Qualitative Synthesis Template Final 1

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Specific Questions/ Authors/ Title/ Theories Methodology Findings Extracted Recommendation/ References
Variables Year/ Journal Statements/Items Gap
1. What is the profile
of the respondents in
terms of the
1.1 Age 1. Gregorio Teacher’s Descriptive A descriptive- A total of 59 STEM teachers 59 STEM teachers Moreover, with greater Gregorio Tabamo Llano Jr,
Tabamo Facilitating and inferential correlational participated participated that mostly intrinsic values Emmylou Aspacio Borja,
Llano Jr. Strategies in statistics research method in the study. Most of the age thirty-one (31). in teaching and seeing a Romel Cayao Mutya.
2. Emmylou Conducting was utilized in teacher respondents are teaching job a mission Teacher’s Facilitating
Aspacio Borja Science this study to of age thirty-one (31) with proportionately more, the Strategies in Conducting
3. Romel Investigatory assess the the mean average of group of above age Science Investigatory Project.
Cayao Mutya Project teacher’s 31.08. According to Chiang 30 expressed themselves Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif,
facilitating and Wang (2015) as more 2023, 13 (1), pp.85 - 102.
Jurnal strategies in that the group with age psychologically suitable for ff10.23960/jpp.v13.i1.202307ff.
Pendidikan conducting SIP in above 30 tended to the teaching ffhal-04103216
Progresif, the new normal make their own decisions to profession than their
2023, 13 (1), and investigate teach rather than younger counterpart. This
pp.85 - 102. relationships others’ influence compared suggested that students
between with the other age are of great hands
ff10.23960/ variables. group. having teachers that are
jpp.v13.i1.20 more suitable in the
2307ff. ffhal- job.

1.2 Gender 1. Gregorio Teacher’s Descriptive A descriptive- Most of the STEM teachers Male respondents with Based on the Gregorio Tabamo Llano Jr,
Tabamo Facilitating and inferential correlational who the percent of 28.8%. data, it can be implied that Emmylou Aspacio Borja,
Llano Jr. Strategies in statistics research method handled SIPs are female Female respondents the teacher Romel Cayao Mutya.
2. Emmylou Conducting was utilized in with 71.2%. As with the percent of respondents are Teacher’s Facilitating
Aspacio Borja Science this study to emphasized by Wahsheh 71.2%. heterogenous in which Strategies in Conducting
3. Romel Investigatory assess the and Alhawamdeh probably their views Science Investigatory Project.
Cayao Mutya Project teacher’s (2015) that the female towards facilitating Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif,
facilitating teachers are keen to make strategies in conducting 2023, 13 (1), pp.85 - 102.
Jurnal strategies in the students cooperate in SIP vary each other. ff10.23960/jpp.v13.i1.202307ff.
Pendidikan conducting SIP in various class activities ffhal-04103216
Progresif, the new normal and the female teachers
2023, 13 (1), and investigate manage to fix and develop
pp.85 - 102. relationships teaching methods and
between techniques according to
ff10.23960/ variables. the results of the
jpp.v13.i1.20 assessment.
2307ff. ffhal- There are 17 male
04103216 respondents with the
percent of 28.8%.

1.3 Teaching 1. Gregorio Teacher’s Descriptive A descriptive- As to teaching majority of the teacher- Based on the Gregorio Tabamo Llano Jr,
Experience Tabamo Facilitating and inferential correlational experience, majority of the respondents data, it can be implied that Emmylou Aspacio Borja,
Llano Jr. Strategies in statistics research method teacher-respondents are on their five (5) the teacher Romel Cayao Mutya.
2. Emmylou Conducting was utilized in are on their five (5) years of years of teaching respondents are Teacher’s Facilitating
Aspacio Borja Science this study to teaching with the heterogenous in which Strategies in Conducting
3. Romel Investigatory assess the mean average of 5.03 and probably their views Science Investigatory Project.
Cayao Mutya Project teacher’s their number of towards facilitating Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif,
facilitating relevant seminars and strategies in conducting 2023, 13 (1), pp.85 - 102.
Jurnal strategies in trainings attended falls on SIP vary each other. ff10.23960/jpp.v13.i1.202307ff.
Pendidikan conducting SIP in the mean of 4.20 which can ffhal-04103216
Progresif, the new normal be supported on
2023, 13 (1), and investigate the fact that the
pp.85 - 102. relationships implementation of the K-12
between system in the Philippines
ff10.23960/ variables. began in the 2012-
jpp.v13.i1.20 2013 academic year and the
2307ff. ffhal- separation of
04103216 students per strand have
just on its onset.

