Satum Transit in Aquarius

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Satum Transit in Aquarius

Transit of Saturn in Aquarius helps in deciding the future much more seriously.

Saturn's most powerful strength is its commitment, where Aquarius is denoted as the sign of

They both combine and form a strong manifestation of communication, building, abilities, and will

While the Transit of planet Saturn in Aquarius increases one's social circle and the natives tend to
have a flexible mentality.

As Saturn in Aquarius knows every rule and is even known as the rule changers, one can come across
every rule and situation and rule without chaos.

Thus Saturn in Aquarius creates a very strong impact overall the signs.

It also ensures a lot of clues from the past or your history.

There will be various readings and a different impact of Saturn transit in Aquarius on different zodiac

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Aries

The Transit of the Planet in your Zodiac sign will significantly impact your social affairs, and you will
make new friends and connect with some new alliances.

This will make you feel confident and strong. You will create several bonds.

However, there can be a clash between Uranus in Taurus while Saturn in Aquarius, and you will lose
some friends at the end.

However, you will already get the clarity of every friendship, between who is going to stay till the
end and who will forfeit

Your career will prosper, and people will like your nature.
Your love life will be stable, and you will spend quality time with your partner.

Health wise, everything will be normal.

Saturn will move into your 11th house that governs your social life, income, gains, friends,
celebrations, commencement of new relationships, many things nice & the material aspects of life.

You are set to see a rise in your income, many reasons to celebrate life & enjoy your time with

The hard work & struggles of the past two years should pave the way to growth, gains & many
positives all around.

You should try & live in the moment and extract all happiness from this period.

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Taurus

The planetary movement in your zodiac sign will change your personality and clarity of life.

You will realize the reality of the world and this period will even push you towards your maximum

The Taurus natives will have to face some chatenges in terms of their careers and responsibilities.

You will have to work harder and seriously to prove to everyone your abilities

Your work will give new establishment in society

Student natives who have been preparing to complete the studies will finally take their first step into
the real world.

You will find a new job.

This Transit will also influence your leadership qualities, and this would be the time to show your
real abilities.

However, you might get stuck at some point, which would create severe troubles in your life.

But soon, you would fulfill the demands of your career.

Don't worry, and you will get a chance to stand and start fresh.

Overall this Transit may be a challenge for the Taurus natives, though this will be helpful for the long

This transit is ready to shake up your career & could bring in the beginning of a meteoric phase

Hard work, a slew of opportunities, many trips abroad for work & a new kind of power not felt in
quite a few years would be in operation for the next 19 months.

This transit will transform the way you work but will also take away time & comfort in marriage /
Not a great transit to improve bonding at home & for health of mother.

An ideal time to hunt down & eliminate people working secretly against you.

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Gemini

The Transit will bring a significant change in the emotions of the natives.

People born under the moon sign Gemini will implement their minds towards the new aspect of the
world; they will gain interest in knowing the reality of the world.

The natives will tend to get involved in traveling, choose your path in a specific subject, or get
deeper into a specific religious practice.

You will get serious in the aspect of life, and you will have a different mindset from others.

Getting involved in these new things will create an opportunity for you.

Eventually, there will be some negative perspectives too. part of learning, and you will surely attain
success and fame when the time comes.

Sometimes, the natives will face extreme frustration in knowing why the world is the way it is,
though all this would be a part of learning, and you will attain success and fame when the time

Luck will change & you will be grateful to the almighty for this new role of Saturn that will let you
breathe easy.

There would be trips overseas & growth, held back in the last so many months.

Not a great time for sibling love, while your bold new way of working will help overcome your
competition & those who oppose you openly.

You might have some attitude issues that could put off friends & family around you; so you need to
work on your behavior & outlook towards life.

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Cancer

This Transit would open new doors for the natives having their moon sign Cancer.

You will be familiar with the thoughts and ideas of other people.

You will also help them in their problems regarding any matters involving money, clearing debts,
taking out loans, etc.

However, you might have to face clashes and arguments, which will create obstruction and stress in
your life.
During this period, you will learn to live with different perspectives and how to maintain your own
dignity and integrity.

Overall the natives will get good results in their future

Saturn will usher in a bitter-sweet phase in life.

You will turn more hard working & disciplined with this move of Saturn mostly on account of new
challenges that life will throw at you.

At the same time, many old pending inheritance & ancestral wealth issues should get resolved.

Despite all the hard work, the results will come in after substantial efforts.

