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Title of the video: "The Endangered Andean Cat: A Race Against Extinction"


(liscenia) Hello, everyone! Welcome to my channel. In today's video, we will talk

about a fascinating and endangered species: the Andean cat. We will learn about its
habitat, the dangers it faces, and what we can do to help. Let's get started!

Scene 1: Simple Present - Description of the Andean cat

Narrator(liscenia): The Andean cat is a wild feline that inhabits the mountains of the
Andes. It has a thick and soft fur of light brown color with dark spots and stripes on
its body. Its tail is long and fluffy, helping it maintain balance on rocky terrains.

Scene 2: Present Continuous - Current threats

Narrator(liscenia): Unfortunately, the Andean cat is in danger of extinction due to

several threats. Currently, humans are destroying its natural habitat through
deforestation and the expansion of agricultural activities. Additionally, poachers trap
them for the illegal trade of skins and body parts.

Scene 3: Simple Past - Changes in the habitat


In recent decades, we have witnessed significant changes in the Andean cat's

habitat. Large areas of forests and mountains have been destroyed to make way for
urbanization and intensive agriculture. This has led to a drastic decline in the Andean
cat population.
Scene 4: Adjectives - Importance of the Andean cat

Narrator(cielo): It is crucial to understand the importance of the Andean cat in its

ecosystem. They are natural predators that help control rodent populations and
maintain balance in their environment. Additionally, their presence indicates the
overall health of an ecosystem.

Scene 5: Comparatives - Other endangered species

Narrator(cielo): The Andean cat is not the only species endangered on our planet.
Many other animals face similar threats due to habitat loss and illegal hunting. We
need to take urgent measures to protect these species and preserve the biodiversity
of our planet.

Scene 6: Prepositions of Place - Reserves and conservation

Narrator(cielo): Fortunately, there are natural reserves and conservation projects

working hard to protect the Andean cat and its habitat. These protected areas offer a
safe refuge for Andean cats and help control human threats. You can also contribute
by supporting these initiatives through donations and spreading awareness.


(cielo)In summary, the Andean cat faces serious dangers of extinction due to habitat
destruction and illegal hunting. It is essential for all of us to come together to protect
this beautiful species and all endangered creatures. Together, we can make a
difference! Remember, every small action counts. Thank you for watching this video,
and see you in the next one!
Gato andino (Leopardus jacobitus): Es un felino pequeño que habita en las zonas
altas de los Andes. Tiene un pelaje atigrado y una cola larga y tupida. Se alimenta de
roedores, aves y reptiles. Está amenazado por el uso de su piel como amuleto y la
destrucción de su hábita

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