1.4. 1. Gregorio Teacher’s Descriptive A descriptive- Most of College graduate- Based on the Gregorio Tabamo Llano Jr,
Educational Tabamo Facilitating and inferential correlational the teacher-respondents are 12(20.3%) data, it can be implied that Emmylou Aspacio Borja,
Attainment Llano Jr. Strategies in statistics research method still Master’s Degree Master’s Degree Unit the teacher Romel Cayao Mutya.
2. Emmylou Conducting was utilized in Unit Earner and on the earner- 31 (52.5%) respondents are Teacher’s Facilitating
Aspacio Borja Science this study to process of finishing their Master’s Degree heterogenous in which Strategies in Conducting
3. Romel Investigatory assess the Master’s Degree with Graduate- 10 (16.9%) probably their views Science Investigatory Project.
Cayao Mutya Project teacher’s 52.5%. Doctor’s Degree Unit towards facilitating Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif,
facilitating Earner- 2 (3.4%) strategies in conducting 2023, 13 (1), pp.85 - 102.
Jurnal strategies in Doctor’s Degree SIP vary each other. ff10.23960/jpp.v13.i1.202307ff.
Pendidikan conducting SIP in Graduate – 4 (6.8%) ffhal-04103216
Progresif, the new normal
2023, 13 (1), and investigate
pp.85 - 102. relationships
ff10.23960/ variables.
2307ff. ffhal-

1.5. Assigned 1. Gregorio Teacher’s Descriptive A descriptive- This Senior High School Based on the Gregorio Tabamo Llano Jr,
Grade Level Tabamo Facilitating and inferential correlational means also that teachers data, it can be implied that Emmylou Aspacio Borja,
Llano Jr. Strategies in statistics research method opportunities have just the teacher Romel Cayao Mutya.
2. Emmylou Conducting was utilized in come respondents are Teacher’s Facilitating
Aspacio Borja Science this study to to the teacher-respondents heterogenous in which Strategies in Conducting
3. Romel Investigatory assess the to be employed in probably their views Science Investigatory Project.
Cayao Mutya Project teacher’s Department of Education towards facilitating Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif,
facilitating specifically in Senior strategies in conducting 2023, 13 (1), pp.85 - 102.
Jurnal strategies in High School Curriculum and SIP vary each other. ff10.23960/jpp.v13.i1.202307ff.
Pendidikan conducting SIP in in terms of ffhal-04103216
Progresif, the new normal seminars and trainings
2023, 13 (1), and investigate attended.
pp.85 - 102. relationships
ff10.23960/ variables.
2307ff. ffhal-