You will find that money commitments & outflows will keep your financial budget challenged mostly.
You should keep a check on your behavior which can turn peevish & highly critical leading to gaps in
relationship with family & children

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Leo

The impact of Saturn transit on Leo natives will have a significant impact on their relationship

You will get more concentrated on prospering your relationship with your partner, spending time
and knowing them will keep you peaceful and satisfied.

You will get serious about getting stable with your partner and focus on spending the rest of your life
with them.

The effect of Saturn in your house will force you to feel for someone special and have a defined

As Saturn will be transiting in Aquarius, it will reflect your mind to have clarity in everything of what
you want and what you don't.

This could also have a negative impact where you will get hurt or feel pain both in the field of
business partnership.

Saturn will bring in many changes in life, some positive & others sobering.

The most important aspect to remember is the fact that the very high momentum of the past few
years will slow down a bit & it would help to turn conservative in all you do, going forward.

Saturn is pushing towards a phase where it wants you to build bridges & partnerships.

There would be a complete phase of joint work & new partnerships.

Marriage is a huge possibility or a karmic long term relationship.

This is a time when your temperament would be tough & hyper-critical.

Relations with family could be strained & health of mother could go through some rough weather.

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Virgo

The Virgo natives will have an adverse impact during the transition.

As the planet sets its position in your house, you will lose focus on your tasks, or your ambitions will
tend to disappear.

Working natives will face some challenges as their work will be slow and steady.

This would also lead to a bit decrease in your creativity.

Thus you will face some circumstances in your practical life like failing to pay your debts or loans.

However, this would not be an end, you will regain your focus and take this time as a working.
You will initially set back your feet in the competition of life and attain success in it.

You just have to be a little refocused and give your best in finishing your tasks.

Apart from that, your family will support you, and their advice will be helpful for you.

You will have to take precautions regarding your health.

Saturn is going to energize you in this position & push you to do wonderfully well & test the limits.

This is a super busy period coming up when hard work & dynamism will drive you.

You will develop the energy to blow away competition & overcome all odds.

Chronic health issues could come back to visit you, so be careful.

Some disturbance on account of family assets & real estate could crop up.

This is a time to rework your finances & all old issues can be resolved.

Possibility of a relationship outside social norms could develop while relations with siblings could be
below par

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Libra

The Libra natives will listen to their hearts during this duration.

As Saturn enters Aquarius in the Transit, you will tend to spare yourself from the workload and give
some time and care to your heart.

You will encourage yourself to feel good, and your love life will play a huge role in this. You will love
to spend time with your spouse.

Though you will learn to answer straightforwardly to everyone and your points and wishes will be
cleared in front of them.

It is strongly recommended to have proper rules of engagement before Saturn enters Pisces in the

Natives who are struggling with any serious health issues will finally get to cure it, and this would
significantly decrease your mental stress.

Saturn in this position is going to transform your thinking & bring some personality changes also.

You can build up grand plans for the future but should ensure you remain optimistic & positive now.

Strain could build up on relationships & marital issues & you will find your temperament toughening

Finances could be stretched due to recent investments & these could create some challenges.

Family & children related matters will undergo many shifts & transformations now. You will usher in
many changes during the next 19 months of your life.
Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Scorpio

The planetary movement of Saturn into your house will have a significant impact on your sign

Transit will directly affect your personal life.

You will know the reality of the world from a different perspective, and even your emotional world
will and your feelings will be overhauled.

This change in your life will bring a strong impact on your personality, and even you will feel
mentally strengthened During Saturn in your house, luck will be in your favor.

Some of the natives will buy a new house for themselves and their family members.

Your problems would finally come to an end with this deal, and you will make a fresh start for the
wellbeing of your family and yourself.

Saturn heralds an era of change & shift in your lifestyle.

The comfort of the past will give way to changes & challenges associated with your location as well
as your method of working.

This period will bring a transformation & maturing in your thought process.

Many karmic changes will come up at work. While these changes will bring challenges, the
challenges themselves would be a blessing in disguise for the future.

You will assume a more aggressive role in life & bring your competition to their knees as well as
remove people who have been working behind the scenes against you.

Shift away from family will take place

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Sagittarius

During the transition period, the Saturn in Aquarius would be making you more selective in your

You would soon gain interest in learning new things and even driving deeper in your new interest.

If you are an extrovert, then you need to choose your words wisely, as this time, your words will
carry some valuable sentiments which may hurt someone or be the reason for any argument. If not
taken care of, you might get into something worse.

During this time, you will feel stressed because of controlling your temptations.

However, you can take this as an opportunity and give yourself time to sharpen your skills and spend
time meditating on your genuine thoughts and how to reframe them.

