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A research paper

Presented to

The Professional Academy of the Philippines

South Oblation, City of Naga, Cebu, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements of the Course

Practical Research 2



Pardillo, Denver

Lapiz, M-Jay

Cabelis, Laila Marie T.

Duero, Steve Vincent D.

Basalo, Sheila Marie

Parba, BB Loren

Heruela, Glenn Saya

Delostrico, Ryan Jay

Sismar, Adrian

November 2023
Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the Factors that affect the

temperature of the City of Naga, Cebu. This study seeks to answer the following


1. What are the factors that affect the temperature of the City of Naga, Cebu?

2. How extensive is the use of resources among the residents in the City of

Naga in terms of?

2.1 Use of plastics,

2.2 Carbon monoxide emitting resources,

2.3 Home practices that affect climate change?

3. Are there significance relationships among variables in the rise temperature

in the City of Naga, Cebu?

4. Based on the outcomes of the study what recommendation can be

proposed to help lower the rise temperature in the City of Naga, Cebu?
Dear Respondents:

Thank you for taking time to answer our short survey on Investigating the factors that

affect the temperature of the City of Naga, Cebu.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary, and all your answers will be

kept confidential and anonymous. Results will be analyzed at the group level only.

Depend on your answers, the survey should take approximately 8-10 minutes to

complete. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability in an honest




1. What place in the City of Naga you are currently living in?

( ) Langtad (Terminate)

( ) Inoburan (terminate)

( ) Tina-an

( ) Tuyan (terminate)

( )

( ) Others (Specify)

2. What is your occupation?

( ) Part time student worker

( ) Full time worker

( ) House wife / House husband

( ) Driver

( ) Non-working (terminate)

15. How long have you been living in Barangay Tinaan, City of Naga?

( ) 6 months (terminate)

( ) 1 year ( terminate)

( ) 2 years

( ) 3 years

( ) 4 years

( ) 5 years

( ) 6 years and abov

Main Survey:

5. As a resident of Barangay Tinaan, City of Naga, cleaning plays an important role in your

barangay. How satisfied are you with the cleaning methodology of the purok you belong in?

Very Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very

dissatisfied satisfied

Cleaning schedule
Participation of the


Able to provide

materials for


Encourage all the

officer to take role

of the cleaning


Unity of the officers

and members

All members is not

absent when


6. How would you rate the activities in terms of the engagement and interaction in your


Very low low Neither low or High Very high


Clean-up drive

Designing of purok
Tree planting

Health service

Feeding program

Celebration (fiesta,

Christmas, New

year , etc.

Reducing the use of


Recycling recyclable


7. The main objective of this study is to identify the factors that affect the

temperature of the City of Naga. It is significant that the residents must be aware of

its impact to their health and surrounding. How much do you agree or disagree with t

the following factors that affect the environment

Very low Low Neither High Very high

low or



Burning plastics and


Use of plastics.
Carbon dioxide


Burning fossil fuels

Cement surface /


8. Rising of temperature is the result of human activities. How would you rate on the

following behaviors in using plastics?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongl

disagree y agree

Food in plastics

Use of plastic water


Burning rubber and


Plastic straws in

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongl

disagree y agree

Using plastic bags in

doing grocery
9. Rising of temperature is the result of human activities. How much do you agree or

disagree on the following factors in emitting carbon dioxide?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

Carbon dioxide emitting

motor vehicle

Wood or gas burning


Hot water heaters

Charcoal grills

Portable propane


10. Rising of temperature is the result of human activities. How much do you agree or

disagree in the following home practices that affect climate?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

Using Transportation

Burning fossil fuels

Generating power

Using material that emits

carbon dioxide

Using of plastics in daily


11. Humans has been slowly destroying the environment, because of the people’s

activity this cause the rise of temperature of a place. How much do you or disagree

in the following relationship of variables in the rise of temperature?

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

disagree agree

Human activities

Natural phenomenon

Constructing industries

(APO and POWER).

Single-use plastic
Home practices

Illegal logging

Respondent’s Profile:

12. We’re nearly done. just a few more question for clarification purposes. What

gender do you most identify with?

( ) Male

( ) Female

( ) Non-binary

( ) A gender not listed here

( ) Unsure how to describe myself

( ) Prefer not to say

13. Which of the following best describe your civil status? ( SELECT ONE


( ) Married

( ) Single

( ) Divorced

( ) Prefer not to say

14. What is your religion?

( ) Roman Catholic

( ) Born Again

( ) INC

( ) Jehovah

( ) Doesn’t believe in God

( ) others. (specify)

Thank you for your participation and valuable contribution to our research.


The Research Team

Pardillo, Denver

Lapiz, M-Jay

Cabelis, Laila Marie T

Duero, Steve Vincent D.

Basalo, Sheila Marie

Parba, BB Loren
Heruela, Glenn Saya

Delostrico, Ryan Jay

Sismar, Adrian

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