2. What are the As emphasized by a. supplemental It is observed that the Gregorio Tabamo Llano Jr,
common strategies of 1. Gregorio Teacher’s Descriptive A descriptive- Mandernach et al. (2018), resources students perceived the Emmylou Aspacio Borja,
science teachers to Tabamo Facilitating and inferential correlational supplemental resources can b. Complementary facilitating strategies Romel Cayao Mutya.
inspire students to Llano Jr. Strategies in statistics research method be a powerful tool in a supplemental learning employed by the teachers Teacher’s Facilitating
come up with a good 2. Emmylou Conducting was utilized in distance learning setup. materials that guided them in Strategies in Conducting
investigatory project? Aspacio Borja Science this study to When used appropriately, c. active learning conducting SIP in the new Science Investigatory Project.
3. Romel Investigatory assess the they can help motivate, methods normal; however, it needs Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif,
Cayao Mutya Project teacher’s engage, and support d. learning more emphasis on 2023, 13 (1), pp.85 - 102.
facilitating students as they make their environment. implementation to achieve ff10.23960/jpp.v13.i1.202307ff.
Jurnal strategies in way through other course e. share their learning an enhanced teaching- ffhal-04103216
Pendidikan conducting SIP in elements. Additionally, f. giving correction and learning process. When
Progresif, the new normal supplemental materials can feedback teaching students how to
2023, 13 (1), and investigate provide teachers with a way g. Soliciting ideas to conduct science
pp.85 - 102. relationships to fill in perceived gaps students investigatory projects,
between within the prescribed h. presentation of especially in the new
ff10.23960/ variables. instructional materials and outputs normal, it is essential for
jpp.v13.i1.20 offer teachers different teachers to develop
2307ff. ffhal- approaches to motivating teaching and facilitating
04103216 students (Foss et al., 2022; strategies that keep
Marple et al., 2017; Walan, students engaged and
2020). Complementary equipped. If not, this can
supplemental learning lead to disruptive behavior,
materials can also aid lackluster grades, and a
teachers in meeting the big problem for teachers.
diverse needs of all learners Thus, this study was
(Zhang, 2021). Delivering developed to determine
this properly helps the the most practiced
students develop facilitating strategies of the
specialized know-how and teachers in conducting
enhance their SIPs in the new normal.
competencies, specifically in
stating objectives, making
hypotheses, and doing RRL
(Ford, 2021). As the
teachers have employed
various facilitating
strategies, students, in
return, accept responsibility
for his/her learning, actively
participates and are
authentically engaged, and
show confidence in the
teaching-learning process
(Kentucky Department of
Education, 2020). This is
related to the study of
Nguyen et al. (2021) that
active learning methods by
allowing students to
experience meaningful
learning are known to
increase motivation,
engagement, and learning in
traditional classrooms that
also positively impact the
remote learning
environment. Integrating
these elements into online
courses will improve the
student experience despite
challenges in the new
normal setup. In developing
a design, extending time on
this matter is very important
for teachers to consider for
their students. According to
Richman (2020), more
students will be better able
to share their learning if they
have the needed time.
Sampling helps a lot in
research (Singh, 2018). It is
one of the most critical
factors determining the
accuracy of your
research/survey result. With
this, giving correction and
feedback is relevant, as
Ahea et al. (2016)
emphasize that giving
students an explanation of
what they are doing
correctly and incorrectly,
with the feedback focusing
on what they are doing
correctly. When a student is
explained what is correct
and incorrect about their
work, it is most beneficial to
their learning process. In
constructing an explanation,
the teachers have employed
various facilitating
strategies; students, in
return, actively participate,
authentically engaged, and
show confidence in the
teaching-learning process
(Kentucky Department of
Education, 2020). Learning
becomes more authentic
when students are given a
choice. Communicating with
students about what they
are choosing and why and
encouraging ownership in
their learning, including their
mistakes, will make them
more self-aware, which
helps them also decide
better when given a choice
in their learning (Gehr,
2020). Soliciting ideas to
students in this specific
regard, as per suggested by
Ford (2021), is essential
because it helps them
develop their specialized
know how and enhance
their multidisciplinary
competencies, specifically
on whether the research
design and procedure are
appropriate. Additionally, the
gap, as also perceived by
Tsang (2017), is that little
has been in place to equip
learners with these vital
skills in terms of inviting
students for an explanation
about their finalized
research design,
methodology, sampling
technique, and statistical
tools. Hence, time for the
presentation of outputs
plays a role in students’
knowledge acquisition and
is often a mode of
assessment in all
disciplines. It is a type of
assessment that requires
students to express their
knowledge and
understanding of a topic
using the spoken word. It
allows students to record
not only their research but
also a variety of cognitive
and transferable skills.
However, this means that all
of these facilitating
strategies are practiced by
the teachers handling
science investigatory
projects in the new normal
as the students perceive.
3. What are the A-T. Tymieniecka (ed.), Analecta
external and internal Kiymet Selvi Selvi, K. (2007). Among the main Creativity can be based on What are the internal Husserliana XCIII, 351–369. © 2007
factors that influence Learning and learning theories, some factors such as and external factors Springer.
the creativity of Creativity. In: the cognitivism , learning, experience, that influence student’s
quality science Tymieniecka, AT. behaviorism, and motivation, imagination, creativity?
investigatory constructivism personality and these
projects? approach are factors may affect human a. learning,
deemed to apply creativity. It “comes up” in experience, motivation,
of Life from the best in the online
: various forms as ideas, imagination,
Animal Soul to classroom approaches, products, art, personality
the Human Mind. setting. systems, solutions,
situations, strategies, b. internal factors such
Husserliana, vol changes, methods, as soul, gene, brain,
93. Springer, techniques, designs, personality, value,
Dordrecht. treatments and research. cognitive skills, mind,
https://doi.org/10 Creative study needs to instrinsic motivation
.1007/978-1- search ambiguous situations and it is seldom
4020-5192-0_21 to find explanations, facts or attributed to external
answers that satisfy one’s factors such as
curiosity. Creativity is mostly education, work,
attributed to some internal economy, technology,
factors such as soul, gene, culture and extrinsic
brain, personality, value, motivation.
cognitive skills, mind, c. Creating and
instrinsic motivation and it is constituting new things
seldom attributed to external also need new
factors such as education, experience and
work, economy, technology, learning. Individuals
culture and extrinsic continuously learn
motivation. The important from their feelings,
point here is that the internal imagination,
and external factors affect experiences and their
each other. The external environment.
factors support the
improvement of internal d. the external factors
factors by affecting of learning such as the
creativity. Learning, for educational system,
example, is a complex factor learning environments,
of creativity and it also learning processes,
affects both internal and teacher competences
external factors of creativity.
Creativity and learning are
two components of human
experience, because
experience is a dynamic
relationship between
learning and creativity.
Creating and constituting
new things also need new
experience and learning.
Individuals continuously
learn from their feelings,
imagination, experiences
and their environment.
Some of the external factors
of learning such as the
educational system, learning
environments, learning
processes, teacher
competences may cause
barriers to creativity
potential. For example,
during their time at school,
students have insufficient
time for studying, reading,
examining, questioning and
criticizing. Presentation of
simple or complex aims and
low or high level of
performance of students in
the educational system can
damage creativity.