You are ready to take wings this year as hard work & new ideas due to this Saturn position will
catapult you in your area of work or study.

You will find a new energy with this position over the next 19 months & give priority to action &
creative ideas over mundane ways of looking at things.
This position will bring some challenges with regard to children & older investments might backfire.

You will find yourself working very hard & all achievements will come with a lot of effort & hard

Nothing will come easily or without effort but your own energy will make things look great.

This period will also help you remove the cobwebs & cutdown wasteful expenses & your detractors
from your life.

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Capricorn

The transition of Saturn in your zodiac sign brings a significant change in your personality.

During the positioning of the planet in your house, you will witness gain in your confidence, and your
intellect will improve as well.

Thus during the Saturn transit in Aquarius, this pushes you to concentrate more on your financial

You will soon get to figure out between necessary things, which will be the core of your

You will discover your true values and different initiatives to take for the path of success.

You will be more concentrated on investments, social welfare, and intellect.

Your ethics and inborn sense will be utilized in gaining financial resources.

Your health will be stable during this period, though regular exercise and proper diet should be

Your parent's health will be in good condition.

You may face some challenges in your love life, though you will be able to handle it with love and

Saturn’s move will transform you from an action oriented phase to a communication & thought
oriented phase.

You will find wealth & new sources of financial plans to be the new focus in life.

This is a time when your intuition will rise & words spoken by you will carry weight.

Avoid speaking in vain.

You will find your investment & expenses on cars & real estate would rise, depleting your financial
resources consequently.

Some joint family issues could also crop up.

This is a time to speak nicely since relationship with friends could falter, while you will need to keep
an eye on your health.

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Aquarius

While the Saturn in Capricorn, your life was going through a lot of challenges and disruptions.

As the Transit will be happening in your own sign, there are some favorable advantages that the
Aquarius natives will enjoy.

However, you may have lost some important aspects of your life in the last few years.

This Transit will bring enlightenment in your life, and you will be oriented will new things.

After a long space with others and spending, most of the time it would get better, you finally step
into something better.

Always make sure what your boundaries are or how much you can enhance your feelings.

Taking this new step will bring many ups and downs for you, though you will have the courage to
face them.

You have to take proper care regarding your health; proper exercise or yoga is highly recommended,
which will help you have a healthy mindset.

Overall your life will take a huge turn, and you will finally get into the path of success.

Standing again and fighting back for yourself is the biggest challenge in life, though people who have
done it are surviving in the race of humanity.

This Saturn’s transit will feel like a resurrection as you will make a comeback after a challenging

You will find a new purpose & motive & turn into a super achiever.

Your personality will turn tough however & it would not be easy to deal or live at close quarters with
you, due to your unrelenting attitude.

Relations with siblings & spouse / partner would be difficult during this period.

You will do very well as long as you remain on the right side of law & listen to your conscious.

Despite your hardworking phase, professional challenges will be felt and skirmishes with people in
authority will happen often

Saturn Transit in Aquarius on Pisces

The impact of Saturn in Aquarius brings a favorable impact in almost every zodiac sign.

Thus the transition is always fruitful. During its Transit on Pisces, the natives will gain focus on their
work and ambitions.

During this time, it becomes very difficult to distract you from your goals; thus, enemies and
opponents will fail every time.

However, your friends will become your pillars in the future so make sure you choose them wisely.

In the next 30 years, your friends and social circle will carry you to your ambitions.

After this drastic pandemic; you will have to be procured and take proper care of your health.
You should always stay prepared for the next challenges, and also being lazy would be a huge
distraction between you and your ambitions.

Working officials should do their tasks with full dedication and honesty.

In the case of business natives, you have to stay precautions against your enemies who will do
anything to destroy your image.

Your parents will shower you with the blessing and support you at every step.

You will also need support from your partner, so make sure your relationship with them should
always stay in harmony and happiness

Always pay attention to your partner to avoid any kind of misunderstanding which may lead to

Apart from that, natives can even get the opportunity to travel abroad for their higher studies.

This transit of Saturn would be a Red Herring & you need to be very careful about new avenues &
opportunities this would open up.

This 19 month transit of Saturn would bring a rise in expenses, overheads & a web of opportunities
that could pull you down.

You need to remain grounded & avoid getting into new projects or investment plans.

The golden rule would be to continue with your plan that you were following in the past.

This period will consume wealth & so as long as you can avoid financial exposure, you would do well.

There would be an opportunity to overcome competition with your self-effort and growth will come
as long as you rely more in effort than investments

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