takes about ten minutes from here.
3. How can you respond to this advice: “I think it’s a good idea to buy a really good suitcase.”?
A. Sorry, I can’t. B. You’re right. C. Yes, I can. D. You’re so nice.
4. You are in London. You want to ask for the way to Rose Street. What do you say?
A. Excuse me. Where’s Rose Street, please?
B. Could you take me to Rose Street, please?
C. Where can I find Rose Street?
D. Hello. I’d like to know Rose Street, please.
5. What do you say when being asked: “Excuse me, how do I get to The Grand Motel?”?
A. Let’s go.
B. You must go.
C. Go to the end of this street. It’s opposite The World Bank.
D. Yes, here you are.
6. Your friend and you are lost. What do you say if you want to suggest asking a
passer-by for the way back to your hotel?
A. Let’s ask that man over there.
B. Could you help us?
C. Excuse me. We are lost.
D. I think you are right.
7. Which is the best response to this question: “How’s everything going?”?
A. Not at all.
B. I’m so pleased to hear from you.
C. Pretty well at the moment, thanks.
D. It’s a pleasure.
8. How can you ask George for the way to get downtown?
A. Hi George, do you know how to get downtown?
B. Hi George, can you get downtown with me?
C. George, shall I take you to downtown?
D. Will you get downtown, George?
8. How can you ask George for the way to get downtown?
A. Hi George, do you know how to get downtown?
B. Hi George, can you get downtown with me?
C. George, shall I take you to downtown?
D. Will you get downtown, George?
9. Your friend says to you: “I really like sightseeing holidays. I love spending time
looking at beautiful old buildings.” You reply:
A. Me, either.
B. Yes, I can.
C. Me, too.
D. I suppose no.
10. Which is the best response to this question: “Do you need help with your luggage?”?
A. Why not?
B. Excuse me. Need what?
C. Sure. It is so heavy.
D. No, it’s my luggage. Thanks.
1. We can understand from the reading passage that the number of homeless people ...................
A. is not so great as many people think.
B. is on the increase in many countries.
C. is counted annually.
D. is difficult to know.
2. According to the passage, many liberals .....................
A. think that the problem of homelessness cannot be solved.
B. want more shelters for the homeless.
C. want the government to ban sleeping on park benches.
D. believe that it is not possible to cure the problem of homelessness even with a consistent
government policy.
3. It is clearly stated in the reading that the sheltered homeless ............................ A. are mostly
youthful runaways.
B. sleep in parks or in bus stations.
C. can have families with children.
D. are generally drug users and alcoholics.
4. When can the travellers get the boat trip around ten beautiful islands?
A. 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m from Monday to Saturday
B. 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m on weekday
C. 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m on Sunday only
D. 1.00 p.m to 4.30 p.m everyday
5. What is George asked to do?
A. go shopping in the afternoon
B. play his game of golf well
C. see an Ad for the coach trip to the old Greek ruins
D. get the tickets for a boat trip around the islands with lunch included

PART 2 You will hear an interview with a singer called Nick Parker who plays in a
band called Krispy with his sister Mei. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B
or C.
1. When Nick and Mei were younger,
A. They studied music at school.
B. Their father took them to live concerts.
C. Their mother encouraged them to play music.
2. When Nick and Mei started writing music together, they…
A. Disagreed about the style they should have.
B. Didn’t want to be the same as other bands.
C. Were influenced by different kinds of music.
3. The band Krispy were started after
A. Nick began studying at music school.
B. Two other musicians heard Nick and Mel playing.
C. Nick and Mel advertised for the band members.
4. In the band’s first year together,
A. Concert audiences liked their music.
B. They signed a recording contract.
C. Their national tour was very successful.
5. What does Nick say about life in the band today?
A. The older members look after him and Mei.
B. He’s pleased to have the chance to travel.
C. There’s no opportunity for them to relax together.
You will hear part of a radio programme about classical music. For each question
6. This week’s prize is ………....
A. a music cassette.
B. two concert tickets.
C. a classical CD.
7. The person who wrote the music lived in …………
A. Italy.
B. Spain.
C. France.
8. What else shares the title of this music
A. a garden
B. a play
9. The piece of music has been ……….....
A. Played in the cinema.
B. Used in advertising.
C. Used for a TV play.
10. If you know the completion answer you should ring ……….....
A. 0108937224.
B. 0018739242.
C. 0018937224.
1. If you enjoy dance classes like Zumba, and you also want to get rid of your anger, you may
find .......... useful. It is a mixture of boxing, pilates and dance.