4. What are the

pupil’s attitude
towards science? Esma Buluş Educational In this study As a result of incorrect a. incorrect informing Hereby, especially finding Esma Buluş Kırıkkaya,
Kırıkkaya Research and which was done informing from from environment, a out students’ thoughts Educational Research and
Reviews Vol. with survey environment, a lot of lot of students think about social dimension Reviews Vol. 6(4), pp. 374-
6(4), pp. 374- model, students’ students think that science that science is of science, which 382, April 2011
382, April 2011 attitudes towards is complex, difficult and complex, difficult and includes the most
their thoughts this affects their this affects their important difference than
about things that orientation to science and orientation to science previous curriculums, is
they have done achievement. For this and achievement. very important. It can be
at school and reason students’ meeting said that programmers
science courses with science and liking b. boys have better and operator teachers
and about science, improving positive attitudes toward have to behave carefully
science was tried attitudes towards science science than girls, and about this subject in their
to determined. become important (Harlen, that boys are more works while thinking affect
1990). Attitudes towards apt to continue of age and achievement
science are defined as studying science factors in grasping social
determiner of special dimension. Another
emotions as “liking or c. important result gained
disliking science” (Simpson from this study is
et al., 1994). It was found students perceive science
that attitudes towards activities are school
science affect learning in based. Activities can be
many researches arranged for supporting
(Germann, 1994; Simpson students to carry science
et al., 1994; Neathery, out of school life, also
1997). Also children’s newspaper, magazine,
natural exploring desire books and science
has an important role for thematic programmes on
developing scientific TV can be recommended
sensitivity and this emotion by cooperating with
is the most important group teachers.
source that they benefit
from, during their life time.
In their literature study, In
the same study it was
explained, while liking
school in general context
was stable either for girls or
boys in primary school
years, this rate was always
higher for girls. Besides,
several studies have shown
that boys have better
attitudes toward science
than girls, and that boys
are more apt to continue
studying science
(Weinburgh, 1998; Craker,
2006; Parkinson at al.,