A. piloxing B. dance C. boxing D. pilate
2. When it comes to the end of a long day, what could be better than a paddle board on the
ocean? Paddle boarding might look easy, but it is a .......... sport.
A. tough B. rough C. relaxing D. sailing
3. One of the causes of children’s obesity is their habit of eating too much .......... food which is
processed or canned with unhealthy ingredients.
A. cooked B. stewed C. boiled D. junk
4. Doctors advise us to eat more fruit and vegetables as they are low in fat and can help us to
………. weight.
A. loses B. gain C. miss D. take
5. Junk food is children’s favourite, however, it is .......... due to its high amount of fat and sugar.
A. unhealthy B. healthy C. good D. harmless
6. People who have a healthy .......... With lots of fruits, vegetables and more fish including a
portion of oily fish every day can live longer.
A. diet B. processed food C. cuisine D. junk food
7. Knowing how to cook is a one of the most useful skills we can learn. If we are able to cook,
we can eat healthy dishes made at home with fresh .......... instead of having to buy unhealthy
pre-cooked or frozen meals.
A. portions B. factors C. ingredients D. proportions
8. You can live longer if you have a healthy ..........: getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every
day; taking time for daily relaxation and recreation which is also helpful to the body and
A. lifestyle B. possession C. working practice D. working habit
9. In the supermarkets, it is easy for consumers to find many kinds of .........., a non-
alcoholic, flavored, carbonated beverage commercially prepared and sold in bottles.
A. soft drink B. tonic C.liquor D. whisky
10. When having a toothache, patients shouldn’t stay at home and self-suffer. It would be better
if they could go the dentist for some ........ to cease their pain.
A. painkillers B. medical care C. aspirins D. antibiotics
11. I didn’t know what had happened. When I saw her, she told me that she had fallen down the
stairs, and her leg was ..........
A. mashed B. broken C. crashed D. sore
12. The doctor advised me to use the salty water to clean the injury and gave me
some .......... to prevent the infection.
A. antibiotics B. vitamins C. prescriptions D. minerals
13. Restaurants must do all medical precaution as carefully as they can in order to ensure the
food .......... to attract more potential customers and keep regular ones.
A. safety B. guarantee C. insurance D. saving
14. My arm hurts. I think I need to go to the hospital for a/an .......... to make sure there is nothing
serious with my bone.
A. check B. bandage C. X-ray D. medicine
15. After a sleepless night with a bad cough, I decided to take the .......... to the drugstore to get
some medicine.
A. prescription B. medical care C. health insurance D. advice
16. I don’t feel well. My throat is sore, and my nose is running. I think I’ve caught ..........
A. temper B. flu C. fever D. temperature
17. I’m so tired because I have been writing a report since early morning. I think all I need is a
sofa to take a ..........
A. stop B. nap C. care D. checkup
18. My nephew came back home ealier than usual, and his forehead was as hot as a
boiling egg. He must have had a high ..........
A. disease B. temperature C. blood pressure D. heart attack
19. I think I have flu. I’ve got a/an .......... in my whole body. I feel very tired and dizzy.
A. sore B. pain C. hurt D. injury
20. I am sorry, I can’t speak. I’ve got a……….. throat.
A. painless B. sore C. swelled D. painful
21. Sitting for hours in front of the computer screen every day makes your .......... worse.
A. obesity B. headache C. eye-tiredness D. eyesight
22. Don’t eat too many cakes or sweets, otherwise, you’ll spoil your .......... .
A. appetite B. taste C. smell D. sense
23. Thanks for inviting me to the concert, but the music is not really my cup of ……….
A. milk B. tea C. water D. lemonade
24. These hamburgers are so delicious that she is eating like a …….
A. pig B. horse C. mouse D. dog
25. The criminal was caught at the scene of crime, sentenced by the court and put into ..........
right after the trial.
A. orphanage B. charity C. guardhouse D. prison
1. He ………… as a security guard for this company since he graduated from his
A. worked B. has worked C. was working D. works
2. She has not listened to that music ………… she was a teenager.
A. since B. when C. for D. during
3. I don’t recommend driving in the morning because there’s too ………… traffic.
A. more B. most C. much D. many
4. We hope that you ………… all of the evidence before making your final decision in this
A. considered B. will consider C. have considered D. considers
5.People ………… out that if you have a healthy lifestyle, you can live longer.
A. work B. worked C. have worked D. are working.
6. Before ………… the envelope, please be sure you have closed all of the documents listed in
your orientation packet.
A. seal B. sealing C. is sealed D. was sealed.
7. If Tom’s uncle went to bed one hour earlier, he ………… feel better.
A. might B. should C. will D. can
8. This policeman ………… such a strange thief before in his whole life.
A. have never met B. never have met C. never has met D. has never met
9. There are many ways to keep fit such as swimming, doing gymnastics, running, and so on, but
I ………… time to join yet.
A. haven’t had B. didn’t have C. don’t have D. will have
10. I think I have learnt something very important in life ………… Africa.
A. when I travel to C. since I travel to B. since I travelled to D. when I travelled to
11. Many people believe that laughing every day ………… you live 7 years longer because it
reduces stress.
A. makes B. made C. make D. is making
12. Paul is very busy at work, so I’m not sure he ………… to our party today.
A. come B. has come C. might come D. is going to
13. Jack ………… go to the fitness center this evening because he has to complete some work.
A. couldn’t B. won’t C. didn’t D. wouldn’t
14. They moved to Australia last December, so they ………… there for nearly a year.
A. were B. are B. have been D. will be
15. The mass media, which provide people with a lot of information and news, ………… to raise
people’s awareness of lifestyle choices recently.
A. helps B. help C. have helped D. has helped
16. We need all the help we can get and would like everyone in the office to assist us in
…………. this job completed on time.
A. to get B. getting C. get D. got
17. Jacky Chan has not eaten junk food …………. he was eight years old.
A. since B. for C. from D. during
18. I wonder if I ………… have a little more alcohol, some more fish and vegetables.
A. will B. must C. might D. should
19. David Beckham, who used to be a very famous British footballer, ………… many charity
programs so far.
A. has done B. will do C. does D. is doing
20. My next door neighbor is the boy who ………… several provincial prizes in English
competitions for many years.
A. have gained B. has gained C. gains D. gain.
21. Doctors advise that if you want to see changes to your health, you ………… to make big
changes to your lifestyle.
A. have needed B. are needing C. needed D. need
22. Most ………… The people who responded to the survey were pleased with the new
A. for B. of C. from D. to
23. After you have had a chance to look over the enclosed documents, please return ………… to
the front office.
A. they B. their C. them D. theirs 24. I haven’t seen Jack all day. He ………… be at work
A. wouldn’t B. won’t C. may not D. shouldn’t
25. She ………… doing Judo in Hanoi club when she was 7 years old.
A. started B. has started C. starts D. was starting.
1. You are calling the dentist’s office to make an appointment. What would you say?
A. I want to see your doctor.
B. I’d like to have my dental implant considered.
C. Good morning, I’d like to schedule a check-up.
D. I’d like to have my routine check-up.
2. Which is the best response to the question: “How long have you lived here?”?
A. I was born and grew up here.
B. I didn’t grow up in this place.
C. I have lived there no more.
D. I have lived here for 20 years now.
3. You are at the doctor’s office. How can you respond to the question: “What’s the matter with
A. Well, I have a terrible headache.
B. I’ve got this problem for so long.
C. I can’t stand this pain killer.
D. That’s my matter.
4. You are talking about the food trend. How can you respond to the question: “What’s an
example of the latest food trend?”?
A. Food trend is a difficult question.
B. It is the latest news about food trend
C. Well, more and more people are eating insects nowadays.
D. I don’t like the the food trend these days.
5. You are the receptionist at a doctor’s office. The phone is ringing. How can you answer a
phone call from a customer?