Jonathan International
Osborne Journal of This study was a While it would be difficult to Jonathan Osborne,
Science survey research. transform the nature of International Journal of
Education Survey research The increasing attention to science offered in most Science Education
ISSN 0950– design is a step the topic is driven by a curricula, at least in the ISSN 0950–0963 print/ISSN
0963 print/ISSN in quantitative recognition that all is not short term, such work 1464–5289 online © 2003
1464–5289 research where well with school science and does suggest that a Taylor & Francis Ltd
online © 2003 researchers far too many pupils are better understanding of
Taylor & Francis survey the alienated by a discipline that the attributes of science
Ltd sample or the has increasing significance classroom activities that
entire population in contemporary life, both at enhance ‘task value’
of people to a personal and a societal might make a significant
describe the level. While the body of contribution to how the
attitudes, research conducted has quality of students’
opinions, been good at identifying a experience might be
behavior, problem, it has had little improved. Eccles and
and to say definitively about Wigfield (1995) describe
characteristics of how the problem might be ‘task value’ as the degree
a population. remediated. Our view is that to which an individual
science educators have believes that a particular
much to learn from the task is able to fulfill
growing body of literature on personal needs or goals
the study of motivation and it consists of three
(Bergin 1999; Dweck 1986; components: interest, or
Dweck and Leggett 1988; the enjoyment that a
Hidi 2000; Paris 1998). The student derives from
common feature of much of engaging in a task;
this work is are cognition of importance, or the degree
a distinction between to which a student believes
individual and intrinsic it is important to do well on
interest, and situational and a task; and utility, or the
extrinsic interest. The degree to which an
latter is stimulated by individual thinks a task is
contextual factors such as useful in reaching some
good teaching that stimulate future goal. If, as Eccles
interest and engagement. (1987) has argued, ‘task
Hidi in particular has argued value’ beliefs are central
that the role of situational to explaining the nature of
interest is highly significant students’ attitudes to
in classrooms or subjects science, then it would
where .children are suggest that identifying
disinterested in the subject those tasks which are
at hand or are academically viewed positively, the
unmotivated. Paris argues reasons why, and their
that the essential differentiation by such
ingredients of motivation are factors as gender, social
opportunities to choose, class and ethnicity should
challenge, control over the be a central concern for
pace and nature of learning, research in this domain if
and collaboration. Likewise, we are to offer prescriptive
Wallace’s (1996) detailed solutions and advice to
research on the views of science teachers on how
pupils about learning and to improve the quality of
its implications led her to the classroom
conclude that engagement experience. It is
was raised by somewhat surprising that
opportunities for pupils to so little work has been
take control of their learning done in the context of
and greater pupil autonomy. science classrooms to
Further support to this is lent identify what are the nature
by our work (Osborne and and style of teaching and
Collins 2000) that found activities that engage
pupils desired more students. For lest it be
opportunities in science for forgotten, attitudes are
practical work, extended enduring while knowledge
investigations and often has an ephemeral
opportunities for discussion quality. The price of
– all of which provide an ignoring this simple fact
enhanced role for personal and its implications is the
autonomy. School science, potential alienation of our
as currently taught and youth and/or a flight from
constituted, and because science – a phenomenon
of its power and the that many countries are
consensus that science now experiencing. There
commands, offers ‘little can, therefore, hardly be a
space for the pupil as an more urgent agenda for
autonomous intellectual research.
agent’ (Donnelly 2001).
The essential irony of a
discipline that offers
intellectual liberation from
the shackles of received
wisdom is that the education
it offers is authoritarian,
dogmatic and non-reflexive
– an aspect captured by
Claude Bernard, the famous
nineteenth-century scientist
in his statement that science
is a ‘superb and dazzling
hall, but one which may be
reached only by passing
through along and ghastly