A. Hello. Who are you?
B. I am speaking.
C. Can I make an appointment?
D. Good afternoon. How can I help you?
6. How do you respond to the question “How long have you had this problem?”?
A. I have had it for a few weeks now.
B. I had never had this problem.
C. I have had some problems recently.
D. It has become a big problem.
7.The doctor asks “How long have you had a sore throat?” How can you reply?
A. I had this for a long time.
B. I have had it for two weeks now.
C. It was a long time ago. D. I haven’t had it since I left.
8. -Doctor: “Did you go to hospital”? - Patient: “............................................”
A. No, I was in the hospital at that time.
B. Yes, I went hospital with my father.
C. Yes, they went to the wrong hospital.
D. No, my husband said it was fine.
9. Your friend says to you: “I’ve got this marvelous new running machine.” You reply:
A. Well, you are very kind to say that.
B. Really? So how does it work?
C. It’s a nice present for me.
D. Oh, you’re so funny to say so.
10. How do you respond to the question: “How much time do people spend on eating in their
A. It takes a lot of time to eat.
B. Eating this dish takes a lot of time.
C. About 70,000 hours.
D. About half an hour to have a meal.
1. Children will get better marks in tests if they have ……………. for breakfast.
A. cereals B. baked beans C. fizzy drinks D. milk
2. You’ll be more creative if you …………….
A. laugh B. think C. watch TV D. do exercise
3. Your brain power will improve if you …………….
A. brush your teeth. B. go to the theatre. C. learn new things. D. do physical
4. As it is pointed out in the passage, tea used to be considered to be …………….
A. having no damaging effect on people's health.
B. more dangerous than alcohol.
C. causing jumpy feeling if drunk excessively.
D. the only drink which people enjoyed in the morning.
5. According to the passage, tea can be dangerous because it …………….
A. causes people to suffer from stress more than ever.
B. reduces miscarriages if it is drunk too much by a pregnant woman.
C. may bring about many illnesses that cannot be cured easily.
D. may cause losing your baby before he/she is born.
6. The writer points out that the best solution is to drink …………….
A. decaffeinated tea. B. instant coffee. C. tea in moderation. D. other beverages like hot
7. Which of the following information is FALSE according to the reading passage?
A. proteins are found in all viruses.
B. There are about 20 different kinds of amino acid in proteins.
C. The arrangements of amino acids in proteins of all kinds of plants or animals are the same.
D. It is the protein that forms the outer coat of a virus.
8. What is the second kind of substance found in all viruses?
A. Amino acid
B. Nucleic acid.
C. Proteins
D. An unknown chemical substance
37 PART 2
You will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to an indoor
climbing center that has a climbing wall. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
1. Simon’s mum decided to take him to the climbing centre because ……….....
A. she had enjoyed going there.
B. her friend had recommended it.
C. Simon had been there with his school.
2. Before he went to the Centre, Simon was ……….....
A. worried about going climbing there.
B. interested in seeing the climbing wall.
C. disappointed to hear it was all indoors.
3. What did Simon think about the climbing wall ?
A. He thought it looked very high.
B. He was afraid he might fall.
C. He found the foot holes helpful.
4. Why was Simon unhappy with his first climb?
A. He was slower than everyone else.
B. He found it hurt his arms.
C. He didn’t get to the top.
5. What does Simon feel he learnt from climbing at the Centre?
A. how to improve his fitness.
B. to think before he does something.
C. the best way to work with other people
You will hear a recorded message about an arts festival. For each question, choose the correct
answer A, B or C.
6. The festival takes place from ………....
A. 12 to 18 May.
B. 12 to 20 May.
C. 12 to 28 May.
7. What is on at the Theatre Royal on 19 May?
A. Jazz
B. Opera
C. Classical music
8. During lunchtime jazz concerts at the Corn Exchange they sell ……….....
A. soft drinks and sandwiches.
B. wine and sandwiches.
C. soft drinks and light meals.
9. What is on at the cathedral?
A. music
B. poetry
C. films
10. you can’t you a credit card if you book ………....
A. by post
B. by fax
C. by telephone

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