6. What are strategies 1. Lorico DS. Lapita Quantitative: Hence, this strategy is considered a Here, we present an online strategy
and assessments Jr, AN EFFECTIVE Among the main Descriptive statistics 3.1. Development of the teaching approach manageable and effective alternative that facilitated the transition from
utilized to achieve 2. Cristina E. BLENDED ONLINE
learning using frequency, in online classroom instruction in that can be adapted to full online traditional face-to-face learning to full
learning outcomes? Tiangco theories, the percentage, and instruction to other undergraduate online instruction. This is a five-
TEACHING AND chemistry
3. Divine Angel G. cognitivism and means, were Chemistry lecture courses. Overall, the component blended learning strategy
Sumalinog LEARNING constructivism calculated from the findings and insights in this study will referred to as Discover, Learn,
3.1.1. Educational theory
4. Noel S. Sabarillo, STRATEGY approach are responses to 5-point add valuable resources for further Practice, Collaborate and Assess
5. Joey Mark Diaz DURING THE deemed to Likert scale questions. Several factors were considered in designing the hybrid instruction in the post-COVID- (DLPCA). In DLPCA, the asynchronous
apply best in appropriate teaching approach for Analytical 19 time in higher education. part of the teaching was achieved
Education for the online Qualitative: chemistry and Physical chemistry. One is by through broadcast of pre-recorded
Chemical Engineers classroom For the open-ended evaluating the proper pedagogical model to use. lecture videos on YouTube to allow
Volume 35, April setting. questions, we then Among the main learning theories, the cognitivism students to study and progress with
2021, pages 116- performed a text and constructivism approach are deemed to apply learning at their own pace
131 mining and word best in the online classroom setting. The concept of
cloud analysis using R cognitivism focuses on the stimulation of the
Date Published: software using a student’s learning strategies (Acevedo et al., 2020).
January 30, 2021 package It describes the idea that students process the
called tm (Feinerer information that they receive and reorganizes them
RRS and Hornik,
to gain and store new knowledge. This is promoted
Review of Related 2019; Feinerer et al.,
through practical discussions and problem solving.
Studies 2008). This comes
On the other hand, constructivism focuses on the
with an available
idea that students acquire new information by
tutorial published by
building on their previous knowledge and
the Statistical Tool for
experience through a series of various activities and
High-throughput Data
Analysis website
assessments (Ripoll et al., 2021). In DLPCA
(STHDA, 2020). This strategy, new information is given in a module-
package allowed us to based approach wherein the concepts are linked and
determine the most
frequently used built from previous modules. The discussions do
keywords in the 3 not only revolve around the technical topic at hand,
open-ended questions but also on practical applications or real-world
in the survey. problems. Assessments are given to challenge their
understanding and problem-solving skills. These
strategies are believed to be enough to provide
learnings to students as these methods also address
the conception of learning most applicable to this
situation. Negovan et al. (2015) found that students,
whether in a face-to-face or distant learning setting,
highly regard learning as understanding, which
incorporates increasing one’s knowledge,
memorizing, and applying what was learned. The
proposed DLPCA strategy combines these theories
and concepts with the goal of maximum learning
for the students through its course content, delivery
and assessments.

3.2.2. Asynchronous teaching and learning

The use of educational videos has shown positive
impact to teaching and learning of chemistry even
before the full transition to online lectures (Smith,
2014; Christensson and Jesper, 2014). All
Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry
lecture videos are available to students at any time
throughout the semester, and they can fully grasp
the knowledge by simply watching it at their most
convenient time and they can repeat it whenever
some concepts were not understood. Thus, lecture
videos offer flexibility and convenience on the part
of the students and promote active learning by
allowing them to replay parts or the whole video
and increasing accessibility to students (Newton et
al., 2014).

Bloom’s RRL When designing a learning experience, course or How does alignment promote student
Aligning outcomes, Aligning Taxonomy on Review of Related program, it is important that there is a good fit between learning?
assessment, and outcomes, Cognitive Literature the learning outcomes, assessments, and teaching and 1. Fosters deep learning, in contrast
instruction - assessment, Learning learning activities; in other words, that the three to the surface learning that can occur
Assessment - and instruction components are aligned (Biggs & Tang, 2011; Maki, if students pay sole attention to (and
Research guides at - Assessment - 2010). This helps ensure teaching and learning activities learn) what they think they’ll be
Camosun College enable students to develop the knowledge and skills in assessed on (Biggs 2003)
Library the learning outcomes and prepare for formal
(libguides.com) assessments. In turn, assessments that align with the 2. Helps to ensure balance in terms
outcomes and planned learning activities help teachers of assessment of learning outcomes
and students determine whether, and to what extent, (reduces gaps and over-assessment)
URL: https:// the outcomes have been achieved. As teachers know, 3. Promotes opportunities for self-
m/AFL students tend to focus on what they think will be assessment and feedback (on both
assessed. If assessment mirrors the learning outcomes
and the teaching and learning activities, students will teaching and learning)
achieve the learning outcomes, as teachers and learners
4. Helps ensure teaching and
will be focused on the same goal (Biggs, 2003).
Last Updated: Jan learning goals and assessment
18, 2022 4:16 PM
practices are clear to students,
helping them know what to focus on
as well as how to demonstrate their

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